• 13 hours ago


00:00My name is Chester Morris. I've got a secret. You think you can guess what it is?
00:10Arid cream deodorant. The deodorant that is 53% more effective in keeping underarms dry and odorless. Presents, I've got a secret. Starring Gary Moore.
00:24You didn't have to do that, but I'm awful glad you did. Thank you very, very much. In any event, my friends, welcome, thrice welcome to I've got a secret, a snoopy sort of a game in which we reveal the awful truth about some very nice people just for fun.
00:45Tonight we have some information about the private lives of some interesting folk, information which they're going to try to keep secret from our panel. Now I would like very much to have you meet our panel.
00:54First, the bright young television personality, Mr. Bill Cullen, then the lovely motion picture and television actress, Miss Jane Meadows, and some fresh blood tonight, one of the freshest minds in our business, Mr. Henry Morgan, and our bright star of movies and the theater, Miss Kitty Carlisle. That is our panel.
01:12Real glad to have you with us tonight, Henry, real glad. Now then, my friends, in just a moment we are going to introduce you to a gentleman who has tonight's first...
01:24Seen the shows, now feel the music. Introducing the classic TV game show themed CD, 20 theme songs, 50 years of game show history, one compilation that's guaranteed to make your collection a grand prize winner. The classic TV game show themed CD, now available at Circuit City. Pick one up today and keep the game show vibe alive.
01:55Neutrogena T-Gel Shampoo. Recommended number one by dermatologists. It works. Works on all three major itchy, flaky scalp conditions. The leading brand of shampoo doesn't. Neutrogena T-Gel Shampoo. It works.
02:10It's really dark.
02:12Shh, here she comes.
02:14Look at the stains on those colored clothes.
02:16Just like the whites you did.
02:18Can you get those stains and still leave those colors bright?
02:21I can, or my name's not Clorox 2.
02:23Clorox 2. Color-safe bleach. It does what Clorox bleach does on whites, but it's buffered to do it safely on colors.
02:29Do your colors always look so good?
02:33Except in the dark.
02:35Clorox 2. The Clorox bleach for colors.
02:41And to be sure, it is time for us to start our game. How about you, panel? You all ready for I Got a Secret?
02:45All right.
02:46All right, then let's have our first contestant of the evening. Would you come in, sir, please?
02:49Will you tell the panel, please, what your name is, sir, and where you are from?
03:01Ladies and panel members, my name is McCormick, and I'm from the Bronx.
03:08From the Bronx. All right. Well, now, Mr. McCormick, here is how we play the game. Move a little closer to me, will you?
03:13Thank you, sir.
03:14Here's how we play the game. Each panelist will get two questioning periods of 15 seconds each, but the clock will only time the actual questions.
03:21That means we take time out for audience reaction or for discussion.
03:24Now, when a panelist's time is up, we will hear this miserable sound.
03:28And I will pay our guest $10 and turn the game over to the next questioner.
03:32Slice around the panel for a total loss of $80, and the game is kaput.
03:36Now, then, Mr. McCormick, if you will whisper your secret to me, I'm sure the folks at home would like to find out what it is.
03:49I heard it. Are you leaving the country soon?
03:54Maybe. Maybe. I doubt it.
03:56Now, to help classify this secret, panel, I will tell you that it concerns something that he did to someone.
04:01And we will start the questioning tonight with Miss Kitty Carlyle.
04:05Mr. McCormick, did you do this more than once?
04:10Did you do it to your wife?
04:12No, I didn't dare do that.
04:17I didn't hear you.
04:18I didn't do it to my wife, no.
04:20Have other people ever done this before?
04:23Oh, yes, many times.
04:26Does this involve a physical action of some kind?
04:29Yes, physical.
04:31Could I possibly do it at any time?
04:34You might be able to, yes.
04:37I might say, if I may poke my big nose in here, Mr. McCormick, that I think it is unlikely that you would do precisely what is stated in his secret.
04:47Well, if you couldn't do that, well, I'll do that.
04:51I couldn't do it.
04:53I don't think it's likely that you would. It's physically possible, but I hardly think it's likely.
04:57Is it the sort of thing that two people might do?
05:03Well, it takes two, doesn't it?
05:05Well, it takes one. She said two to do it, though.
05:12Well, we're going to take Mr. McCormick's answer, then.
05:14No, only one person.
05:15Only one person could do this.
05:18There is $10 down and $70 to go.
05:21Mr. Bill Cullen, please.
