Jeff vs. Kelly, 1998

  • 2 days ago


00:00They've gotta have sweetgum.
00:02Coming up next, wonder what it's like to be a zookeeper?
00:05Watch what happens when contestants find out on ZooVenture.
00:08Then everyone's favorite dog is back in living color on the all-new adventures of Lassie.
00:13ZooVenture and Lassie, coming up on Animal Planet.
00:17Coming on the Discovery Channel.
00:19Bikini Atoll. Nuclear blasts.
00:2450 years later, what will you find?
00:28Now, sharks rule.
00:30Witness their strange behavior.
00:32Be there as it happens.
00:34Live from inside a shark cage.
00:36No scripts, no editing.
00:38As Shark Week kicks off live.
00:40Sunday, August 8th, 9 Eastern, 6 Pacific.
00:43On the Discovery Channel.
00:45Explore your world.
00:47If you're game for anything, you're totally in the right place.
00:51These players are revving up for thrills, chills and spills as they try to become zookeepers for a day.
01:01From the world-famous San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park in sunny California,
01:06it's time for another Animal Planet ZooVenture.
01:14So get ready for the wildest game around.
01:17You are about to rock, roll and rumble through the jungle on today's Animal Planet ZooVenture.
01:30Yeah, alright.
01:33An awesome day at the zoo.
01:35What's up, everybody? I'm J.D. Roth.
01:37This is ZooVenture.
01:39It's a game about animals, a game about competition,
01:41and you're going to see some awesome competition today.
01:44Everybody walks away a winner, but one lucky player actually gets to go into the zoo and become zookeeper for a day.
01:50It is the coolest job ever.
01:52Let's get it going here.
01:53Here comes our first two players, Jeff and Kelly.
01:56Come on, guys.
01:59Come on over here.
02:00Are you guys ready to play the first game?
02:03Alright, I'm going to tell you a little bit about gorillas.
02:04See, this one's called Gorilla Grab.
02:06Now, did you know that gorillas keep their backs to people most of the time?
02:10Do you know why?
02:11I don't know.
02:12They're actually trying to be polite.
02:13And you can see our gorillas back there have more than just their back turned.
02:17They're being so polite, they're actually hidden behind a tree.
02:20All you can see are their arms, right, where they're trying to catch food.
02:23Your job is to grab a piece of food out of the bin, use your slingshot, and slingshot it right into your gorilla.
02:29Whoever feeds the gorillas the most food in 45 seconds is going to get 10 points, okay?
02:33Alright, you must have a blue shirt and be the blue team because your braces are blue.
02:37Smile and show everybody.
02:38The guy's color-coordinated.
02:39You've got to love that.
02:40Alright, let's set the clock for 45 seconds.
02:42Get into position.
02:43On your mark, get set, go!
02:47Whoever can get 45 in 45, whoever can get the most is going to win.
02:52Go, go, go.
02:55You've got to get the most.
02:56Keep it going.
02:57Oh, nice shot.
02:59She is on fire.
03:01My blue man is having a little bit of trouble, but he's got one in now.
03:06Keep it going, guys.
03:09Keep it going.
03:12Oh, no.
03:1415 seconds left.
03:16She's in the lead with two, and he just tied it up with almost no time left.
03:21It's two to two.
03:22Whoever gets the next one in, whoever gets the next...
03:26Oh, he did it.
03:27He did it.
03:29He just took the lead and now has two more.
03:32That's it.
03:33That is it.
03:34Nice job.
03:35We'll count that last one.
03:37Way to go.
03:38Blue man, you were on fire.
03:40I'm telling you, you got four of them in there.
03:42You got two of them in there, which means he gets the ten points.
03:45Nice job.
03:47You want to see some of the action?
03:49It looked really cool.
03:50Take a look at this.
03:54Look at that.
03:55You put it right through the net.
03:56We were shooting from behind that net, and that one right there put you in the lead,
04:00which gives you the ten points.
04:02We're going to go to our next game right now.
04:03Let's head on over.
04:04Come on, guys.
04:06All right, so Jeff's in the lead with ten points.
04:07Now, let's meet Kelly.
04:08How are you?
04:10What do you like to do in your spare time, Kel?
04:11I like to play with my dog.
04:12What's your dog's name?
04:14Wave hello to Cinnamon.
04:15Hello, Cinnamon.
04:16Good luck on the show.
04:17Jeff, how are you doing?
