Menjadi Negara Maju, RI Butuh 800.000 Wirausaha

  • 6 hours ago
Indonesia bercita-cita menjadi negara berpenghasilan tinggi atau sebagai negara maju. Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM menyebut salah satu syaratnya adalah rasio wirausaha mencapai 4% dari jumlah angkatan kerja negara atau Indonesia membutuhkan sekitar 800.000 wirausaha baru.


00:00Indonesia is aiming to become a high-income country or as a developed country.
00:05The Ministry of Cooperation and the Ministry of Home Affairs said one of the conditions is the ratio of entrepreneurs to reach 4% of the total number of state-owned enterprises, or Indonesia needs about 800,000 new entrepreneurs.
00:24Indonesia is aiming to become a high-income country or as a developed country.
00:34The Ministry of Cooperation and the Ministry of Home Affairs said one of the conditions is the ratio of entrepreneurs to reach 4% of the total number of state-owned enterprises, or Indonesia needs about 800,000 new entrepreneurs.
00:47Deputy Minister of Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Cooperation and Home Affairs, Siti Azizah insisted that Indonesia is currently only 3.35% or 4.9 million of the total number of state-owned enterprises.
01:00To reach 4% it needs 800,000 more entrepreneurs.
01:05Thus, Indonesia is aiming to become a high-income country with a 4% entrepreneur ratio.
01:11On the other hand, Indonesia's entrepreneur ratio has increased since 2019, which was recorded at 3.12%, with a growth of 1.71%.
01:21In 2023, the entrepreneur ratio increased from 9.13% to 3.04%.
01:28Then in 2024, the entrepreneur ratio was recorded at 3.34% or 2.5%.
01:35Indonesia's entrepreneur ratio still loses to Singapore and Malaysia.
01:39This will be a housework for the government to choose in the future to encourage the creation of entrepreneurship.
01:45From Jakarta Timiputan, IDX News.