05:23Mr. McCormick, would it help me to find out the person to whom you did this?
05:28To whom?
05:31I think that would help.
05:32Is that part of the secret, the name of this person?
05:34Is this person very famous?
05:36Well, tolerably so.
05:41Tolerable, that's like indigenous.
05:44Is this person a man?
05:47Yes, now, yes.
05:53Are you a doctor, Mr.? No.
05:56Is this person in the field in the arts, by the way?
06:00No, he's not in the arts.
06:05Well, he was in politics, probably is now.
06:09Yes, I would say he is in politics.
06:11Okay, so.
06:12From his phrasing there, I gather this man is a Democrat.
06:19A very sly remark, but unfortunately untrue in this case, Mr. Cullen.
06:23This man is a Republican?
06:25Well, he says he is.
06:30This is known as operation evasive.
06:33With this gentleman who now says he is a Republican, did he at one time have to do with something with our army?
06:41Yes, he served in the army.
06:44Was he a fairly high rank, like eight stars?
06:49Eight stars.
06:51Not that high.
06:53We all know by now who it is, however the questioning goes on to Miss Jane Meadows.
06:56$20 down and $60 to go, Miss Meadows.
06:58Mr. McCormick, is this by any chance General Eisenhower?
07:01It is.
07:02Is this thing that you did, would it help me to know what time you did it?
07:05Was it many years ago?
07:07I wouldn't tell you the time, no.
07:09Was it many years ago?
07:10Yes, many years ago.
07:11Was this something you did when you were a young boy to General Eisenhower?
07:13Oh no, I wasn't a boy.
07:14You weren't?
07:16Was it an unpleasant thing that you did to General Eisenhower?
07:21Did you do this, did you do a physical thing to him such as kicking or slapping or punching him in the nose or something like that?
07:30No, I don't punch him in the nose or slap anybody.
07:33But it was, if you say a physical, it was a violent action.
07:37It was.
07:38Physical activity.
07:39Was he a young man when you did it to him?
07:41No, he was a boy.
07:42He was a boy.
07:43Did you spank him or do something like that?
07:46That is precisely it.
07:47We must find out what happened.
07:57I can't bear it.
07:58This man only got $20 for spanking General Eisenhower.
08:01You'd have to pay me more than that right now.
08:03How did this happen, Mr. McCormick?
08:05Well, I'll tell you.
08:06The boys got into a fight over what they called Shinny.
08:10You ever play Shinny?
08:11Oh, sure.
08:12This is when he was the principal of the school that David Eisenhower was attending, by the way.
08:17And what happened?
08:18Five of them put up a regular Donnybrook, you know.
08:22And when they got through, I took them in and used a rubber hose on their rear.
08:30Well, that no doubt gave him something very strong to fall back on.
08:33Thank you very much, sir.
08:34It's very nice to have had you here.
08:36Thanks for making it up.
08:38I was waiting for somebody to ask if this secret concerned the seat of our government,
08:49and I wouldn't know what to tell you.
08:52Get in touch with Game Show Network.
08:54Log on to our website and play our games or email us your questions and comments.
08:59It's www.sony.com slash gameshownet or drop us a line via snail mail.
09:05This address is Game Show Network, Post Office Box 805, Culver City, California, 90232.
09:12Game Show Network.
09:13All play, all day.
09:34Don't worry.
09:35Charming lady indeed who is our second contestant on I've Got a Secret.
09:44Now, will you tell our panting panel exactly what your name is and what you do, please?
09:50I am Mrs. Morris Giroir.
09:52I'm a housewife.
09:53Mrs. Giroir.
09:54All right.
09:55Now, panel, remember how we play.
09:56Twice around the panel and the game is lost.
09:59Mrs. Giroir, please remind me of your secret.
10:01And this time we'll show it to the folks out there.
10:14Part of the same factory, huh?
10:16Move right in closer there, will you, Mrs. Giroir?
10:19Now, panel, to help pacify this secret, I will tell you that it concerns her father.
10:23And we will start the questioning in this case with Miss Meadows, please.
10:27Mrs. Giroir, is your father famous?
10:32He is famous?
10:34Is he famous for something that he did?
10:41We'll give a yes answer to that, yes.
10:44He was.
10:45Was he the first person to do this thing?
10:49I think so.
10:50This specific thing he was, yes.
10:52He was.
10:53Did he do something better than anybody else?
11:03Mrs. Giroir says yes.
