• last year


00:00Behind this door is the Video Zone, a place between our world and the video dimension.
00:06Waiting to challenge you for control of the Video Zone is one of the Game Wizards.
00:11Is it Murloc, Scorcha, or Mongo?
00:16These two teams will compete for the right to enter the Video Zone and face that Game Wizard's challenge.
00:22Who will it be?
00:24Find out today on...
00:27Nick Arcade!
00:30And now, here's your host, a guy with really great hand-eye coordination, Phil Moore!
00:44Thank you, Andrea, and welcome to Nickelodeon Arcade,
00:47where your video savvy and video game skills are put to the ultimate test.
00:51We're here today with Brenda the Yellow Team and LJ of the Red Team,
00:54who are about to play the face-off game Star Defenders.
00:57Now, in this game, you have to protect your starship from a deadly comet trying to zap you.
01:01Each time your side gets hit, your opponent scores.
01:04And the person with the highest score at the end of 30 seconds will get 25 points in control of Mikey,
01:08our video adventurer, for the start of Round 1.
01:11Hands on controllers, humans!
01:13Ready, set, play!
01:17Ooh, ooh, we're getting some direct hits right at the top of this game here.
01:25I tell you, these two are pretty evenly matched here.
01:30The line or time at the top of your screen indicates that we are getting down to the final mark.
01:38Red Team seems to have pulled out ahead now.
01:42The timeline indicates we are out of time, and it's going to be the Red Team!
01:48All right! Hey, let's get on with some more arcade!
01:53Hey, great job, Red Team. You won the face-off.
01:56Hey, let's find out everybody that's playing today, starting off with the Red Team.
01:59It's Jennifer and LJ! Hey!
02:04All right, now, Jennifer, it's Jennifer with a G, has 10 cats.
02:09How long did it take you to collect 10 pet cats?
02:12Not very long. My cat has kittens, like, every couple months.
02:15Oh, so your cat is just going, poof! Here you go, Jen.
02:17All right, and your partner is LJ. It's a secret, he won't tell us.
02:21And understand, you play piano and sing. Are you going to pursue that as a career?
02:25I'm thinking about even becoming a lawyer.
02:27The singing lawyer. They dance over everyone.
02:29All right, hey, and your opponents today are Ruben and Brenda. Say hey!
02:38All right, now, Ruben collects comic books. How big is your collection?
02:42Um, it's pretty big. Pretty extensive? Yeah.
02:45All right, and your partner today is Brenda. She likes roller skating.
02:49Now, do you do those new inline ones or the regular ones?
02:51The regular ones. The regular ones.
02:53Well, hey, all of you, good luck today. Let's say good luck to these guys!
02:59All right, now, you all know how to play.
03:01You're going to take Mikey, our video adventurer,
03:03and we're going to move him all around our big screen here in every direction except diagonally.
03:07Now, while you're doing this, you're going to run into our four Ps,
03:10the points, the puzzles, the pop quizzes, and prizes.
03:13Be careful, though, because we have an enemy up there that will zap controller Mikey to the other team.
03:18Now, all questions in round one are worth 25 points,
03:21and the team with the highest score at the end of the two rounds
03:24will then go inside of a video game to face today's game wizards.
03:27That is all the scoop on the poop. Andrea, tell us where Mikey is headed today.
03:31Well, ever since Mikey left from Cape Cosmos, he's been camping out on the mysterious Planet X.
03:37But while traveling on the strange terrain, you've got to keep your phaser unstunned
03:41because Planet X is crawling with giant smooch aliens.
03:45Get past the goal here, and you will earn 50 points. Good luck, teams.
03:49All right. Thank you very much, Andrea.
03:51Red team, you have 25 points in control of Mikey.
03:54Where would you like to move him to?
03:56Left. Left?
03:58I'd like to move him to the left.
04:00All right. Mikey's heading left.
04:05Pop quiz. All right. I'm going to ask you a question.
04:08You buzz in with the correct answer.
