• 15 hours ago
00:00All righty, a six pack NFL questions on your market set go.
00:06All right. The Dolphins guys, they expect they've said this week
00:09they expect to a tongue of a tongue of Viola to come back and play again this season.
00:14It probably can't happen this year, but moving forward, should the NFL
00:17or the teams themselves require players who have suffered multiple concussions
00:22to wear the guardian cap when they return to play?
00:25I don't think they can force the players to do it.
00:27I mean, I suppose they can do anything and just put it into into law there.
00:30But I mean, they don't force them to wear mouth guards.
00:34They don't force them to wear cups.
00:36So I don't think they're going to try to force them to wear the guardian caps.
00:39However, it was great to see the the safety for Buffalo wear it on Monday night.
00:47And did it look a little goofy?
00:49Sure, it looked a little goofy.
00:50But what didn't look goofy was that guy making plays all over the field
00:54and making a difference in that game.
00:56So hopefully it becomes more of the norm because it's it's going to help you out.
01:02All right. It's not going to hurt you.
01:03It's not cumbersome.
01:04It's not extra weight that's bogging you down.
01:07The players don't want to wear them because they look funny.
01:10Concussion science is inexact.
01:13In my in my conversations with team doctors, it's really, really difficult
01:17for the medical world to wrap their head around this.
01:19We are obviously not qualified to answer this question.
01:21However, I will say this one thing.
01:23The National Football League and the NFL PA,
01:26you would think they'd be on the same page for this.
01:29They both want their players on the field.
01:32They both want their players healthy and being able to play.
01:35If putting a guardian cap on top of their helmets helps,
01:39they should both want this.
01:40How many people's unions go to battle for you to have a safe working condition?
01:45Oh, there's asbestos here.
01:46Yeah, I'll just go ahead and work anyway. Right.
01:50You know, you don't unions battle for safe working conditions.
01:53The NFL PA should be in favor of this if there's evidence that it could help.
01:58So I've never really felt the NFL's cared about player safety
02:01as much as they claim to.
02:02But at this point, I'm not really sure the players care about their own safety
02:07You said, Gator, you know, they don't wear their mouth guards.
02:10You know, they don't wear, you know, cups.
02:13They agreed to more games.
02:14That causes more damage to your body because guess what?
02:17They get more money when they agreed to more games.
02:19Even in fighting like UFC fighters, they're medically suspended
02:22with no contact for months because of, you know, concussions
02:26and things they've suffered during a fight with zero contact in football.
02:30There's contact on every play.
02:32Can you force them to do this?
02:34I actually think you can because they force them wear helmets, right?
02:36And shoulder pads and other things.
02:38Well, they I don't think they will.
02:41I do think if they cared, like you said, Doug, both sides, you should want this.
02:45This is just going to prolong your career and prolong your life
02:48after your career, which is more important if you ask me.
02:52I don't think it will happen, but I did.
02:53I do think something they should bring up in the NFL meetings.
02:59All right, this week, the NFL PA released a statement saying
03:02that they have tried for years, guys, to remove the locker room
03:05interviews after practice, but the league has shown little willingness.
03:09Whose side are you on on this?
03:11I'm kind of on both sides here.
03:12And where the interview takes place is completely irrelevant.
03:16I mean, whether it's in the locker room or outside the locker room,
03:19it just doesn't matter.
03:20So if the NFL PA gets its way and basically keeps the media
03:23from going in the locker room, the give back should be.
03:26All player interview requests should be granted.
03:29Players should be 100 percent have to attend.
03:33And if they've been requested to be interviewed,
03:34they can meet outside the locker room or an interview room or wherever.
03:38Accessibility to players is what drives fan interest.
03:42And I don't I don't think they should be able to just say, well, we're not.
03:47You're not allowed in the locker room.
03:48We don't have to talk anymore.
03:49No, it's it's important to talk.
03:51So I don't. Yeah.
03:53Ban media from the locker room. Let it be a sanctuary. That's fine.
03:56But if a media member wants to talk to you, step outside the locker room
03:59and grant the interview.
04:00Yeah, I think that's a simple way.
04:02You make the players available outside the locker room.
04:04You can honor requests for specific players to cover specific stories
04:08if that's what you're going to do.
04:09But you don't need to be in there while they're getting dressed.
04:11I understand that whole part of it.
04:13But also, I don't think the players should be available every day.
04:18Like, I don't think you should have access to Jared Goff every single day.
04:21I think maybe there's one day that you take.
04:23He sets aside and gets to speak with the media.
04:27And same thing with all the other players.
04:28They can they can set up what day works for them that they'll meet
04:31outside the locker room.
