• 13 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo una serie di provvedimenti proposti sui quali abbiamo avviato l'iter legislativo e cercheremo di accelerarlo al massimo, compatibilmente con le scadenze che arrivano a questa commissione. Quasi tutti i disegni di legge pongono la necessità di valorizzare e capire la necessità di inclusione e prevenzione rispetto ai disturbi mentali, cioè prevenire piuttosto che agire sulle cronicità. Vengono rafforzati i Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale, viene stabilito un tetto del 5% sulla dotazione del Fondo Sanitario Nazionale, viene proposta l'istituzione di un fondo specifico per l'individuazione tempestiva dei disturbi mentali, per agire in termini di presa in carico precoce”. Così Francesco Zaffini, presidente della commissione sanità del Senato, alla vigilia dell'evento spettacolo “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, a cura della Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico, in programma il 21 e 22 ottobre a Roma, al Teatro Parioli.


00:00We have a series of measures proposed by colleagues, senators, we also have a measure, my first signature, on which we have opened the path of the legislative iter, we will try to accelerate it as much as possible,
00:20compatibly with the deadlines that come to this commission, which is a notoriously complex commission.
00:25But the draft law, that is, almost all draft laws impose the need to enhance and understand the need for inclusion and prevention of mental disorders,
00:42that is, to prevent rather than act on the chronicity and on the fact that these disorders become and are established in subsequent stages of difficult management.
00:57The departments of mental health are reinforced, a 5% roof is established on the provision of the national health fund, the establishment of a specific fund for the tempestuous evaluation of mental disorders is proposed,
01:13precisely to act in terms of early commissioning of about 80 million for the years 2025-2027.
01:20A criterion is also established, which is to guarantee safety for the family, which does not mean, let's say, the syllogism that those who are affected by mental disorders are in themselves dangerous, we would miss it.
01:35But there are limited episodes with respect to which we must necessarily intervene.
01:41And obviously, in parallel to this, the possibility of social and employment reintegration of the person affected by a mental disorder, obviously compatibly with his disorder.
01:53This beautiful initiative that my colleague Guidi has promoted is a beautiful initiative because it actually tells a fable upside down.
02:05And this, for those like me who appreciate the thought of my colleague Guidi and also follow cultural paths, is a great privilege.
02:18That is, to pay close attention to the fact that the vast area of mental disorders, with different stages of complexity, is faced with a different tension, which is not the umpteenth diatribe in front of which we legislators find ourselves.
02:42Between a reading that, let's say, refers to the need for damage reduction or safety, and a reading that is exactly the opposite, exactly the opposite.
02:58This eternal diatribe, between Basagliani and anti-Basagliani, to make it clear to those who listen, is a reading that, together with Antonio Guidi, we try to overcome.