04:10Now, remember, Mikey is in outer space. This question is about planets.
04:13Correct answer will get you 25 points and control of the mic man.
04:17All right. Which planet in our solar system is named after the Roman god of the sea?
04:22Is it A, Mars, B, Jupiter, or C, Neptune?
04:26Yellow team.
04:28Neptune is it. Yeah. All right.
04:32Mikey is now under your control, and you have 25 points.
04:35You get to move him what direction?
04:39Mikey's heading down.
04:43Video challenge. Yellow team.
04:46You're like a video maniac.
04:48Hey. All right. Hang out right here.
04:50Now, we're in the video challenge.
04:52What you're going to do is get a chance to add more points to your score
04:54and maintain control of Mikey. Who's going to be playing?
04:56I will.
04:58You're going to play? Okay. Brenda, hang on to this.
05:00Ruben, today you get to choose from Turrican, Parasol Stars,
05:03Gyrus, Alpha Mission 2, and Battletoads.
05:06Which one do you want to play?
05:08Alpha Mission 2.
05:10Alpha Mission 2. Let's cruise over there. Brenda, go with the flow.
05:12Come with this. Come with this. Come with this.
05:14All right. Now, here's the deal here.
05:16In the challenge, you are going to have to beat the wizard,
05:18and the wizard's challenge today for Alpha Mission 2 is 5,400 points in level one.
05:23You have to meet or beat that in 30 seconds.
05:25All right. Hang on a second. Got to talk to your compadre.
05:27Now, Brenda, you have 25 points. It's a tie score.
05:31Of your 25, I want you to write down how many points you're willing to wager
05:34on your partner beating the wizard's challenge.
05:36You have three seconds. Begin to write now.
05:39Beat the wizard's song.
05:41Okay. Hide it. Don't let us see it.
05:43All right. Turn around, my friend Ruben.
05:4530 seconds. Ready, set, do it.
05:51All right. He's at 400 points already.
05:55He's racking up points.
05:57Some of these letters that are rolling down get some certain things like alpha, laser.
06:00All right. He has just added the side panels.
06:03He's got major firepower now. He is at 2,200.
06:06Plenty of time left.
06:08He's at 15 seconds. He's halfway there.
06:123,000 points. This is going to be close.
06:14It's going to be close.
06:16She's at 4,000. Oh, man, Ruben.
06:19Whoo! You gave it a good shot, man. Good playing.
06:21Let's see how many points Brenda wagered.
06:2310 points. Not too bad wagering.
06:25Hey, head back over. We're going to play some more arcade.
06:27Let's go.
06:29Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop.
06:31We're going to play some more of the game.
06:34All right. Hey, you only wagered 10 points.
06:36We're going to take that from your score.
06:37And you lost control of Mikey.
06:39It's now back in the red team's corner.
06:40Move the Mike-inator.
06:42Where do you want to go?
06:43The Mike-man. Mike-orama.
06:47Left? We want to move him left again.
06:49Okay. Mikey's going left again.
06:54Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop.
06:57Whoo! You got your face sucked by the Kiss Beast.
07:00Control of Mikey goes right back to the yellow team.
07:03You get to move him now. What direction?
07:05Down. Down.
07:06Mikey's heading down.
07:1125-point bonus! Yeah!
07:14You're just going to zip that right on your score.
07:16Pow! There you are. You're up to 40 points.
07:18And you still have control of Mikey.
07:20Where would you like to move him?
07:23Mikey's heading down.
07:27Pop quiz! All right.
07:29Here's the scoop. You know the deal.
07:30I'm going to ask you a question.
07:32The correct answer gets you 25 points in control of Mikey.
07:35The question is...
07:36Before he became a walking, talking, crime-fighting plant,
07:39he was Dr. Alex Holan.
07:41What name do we know him by now?
07:43Ah, yellow team.
07:45Swamp Thing. Swamp Thing. That's it!
07:47You make my plants sing. All right.
