• 13 hours ago


00:00This is Jeopardy!
00:03Let's meet today's contestants.
00:05A graduate student of ornithology from Auburn, Alabama, Austin Mercandante.
00:11A consultant and retired Navy officer from Alexandria, Virginia, Diane Armstrong.
00:18And our returning champion, a garage door company owner from St. Cloud, Minnesota, Gary Beckfold.
00:26Whose two-day cash winnings total $22,001.
00:32And now, here is the host of Jeopardy!, Alex Trebek.
00:40Thank you, Johnny Gilbert.
00:42Ladies and gentlemen, welcome again to our program.
00:44Thank you so much for joining us today.
00:46Hope you had a good weekend.
00:48This is a great time of the year.
00:50The weather's changing, the kids are back in school,
00:53and we get to play Jeopardy! for half an hour with Diane and Austin.
00:56The challengers to our two-time champion, Gary.
00:59Nice to see you again.
01:01Good luck, players. Here we go.
01:02The Jeopardy! round, the first round of play.
01:04Today has these as the categories.
01:10Rock stars' backstage needs.
01:15The United Nations. Notice, united in quotation marks.
01:18We'll deal with things that are awkward.
01:20We want you to fix the spoonerism.
01:23And finally, produce.
01:25Gary, start us.
01:26Let's try rock stars' backstage needs for $200.
01:29This Black Sabbath Singers' 2001 contract required one box of Kleenex
01:34and one box of throat coat tea bags.
01:38Who is Osborne?
01:39Yes, Ozzy Osborne is right.
01:41Astronomy for two, please.
01:43During the course of five spacewalks in May of 2009,
01:47shuttle astronauts made repairs to this and installed two new instruments.
01:53What is the Hubble telescope?
01:54Astronomy, $400.
01:56In 1980, the Voyager spacecraft found that this planet's B-ring
02:00had radial features called spokes.
02:04What is Saturn?
02:05Astronomy, $600.
02:06This constellation is the site of two nebulae,
02:09the Great Nebula in its sword and the Horsehead Nebula in its belt.
02:15What is Orion?
02:16That's right.
02:17United Nations for $200.
02:20It borders Oman.
02:23What is the United Arab Emirates?
02:25Astronomy for eight, please.
02:27Daily Double.
02:30Diane and Gary are tied with $600 for the lead.
02:33You have $400.
02:34You can risk up to $1,000.
02:35You know that.
02:36I'll wager $1,000, please.
02:37$1,000 it is.
02:38Here is the clue.
02:39In 1672, Giovanni Cassini and Jean Richet calculated the distance
02:45between these two objects as 87 million miles.
02:53What is the Sun and Neptune?
02:58No, the Sun and the Earth.
03:00You had to go for the obvious.
03:01All right.
03:02You're at minus $600, but you command the board.
03:04You select.
03:05Astronomy for $1,000, please.
03:07The 200-inch mirror of the Hale Telescope on this California peak
03:11took some 10 months to cool after casting.
03:15What is Mount Palomar?
03:18Awkward for $200.
03:20After pardoning a turkey in 2008 on Thanksgiving,
03:23this governor gave an interview in front of a turkey being slaughtered.
03:28Who is Sarah Palin?
03:30Awkward for four, please.
03:31After flubbing the oath of office,
03:33this chief justice redid it with Barack Obama later that week.
03:38Who is Roberts?
03:39Awkward, $600.
03:40Athletes wearing masks to this country's Olympic Games
03:44apologized even though the USOC gave them the masks.
03:50What is China?
03:51Awkward for $800, please.
03:53Before this Iranian president spoke at Columbia in 2007,
03:58the university president introduced him as a petty dictator.
04:03Who is Ahmadinejad?
04:05Awkward for $1,000.
04:06At a hearing, this ex-Fed chairman said he was wrong in opposing financial regulations.
04:14Who is Greenspan?
04:15Alan Greenspan.
04:16Good for $1,000 more.
04:17United Nations for $400.
04:19It assesses no personal taxes.
