Defense Holds, Bye Week, Goffense Fires Up

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00All black jerseys I thought looked sweet, you know, the crowd, everything they got going
00:05on for the primetime games and the lights and, you know, it was a great atmosphere man.
00:09It was a lot of fun and it's good to see the offense, you know, put together a full game,
00:15We saw a first half last week against Arizona, but to go out there and clean it up and score,
00:21you know, six touchdowns and pick your defense up when they started to fall a little bit.
00:26That's what good teams do.
00:27The defense has done that for two of the three of the wins.
00:29Two out of three of the wins and now you get the offense finally carrying their weight.
00:35It's fun to watch and going into a bye week, John, I know players never really liked the
00:40early ones.
00:41You like it more middle of the season, maybe November, but it feels like it's coming at
00:45a good time to getting, hopefully getting some key guys healthy the next couple of weeks
00:50and hit this thing full stride when you get back against Dallas.
00:54You never know what situation your team is going to be in when the bye week happens.
01:00If, if everything lines up correctly, ideally week nine, 10, and you get a little bit of
01:06a break and it's, you know, pair that with where Detroit is with, you know, the Thanksgiving
01:12day game.
01:13Can you kind of pair that into feeling like an extra bye week when you get that, you know,
01:17after the Thursday game, you get the extra couple of days, but with the injuries, the
01:22way they've been banged up, it kind of feels like right now in the moment that they're
01:26hitting it at the right time.
01:28Hopefully they can get Frank back.
01:29Hopefully they can get Brian branch.
01:33And then we'll see in terms of the depth of the offensive line.
01:35I thought it was Sika played really good yesterday, but maybe mahogany is able to get back.
01:41I don't know if he'll be a contributor this year or not because didn't have many opportunities
01:47in camp.
01:48Hasn't had many opportunities, you know, now, so it's going to take some time for him to
01:52get ready to go.
01:53Well, and you get some guys healthy that have been gutting it out.
01:56I think Sam Laporta is still, you know, kind of nursing an ankle and got rolled up in Arizona
02:01last week.
02:03You can still tell that, you know, they're trying and he, look, you only threw the ball
02:0718 times last night with the quarterback and he had four catches.
02:12So that's a pretty good target share.
02:13But guys like that, that you look back and say, okay, give them another couple of weeks
02:17and healthy.
02:18And let's now really, let's start to build a game plan around this guy.
02:22That's something that coach kind of hinted at on the last couple of weeks that, you know,
02:25he's been nicked up.
02:26Do we want to put the game plan around him and then he gets nicked up and now we got
02:30to change everything.
02:32So guys like that, too, I think it's going to be very beneficial to get some rest and
02:36hopefully get as close to 100% when you, when you get back against Dallas.
02:40What'd you make of Jared Goff?
02:41You mentioned 18 passes, 18 completions, I think five different guys caught two passes
02:46or more.
02:47Like he was spreading the ball around.
02:48That's the best game he's played this season.
02:51By far.
02:53By far.
02:54And it's took care of the football.
02:56Which is, which is huge.
02:57And taking what the defense has given you.
03:00I think that, and I asked coach about it last night after the game, and he said, you know,
03:02the first couple of weeks, we just felt like, you know, he's doing a little bit too much,
03:06Holding the ball a little bit too long and trying to take the deep shots and putting
03:09the ball in dangerous positions.
03:11And something changed last week against Arizona where it's like, you know what, he used the
03:17word conservative.
03:18I don't know if I would use the word conservative as much as I would say, just smart football.
03:23Like take the check downs when they're there.
03:24Just take the chunks.
03:25Take what the defense is going to give you a Seattle for a large part of that game.
03:29Last night was dropping safeties 2025 yards deep saying you're not taking a shot over
03:33our head.
03:36We'll have to work the short intermediate routes, right?
03:37We'll have to work outside the numbers a little bit if you want to cram everything in the
03:40middle of the field.
03:41And I think that Jared Goff did a really nice job of just keeping the offense on page, right?
03:45Keeping you in second and shorts, keeping you in third and shorts, converting third
03:49downs, making the smart plays, getting the ball into your playmakers hands and letting
03:52them go get the extra yards instead of trying to take some shots downfield that we've seen
03:58turn into a lot of interceptions so far this year.
03:59Well, and who knew that the number three receiver was lining up under center the whole time?
04:04I mean, the trickery to back to back weeks in the red zone, you get down there and you
04:09got to find a way to, you know, get some points on the board.
04:13And that was, can we stop calling every time a quarterback catches a ball, a Philly special
04:18that's like, that's literally the, I know, but it's the headline I go into ESPN this
04:22morning and Detroit runs the Philly special.
04:24No, they did.
04:25Like, you know what I mean?
04:26That's yeah.
04:27I, that bothers me.
04:28Um, but no, that was a, that was awesome play.
04:31Ben Johnson.
04:32He always seems to have one play a game where you never know what's going to happen.
04:36And sometimes you might not even see the play if you don't get the right look.
04:40But two weeks in a row now they've gotten the right look.
04:42And those are calls that, you know, in the huddle, John, you get that call, you line
04:46up, you see the defense right away.
04:47You're like us touchdown.
04:49It's touchdown.
04:50This could be awesome.
04:52It's like keeping the greatest secret in the world.
04:55Tiptoe to the line of scrimmage, put your hand out and you're like, Oh, this is the
05:00This is why we're doing it.
05:01And all of a sudden, and then it works and you're like, it's just, it's, it's so much
05:05fun to be a part of some of those plays.
05:08What was better?
05:09The throw or the catch?
05:10Um, I'm going to say sneaky, the catch because Jared golf over the shoulder and he showed
05:16late hands too, which is a big coaching point for receivers because you could tell if he
05:21would've put his hands up early, that I think it was outside linebacker might've had a chance
05:25to get his hands up on the ball.
05:26He never does that.
05:27He just kind of leaves his hands down low and lets it fall right into his pocket, man.
05:30That was a, that was a heck of a catch.
05:32And then the little like kind of mini high step into the end zone, he's feeling it, but
05:39he's picked up first downs with his feet.
05:42Now he's a high step into the end zone.
05:44He's got a little fountain of youth going on with the legs, man.
05:48This is some of the most, uh, agile and athleticism we've seen from Jared golf so far, you know,
05:54in a long time.