07:50You've got the 25 points.
07:51You're at 65. You have control of Mikey.
07:53You can move him. Down.
07:54Mikey's going down.
07:56And it looks like Mike, sir, is heading for the goal!
08:02All right.
08:03Now, yellow team, the correct answer
08:05will get you 50 points and the goal for round one.
08:08Red team, you get one chance to try to stump him.
08:11You get to pick a category from which I'll ask them a question.
08:14The categories are Luke, Hand, Buck, and Flash,
08:18Space Planes, and Living Large.
08:21Pick a category.
08:25We pick Living Large.
08:27Living Large. Okay.
08:29Now, if they get it wrong,
08:31you will get 25 points and the goal by default.
08:34This question is just for you, yellow team,
08:36and it's about things that are huge.
08:39Here we are.
08:40Not including the continent of Australia,
08:42which of the following is the biggest island in the world?
08:45Is it A, Hawaii, B, Manhattan, or C, Greenland?
08:49Think about it for five seconds.
08:51What's the buzz? Anyway.
08:53Do, do, do. I dig the song.
08:55You give me the right answer.
08:57Greenland is it! Yeah! All right.
09:00You've got the goal.
09:02Let's just check the board
09:03and see where everything was hiding out up there.
09:05There's some stuff up there.
09:07Prize right beside you.
09:08But it's not important now
09:09because you have 115, yellow team,
09:11and the goal for round one.
09:13Red team, you have 25 points,
09:15but hey, round two, the points are doubled.
09:18Anybody can make the move anyway.
09:20Come back and find out if it happens.
09:22See ya.
09:33We are back.
09:34Joining me now is Ruben of the yellow team
09:36and Jennifer with a G of the red team,
09:38and they're about to face off for round two,
09:40Star Defender.
09:41Remember, you have to protect your starship
09:43from a deadly comet.
09:44Each time your side is hit, your opponent scores.
09:46The person with the highest score at the end of 30 seconds
09:49will get 50 big points in control of Mikey,
09:51our video adventurer, for the start of round-er.
09:54Turn around, my friends.
09:55Hands on controllers.
09:56Ready, set, go.
10:00Ooh, a couple of direct hits right at the back.
10:08All right.
10:10Good moves, good blocking, good blocking, yes.
10:16All right, we're just gonna hang here.
10:17I'll go get pizza while they go back and forth here.
10:19The line of time at the top of the screen
10:21tells me that we are almost out of time.
10:26It's gonna be a close one, it's gonna be a close one,
10:28and it is the yellow team.
10:29All right, Ruben, head back over there, you too.
10:31We're gonna play some more Nick Arcade.
10:37Ruben's like, whew, great.
10:39All right, you got the face off there and 50 points.
10:42Andrea, where's Mikey floating to this time?
10:44In round two, Mikey's blasted off from Planet X
10:47and he's traveling through deep space on impulse power.
10:50But watch out because the giant Smooch aliens
10:53have warp drives and lips and they're right behind him.
10:56Guide Mikey safely past the goal and you will earn 100 points.
11:00Good luck to you.
11:01Gosh, I recognize those lips.
11:02All right, listen, gang, remember,
11:04the four P's are still up there,
11:05the points, prizes, pop quizzes, and puzzles.
11:08Also the video challenge
11:09and the Smooch kissy sucky face monsters will get you.
11:12All right, in round two, all questions are worth 50 points
11:15and the team with the highest score at the end of this round
11:17will go inside of our video to play today's bonus round.
11:21That is it.
11:22Red team, excuse me, yellow team,
11:24you have control of Mikey.
11:25Where would you like to move him to?
11:26We're going left.
11:27Okay, he's going left.
11:32Pop quiz, all right.
11:33Now remember, Mikey is floating around in space.
11:36These questions are about Star Trek
11:38and Star Trek the Next Generation.
11:40Make it so.
11:41All right, now, the correct answer will get you 50 points
11:44and control of Mikey.
