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(Adnkronos) - “La prevenzione è sempre una buona musica”. E’ il claim scelto per il talk show ‘La prevenzione in dieci note’, organizzato a Casa Sanremo dal ministero della Salute in collaborazione con la Rai e la Direzione artistica del Festival della canzone italiana. Un’occasione per lanciare la nuova campagna per la promozione degli stili di vita sani e gli screening oncologici. “La prevenzione è fondamentale, in un sistema sanitario nazionale che sta cambiando, in una nazione che invecchia, dobbiamo puntare sulla prevenzione, dobbiamo avere in futuro meno malati, soprattutto vogliamo che le italiane e gli italiani godano di buona salute, non solo che vivano di più ma vivano meglio”. Così il ministro della Salute, Orazio Schillaci all’evento a cui ha partecipato anche il direttore generale della Rai, Roberto Sergio. In studio, la cantante Francesca Alotta, parlando della sua esperienza personale ha rimarcato: “la prevenzione contro il cancro si può fare. Io mi sono salvata”, nonostante “2 incontri-scontri con questa malattia”. Al dibattito hanno partecipato, in collegamento: Paolo Ascierto, presidente della Fondazione Melanoma e direttore dell'Unità di Oncologia Melanoma, Immunoterapia oncologica e Terapie innovative dell'Istituto Pascale di Napoli; Annamaria Colao, professore ordinario di Endocrinologia e Malattie del metabolismo all'Università Federico II di Napoli e Cattedra Unesco per l'Educazione alla salute e allo sviluppo sostenibile, e il cantante Paolo Vallesi. Per i saluti finali anche Carlo Conti, Direttore artistico e conduttore del 75° Festival di Sanremo, che ha ricordato l’importanza della presenza di Bianca Balti nell’ultima serata.


00:00Prevention is always good music, and this is the claim chosen for the talk show organized
00:09at Casa Sanremo by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with RAI, the artistic direction
00:14of the Italian Song Festival, an opportunity to launch the new campaign for the promotion
00:20of healthy lifestyles and oncological screenings.
00:23At the event, led by Bianca Guaccero and Gabriele Corsi, also the Minister of Health,
00:29Maurizio Schillaci was present.
00:30Prevention is very important, we came to Sanremo because there is an important, numerous audience
00:36and therefore the messages that are given here arrive more easily in the homes of many Italians.
00:41Prevention is fundamental, a national health system that is changing, a nation that is
00:46aging, we must focus on prevention, we must have fewer sick in the future, above all
00:50we want Italians and Italians to enjoy good health, not only that they live longer, but
00:54also that they live better.
00:55I believe that the messages that arrive are important, the disease must be faced, today
01:00we have many possibilities of cure, many diseases that once were considered incurable
01:05and today, fortunately, they are.
01:07There is attention on our part to everything that research and innovation brings to ensure
01:11that it arrives quickly at the disposal of the citizens and then there are, I believe,
01:17also here some texts that speak of mental illness, another theme that is particularly
01:23important is the pathological theatre of Dario D'Ambrosio, which I have known and appreciated
01:28for many years and which will certainly bring a very positive message of how many young
01:33people can be really helped and how we should not be ashamed of facing the difficulties
01:38that we face in life.
01:40At Casa Sanremo were also present the Director General of RAI, Roberto Sergio and the singer
01:44Francesca Lotta.
01:46I am honored to have been invited today to be able to talk about a very important topic
01:51and that is prevention, because prevention against cancer can be done and you can survive
01:59this thing only if we do prevention.
02:02So the mapping of NEI every year I recommend, because I also saved myself, I had two encounters
02:09with this disease and I must say that I was saved thanks to two friends and I hope that
02:15today, thanks to my message, you can save many.
02:19Take care of yourself because life is precious, wonderful.
02:23During the talk where Professor Paolo Ascerto, Professor Colao and the singers Paolo Vallesi
02:30and Simone Cristicchi intervened in connection, an infographic was projected with a decalogue
02:34of simple rules to make prevention throughout all phases of life.
02:38They are not just little songs Sanremo, there are many things and I believe that the meeting
02:42this morning was very important.
02:45I take this opportunity to remind all of you to go and read the 10 rules, 10 very simple rules
02:51that can be followed and that can do a lot for your health, because health is not a joke.
02:56For the final greetings also the conductor Carlo Conti who wanted to remember the importance
03:01in the presence of Bianca Balti during the evening of the festival.
03:04I believe that the presence of Bianca has represented a lot and is a strong stimulus for many women
03:10and for many men who are in the world, more than a thousand words.