04:19I hear we have something in common, Jeff.
04:20What do you like to do in your spare time?
04:21I like to pet my dog, buddy.
04:22And also, do you like to skateboard?
04:24Yeah, we both like to skateboard.
04:25All right.
04:26How about you, Kelly?
04:27I like to play with my dog.
04:28How about you, Jeff?
04:29I like to play with my dog.
04:31And also, do you like to skateboard?
04:33Yeah, we both like to skateboard.
04:34All right.
04:35Well, good luck on the show today.
04:36What kind of skateboard do you have?
04:37I have a planter.
04:38All right.
04:40All right, well, let's hear it for our players.
04:41Now that we know our players, let's see what kind of animal IQ they have.
04:45We're going to show them a clip about an animal, and then I'm going to ask you a multiple-choice
04:49Be the first to buzz in with the correct answer.
04:51We only have three questions, so whoever gets the most out of the three questions will win
04:55the ten points.
04:56You got it?
04:58Here we go, then.
05:00When do cheetahs do most of their hunting?
05:02Is it during A, the day, B, the night, or C, when the temperature is above 80 degrees?
05:10B, the night.
05:11No, that's not right.
05:12Kelly, can you jump in with the correct answer?
05:14A, the day is right.
05:15Way to go.
05:16That's one.
05:17One more right, and you're going to tie the score ten points apiece, okay?
05:20Here comes your next question.
05:22What do giraffes do to help them drink?
05:24A, spread their front legs apart, B, dunk their head completely underwater, or C, lie down?
05:34No, C is not right.
05:35Jeff, do you have a guess?
05:36B, dunk their head completely underwater.
05:38No, it's actually they spread their front legs apart.
05:40I didn't know that one either.
05:41Can't give any points on that one.
05:43Kelly, you do have one.
05:44We have one more question left, okay?
05:46Here it comes.
05:47What do most mammals have that warthogs don't have?
05:51Is it A, fur, B, sweat glands, or C, tongue?
05:56Jeff, to tie it up.
05:58Sweat glands.
05:59Sweat glands is right.
06:00Nice job.
06:01After the three questions, we got a tie.
06:04They each have one, which means I'm going to give you both ten points.
06:06Kelly, that puts you on the board with ten.
06:08Jeff is in the lead with twenty.
06:10We got one more game worth twenty points.
06:12That's going to send someone on their way to the Zoofari Challenge, so stay with us.
06:16Now, before we go to commercial, I got a chance to meet some of the coolest animals and zookeepers in the world.
06:21Check this out.
06:24The eye of the tiger is so incredible, it can actually see in the dark six times better than we can.
06:30Here we are at the tiger exhibit with a real tiger.
06:33Our zookeeper, Andrea, how are you?
06:35Fine, thanks.
06:36Now, I've got this little bet going with my sister at home.
06:38She said that tigers are born blind.
06:40I, of course, told her she was crazy.
06:42I hope she's wrong.
06:43She's right.
06:46Yeah, just like our domestic cats at home, they're born with their eyes closed, and it takes them a couple of weeks in order to open their eyes and see.
06:51Okay, I owe you a dollar.
06:53Why is a tiger's eyesight so powerful?
06:55Well, they hunt at night, so they're going to definitely have to have really, really powerful eyesight to be able to reflect the light.
07:02And they have a membrane, a special membrane that grows behind their eye to be able to do that.
07:06All right, well, I can see that it's time for us to go.
07:09So, thanks a lot, and when we get back, we've got a lot more fun, so stay with us.
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09:21We are back right in the middle of the game.
09:23Jeff is in the lead with 20.
09:24Kelly is hanging right in there with 10.
09:26We're ready to play the final game in round one.
09:29Now, this game is gonna decide which one of our players ends up in the Zoofari Challenge.
09:34Next game is easy.
09:35I know everyone at home knows.
09:36It's called Zoo out of Three.
09:37We have three animals.
09:38One of them is gonna be the right answer.
09:41First player to correctly answer three questions is gonna win that 20 points
09:45and go to the Zoofari Challenge.
09:47Today's animals are coming up on the board right now.
09:49Take a look.
09:50First animal, the cheetah.
09:53Then we have the bat-eared fox.
09:55And last but not least, the great blue heron.
09:58You guys ready?
09:59Remember, whoever gets three right first is gonna win.
10:01Here comes your first question.
10:03Which animal nests 5,000 feet above sea level?