11:09Did he invent some method or some gadget or something?
11:19There's $10 down, $70 to go.
11:21Mr. Henry Morgan, please.
11:23Was your father ever in the newspapers?
11:25Oh, yes.
11:27Did he win an award of some kind?
11:32He didn't.
11:33Did he set a record of some kind?
11:38Well, Mr. Morgan, I don't know whether it is a record throughout all of the history of humanity.
11:43Let us say it was certainly a modern record.
11:45Was it a modern record for speed?
11:53Or endurance?
11:57Well, did it have something to do, I mean, with this largely based on did he have some good luck?
12:05Very good.
12:06Yes, very good luck.
12:07Was a horse involved?
12:12No, Mr. Morgan, you're off on the wrong track.
12:14$20 down and $60 to go.
12:16Miss Kitty Carlisle, please.
12:17Did he need somebody else to do this with?
12:24Did he need your mother to do this with?
12:29Did it involve any of your brothers and sisters?
12:33And you?
12:35Oh, yes.
12:37In the sense of our secret, it involves you, yes.
12:42Did it involve the amount of children he had?
12:46Did it involve how he had them?
12:48I mean, in bunches of three, four, five, six, seven, eight?
12:52Bunches of children?
12:54Wouldn't clusters be a nicer word?
12:58Herds, maybe.
13:00Did he have quite a lot all at once?
13:04Like four?
13:08Not like four, no.
13:09$30 down and $50 to go, Mr. Bill Cullen.
13:13We're getting at this secret by a roundabout way, however.
13:16I wrote your name down here, and I can't read it now.
13:20Is that name indigenous to the United States?
13:25Are you a citizen of the United States?
13:27No, I'm not.
13:29Are you a citizen of a country slightly to the north of the United States?
13:34Called Canada?
13:36And your father is Canadian?
13:39And what's the secret again?
13:41I mean, what am I looking for?
13:42I'm sorry.
13:43Well, we can say that the secret concerns her father, that's all.
13:47Who he is?
13:49Is your father Mr. Dionne?
13:52That is precisely what the secret is, yes.
13:55Mrs. Girouard, how old were you at the time the Quints were born?
13:58I was six years old.
13:59Six years old.
14:00And how old are the youngsters now?
14:01They're 18.
14:03Oh, we're all getting older.
14:05Thanks so much to the makers of Arad, Mrs. Girouard.
14:07Thank you very much, and give our regards to the Quints.
14:11Did she attack you?
14:24She is attractive indeed.
14:25Now, before we meet tonight's special guest, who is Mr. Chester Morris,
14:29here is an important, dramatized message.
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16:47All right, now, ladies and gentlemen, let's meet a gentleman whose face is as familiar to you almost as your own.
16:53He has appeared in countless numbers of motion pictures, Mr. Chester Morris.
16:57How are you? Good to see you.
17:04All right, now, let's see how quickly you can expose Mr. Morris' secret.
17:08We will play the game as before, except, of course, in this case, any monies won will go to Mr. Morris' favorite charity.
17:14Now, Chester, will you whisper it to me, and we'll show it to the folks out there.
17:28It seems to prove that you're never too old for the draft, doesn't it?
17:36Don't pay attention to what I say. We're just having our own private program over here.
17:40Now, the clue is that it concerns something that he does, and we'll start the questioning off with Bill Cullen.
17:47Chester, this thing that you do, do you do it often?
17:52Yes, quite often, Bill.
17:54Do you generally do it alone when you do it?
18:04Now, Mr., I check this point very carefully with Mr. Morris before the program, and the answer is no.
18:08Do you usually do it before 10 or more people at a time?
18:16No, you don't.
18:17Chester, I happen to know that you're quite a magician.
18:20If you were to do this at a party, would you amaze everybody?
18:25Yes. Yes, Bill, I would.
18:27You would?
18:28Has what you do ever been done on a stage?
18:32Yes, I think so, yes.
18:34Be fair, is it?
18:35Sure, I think it definitely has.
18:36As you do this thing that you do, do you produce a rabbit or something else?
18:43No, you don't.
18:45Wrong clue.
18:46If you do, I hope you'll sell me tickets. I want to see that.
18:48$10 down and $70 to go. Miss Jane Meadows, please.
18:52Mr. Morris, could I do this thing that you do?
18:55Oh, yes, dear girl, yes.
18:57I could.
18:59You told Bill that you don't do it alone, so I gather that I would need a partner to do it, is that right?