04:25And that is the United Arab Emirates.
04:28Pick again, Gary.
04:29Rockstars backstage needs $400.
04:32Van Halen's 1982 tour contract called for these candies backstage,
04:37but specified absolutely no brown ones.
04:41What are M&Ms?
04:42And with that, hang on.
04:44You double Diane's total.
04:46You're at $3,200, and we're at our first commercial break.
04:50We'll return shortly.
04:55I don't understand how he can keep doing this and keep getting out.
04:59Police say this sex offender was busted again for exposing himself to three little boys.
05:04You'll be shocked when you find out where this chronic flasher was caught.
05:08Today on News Channel 3 at 5.
05:14When morning comes in the middle of the night, it affects your entire day.
05:21To get a good night's sleep, try two-layer ambient CR.
05:24The first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep.
05:27And unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep.
05:31When taking ambient CR, don't drive or operate machinery.
05:34Sleepwalking and eating or driving while not fully awake, with memory loss for the event,
05:38as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal,
05:42confusion, agitation, and hallucinations may occur.
05:45Don't take it with alcohol, as it may increase these behaviors.
05:47Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur,
05:51and in rare cases may be fatal.
05:53Side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache.
05:56In patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
06:00If you experience any of these behaviors or reactions, contact your doctor immediately.
06:05Wake up ready for your day.
06:06Ask your health care provider for two-layer ambient CR.
06:11Thanks for nothing.
06:12The insurance company keeps giving us the runaround.
06:14What are we going to do?
06:15You guys need to call Gaddy, Keltner, Bienvenu, and Montese.
06:19Sugar Ray Leonard?
06:21You guys need help from a fighter.
06:23I'm Attorney Mike Montese.
06:24And I'm Attorney Marvin Bienvenu.
06:26When you're hurting a car wreck, you need to put power in your corner.
06:29We'll help with your medical bills, your car repairs, and we'll fight hard to get you everything you deserve.
06:35Hurting a car wreck?
06:36Don't take on the insurance company alone.
06:39One call, that's all.
06:40After two DUIs, Janice Fullilove told us she's . . .
06:43Taking one day at a time.
06:45. . . charged with filing a false report to get her license back.
06:47You'll never guess what our cameras caught her doing three different times.
06:51See what she says when we ask her about it, tonight on NewsChannel 3 at 10.
06:57Austin Mercadante is from Auburn, Alabama, a graduate student in ornithology.
07:03Yes, sir.
07:04That's an interesting selection. Why that?
07:07Uh, well, my favorite teacher is an undergrad.
07:09He studied birds, and so I kept taking classes with him, and then I started doing research with him.
07:14And now I'm kind of stuck in ornithology. Keep going.
07:17That's a serious study, serious subject.
07:20Yes, sir.
07:21You're also into wild and crazy things.
07:23What's this about the gallon challenge?
07:25The challenge is to drink a gallon of milk in an hour and keep it down.
07:29And I've tried it. I've tried it three times with different types of milk.
07:33Uh, but . . .
07:34Skim, whole milk, chocolate. Which is easier?
07:36Uh, skim was closest. I failed all three times.
07:40You failed all three times?
07:41Yeah, if you throw up, you lose.
07:43Ah, okay. So there's money involved?
07:45Uh, no, not really. Just personal satisfaction.
07:48All righty. Diane Armstrong is from Alexandria, Virginia.
07:53A consultant, a retired naval officer who gave President Reagan directions at the White House?
08:01Yes, I was a social aide, and during the Kennedy Center Honors pre-ceremony reception, I was to be doing introductions.
08:08So we were all lined up. The president came in and asked me where he should stand.
08:13I said, well, wherever you care to, Mr. President, but the photographers would appreciate it if you stood here.
08:19Ah, good. And he had a good sense of humor about that?
08:22He was wonderful.
08:23Yeah. Gary Bechtold is our champion.
08:26You were involved in a marathon race, and you had what I would consider to be an awkward moment. Tell the folks.
