• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La grande sfida di chi ha modi diversi di comunicare, di trasmettere le proprie emozioni, di vivere la propria vita, è capire come possa essere recepito dagli altri nel momento in cui si presenta al mondo” ha commentato la deputata di Italia Viva, Maria Elena Boschi, in occasione dello spettacolo, nato per promuovere il dialogo sul diritto alla salute e ad una socialità inclusiva, “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, a cura della Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico al Teatro Parioli, a Roma.


00:00On the work of so many years of Dario D'Ambrosio and the Pathological Theater, which is extraordinary work,
00:09not at home, arrived up to the UN, I was also there to see how they work, how they prepare their shows,
00:17and it is something extraordinary. Tonight, with a fable a la rovescia, as the title says,
00:22in which we talk about inclusiveness and how those who are special, those who are different,
00:27can be accepted by the world, by humanity.
00:30This is the great challenge of those who have different ways of communicating,
00:33different ways of conveying their emotions, of living their own lives,
00:37how, in some way, they can also be received by others when they appear to the world.
00:44The theater is a great gym for this, for anyone.