11:45In the original series, what was Scotty's first name?
11:48Was it A, Scott, B, Montgomery, or C, Dully?
11:56Ooh, no answer.
11:57It was Montgomery, Montgomery Scott.
12:00All right.
12:02Which of these men created Star Trek?
12:04Was it A, George Lucas, B, Steven Spielberg,
12:07or C, Gene Roddenberry?
12:09Yellow team.
12:10Gene Roddenberry.
12:11Gene Roddenberry is correct.
12:14The late, great Gene Roddenberry.
12:17Post-personal friend.
12:18You're up to 215 and you still have control of Mikey.
12:21Where would you like to move him this time?
12:24Mikey's moving up.
12:27Video challenge, yellow team.
12:29Hey, hey, hey.
12:32All right, Brenda, he's grabbing the board.
12:34All right, who's going to be playing this time?
12:36I will.
12:37You will?
12:38Okay, Ruben, you hang on to the board.
12:40All right, now you know the deal.
12:41You get to play a game.
12:42You get to choose from Turrican, Parasol Stars,
12:45Gaiarus, Alpha Mission 2 is out of the picture,
12:48and Battletoads.
12:49Which one do you want to play?
12:52Okay, Parasols.
12:53Let's pop right over there.
12:54All right, now, here's the deal.
12:56You have to beat the Wizards Challenge,
12:58and on Parasol Stars,
12:59that means you have to clear the cloud level.
13:02All right, hang on a second.
13:04You have 215 points.
13:06Your opponents have 25.
13:07In 30 seconds, I want you to write down, of your 215,
13:10how many points you're willing to wager
13:12on your partner beating the Wizards.
13:14You have three seconds.
13:15Write it now.
13:17You'll be duped by the CD.
13:19Okay, keep it down.
13:20Don't let us see it.
13:21Turn around.
13:22You have 30 seconds.
13:23Ready, set, go.
13:26All right, now, in Parasol Stars,
13:28the idea is to take your parasol slash umbrella
13:31and clear off everything on the level.
13:33Once you've cleared off all of the main items,
13:35which are little satellites and little cloud guys,
13:37and little, I don't know,
13:38they look a little spaceman from Pugs Bunny.
13:41It lets you know that it's been cleared.
13:47Okay, we're down to about seven seconds.
13:49Five, four, three, two, one.
13:55Ooh, didn't quite make it.
13:57Hey, but good playing, Brenna.
13:58You did a great job.
13:59Let's see how many points Ruben wagered.
14:01Okay, he wagered 30.
14:02Not too bad.
14:03We're going to adjust the score and play some more.
14:05Arcade, hit back.
14:11All right, we're going to take 30 points away from your score,
14:14bring it down to 185.
14:15You still have a decent lead.
14:17Hey, Red Team, Controller Mikey
14:18is now back in your side of the room here.
14:20Where do you like to move him?
14:25Mikey's going up.
14:29Pop quiz.
14:30All right, hands on those buzzers.
14:32Remember, Mikey is in outer space.
14:34This is a question about the Zodiac.
14:36Correct answer gets you 50 points, and Mikey, here we are.
14:39Of these choices, how many signs are there in the Zodiac?
14:43Is it A, 10, B, 12, or C, a baker's dozen?
14:50Yellow Team.
14:5212 it is, yes.
14:54One point each month.
14:56All right.
14:58You've gotten Control back.
15:00Your 235 is there.
15:01Where would you like to move Mikey?
15:05Okay, Mikey's going to the left.
15:13Pick the peck of pickled peppers.
15:15We're going to take the Control back over to the Red Team.
15:18Where would you like to move Mikey?
15:21Moving to the left again.
15:25A prize!
15:26Andrea, tell them what they get just for landing there.
15:29Magna Mountain Bikes.
15:30More power to climb and accelerate.
15:32Magna, the hot new name on the streets.
15:35Distributed by Dynacraft Industries Incorporated.