08:33Yeah, I was running Grandma's Marathon, which is along the north shore of Lake Superior.
08:37And about a mile into the race, I passed someone running backwards, and I chuckled to myself, thought that was pretty amusing.
08:43Until he passed me at mile 24, as I was struggling in.
08:47Still running backwards?
08:48He was still running backwards when he finished.
08:50I'd call that embarrassing, all right. Pick up your signaling device, because you have command of the board, and you will make our next selection.
08:56All right, rock stars for 600, please.
08:58Middle of the column for this clue. No more, more, more calories.
09:03This Rebel Yell guy's contract calls for a tub of I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Butter. Gary.
09:10Who is Billy Idol?
09:13This Guns N' Roses frontman requires Pringles, a loaf of Wonder Bread, and a bottle of Don Perignon to wash it down. Gary.
09:21Who is Axl Rose?
09:22Rock stars for 1,000.
09:23This Glitter Divas contract demands a bottle of Cristal, four champagne glasses, and a box of bendy straws. Gary.
09:32Who is Mariah Carey?
09:33Mariah Carey, correct.
09:35Produce for 200.
09:37I heard it through some kind of vine that 2440 B.C. Egyptian tomb paintings depict the cultivation of this fruit. Austin.
09:47What are grapes?
09:48Produce for 400, please.
09:49In 2008, a pair of Brits were out of their gourd, growing a 1,457-pound one of these, smashing. Gary.
09:58What is a pumpkin?
10:00Produce for 600.
10:01Big on vitamins A and C, this leafy vegetable also has a lot of fiber and acts as a mild laxative. Look out, sailor man. Gary.
10:12What is spinach?
10:13Produce, 800.
10:14Time to dole out some seedless cayenne, the most widely grown type of this tropical fruit plant. Gary.
10:21What's a pineapple?
10:23Produce for 1,000.
10:24The name of this cylindrical vegetable means little squashes in Italian. Diane.
10:29What is zucchini?
10:32United Nations for 600.
10:34Its annual population growth rate is nearly 4%. Diane.
10:39What is the United States?
10:40No. Gary or Austin? Austin.
10:44What is the United Arab Emirates?
10:46Oh, you sly devil, you're right. Minute to go now.
10:49Spoonerism for 200, please.
10:51Spoonerisms are merely tips of the slung. Austin.
10:55What are slips of the tongue?
10:57Spoonerism for 4, please.
10:59It's just not true. I tell you, it's all a lack of pies. Gary.
11:04What is a pack of lies?
11:05Spoonerism, 600.
11:07Greenpeace would be chagrined to see the sign, wave the sails instead of this. Gary.
11:13What is save the whales?
11:15Spoonerism, 800.
11:16Sometimes paperwork just disappears. It seems to crawl through the facts. Gary.
11:23What is fall through the cracks?
11:24That's right.
11:25Spoonerism for 1,000.
11:26It's about time you showed up. And don't give me that better Nate than lever. Gary.
11:31What is better late than never?
11:33United Nations, 800.
11:35It has no written constitution. Diane.
11:39What is the United Emirates?
11:40No. Austin.
11:43What are the United Arab Emirates?
11:47What is the United Kingdom? And now the 1,000. Oh, well, perhaps it's just as well we hide this last clue.
11:55Look at that, folks. Gary, off and running, 10,200. Austin, you're going first to start the Double Jeopardy round when we come back.
12:02Following these messages, as always.
12:08My name is Willis, and this is my Cellulous House story.
12:11My service was exceptional, and my brother was always complaining about dropped calls, missed calls, and I saw his AT&T bill.
12:18And I was like, wow, you are not paying this every month.
12:21It was less features than what I had with my phone, and I was paying much less.
12:25I said, come on, you got to try Cellular South. Let's go sign you up.
12:28And that's been two or three years ago, and he loves it. He saves a lot of money every month.
12:33Hurry in for great deals at the new phone blowout sale.
12:39Are you disabled and can't work?
12:41If your Social Security claim has been denied, don't give up.