04:32But this is an easily solved problem.
04:35But the players are only available for a certain amount of times
04:37during the week already.
04:38But I wouldn't call locker room access archaic.
04:41Because the new norm is actually more access.
04:44Doug, you love it when players are mic'd up all the time.
04:46And everyone loves these shows now that would go behind the scenes.
04:49And, you know, not just in the locker room, take your cameras to their house.
04:53I get both sides, to be honest with you.
04:54Because there is a thing to being in the locker room, Doug.
04:58You get to build relationships with players.
04:59You get the scene set, what's going on, things like that.
05:02Now, the question for me is, do you need that?
05:05Personally, do you want that as a fan?
05:07OK, I only can speak for myself.
05:09I don't need it.
05:10I just want the games.
05:11I just want the competition.
05:13I want the result.
05:14I do understand there is advantages to all the other stuff.
05:17But for the players, they don't get any privacy, no real downtime
05:20to gather their thoughts.
05:22I would prefer it outside the locker room.
05:24But that's for me, because I don't need all that inside access.
05:28All right, whose trade will help their team even more?
05:31Cooper to the Bills or Devonta Adams to the Jets?
05:35I think it's Cooper to the Bills.
05:36And I think it's hands down.
05:37It's not even an issue.
05:39They needed a number one wide receiver, and they got him.
05:42We'll start to see their offense cook.
05:44Buffalo is a good football team that just got better.
05:47Devonta Adams is going to a dumpster fire
05:50of a team, an organization, that cannot protect their quarterback.
05:54If I were Aaron Rodgers, I would not have been screaming
05:57to get me Devonta Adams.
05:58I would have been screaming to get me a left tackle or a guard,
06:01someone that's going to help me stay upright and give me
06:04the time to complete the passes.
06:06Because if you don't have time to complete the passes,
06:08doesn't matter if you got Jerry Rice in his prime,
06:09it ain't happening.
06:11Yeah, I don't think the Jets, I think
06:13they're fooling themselves, thinking
06:14that this is going to make a massive difference.
06:17I'm Aaron Rodgers on the field, off the field.
06:20I don't see this guy leading that team to anything.
06:22So I agree with you.
06:23I think it's Cooper to the Bills.
06:25Yeah, Cooper to the Bills.
06:25Think a three for three for me as well between the two.
06:28I think that the Bills, they lost
06:30to Fon Diggs in the offseason, of course.
06:32Keon Coleman is not ready yet.
06:34You know, the other receivers they have are small receivers.
06:37Murray Cooper is a solid veteran with solid hands
06:39for the most part.
06:40I think he'll help Josh Allen in that offense.
06:43Devonta Adams, the Jets helps Devonta Adams
06:45more than helps the Jets.
06:46I mean, he wanted a quarterback that he loves.
06:48Rodgers loves Devonta Adams.
06:49And I think the offense will be better with Devonta Adams,
06:52but this is not the answer for them to, you know,
06:54ultimately make the Super Bowl winning.
06:56And that's their goal and they need an offensive line.
07:01All right, guys, will all four NFC North teams
07:04actually make the playoffs?
07:07Who's left out?
07:08I'm going to play this out.
07:09This is how it's going to work the rest of the season.
07:12Lions are going to sweep Minnesota.
07:14They're going to win both games against the Vikings.
07:17But not only will Minnesota lose to the Lions on Sunday,
07:21they're going to lose to the Rams on Thursday.
07:23They got the quick turnaround and a trip to the West Coast.
07:25But Minnesota is going to win the division.
07:29And it's because outside the division,
07:31Minnesota's schedule is so easy.
07:34They play three one-win teams and two two-win teams
07:39outside the division.
07:41Meanwhile, Chicago only has two baked-in wins
07:44the rest of the way, New England and Arizona.
07:47Everybody else, in fact, they actually have
07:50the toughest schedule the rest of the way
07:51based on opposing win percentage.
07:53So Chicago's going to miss out.
07:55Lions are going to sweep Minnesota.
07:56Minnesota's going to feast on teams outside the division.
07:59Minnesota wins the division.
08:00Lions finish second.
08:02Green Bay will also make the playoffs.
08:05Yeah, it's three teams make it, one doesn't.
08:07Bears don't make it.
08:08Caleb Williams is making progress.
08:10He's been really good the last couple of weeks.
08:12But he's going to have some clunkers down the road too.
08:14As Doug points out, the schedule game
08:16just doesn't suit them very well.
08:18But Bears fans, you can relax and rejoice
08:21a little bit of what's coming in the future
08:22because Caleb Williams is really good.
08:25So this is like the old show on MTV, The Real World, right?
