• 2 months ago
Jim shares his overreactions from the divisional round of the NFL Playoffs.
00:01Pause from the Lions phone calls. We didn't forget about you guys. We're gonna keep talking about the game from Saturday. And in fact, it will be
00:09Included in the overreactions this week. Not a lot of a lot of games, but some big stakes the first
00:15Lamar Jackson can't win the big game and
00:17I hate to even say this because he did drive them down the field and it's not his fault that Mark Andrews dropped the
00:22Football, but it was his fault that he had yet another
00:26Multi turnover game none in the regular season
00:30But two in the postseason the last time he had two turnovers in a game last year's AFC title game
00:37John the narrative is the narrative. It's fact the guy doesn't win the big games
00:43What's frustrating is they had so many opportunities and
00:47That was a heavyweight fight. You turn the ball over in a heavyweight fight
00:52We see what turnovers cost you in in the in the postseason you can not you've got to play not perfect
00:59But you have to play disciplined football and whether Lamar Jackson was trying to do too much along with Jared Goff
01:05I'm not gonna put him in the same category, but that's part of
01:10Making those mistakes when you are pressing to try and do something and you get out of what you've done for the course of the regular
01:17Turnovers happen close game two turnovers are killer. Just a quick side note
01:22Why didn't they use Derrick Henry on either to a point conversion?
01:26I'm not just saying you know what Andrews dropped, but you brought this guy in it's two yards
01:29He's a referee he's especially after they they score a rushing touchdown, and you're like wow that looked easy
01:35Yep, how about we just dial up the same play and let him carry everybody into the end zone
01:40Like what was the point of bringing him in if you're not gonna use him in that short yardage gotta have it spot
01:44Yeah, Greg
01:47He has been in the league for five six years now and in the starting role some of the evidence is out there
01:53So is it an overreaction?
01:57to like ability does not necessarily equate like what he is I
02:04Would say able or has done right just getting roadblocked by him say him a Holmes or Allen, but look
02:09We're in six years now. He's not a you know to a second third your player anymore, right?
02:14Yeah, you've got a couple MVPs people want to see that translate and as of now MVP the regular season
02:19Just not at the postseason. No kidding
02:23That's what the lion said
02:26John this one's
02:30This one's something I really want your feedback on oh, I'm gonna proclaim
02:34That the Eagles not the Lions are the best offensive line in football
02:39Just shy of 300 yards rushing. They understood the assignment
02:45So I'm gonna say that's an overreaction and
02:50some of that is
02:52the unbelievable pressure that Jalen Hurts was under in that game and
02:57I mean you look at
03:00At what happened and they kept like they gave up a safety
03:04in that game and
03:06Whether Jalen Hurts should have thrown the ball away, or I really didn't have much of a chance
03:10I'm not willing to say I think they're they're they're one two and you could make that argument that they're the best or the Lions
03:16Are the best?
03:17Neither of them. I thought played their best game in that game. They the Eagles obviously did enough to win, but
03:24No, I'm not gonna sit here and say that I think that is a bit of an overreaction
03:27Yes, you can make the argument that they're one or two so it's not an overreact
03:31Okay, well, I'm gonna get a little spice here here then let's keep going
03:38Could end the season now the Chiefs are your Super Bowl champs
03:40It's inevitable ref aided maybe Mahomes magic definitely, but it is happening
03:45We don't even need to play the games Chiefs are winning the Super Bowl three for the first time ever I
03:50Don't think so. I think that the bills
03:53Go to Arrowhead and get a win
03:56They've met Josh Allen finally gets the monkey off his back the way that they are operating on offense. I just don't think
04:03Even though
04:05We keep saying like all they got to do is win right in Kansas City. Just keeps winning. Mm-hmm
04:08I think bill I think Josh Allen this year is the elixir
04:14for that, Kansas City defense
04:16Jim what's it Saturday night?