12:45Call the law offices of Lester Wiener.
12:47Call 1-877-621-4343.
12:51Get the monthly checks and medical insurance you deserve.
12:55Call Lester Wiener.
12:57Lester Wiener has been helping the disabled for more than 40 years.
13:01Go with proven results.
13:03Call 1-877-621-4343.
13:08Has diabetes caused you or a loved one pain in both legs or both feet for the past six months?
13:14If so, in your 18 to 75, call about our research study of an investigational medication for pain in your legs or feet caused by diabetes.
13:22Participation is at no charge, and compensation for time and travel may be available.
13:27Call toll-free, 1-866-840-8787, or visit YourDiabetesPain.com, 1-866-840-8787.
13:39Turn the key, hit the road, yeah.
13:43Come on out today, it's time to save.
13:46This is your time. Time to save big on a new Toyota with the best overall value of any brand.
13:52Including Camry, the best midsize car for the money.
13:55Now get a new 2010 Camry with 2.9% financing for 60 months.
14:00Or choose a special lease, just announced, for only $169 a month.
14:05See your Toyota dealer now.
14:09Diane and Austin are going to have to go some in this Double Jeopardy round, but Austin picks first.
14:14Clues are worth from 400 to 2,000 in these categories.
14:18This one looks almost like a spoonerism.
14:20A few ounces of Ezra Pound, followed by crossword clues with the letter P highlighted.
14:27That'll come up in each correct response.
14:301861 yearbook, most likely to secede.
14:34We'll deal with the Pope Arazzi.
14:37Transportation, and finally, not produce, but produce.
14:42Austin, start.
14:431861 for 400.
14:45This state on February 1st, though Sam Houston said it was crazy.
14:51What is Texas?
14:531861 for 800.
14:55On January 26th, this state, followed by the presentation of a pelican flag.
15:01What is Louisiana?
15:031861 for 1,200.
15:04On January 10th, this state, rare and to go, despite having the smallest population in the Confederacy.
15:13That state was Florida.
15:151861 for 1,600.
15:16Answer, one of the two Daily Doubles.
15:20An opportunity for you to put it away almost.
15:23You have 11,000.
15:24Make it a true Daily Double.
15:25Respond correctly.
15:26You'll have $22,000.
15:30Let's go for 3,000.
15:33Here's the clue.
15:34On May 23rd, this state, its western part had doubts.
15:43What is Virginia?
15:46Way to go.
15:4814,000 now.
15:491861 for 2,000.
15:51On March 16th, this territory, not a U.S. state until 1912.
16:00And that was Arizona.
16:01Let's go somewhere else.
16:02Transportation, 400.
16:04In November of 2008, the CEOs of the big three automakers didn't help their cause by getting to Washington on these.
16:12They're private jets.
16:14Ross Recluser, 400.
16:15Elgar's and Circumstance Preceder, four letters.
16:20What is pomp?
16:22Crossword, 800.
16:23Man or monkey, seven letters.
16:26What is primate?
16:27Primate is right.
16:28Crossword Clues, 1,200.
16:29Duck Bill, eight letters.
16:32What is a platypus?
16:34Crossword Clues, 1,600.
16:35Suitbringer in court, nine letters.
16:39What is plaintiff?
16:41Crossword Clues, 2,000.
16:42Roman commoner, eight letters.
16:45What is plebeian?
16:46Plebeian, correct.
16:47Way to go in that category.
16:49Poperazzi for 400, please.
16:51Raphael snapped a candidate of Julius II,
16:54who became pope through a bargain with Cesare of this family.
17:00Who are the Medicis?
17:03Austin or Gary?
17:04Family was the Borgias.
17:06The Borgias.
17:07Pick again, Austin.
17:08Poperazzi, 800, please.
17:09Urban VIII, captured by telephoto here,
17:12told this 17th century astronomer to go ahead and publish
17:16but be careful.
17:18Who's Galileo?
17:20Poperazzi, 1,200.
17:21Celebrity mags vied for pics of Pius IX,
17:25the last pope to rule the area called the Papal These.
