Cadangan Nikel Dunia 45% Tersimpan di Indonesia

  • 14 hours ago
Indonesia siap menjadi raja baterai kendaraan listrik dunia. Potensi Indonesia didukung oleh sumber daya alam khususnya nikel sebagai bahan baku baterai yang melimpah ruah. Tercatat sebanyak 40% hingga 45% cadangan nikel dunia tersimpan di Indonesia.


00:00Indonesia is ready to be the king of the world's electric vehicles, where the potential of Indonesia is supported by natural resources, especially nickel as a battery material, which is abundant, recorded as 40 to 45 percent of the world's nickel reserves are stored in Indonesia.
00:21Indonesia is ready to be the king of the world's electric vehicles, where the potential of Indonesia is supported by natural resources, especially nickel as a battery material, which is abundant, recorded as 40 to 45 percent of the world's nickel reserves are stored in Indonesia.
00:49Bali said that about 60 percent of the electric vehicle components consist of batteries, and nickel is the main material needed in electric vehicles, or 80 percent.
00:59In addition, there are other components such as cobalt, manganese, and lithium, which are all available in Indonesia's natural resources.
01:06In 2023, according to US geological data, we have 25 percent of the world's nickel reserves. But four months ago, US geological data said that we have 40 to 45 percent of the world's nickel reserves.
01:21On the other hand, Indonesia's decision to ban raw nickel exports has managed to boost the value of nickel exports.
01:27From 3 billion US dollars to 34 billion US dollars, from about 50 trillion rupiah to about 500 trillion rupiah.