• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La politica deve avere piena comprensione della gravità del fenomeno presente nella nostra società. Spesso è stato sottovalutato, non si sono organizzate le necessarie risposte” ha detto Gian Antonio Girelli, commissione Affari sociali della Camera dei Deputati in occasione dello spettacolo “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, a cura della Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico al Teatro Parioli di Roma. L’evento è realizzato grazie al contributo non condizionato di Lundbeck Italia, con il patrocinio del Senato, del Ministero della Salute, dell'Iss, del CNG-Consiglio Nazionale Giovani e di Tor Vergata.


00:00Politics must have a full understanding of the gravity of the phenomenon present in our society.
00:10Often, the state has been undervalued and the necessary answers have not been organized.
00:16Therefore, I think that in a very transversal way, as a solution of responsibility,
00:21we must turn in two directions.
00:23The first, by defeating a social prejudice.
00:27Sometimes those who suffer from a sick mind seem to have a stigma,
00:32seem to be considered differently from all other pathologies.
00:36In reality, we must enter into the logic that it is something that can affect anyone in a different way,
00:42with different gravities, but it is a disease like many others and so it must be faced.
00:46The second, by activating a network of responses, of proximity even in this case.
00:51It must be able to intercept the disease, it must be able to take care of it from the beginning
00:56and it must be able to predict the path of treatment, calibrated according to the gravity,
01:01and that leads people to be as much as possible recovered and reintegrated into a normality of life.
01:07How to do it? First of all, having figures such as the basic psychologist,
01:11in the various associative realities, in school, in the world of recreation, sport, work in many situations,
01:18and then also having the path of specialists of the mind who can face the most complex issues.
01:27So a change of paradigm, a change of awareness, a different way of looking at mental health.