17:30What are nuncio?
17:33What are papal states?
17:34That's it.
17:35Poperazzi for 1,600.
17:36Titian staked out Paul III,
17:38who called the Counter-Reformation Council of this in 1545.
17:45What is Trent?
17:47Right you are.
17:48Pope for 2,000.
17:49Smile, Benedict XIV,
17:51a great pope to whom this French anti-religious enlightenment writer
17:55even dedicated a play.
18:00And that writer was Voltaire.
18:02So much for the popes.
18:05Transportation, 800.
18:06Thoreau wrote,
18:07wherever there is a channel for water,
18:09wherever there is a channel for water,
18:11there is a road for this narrow boat.
18:18A canoe.
18:19Transportation, 1,200.
18:21Jimmy, help us.
18:23This item gets its name by ruining the flow of air along a surface.
18:28It reduces the lift of a car
18:30so that the tires stay on the ground at high speeds.
18:34What is a spoiler?
18:36Right you are.
18:37Transportation, 1,600.
18:38A two-wheeled transporter dedicated to moving you.
18:42What is a Segway?
18:43Segway, yes.
18:44Transportation, 2,000, please.
18:45This motorcycle company whose factory 100 years ago was the wigwam
18:50is once again in business after a bumpy history.
18:54What is Indian?
18:55Indian, yes.
18:56Ezra Pound for 400.
18:58Pound and his wife lived in Rapallo in this country,
19:02but during World War II both moved in with Pound's mistress.
19:08What is Italy?
19:09Italy is the country, yes.
19:10Produce for 400.
19:12Not only did he produce Citizen Kane,
19:15he co-wrote, starred in, and directed the film too.
19:18Talk about a best boy.
19:21Who is Wells?
19:22Orson Welles, right.
19:23Produce for 800.
19:24In addition to exec producing Michael Clayton,
19:27he got an Oscar nomination for best lead actor.
19:31Who is Clooney?
19:32George Clooney, right.
19:33Produce for 1,200.
19:34As a producer, he was smart enough to hire himself
19:36to direct A Beautiful Mind.
19:38Imagine that.
19:41Who is Ron Howard?
19:43Ron Howard, good, with a minute to go.
19:45Produce 1,600, please.
19:46Once paired with Don Simpson,
19:47he went on to produce CSI and Pirates of the Caribbean.
19:54His name is Jerry Bruckheimer.
19:56Austin, pick again.
19:57Produce for 2,000, please.
19:59This around-the-world-in-80-days producer
20:02was husband number three for Joan Blondell
20:04and for Liz Taylor.
20:09But not at the same time.
20:10His name was Mike Todd.
20:12Austin, four clues left.
20:13Ezra Pound for 800, please.
20:16Daily Double, all of you.
20:19We are running out of time.
20:21You deal with this Daily Double all by yourself,
20:23and you have a shade over 50% of Gary's total.
20:27I will wager 1,000.
20:30Okay, here is the clue.
20:32In a movable feast,
20:34this writer said that Ezra Pound
20:36taught him to distrust adjectives.
20:44Who is Jeffrey Hill?
20:47No, who is Ernest Hemingway?
20:50I have not heard of Jeffrey Hill.
20:52He's my advisor.
20:54Well, you're winding up at 9,800, Diane,
20:58with 1,200, and Gary, and even 20,000
21:00as you get ready for Final Jeopardy!
21:02And here is the category.
21:04The Internet.
21:05Hey, that's a good subject.
21:07We'll return to reveal the clue in a moment.
21:12If you're taking eight extra-strength Tylenol a day,
21:15on the days that you have arthritis pain,
21:17you could end up taking four times the number of pills
21:19compared to Aleve.
21:20Choose Aleve, and you could start taking fewer pills.
21:23Just two Aleve have the strength
21:25to relieve arthritis pain all day.
21:27Gentlemen, Oreo has rejected my bid to buy the DSRL,
21:31so we lick race for it right here with Double Stuff Gold.