10:08The heron?
10:09You got it.
10:10One right.
10:11Nice job.
10:12Here comes your next question.
10:13Which animal can swallow a scorpion and not get sick?
10:17The cheetah?
10:18No, the cheetah's not right.
10:19Kelly, do you have a guess?
10:20The bat-eared fox?
10:21Yes, you're right.
10:22That's two.
10:24Two for two, Kelly.
10:25You're making it look easy.
10:26All right, Jeff, stay in there, okay, buddy?
10:28Here we go.
10:29Which animal refuses to run longer than a minute to catch its prey?
10:33The cheetah.
10:34The cheetah is right, my man.
10:35Good job.
10:36Two to one now.
10:37Two to one.
10:38Okay, nervous time.
10:39When it wants to impress a female,
10:41what animal's eyes turn red and legs turn pinkish-orange?
10:45Kelly, for the win...
10:47The heron?
10:48Yes, that's right.
10:50Nice job, Kelly.
10:51Way to go.
10:52You win the game of Come Fun Behind.
10:55Jeff, did you have fun?
10:56We had fun having you.
10:57You and I will skateboard later, all right?
10:59We got some cool prizes.
11:00Take a look.
11:01Geo Safari Electronic Learning Game.
11:03An exciting game of knowledge for one or the whole group.
11:06Education made fun.
11:07Geo Safari Electronic Learning Game from Educational Insight.
11:10He did a great job, but guess what?
11:12You stayed in there.
11:13You stayed tough, Kelly.
11:14You're going to the final round.
11:15You excited?
11:17All right, we'll give it up.
11:18We'll see her later.
11:19Take off that way, Kelly.
11:21Now we got our next two players.
11:23Here comes Jessica and Ramsey.
11:25Come on, guys.
11:28Oh, yeah.
11:29Flying in here.
11:30Let's see.
11:31I said the two names.
11:32It means you must be Jessica.
11:34Jessica, what do you like to do in your spare time?
11:36Play soccer.
11:37And what position do you play?
11:39I play all of them.
11:41Have you ever played goalie before?
11:43I don't like it.
11:45It's tough.
11:46That balls are flying everywhere.
11:47It hits you in the head, right?
11:48I know how it feels.
11:49All right, well, good luck on the show, okay?
11:50Ramsey, did I get your name right?
11:51Yeah, you got it right.
11:54Okay, now, Ramsey, what do you got?
11:55You got any animals at home?
11:56Yeah, I have two dogs.
11:57What are their names?
11:58Kelly and Yogi.
12:00Yogi, like the bear.
12:01All right, cool.
12:02Well, good luck on the show, okay?
12:03We got some cool games for them, so let's get right into it.
12:05One of the most important jobs as a zookeeper is cleaning the habitats.
12:09It's not a fun job.
12:10It's a little messy, but we've created a fun way to do it.
12:12Are you guys ready for this?
12:14All right, we got a piece of fruit right here.
12:15It's flying in.
12:16We're going to start it just like this.
12:18Now, to clean the habitat, you get a big hose.
12:20You guys are going to be using that hose to work this piece of fruit back and forth.
12:24You're trying to get it over your opponent's goal line.
12:27Whoever gets the most fruit over their opponent's goal line in 45 seconds
12:30is cleaning the habitat and cleaning house because they're going to get 10 points.
12:34Let's set the clock for 45 seconds.
12:36Put your goggles on.
12:38Put your goggles on.
12:39We are looking good.
12:40Hop into position right over there.
12:42There's your first piece of fruit.
12:44On your mark, get set, go!
12:47Spray away.
12:49Oh, Ramsey scored.
12:50Go for it.
12:51Here comes another one.
12:52Ramsey's not messing around.
12:55Here we go.
12:56Here we go.
12:58Look at him go.
12:59Oh, she's using it as a block.
13:00She may get it.
13:01Nice job.
13:02One to one.
13:03Nice effort.
13:04Keep it up.
13:07Go, go, go.
13:10She got another one.
13:11That's two to one.
13:15Go, go, go.
13:16Oh, it looks like Ramsey's got this one.
13:2015 seconds.
13:21He's got it.
13:22Two to two.
13:23He's got one more in.
13:28Two, one.
13:31That's it.
13:32Oh, that's it.
13:33That's it.
13:34That's it.
13:35That's it.
13:36You guys can stop.
13:37They love spraying those hoses.
13:38Come on over here, Ramsey.