04:18Tell us you got to play the games and you got to play the right 60 minutes and when you play the wrong 60 minutes
04:23You're getting sent home now
04:25The Chiefs have had this ability to play the right 60 minutes for every weekend in January in February
04:33But you got to go do it and you got to do it again
04:35And you got to go through some heavyweights like the bills like the Eagles possibly on the other side. It's an overreaction
04:44The Lions season was a failure
04:4715 wins one seed
04:50Homefield number one offense. They didn't win a single playoff game. It was all for nothing a failure
04:58Yeah against a six-seed Washington against a rookie quarterback in your house
05:04Clearly the season's a failure. I'm it's the expectation
05:08We had that one caller the expect this is why this feeling feels so weird the expectations were so high
05:13This was a team that seemed like they could overcome anything and maybe it's the injuries. Maybe it's the coordinators
05:19Maybe it's the play calling. Maybe it's Jared golf. There's a lot of different things that play into there's enough blame to go around
05:25But yeah, this season is a failure because it was at a minimum
05:30Supposed to end up in New Orleans. I don't know if you win that game or not
05:34But they I thought I felt they were the better team
05:39Then Washington proven wrong
05:42So when asked about this before the season if we were to get to this point
05:48my answer was
05:50No, it wouldn't be a failure, but that was all about how I approached the season right working through it linearly
05:57We have worked through that
06:00Linear reality the evidence said maybe not a word. I don't know
06:04But we're here now and being here now, I would say yes, not an overreaction
06:11Sean McVeigh was right about Jared golf
06:14He was outplayed by a rookie in his own house a four turnover day for Jared who is a 200 million dollar quarterback and
06:21Didn't deliver the team pooped the bed
06:25He spiraled and it was explosive diarrhea all over. Yeah, he was the first one to the to the head
06:30I mean it just you know, he is is Jared golf our
06:36version of Lamar Jackson
06:39Just in the playoffs, I mean, okay now he's been to a Super Bowl can't take that away
06:45but there was no offense when he got there gets a Belichick defense, but
06:52Yeah, I mean, I I can't there's no evidence to say that he's wrong
06:58The McVeigh is wrong
07:01So is it over action or not? No, it's not an overreaction. Okay
07:06First of all what you're describing about Jared golf sounds like my house this weekend secondly
07:13This isn't over household now, yeah
07:18This is an overreaction because you are taking the evidence of what we have seen from Jared golf over the last
07:25two and a half years and having that flipped by one game a high leverage game mind you and
07:33having that
07:35Drastically 180 change your opinion on Jared golf. So I'm going to say that is an overreact
07:41so to say it's an overreaction and I'm gonna back you up on this is
07:48Was the loss in the NFC championship game on Jared golf
07:52No, they played what he played well enough last year for that team to be playing in the Super Bowl this year. He did not
08:00Jaden Daniels is a future MVP winner. He looked so calm collected composed
08:07350 yards pair of touchdowns. It barely broke a sweat not an overreaction when you have a guy and in
08:15Josh Allen did it to us this year?
08:18We and we've seen him do it to other other teams. Not just the Lions, but
08:22Jaden Daniels came in here and at no point did he look like a rookie early in the season you say yeah rookie and
08:29And this is kind of always the ed is like after you play 17 games. You're no longer a rookie
08:33He was no longer a rookie. He was playing calm
08:38Collected he delivered the ball and
08:42the skill set that he has of being able to be a runner and
08:47Called runs for him. The only thing the only question I have about Jaden Daniels right now is
08:53I'd he
08:55Lamar Jackson has missed time because he's been beat up
08:59He's not built like Lamar Jackson and maybe maybe he's just built in a certain way where he doesn't get banged up
09:05But he is slight of frame. He's not as big. He's gonna take some big hits. Can he keep getting back up?
09:11That's the only question I have
09:13It's the only question but to your point, is this overreaction? No, I think he's certainly gonna be an MVP
09:18He's got to avoid those Looney Tunes hits right that you see from him. This is not an overreaction now
09:24You've got to play the right season right in the right year with everybody else and your team has to be one of the
09:32Higher up teams in the league, but what we've seen from Jaden Daniels
09:36He's got to be able to play the right season. He's got to be able to play the right team
09:41We've seen from Jaden Daniels. He is capable of that
09:44This guy doesn't sweat much less get nervous or get rattled not an overreaction
09:49No, and I tell you what, they give him a better running back than Robinson
09:53Oh Robinson was good, but they give him a better running back or they start adding some pieces to that offense
10:00Other than just scary Terry who was exactly what you know, the name implies as advertised
10:09Those are your overreactions