15:38Congratulations, Red Team.
15:40Congrats from me, too.
15:41Now you still have Control, and you get that no matter what.
15:44Get to move Mikey again, too.
15:47Okay, Mikey's heading left again.
15:52Video Challenge.
15:53Hey, Red Team!
15:56Welcome to the Video Zone.
15:58Welcome here to my home.
16:00All right, now, gang, you know the deal.
16:02You get to add some points to your score right here
16:04and maintain Control of Mikey.
16:05Who's going to be playing?
16:07All right.
16:08I need you to hang on to this.
16:09Thank you very much.
16:10All right, a little disco thing happening there.
16:12You can't touch this.
16:13All right.
16:14Now, of the games today, you get to choose from
16:16Turrican, Parasol Stars has been used.
16:18It's out of the picture.
16:20Diarist, Alpha Mission 2 is out of the picture,
16:22and Battletoads.
16:23You have those three.
16:24Which one, LJ?
16:27Let's croak down here.
16:28Come on.
16:29Where is Jennifer?
16:30All right, all right, all right.
16:31Now, here's the deal.
16:32You have to beat the Wizards Challenge on Battletoads,
16:34and today it has been set at zip!
16:3717,000 points in Level 1.
16:40Now, you have 25 points to 235.
16:43You can really just double your score.
16:45You can enter anywhere from 0 to 25.
16:47Write down your wager.
16:48Don't let us see.
16:49Three seconds.
16:50One, two, go.
16:51There's a song again.
16:52Oh, I love it.
16:53Oh, I love it, Andy.
16:54Pencils down.
16:55Don't let us see it.
16:56Turn around, my friend.
16:5730 seconds.
16:58Ready, set, go.
17:01All right, 5,000 points.
17:03Just like that.
17:06He's up to 10,000 already.
17:09At that rate, you may see victory at the Battletoads.
17:15Knock the guys off the stilt.
17:16Another 5,000.
17:24There it is.
17:25All right, L.J.
17:26All right, in a round of seconds,
17:28let's take a look and see what you wagered.
17:3010 points.
17:31We're going to add that to your score.
17:32Let's go play some more arcade.
17:33Head back over.
17:37All right.
17:38It's a track meet with them.
17:40All right, 20 points.
17:41Excuse me.
17:4210 points added to your score.
17:43You have to 35.
17:44Mikey's in your control.
17:47Hold it.
17:48Mikey's now back in my control.
17:49That sound means we are almost out of time.
17:51We're going to beam Mikey straight to the goal.
17:53There he is.
17:54And now we're in sudden death.
17:56And what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask you one question.
17:58The correct answer will get you 100 points
18:00and the goal for round two.
18:02Hands on buzzers, both teams.
18:04The question is, if a rock from space
18:06survives the heat of reentering the Earth from the atmosphere
18:09and crashes to the ground, which is it called?
18:12A, a meteor.
18:13B, a meteorite.
18:14C, meatloaf.
18:16Yellow team.
18:17A meteorite.
18:18Meteorite is it.
18:20Yellow team, you got the goal.
18:23All right.
18:24Let's just take a look and see what everything was up there.
18:27All right.
18:28There's all the prizes.
18:29There's some more things.
18:30Hey, yellow team, 335.
18:31You're going to face today's wizard.
18:33All right.
18:34Red team, you were in there doing it.
18:36You have 35 points.
18:37You got some bites.
18:38And hey, you're going to leave with this other way cool stuff.
18:41Willy Wonka's Nerds brand candy.
18:44The tiny, tangy, crunchy candy with intense fruit flavors.
18:48Taste the magic from the Willy Wonka Candy Factory.
18:52And you want speed, action, excitement?
18:56Get a yo-yo.
18:58You want the hottest yo-yos?
19:00Get a Dunkin'.
19:04When we come back, these two are going back in there
19:06to rock with Scorsha.
19:08We'll see if they can beat her.
19:09I feel it in my bones.
