• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il rapporto che noi abbiamo presentato ci ha permesso di capire quanto per i giovani la salute mentale non sia legata soltanto ad una dimensione individuale, ma anche e soprattutto ad una dimensione spaziale” ha detto Maria Cristina Pisani, presidente Consiglio Nazionale Giovani in occasione dello spettacolo teatrale “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, a cura della Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico, fondata e diretta da Dario D’ambrosi e composta da attori con disabilità fisiche e psichiche, al Teatro Parioli di Roma.


00:00The report that we presented has allowed us to understand how much mental health for young people is not only linked to an individual dimension, but also, above all, to a spatial dimension.
00:15Through this index of trust, we have understood how much, for example, friendly relationships are an extraordinary emotional support for young generations.
00:24But the most important data of this report concern, above all, the importance that young people attribute to mental health and how difficult it is for them to receive support.
00:33We have, in fact, from our data, obtained a particularly worrying data, which we have also questioned the institutions.
00:40Only 3 out of 10 young people can obtain support in relation to the difficulties they encounter in their life path.
00:47And that is why activities and projects like these are important to support, also through different tools such as art, cinema, theatre, an important dimension for young people, that of mental health.