19:08It could be done with a partner, yes.
19:11From that reaction, I'd look a little ridiculous doing it with a partner, would I?
19:14Oh, I don't think so, necessarily.
19:18Now, would there be music playing by any chance?
19:26Well, there could be, Jane, but I doubt it.
19:29In the process of doing it, do you move your feet?
19:34Yes, you move your feet. You could, yes.
19:37Is this something that Arthur Murray could teach me in a hurry?
19:44There is $20 down and $60 to go. Mr. Henry Morgan looking very baffled, and I don't blame him.
19:49Mr. Morris, this thing you do, do you use any implement when you do it?
19:53No, Mr. Morgan.
19:55You just move your feet? You don't move anything else?
19:58No, you can move other parts.
20:00It doesn't involve something that has to be done with music, since you said there could be music. It isn't rhythmically done, is it?
20:07And it can be done in front of an audience?
20:11It has been done on Broadway stages. I wouldn't say...
20:14Is there any point in my finding out where you usually do it?
20:19At home, I would say.
20:20You do it at home?
20:21At home, yes.
20:22It's a thing that you personally do indoors, but sometimes it involves using another person.
20:27Well, it's not...
20:30We didn't say that it was using another person. It isn't necessarily something that you have to do with another person.
20:36It just happens that Mr. Morris does.
20:39Do you do this for your own benefit?
20:45Do you like doing it?
20:46Oh, I love doing it.
20:49Does it involve any physical exercise?
20:53No, I wouldn't say so.
20:56There's $30 down and $50 to go. We've got the panel on the run. Miss Kitty Carlisle.
21:01Would it help me to know what part of the house you generally do it in?
21:06Well, it might, Kitty, yes.
21:07Do you do it downstairs?
21:11No, you do it in your bedroom?
21:13Do you do it without your clothes on?
21:16I mean, like when you get up in the morning. Do you do it early in the morning?
21:21You do it late at night when you go to bed?
21:31I must say here, in fairness to the panel, that it is not something that is done necessarily at a given moment.
21:38Oh, you could do it at odd times.
21:43I meant by that that it is not done at a specific hour of the night, as opposed to, I mean, at a certain time.
21:51I can't tell you anymore. I'll give the whole thing away. $40 down and $40 to go. Panelists, it's your last time around. Bill Collins.
21:57Gary, you said that it's not done at any given time. Is it done over a span of time?
22:03Yes, I would say over a span of time.
22:05Like, do most people try to do this over a period of, say, eight hours?
22:11Is this something to do with your sleeping?
22:15Is it where you sleep?
22:18How you sleep?
22:21Why you sleep? No.
22:23Does it have anything to do with what you wear when you sleep?
22:27You do wear something when you sleep?
22:29A hat.
22:31A hat?
22:33He's kidding. He's kidding, I know it.
22:37In case he wants to pull tricks out of it in his sleep, you mean.
22:40Do you wear a nightgown?
22:45That is precise.
22:46You wear a nightgown?
22:56Don't laugh. I do the same thing from time to time. It's great. It really is.
23:00Chester, in addition to your being one of our top actors, you're also, of course, known as one of our top magicians.
23:06So before you make off with the loot tonight, could you do just one little trick for us?
23:10Well, I came prepared to do a little trick for you.
23:13Oh, good. Let's stand up so they can see this.
23:15Of course, you're never really a magician until you've produced a rabbit, you know.
23:19And I came tonight prepared to produce a rabbit, but a rather unfortunate thing happened.
23:24Just before the performance, my jacket was sent out to be pressed.
23:27And look what happened.
23:30Thanks very much, Chester.
23:37Get in touch with Game Show Network.
23:39Log on to our website and play our games or email us your questions and comments.
23:43It's www.sony.com slash gameshownet.
23:49With that, may we welcome, then, our next contestant on tonight's program.
23:58May I say, first of all, I admire your haircut.
24:00I do indeed. You and I have something in common.
24:03Will you tell us what your name is, please, sir?
24:05My name?
24:06Your name, please. Will you tell the panel what your name is?
24:08Gene Lassure.
24:09Gene Lassure. And he has a secret for the panel to discover.
24:13Will you tell me what it is, sir, at the same time we'll reveal it to the folks at home?
24:26I guess it's more fun than watching television, isn't it?
24:28To help classify the secret, I will tell you that it concerns something that he did.
24:32And, Henry, we'll throw the ball to you first tonight.
