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(Adnkronos) - “La prevenzione è importantissima, siamo venuti a Sanremo perché c'è un pubblico importante, numeroso e quindi i messaggi che vengono dati qui arrivano più facilmente nelle case di tanti italiani. La prevenzione è fondamentale, in un sistema sanitario nazionale che sta cambiando, in una nazione che invecchia, dobbiamo puntare sulla prevenzione, dobbiamo avere in futuro meno malati, soprattutto vogliamo che le italiane e gli italiani godano di buona salute, non solo che vivano di più ma vivano meglio”. Così il ministro della Salute, Orazio Schillaci, intervenuto al talk show dal titolo “La prevenzione in dieci note” organizzato presso Casa Sanremo dal Ministero della Salute in collaborazione con la Rai e la Direzione artistica del Festival di Sanremo.


00:00The prevention is very important. We came to Sapreno because there is an important and numerous audience and therefore the messages that are given here arrive more easily in the homes of many Italians.
00:16Prevention is fundamental, a national health system that is changing, a nation that is aging, we must focus on prevention, we must have less sick in the future,
00:25we want Italians to enjoy good health, not only to live longer, but to live better.
00:30I believe that the messages that arrive are important, the disease must be tackled, today we have many possibilities of cure,
00:37many diseases that once were considered incurable, today, fortunately, they are.
00:42There is attention from us to everything that research and innovation brings to ensure that it arrives quickly at the disposal of citizens.
00:49And then there are, I believe, also here some texts that speak of mental health, another theme that is particularly important to us.
00:57We have the Dario D'Ambrosio Pathological Theater.
00:59We have the Dario D'Ambrosio Pathological Theater that I have known and appreciate for many years and that will certainly bring a very positive message
01:06of how many children can be really helped and how not to be ashamed to face the difficulties they encounter in life.
01:14I thank very much Carlo Conti, the artistic director, he has shown great sensitivity to the issues that we are bringing forward.
01:21I remember when, years ago, he helped us with a campaign against body heat,
01:25and therefore I believe that his presence and his sensitivity to these issues is really significant and important for us.