21:35Mr. Trump, my brother and I are the defending champions.
21:38Let's be honest, you don't even have a partner.
21:40Oh, I've got a partner.
21:41No, you don't.
21:42Yes, I do.
21:43No, you don't.
21:44Yes, I do.
21:49No way.
21:50It's Double Trump.
21:51And we're gonna be huge.
21:55Let's get this party started.
21:57I'm Walgreens CEO, and I'm also a pharmacist.
22:00Getting an early flu shot is the best thing you can do
22:03to protect you and your loved ones from the flu.
22:05It's also one of the easiest things you can do,
22:07because Walgreens is now offering seasonal flu shots
22:09every day of the week, with convenient hours guaranteed,
22:12so you can just stop in.
22:14Our 16,000 dedicated pharmacists
22:16and take-care clinic nurse practitioners
22:18are waiting to help you beat the flu
22:20in neighborhoods nationwide.
22:23At Walgreens, we want you to know
22:25there's a way to stay well.
22:28Your body is a beautiful piece of engineering.
22:31Keep it performing at its best with Benefiber,
22:34the clear, tasteless fiber that helps restore
22:36your natural digestive balance
22:38while helping rid your body of toxins.
22:41That's the beauty of Benefiber.
22:43Take Jeopardy! to go.
22:45Play the game on your mobile phone.
22:47Get Jeopardy! ringtones and wallpapers,
22:49and stay connected with timely text alerts.
22:52Follow the adventures of the Jeopardy! clue crew.
22:54Click on the screening room to find
22:56all their latest video clues.
22:58A major attraction.
22:59You'll find it all in our mobile store at Jeopardy.com.
23:04Tonight, it's okay to get excited.
23:08How I Met Your Mother's been nominated
23:09for a Best Comedy Emmy.
23:11Not good enough.
23:13That, my friend, is the best bullwhip on the market,
23:15according to my whip guy.
23:17Yeah, I have a whip guy.
23:19Then, for every night of bliss . . . .
23:22. . . . there's a walk of shame.
23:26Catch the series premiere of Accidentally on Purpose
23:29after the season premiere of How I Met Your Mother.
23:31Tonight, only CBS.
23:34The insurance company kept asking me to hurry up
23:36and sign a release.
23:37I kept thinking, what's the rush?
23:40Of course they wanted Marvin to sign quickly.
23:43Remember, as soon as you sign a release,
23:45it ends the insurance company's obligation
23:47to pay you more money,
23:49money that you may need for future medical bills
23:51and for lost wages.
23:53I'm Marvin Brown, and I didn't sign anything.
23:55I called John Michael Bailey.
23:57If you've been hit and hurt, get the JMB Guarantee.
24:00Call 529-1010.
24:04It's time again.
24:05Jim Jaggers is riding around the Mid-South
24:07raising money for Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center.
24:10I'm Bobby Solberg with Sonic Driving,
24:12and we're glad to be a part of Go Jim Go again this year.
24:15Jim's helping to raise money for Le Bonheur
24:17so that they can continue to provide
24:19exceptional service to children in need.
24:21You can help by making a donation and spreading the word.
24:24Jim's been training all year, and so have we.
24:27Ready, team?
24:29Go Jim Go!
24:35Post-captioning sponsored in part by...
24:38Try Citri-Cal Plus Bone Density Builder,
24:40the only calcium supplement with genistein
24:42found naturally in soy
24:44and proven to significantly build bone density.
24:48I bet your kids are going to do well with this final.
24:51It's the Internet, and here is the clue.
24:54In a registered website domain name,
24:57it's the only mark allowed
24:59that isn't a letter, number, or the dot.
25:0330 seconds, contestants. Good luck.
25:06Go Jim Go!
25:37Great category, isn't it? The Internet.
25:39Diane, we'll start with you.
25:41You were in third place with $1,200, and you wrote down...
25:44What is a dash?
25:46You wrote down the correct response. Way to go.
25:49And your wager, $700, so you're at $1,900 now
25:52as we move to your left to Austin Mercadante.
