• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “L'importante è riuscire a passare da una consapevolezza condivisa ad una concretezza che ci può aiutare a mettere nuovi strumenti a disposizione dei cittadini e delle tante fragilità” così Ilenia Malavasi, commissione Affari sociali della Camera dei Deputati, durante lo spettacolo “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, a cura della Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico, in programma il 21 e 22 ottobre a Roma, al Teatro Parioli. L’evento nasce da un’idea del Senatore Antonio Guidi, neuropsichiatra, già Ministro per la Famiglia e attualmente membro della commissione Affari sociali-Sanità, ed è realizzato grazie al contributo non condizionato di Lundbeck Italia. L'iniziativa ha il patrocinio del Senato, del Ministero della Salute, dell'Iss, del CNG-Consiglio Nazionale Giovani e di Tor Vergata.


00:00I think there is a good awareness, shared, transversal, on the urgency to face the psychological
00:12discomfort in the sense side and the many forms of discomfort that are in our society today.
00:20On the one hand, the psychologist bonus has been refinanced, on the other hand, there is
00:26a proposal of law that has been stopped for a few months for reasons simply of economic
00:30coverage, which is obviously not a detail, to also replace the figure of the basic psychologist
00:35precisely to bring new professions closer, trying to overcome those cultural barriers
00:42that exist in going to ask for help compared to uncomfortable situations.
00:46In addition to the fact that new projects can also be financed, including the psychologist
00:53at school, but also forms of education in the theater to support the fragility and therefore
00:58try together to give new tools, new containers, new services to deal with discomfort.
01:04So the important thing is to be able to move from awareness with discomfort to concreteness,
01:11which is what can help us to make available to citizens and many fragilities new tools.