19:10You'll check it out.
19:11They'll check it out.
19:12Great plan.
19:14Great plan.
19:17All right.
19:25Hey, we're back.
19:26And I am here with Brenda and Ruben,
19:27who are ready to go through that door and play the bonus level.
19:30Now you have one minute to get through all three levels.
19:33If there's any time left, the two of you will go in
19:35and try to bust up Scorsha in the wizard level.
19:38Now for each item you pick up, you will get $50.
19:40And for each level you get past, you will get a fantastic prize.
19:44Here is your challenge.
19:46In level one, Ruben will have to shut down
19:48all three antimatter reactors in Alien Moon Base.
19:51Avoid the steam vents, laser bots, and insect toys.
19:54Turn off the main computer to immobilize the aliens
19:56and activate the light bridge.
19:57Shut down all three reactors, and you guys will get this.
20:00The popular plus-four family-size backpacking tent
20:03is supplied by Diamond Brand of Naples, North Carolina.
20:07Diamond Brand has been servicing the recreational industry
20:10for over 110 years.
20:12All right, now in level two, Brenda must collect three coins in the mine maze.
20:16Look out for the spears, flame jets, and electrified squares,
20:19which will drain your power.
20:21Touch the power square, and you'll be immune to all damage.
20:23Collect all three coins, and this is what your team will get.
20:26This forehead zenith VHS VCR is more advanced and easier to use than ever,
20:31with on-screen plain English instructions
20:33and a message center that tells you what's happening.
20:36Yo, and speaking of what's happening, with the time left,
20:38you'll both take on Scorcher in the wizard level.
20:40Catch three floating orbs while avoiding dangerous fireballs and creatures.
20:44Touch the spinning hourglass, and you'll freeze everything for five seconds.
20:48Beat Scorcher by catching all three orbs,
20:50and you guys will win today's grand prize. Andrea?
20:52You'll be going to Universal Studios Florida,
20:54home of Nickelodeon Studios, where you can ride the movies.
20:57Live the action of blockbuster movies
20:59at the largest motion picture and television studio outside of Hollywood.
21:03In Orlando, you'll be staying at the Quality Inn Star Quality Resort,
21:07overlooking Universal Studios Florida,
21:09known for its spacious rooms, gracious service, and outstanding value.
21:13Star Quality Resort, where the stars stay.
21:17Take them in, Phil.
21:18All right, all right, all right. Through the door.
21:20Do it to Scorcher. We'll be watching. Go ahead.
21:25All right, now, remember, the three circuit breakers and the three coins,
21:29that's what we're after.
21:30And battling Scorcher, he is set, ready, my friend, and go!
21:36All right, that's one down.
21:39He is up the ladder.
21:41Ooh, nipping ahead, power is half gone,
21:43but everything is frozen, there's a light bridge.
21:45He is moving, he is hustling.
21:47Lots of time left, two power units left.
21:50He can just avoid beings that majorly.
21:53He's done it, yes, go! Go, Brenda, go!
21:56She's hit start. All right, that's one coin.
22:00That's two coins.
22:03Oh, all right, one coin, 30 seconds.
22:08Ooh, hit with fireballs, two.
22:12Oh, all right, she started again.
22:14They're at 20 seconds, that's one coin.
22:17Two coins, she's hustling, she's hustling.
22:19Oh, they're at the 15 second mark.
22:23All right, she's got, ooh, power half gone.
22:26Oh, they're at eight seconds.
22:29All right, that's one coin.
22:30They're at the five second mark.
22:32Ooh, hit, can she make it, can she make it?
22:34Can she make it?
22:36All right, she got it, yeah!
22:38All right, she made it through.
22:39They didn't get to the wizard level, we'll see you back.
22:41Great Stuff has been won.
22:43We'll see you next time on Nick Arcane.
23:07Nick Arcane is taped for a live studio audience
23:10at Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios Orlando, Florida.
23:16Nickelodeon Studios Orlando, Florida.