13:39I'll tell you what.
13:40The game was tied two points apiece.
13:42That last one almost made it.
13:44You stopped it, which means it's a tie.
13:46You both get ten points.
13:48Nice job.
13:49Way to go.
13:50All right.
13:51I'm going to let you guys catch a breath here, dry off a little bit.
13:54I've got an animal out in the audience to meet.
13:56Let's go.
13:57Here comes Tammy.
14:00Oh, wow.
14:02Look at this guy.
14:03What do we have here, Tammy?
14:04This is an echidna.
14:05They're also known as a spiny anteater.
14:08Spell it for me.
14:10That's testing you.
14:11You like that, don't you?
14:12I know you would.
14:13Now, when it walks around, you can barely see its legs.
14:15He's got stubby little legs, but they're very powerful
14:18What they do is they try and wedge themselves in between rocks in case a predator comes up.
14:22Because if the quills don't deter him enough, the last thing they're going to want to do is stick their nose and get poked.
14:26Now, there's another animal with quills, too, right?
14:28Oh, yeah.
14:29There's several.
14:30There's an echidna, a porcupine.
14:31So is this related to the porcupine?
14:33Not at all.
14:34Porcupines are rodent.
14:35This is a monotreme.
14:38There we go.
14:39So, okay.
14:40So this is a mammal?
14:41It's a mammal.
14:42It's an egg-laying mammal.
14:43There's only two egg-laying mammals in the world, the platypus and the echidna.
14:47No kidding.
14:48Both from Australia.
14:49That's pretty cool.
14:50Now, can it shoot those quills?
14:51Only in cartoons.
14:52Not in real life.
14:53Not in real life.
14:54And look at its nose.
14:55I mean, its nose is pretty crazy.
14:56It's an anteater.
14:57They don't have any teeth.
14:58They just have a really long nose, and inside there is a really long, sticky tongue to get to the ants and termites that they eat.
15:04Well, it's an awesome animal.
15:05We'll be back right after this with a lot more games and tons more fun with our two players and our zookeeper.
15:11So stay with us.
15:12The echidna.
15:13The echidna.
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18:43We are back. If you saw that first game, then you know our players are tied 10 points apiece.
18:48Now remember, whoever wins plays the winner from the first round, Kelly, and one of them will end up being zookeeper for the day.
18:55We have two players, and we have eight mind-bending questions, plus that board over there.
18:59Let's take a look at what's on the board.
19:01South America, maned wolf, snow leopard, field cricket, blood, common nighthawk, orange juice, hump, and whiskers.
19:09Some interesting stuff on there. I'm going to ask you guys a bunch of questions.
19:12Whoever buzzes in with the most right answers will win the 10 points and break the tie.
19:16We'll give you 30 seconds to do it. Let's set the clock for 30.
19:20Here comes your first question.
19:22What bird flies in zigzag patterns?
19:25The common nighthawk.
19:26You got it.
19:27What does a cat use to find its way in the dark?
19:33No. Ramsey, you got a guess?
19:36You got it, buddy. Good job. That ties it up.
19:38What part of a camel can weigh up to 30 pounds each?
19:41Go for it, Ramsey.
19:43Hump is right.
19:44What insect's hearing organs are in its front legs?
19:48Field cricket.
19:49You got it.
19:52South American.
19:53South America is right. That gave you two.
19:55Ramsey, you have three. You win the game. Good job.
19:58Ramsey, that gives you 20 points. Jessica's got 10. Don't worry, though.
20:03We got one more game. It's worth 20 points.
20:06Time to go on a field trip.
20:08Grab your helmets. We're heading into the Zoo and Wild Animal Park.
20:11Come on, guys.
20:13It is field trip time.
20:15Come on over here, buddy. Come on over here.
20:17We're going to show them a video right now. It's called a field trip.
20:20There's a whole lot of animal facts in it, so make sure you're paying attention.
20:23You'll match those facts to the animals when we come out, okay?
20:26Really concentrate. This is a tough game.
20:28Here comes their field trip. Take a look.
20:35Listen in for the latest in extraordinary ears.
20:41Elephant ears are much like the radiator on your car.
20:44There's a lot of blood that flows through the ears,
20:46and the elephants will throw water or mud behind their ear, flap their ear,
20:50and it actually cools the blood down up to some 10 degrees.
20:56This is a spiny anteater, a very primitive mammal found in Australia.
21:01This is an egg-laying mammal.