24:34Mr. Lassure, were you the only person who ever did this?
24:38The only one living.
24:39The only one living.
24:40Is it something that you're able to do because of some particular ability you have?
24:47Did it call for a certain kind of skill, would you say?
24:50In other words, could I have done it?
24:53Well, anyone can do it because they've got the right...
24:56Let's not tell him too much.
24:58It calls for no specific skill on his part.
25:02Oh, is this a thing that you had to learn how to do?
25:07You just found out that you were born able to do it?
25:10Well, we're all of us able to do it. There's no way you can take lessons.
25:15Well, Mr. Lassure said he's the only person who can do it.
25:17He said he's the only person who did do it.
25:19Oh, the only person who did do it?
25:21Oh, is this sort of an accomplishment?
25:25Well, really.
25:29Was it what, Henry?
25:30Well, I was going to get into, like, mountain climbing or, you know, that he went up some mountain nobody ever went up or...
25:35It's an exploit.
25:36An exploit, yeah.
25:37Yes, $10 down and $70 to go, Miss Kitty Carlyle.
25:40Was it an exploit?
25:42Might as well have Henry's question.
25:44Yes, it was.
25:45It was.
25:46This involved the outdoors.
25:50You had to go outdoors to do it?
25:53Did you have to go in something to do it?
25:56Like, did you have to take a train or a plane or a balloon or...
25:59A vehicle?
26:00A vehicle.
26:02Was it a long time ago?
26:05Was it, say, in the last 20 years?
26:08Not in the last 20 years.
26:09No, before 20 years.
26:11Were you a young man when you did it?
26:14And you had to travel in a conveyance to do it?
26:19A mechanical conveyance.
26:20Would it help us to know what kind of a thing you had to do it in?
26:24I don't think you would ever discover it, Miss Carlyle.
26:28It would help you to know, but I just don't think you'd ever find it out, that's all.
26:32Did you have to go across the sea to do it?
26:35Across the sea, no.
26:36$20 down and $60 to go, Mr. Bill Cullen.
26:39To find out the kind of a conveyance he used, you say, would be pretty difficult, is that right?
26:43Tremendously so.
26:44Oh, forget that.
26:46Would it help me to know where you did this?
26:51Yes, it would.
26:52You would have to know where.
26:54Did you do it here in America?
26:58Yes, in the U.S.
27:00Now, you say you're the only living person who did this.
27:02Did other people try to do that and not come through it as luckily as you?
27:07Have other people died attempting to do what you did?
27:10Yes, they did.
27:11And Bill, we're right to the end of our line.
27:12If you have a wild guess, you'd better take it.
27:15Did he go over the falls in a barrel?
27:16He didn't go over the falls in a barrel.
27:19We're going to have to cut you, panel.
27:21Our time is up, which means that we're going to forfeit all of the complete $80 to Mr. Lucere.
27:26He went over Niagara Falls in, of all things, a rubber ball.
27:31And he made it successfully without a scratch on him.
27:34Many people have died before, and many people have died since.
27:37Nice to have you here, sir.
27:38Nice to see you, sir.
27:39Welcome to New York.
27:40Welcome to New York.
27:48Well, now, my friends, that's all the time that we have for our guests and for their secrets tonight.
27:52In just a moment, I will tell you about the famous celebrity who will be third degreed on our program here next.
27:56Had it all.
27:57Jokers, money, and a brand-new cedar love chest.
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29:23One compilation that's guaranteed to make your collection a grand prize winner.
29:28The Classic TV Game Show themed CD.
29:32To order, call 800-676-4256 and ask for item number GSN-950.
29:37Act now and keep the game show vibe alive.
29:42Up next on Game Show Network, play To Tell the Truth.
29:45Followed by The Price is Right with Bill Cullen.
29:48And then, Beat the Clock.
29:52Now, next week at the same time, my friends,
29:54our panel is going to try to discover the secret which is being kept by young Miss Margaret O'Brien.
29:59And there will be other interesting people to challenge our experts.
30:02Until then, may I say goodnight to our delightful panel.
30:04Mr. Bill Cullen, Miss Jane Meadows, Mr. Henry Morgan.
30:09They're telling jokes over there and they won't tell me what they are.
30:11And Miss Kitty Carlisle.
30:13Until we all meet here then, next week at the same time,
30:15this will be Gary Morris saying bye-bye for the whole gang.
30:17Be very kind to each other, will you?
30:19And goodbye out there.
