• yesterday


00:00I've been saying the same thing Gov said for quite some time now.
00:04It all feels tainted.
00:05It just don't, I mean, it just don't feel like it was worth it in the long run.
00:11But I was talking to my wife this morning before she left for work.
00:15Me and my dad have been season tickets holders for over 15 years now.
00:19And I looked at her and said, I don't even want to go Saturday night.
00:23And I can never remember saying that.
00:25I've already given my Oregon tickets to my son and his buddy.
00:28You know, let's go have fun.
00:29They're young, they can't afford the $200 tickets.
00:32I just can't give them to them and go over there and deal with it.
00:35I just, I mean,
00:38Is it, Jeff, let me ask you this question.
00:41Is it because you think they might lose or because you just feel like it's going to be
00:46a boring watch?
00:49Probably a little bit of both, honestly, John.
00:54I don't think that, I think Michigan State's in a much better spot than Michigan now.
00:58And it shouldn't be that way.
01:01I think Harbaugh left us, you know, in a pretty bad spot.
01:05You know, for a quote unquote, air quotes, Michigan man that would stand on a pulpit
01:10and scream at the top of his lungs, who's got it better than us?
01:13Well, let me see, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan State.
01:17You know, are you going down the list or is that good enough for right now?
01:21Yeah, you can stop.
01:22You can keep going.
01:23We got the idea.
01:24But I mean, he basically flipped us the bird and said,
01:27I got mine.
01:28Screw you.
01:29And out the door he went.
01:30I agree.
01:31I mean, I'm probably one of the few minorities that would say I would give it all back if
01:41Harbaugh would have never showed up.
01:43I remember the day he got hired.
01:45I was bouncing off the wall.
01:46We got to coach.
01:47We got to coach.
01:48Seven years later, it was like, why?
01:51Jeff, you'd take it back?
01:53I'm just, again, from afar here, you got to kick Ohio State's ass three straight years
02:00and go to the playoff and win a national title.
02:03Things you never dreamed you were going to do when Harbaugh took over because of how
02:07bad the program was.
02:10But was it worth it in the long run?
02:14I would answer yes, but I'm not a Michigan fan.
02:16Greg, you, you're an alum.
02:17You have the degree.
02:18You think it's worth it, right?
02:20This is letting your present circumstances hold you hostage.
02:25Come on, guys.
02:26A national championship.
02:29Three years of tremendous football.
02:31He's saying throughout the entire Harbaugh era, like, John, you want to go to Brady Holk?
02:38John, I remember the joy and when they first beat Ohio State at the big house and the scene
02:44in Ann Arbor, you would take away the joy you felt that day because you don't like this
02:49team and what's going to be a throwaway season.
02:51I'm not going even that far.
02:53I'm just talking about the dark cloud like that is over it since it's a it's really dark,
02:58I think.
02:59But I'm not going to change.
03:00Like, I went to the Ohio State game last year with my son.
03:02I'm not taking that away.
03:04I just feel like it feels dirty, you know, and they're getting what they deserve.
03:10But to his point about Jim Harbaugh, we talk about legacy all the time.
03:15And I'll just ask this question because I've always thought that if you really love something,
03:20if you really care about something, you're going to leave it better off than when you
03:24got there.
03:25And, okay, Michigan won three games against Ohio State.
03:29They won three Big Ten championships.
03:31They played in three college football playoffs.
03:34They won a national title.
03:35Those are all great memories.
03:37But after he left, is the program this year better off than than the year the last year
03:46of Brady Hoke?
03:47Well, they went five and seven that season.
03:49And you may remember there was the whole thing with Shane Morris and, you know, the handling
03:53of the players.
03:54It was kind of crap.
03:55But but my point is that the tenor of the program at the time was these guys are a bunch
03:59of idiots, right?
04:00A bunch of doofuses.
04:01They don't.
04:02Michigan is a sorry program.
04:04I mean, John, it feels like five and seven may be coming back again.
04:08But in the middle, you had the best run of Michigan football in a lifetime run.
04:13I'm talking about did he leave it in the same condition that he inherited it?
04:21There you go.
04:22Five and seven.
04:23And maybe they end up with six wins.
04:25Listen, as far as the game with Michigan State goes.
04:29You asked the guy, is it because it's going to be a boring game?
04:31I think it's kind of an unpredictable game in the sense that both teams turn the ball
04:34over a lot.
04:35I think Michigan State is the better team and will win.
04:37But I don't think like the game itself is boring.
04:40Well, you think I don't want the ball.
04:43You take it.
04:44No, I don't want it.
04:45You take it.
04:46That's unpredictable.
04:47No, I don't want it.
04:48You take it.
04:49You think that's exciting?
04:50When probability graph is spiking like like, you know, someone having a heart attack.
04:52Yeah, it's going to be one of those games.
04:54That's that's got some juice to it.
04:55I'm not telling you it's brilliantly, beautifully executed football.
04:58It's far from it.
04:59It's far from the idea that it's boring.
05:00No, I don't know, MSU.
05:02Childs had the game against Boston College where he gave the game away three different
05:07I think he's gotten better, but I think there's always a possibility with how Michigan turns
05:11the ball over and how Sparty turns the ball over that this game could end up being kind
05:15of topsy turvy.
05:16That doesn't mean good football, but I don't think it's boring football either.
05:18Well, I mean, we'll find out Saturday night.