21:03These guys have excellent hearing. They have very poor eyesight,
21:06but this is a large ear slit on the side of his head.
21:09That helps him be able to listen for predators.
21:12Rhinos have very acute hearing.
21:15They can rotate their ears in opposite directions and thus directionally hear
21:19and almost have ears like chameleons have eyes.
21:22Their eyesight is considered poor.
21:24Usually they have to be within 30 feet to have a clear shot of what they're looking at.
21:30All right, a lot of facts in there. Hopefully you guys were concentrating.
21:34Here's how this works. We're going to put 20 seconds on the clock.
21:37You're going to match those facts with the animals.
21:39Listen, 20 seconds goes fast.
21:41So make sure you guys are working to get as many on the board as possible.
21:44Once you put it up there, though, that's it. You can't move it, okay?
21:47Let's set the clock for 20. Whoever gets the most is going to win 20 points.
21:5120 seconds, 20 points. On your mark, get set, go, guys.
21:56Let's see how well they do.
21:59Only 15 seconds. You got to go quick.
22:03All right, she's getting ready to put mud behind the ears up.
22:06She did that. Ramsey just put seas up to 30 feet.
22:09She put seas up to 30 feet in a different spot.
22:12Now she put rotate ears. We got one second left.
22:15She's all done.
22:16All right, let's find out how well you did.
22:18We're going to start with the elephant.
22:20We were looking for mud behind ears and cools 10 degrees.
22:22Got to take this one.
22:23The spiny anteater, we're looking for lays eggs and primitive mammal.
22:26Got to take that one.
22:27White rhino, seas up to 30 feet, you got it, and rotates ears.
22:31I got to take these two off.
22:32You got three of them. Nice job.
22:34Come here, Ramsey.
22:36You got to get more than three to find out how you did.
22:38Elephant, mud behind the ears and cools 10 degrees.
22:41It's upside down, but it still counts.
22:43Way to go.
22:44Spiny anteater, we were looking for primitive mammal and lays eggs.
22:47Those are not right.
22:48Let's take these down.
22:49White rhino, we were looking for seas up to 30 feet and rotates ears.
22:53Guess what, my man?
22:54This one right here means that we got a tie.
22:57It's three points a piece.
22:59You both get the 20 points.
23:01And you know what that means, right?
23:02You're our winner.
23:03You won the game by 10 points.
23:06Jessica, give me a high five.
23:08We got some awesome prizes for you.
23:09Take a look.
23:11Bushnell Sport Pack to take everywhere.
23:13Power View Wide Angle Binocular, AM FM Radio,
23:16Sport View Sunglasses and Carrying Case.
23:18One of the first names in sports optics, Bushnell.
23:21We had a lot of ties in this game, but at the end of it, Ramsey is the man.
23:26You're going to the Zoofari Challenge.
23:27He's got some competition, and it comes with Kelly right here.
23:31Kelly's coming in here.
23:32Our two players are going at it for the Zoofari Challenge.
23:35Stick around.
23:46It's everything you want to know about apes.
23:48And some stuff you don't.
23:50On the Safari Special Network Premiere,
23:52Going Ape, this Saturday at 9 on Animal Planet.
23:55Think you got something better to do?
23:57Ha! No way!
24:08Hey, birdie. Come here.
24:11Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
24:17Introducing the intense flavor of Fritos Racers,
24:19shaped like Jeff Gordon's race car with a crunch just as loud.
24:26New Fritos Racers snacks.
24:28Love the crunch.
24:31If you think ZooVenture's awesome, then guess what?
24:34Every Sunday morning, you can catch all the animals,
24:36all the games, and all the fun on Discovery Kids.
24:45It's all down to this.
24:46This is the fun stuff.
24:47We're back with Kelly and Ramsey, way up at the top,
24:50who are about to make tracks for the most awesome game around,
24:53the Zoofari Challenge.
24:54Here's what our players can win.
24:57The first runner-up will receive
24:58a Magna Girls or Boys 18-speed front suspension bicycle
25:02featuring alloy rims and cantilevered brakes
25:04with frame or saddle bag,
25:06perfect for storing personal gear from Dynacraft Industries.
25:10Plus, $150 shopping spree
25:12to help you indulge in all of your animal wants and needs
25:15at one of the many San Diego Zoo gift shops.
25:18You can take home a T-shirt, cuddle up with some collectibles,
25:21and even pick up a litter of literature
25:23furnished by the San Diego Zoo.