08:28These four strangers have been living outside the house fine.
08:31They've been actually thriving, enjoying life.
08:34We're all doing great.
08:35Hey, guess what, guys?
08:36Now we're going to put you all in the same house
08:38and figure it out yourself, all right?
08:39And they haven't played each other.
08:41That's why their records are so good.
08:43I think the Bears and Vikings obviously
08:45have been a lot better than we thought
08:46they would be before the season.
08:48But in the end, when things start getting real,
08:50not polite anymore, I think the Bears get left out.
08:53I think the cannibalism is going to happen.
08:55But I do believe in the Vikings at this point.
08:57They have got off to such a good start.
09:00It's going to be really hard for them not to make the playoffs.
09:02And I still like the Packers and Lions make the playoffs.
09:04So I think those are the three teams in.
09:05The Bears, unfortunately, you've been kicked out of the house.
09:11All right, Aiden Hutchinson currently leads the Lions
09:14and Saks with 7 and 1 half.
09:16By the end of the season, will he still lead the Lions and Saks?
09:19And if it's not him, who will it be?
09:20He will not.
09:21It'll be a Lee McNeil.
09:23I think the presence of DJ Rader, who's really
09:25upped his game the last couple weeks,
09:26getting comfortable in there.
09:27He's going to make life miserable for defensive Lions,
09:30or for offensive Lions, which allows for Lee McNeil
09:33to just flourish.
09:34He had two Saks last week.
09:36He's got, I think it's 2 and 1 half on his season.
09:38So he's got to have 5 and 1 half the rest of the way
09:41to beat the 7 and 1 half mark.
09:43I like a Lee McNeil.
09:44Hyped the guy big time.
09:45Turned out it looked like it was wrong.
09:47And now I'm ready to rekindle that hype
09:49and run the risk of being wrong twice.
09:51Levi Anzarique comes on and ends up leading this team in Saks
09:56with more than 7 and 1 half.
09:59So the answer is, yes, Aiden Hutchinson
10:01will lead the team in Saks by the end of the year.
10:02That doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
10:03This is going to be a collective effort type thing.
10:06But, if I do have to pick someone
10:08to lead the team in Saks, not Aiden Hutchinson
10:10at the end of the year, my answer is Hassan Reddick.
10:17You like that, Doug?
10:18All right.
10:19Last one, guys.
10:20I have a little fun with the last one, as usual.
10:22The Lions, they just recently signed defensive end Isaiah
10:24Thomas off the Browns practice squad this week.
10:27That's right, Isaiah Thomas.
10:29Hey, do you know anyone with a famous name?
10:32OK, so this is funny.
10:34These aren't huge names.
10:35I do work with a guy who's named after a Detroit Lion.
10:40Hi, Scotty.
10:40Lions had a Scotty Anderson at wide receiver.
10:44And this isn't, again, a huge name,
10:45but the best man at my wedding was Jason Klein,
10:50but not the Jason Klein that played basketball
10:53at Michigan State.
10:54So those would be the two that come to mind.
10:58Well, there's a couple more that we have in common.
11:00There's Mike Sullivan, who is the coach of the Pittsburgh
11:03Penguins, who also used to work here.
11:05And one of the first Fox Sports Detroit girls
11:07was Lauren Bacall, who had the name of famous actress Lauren
11:12But for me personally, Mike Riley, a longtime friend
11:16of mine, who's not the coach of other football teams,
11:21but Mike Riley.
11:22I went to school with a guy named Rich Little,
11:24who was the impressionist, was always on the Carson show.
11:26Tony Allen, James Allen, Dan Brown,
11:29the author of Da Vinci Code, and then his brother,
11:32Kevin Brown, who is not the former pitcher who
11:35signed a giant deal.
11:37So also, top of my head, I couldn't think of anybody,
11:39but it reminded me of this story I had growing up.
11:42Me and my buddy were watching football one Sunday.
11:44I believe it was the Vikings versus the Lions,
11:46just enjoying our Sunday afternoon,
11:47hoping for a Lions victory.
11:49Back in the day, people had landline phones, people.
11:51And he had a landline phone and caller ID.
11:54Someone called during the game.
11:56He looked at the caller ID and goes, oh my god.
12:00Ken, come here and take a look at this.
12:01I go, what?
12:02And the name was Randy Moss.
12:04Randy Moss was calling us from the Vikings game.
12:08No, he wasn't.
12:08It was actually one of his mom's friends,
12:10but his name was Randy Moss, and I thought it was funny.
12:12And there you go.
12:13That concludes the Wide 9 Omaha 4 Down Around the League Blitz