25:56His response was...
25:58a slash instead, and that won't do it,
26:01so you'll lose money. How much?
26:04What is that, 4Z?
26:0842. Okay, you're at $9,758.
26:11I'm sure there is some significance to the 42,
26:14and it's not your age.
26:16Gary, over to you now, champ.
26:18You couldn't be caught today,
26:20and you couldn't come up with a correct response,
26:22so maybe it's just as well. Did you wager anything?
26:24No, so you remain at $20,000,
26:26and that gives you now a total of $42,001.
26:31Way to go.
26:33You're a repeat champion who gets to play again tomorrow.
26:35Right here. See you then.
26:37Promotional consideration provided by...
26:39Worried about cholesterol?
26:41Well, now you can lower it.
26:43This is Centrum Cardio,
26:45the first and only complete multivitamin
26:47that can lower cholesterol.
26:49Centrum Cardio.
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29:52On your side, this is News Channel 3 First at 4.
29:58First at 4, there continues to be debate over the big mayoral debate
30:02that will be on News Channel 3 Saturday night at 7.
30:05Candidate Jerry Lawler says he and his lawyer plan on asking the judge to stop that debate.
30:10The reason surrounds last week's poll commissioned by News Channel 3 and the Commercial Appeal.
30:15All candidates were told that only the top four in the poll would be allowed in that debate.
30:21Thanks for joining us.
30:22For WREG News Channel 3 First at 4, I'm Alex Coleman.
30:26And I'm April Thompson.
30:27Lawler received 2% of the vote and came in 6th with more on the maneuverings that's going on.
30:33Here's News Channel 3's watchdog, Mike Matthews.
30:35Oh, it's like a chess match right now, April.
30:37Jerry Lawler says he's as serious about this as he's ever been.
30:40He is upset over the recent Mason-Dixon poll giving him 2% of the vote.
30:44Makes no sense to him, he says,
30:46especially after other polls, he says, showed him in much better position.
30:50The key here, though, is the candidate's debate on Saturday night.
30:53It is two hours of free television time, and that is a big deal for anybody in politics.
30:58In this case, Lawler says he's upset because it will give the perception that he's not a serious candidate.
31:04Lawler says the key is, in his opinion, to get people out to vote and have them ignore the poll results.
31:09I feel it does a big disservice to me and some of the other candidates
31:12in the fact that when a poll shows that I only have 2% of the vote,
31:17you know, that's poisoning the well, so to speak.
31:20I mean, a lot of the voters may say, well, you know, why waste our time to go vote for Jerry?
31:25He's only got 2% of the vote, he can't win.
31:28Jerry Lawler says he and his attorney will probably go to court tomorrow to file for an injunction.
31:32Now, Lawler and all the other candidates were told before the poll results were released
31:36that only the top four in the poll would be allowed on the debates.
31:39Lawler isn't the only one to talk about taking some court action to stop this, however.
31:43Coming up in less than an hour, I'll let you know who else is upset and what will happen this week.
31:48Reporting live, Mike Matthews, WRAG News Channel 3.
31:52Your voice, your vote. Early voting starts Friday for the special election.
31:57Again, we are hosting two debates. One is this Saturday from 7 until 9.
32:01The other is on October 14th, and we've invited the candidates who poll the highest
32:06in an independent poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research.
32:10Those candidates are A.C. Horton, Carol Chumney, Myron Lowry, and Charles Carpenter.
32:15To let us know what issues you'd like to address, you can go to our website, WRAG.com,
32:21and click on the link at the top of the screen.
32:26Crime in Memphis. Police are looking for the gunman who shot a teenager in the Nutbush area of Memphis.
32:31It happened around 3 this morning near the intersection of Kendrick and National.
32:35Police say the teen was standing outside when four people approached him.
32:39Authorities say one of the men pulled out a gun and shot the teen, and then they all took off.
32:44The teen is in non-critical condition at the med.
32:46If you have any information on this shooting, call Crime Stoppers at 528-CASH.