25:26That's right, and the winner of the Zoofari Challenge
25:28gets the way-cool job of being zookeeper for a day.
25:31Plus, they get prizes. Take a look.
25:34InGear's nothing but wet.
25:36Bring the excitement of waterpark fun to the backyard.
25:39Includes water play area, water slide, sprayer, and pool games.
25:43A super assortment from InGear.
25:46Plus, a whopping $200 shopping spree
25:49at any Discovery Channel or Nature Company store.
25:52The next time you're in the nation's capital,
25:54make sure to visit the exciting 30,000-square-foot,
25:57four-level Discovery Channel destination store.
25:59Explore your world.
26:01Yeah, this is it.
26:03Now we're gonna find out who's got the skill and endurance
26:05to master the Zoofari Challenge,
26:07not to mention all the animal habitats
26:09just like they have right here at the zoo.
26:11Here comes today's killer course.
26:13First, they are gonna race down the first slide,
26:15barrel through the bamboo.
26:17Now, don't get lost over there in that wicked thicket.
26:20Up and over the logs,
26:22slither through that desert sand trap like a snake
26:24and wail on the bell tower.
26:26Now you gotta backtrack. That's right, add a breath.
26:29You gotta be exhausted working your way all the way back through
26:32and ending up in the swamp slime.
26:34You gotta run up the rock sides of the slide,
26:37hit your button, show us your flag.
26:39That'll let us know that you're zookeeper for the day.
26:42Players, let's hop into position.
26:44On your mark, get set, go!
26:53The race is on.
26:55The Zoofari Challenge, Kelly and Ramsey going crazy.
26:59Nice job.
27:01You see Ramsey fly over those logs.
27:04Kelly is a little held up now, going a little tentatively.
27:08But Ramsey's not wasting any time.
27:10A man on a mission.
27:13Gotta get down low, Kelly, get down low.
27:18Ramsey's not even looking back.
27:26Keep going, Ramsey, keep going.
27:29Ramsey's got a huge lead.
27:32You got it.
27:36Tell you what, man, he was on fire.
27:38Awesome job. Come on up here.
27:40Guess what, buddy? You're zookeeper for the day.
27:42Nice job. Let's go to a slow-mo of all the action.
27:46Oh, yeah, check that out.
27:48You can see Ramsey wasn't wasting any time.
27:51The guy was flying, hit his bell tower,
27:53and then you made your way back.
27:55I gotta tell you, it was a very impressive run.
27:57Come on up here, Kelly. Give me your hand.
28:00Nice job. Tough, isn't it?
28:03You did great, though. Don't worry about it, all right?
28:05Guess what, Ramsey, you're our winner.
28:07Let's show him what he won.
28:09As zookeeper of the day, you'll cruise behind the scenes
28:13and get up close and personal with the coolest animals
28:16at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
28:18Hang out with the best zookeepers
28:20and get the inside scoop on working in the wildest kingdom.
28:23Plus, you'll go on an awesome photo caravan
28:26that stars amazing animals from Africa and Asia.
28:29The memories will last a lifetime.
28:32Furnished by the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park.
28:35Yeah, Kelly did a nice job.
28:37For everybody at home, though,
28:39you can't even comprehend how difficult this is.
28:41Ramsey, tell them what the hardest part was.
28:43Oh, man, that desert part over there.
28:45I had to go under all those. That was hard.
28:47And then you gotta hit the bell tower.
28:49You're all out of breath and make your way back, right?
28:51Yeah, and coming up this wall, what's that like?
28:53It's hard.
28:54It's real steep. You can't see it,
28:56but it is straight up in the air.
28:58Thanks for joining us every day.
29:00He is zookeeper for the day, and I am J.D. Roth.
29:02Join us next time.
29:04Remember, it's not just an adventure.
29:06It's a zooventure.
29:08They know.
29:11All of our contestants on today's zooventure
29:13will receive a copy of Animal Planet Presents
29:15Sing with the Animals,
29:17the brand-new CD featuring favorite animal theme tunes
29:19from The Monkees, Bill Haley, Three Dog Night, and more.
29:22Plus trivia, games, and an intro by yours truly.
29:25Available from Rhino Records on CD and cassette
29:27at record stores everywhere.
29:29Available from Rhino Records on CD and cassette
29:31at record stores everywhere.
30:00You all know Freddy.
30:02That makes him...
