Strategi Memaksimalkan Realisasi Investasi di 2024

  • 11 hours ago
Kementerian Investasi mencatat, realisasi investasi sepanjang Januari-September 2024 naik 19,78% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu menjadi Rp 1.261 triliun. Mayoritas investasi berasal dari penanaman modal asing atau PMA. Menteri Investasi/Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Rosan P. Roeslani mengatakan, nilai PMA pada Januari-September 2024 tercatat naik 16,95% secara tahunan menjadi Rp 654,4 triliun, sedangkan PMDN tercatat naik 23% menjadi Rp 607,03 triliun

Jika melihat sebaran investasi yang masuk ke Indonesia itu, Rosan mengungkapkan mayoritas berada di Pulau Jawa, yaitu sebanyak Rp626,43 triliun. Sementara daerah-daerah lainnya di luar Jawa sebesar Rp635 triliun.


00:00The Ministry of Investment, BKPM, notes that the realization of investment throughout January to September 2024 grew by 19.78 percent annually to 1,261.43 trillion rupiah.
00:29There are also investments in Java and outside Java that tend to balance with the portion of investment outside Java slightly higher.
00:41The Ministry of Investment, BKPM, notes that the realization of investment throughout January to September 2024 grew by 1,261.43 trillion rupiah.
00:52The realization increased by 19.78 percent compared to the same period last year.
00:59The Minister of Investment, BKPM, Roshan Perkesar Roslani, explains that the realization of investment until Q3 2024 was equal to 76.45 percent of the target set by President Joko Widodo, which is Rp 1,650 trillion.
01:16The realization, thank God, reached Rp 1,261.4 trillion or increased by almost 20 percent year-on-year.
01:25So, if we look at it, we are in line with the target to achieve the realization of investment of approximately Rp 1,650 trillion by the end of 2024.
01:37So, we are on target because it has reached 76.4 percent of the President's target.
01:45If we talk about the target of Rensra, this is already past.
01:49Rosan added that the absorption of labor for three quarters this year has reached Rp 1.87 million.
01:56Meanwhile, investment in Java and outside Java is relatively balanced during the period of January to September 2024.
02:04Investments outside Java are recorded to be larger, reaching Rp 635 trillion, while investments in Java reach Rp 626.43 trillion.
02:15Investments outside Java are recorded to grow by 16.34 percent year-on-year, while investments in Java increase by 23.49 percent year-on-year.
02:26Various sources of IDX Channel
02:33Yes, Mr. Mirso, to discuss our topic this time, the strategy to maximize the realization of investment in 2024
02:39has been connected through Zoom with Mr. Yusuf Reddy Manilet, a researcher at Core Indonesia.
02:44Good morning, Mr. Yusuf.
02:45Good morning, Mr. Pras.
02:47Yes, good health, sir.
02:48Always good health.
02:49Thank you and have also joined Mrs. Hardini Puspasari,
02:52Deputy Chairperson of Investments in Indonesia.
02:56Good morning, Mrs. Hardini.
02:58Good morning, sir.
02:59Good health and happiness.
03:01Okay, always happy.
03:03This is interesting.
03:04We will immediately discuss from Core Indonesia, related to the realization of investment until the end of the third quarter of 2024.
03:13Review, what do you think?
03:15Yes, if we pay attention, of course, the pattern of the realization of investment in the last three quarters is relatively similar
03:23to the pattern of the realization of investment in the first quarter and also in the second quarter.
03:27In other words, in terms of growth and also the sectors that contribute to the realization of investment are more or less the same in the three quarters this year.
03:39So, if we look at it, the pattern is still continuing.
03:44And I think if we look at it from the sector, for example, sectors related to the realization of investment are still contributors to the realization of foreign investment,
03:56especially in the realization of the third quarter yesterday.
03:59And in my opinion, this is a continuation of the government realization program that has actually been done in the past few years.
04:08And what happened this year is a continuation of the realization of investment.
04:16Well, to see from the entirety of the realization of investment in the third quarter, we also see that the pattern is relatively the same in terms of percentage.
04:26In other words, gradually, starting from the first quarter to the third quarter, there is an increase in the realization of investment based on the target
04:36set at the end of 2024, which is targeted at around Rp 1,650 trillion.
04:44And if we look at the pattern that occurs, then also the sectors that contribute to the realization of investment,
04:51there is a chance that the realization of investment by the end of the year will reach the target.
04:57Okay. Well, from your own point of view, Mrs. Hardini, what do you think?
05:02Do you think the realization of investment is in line with expectations, in line with the various efforts that have been made by entrepreneurs, or what?
05:11Well, Mr. Pras, if we look at it, the challenges from external factors and domestic politics are not too influential.
05:18But what has been reviewed by Mr. Yusuf, I just want to add that from the realization of our investment,
05:26it was targeted from the beginning, we had a discussion at Rp 1,650 trillion.
05:31And so far, we see that the development is very good.
05:35And the absorption of labor is up to 1.8 million.
05:43However, in this matter, the problems in the absorption of labor that we need to apply more,
05:57because from the absorption of labor, it certainly has an impact on the quality of future investment.
06:04I just added that the absorption of investment from foreign capital is still more dominant at 51%.
06:14And the investment in the island of Java reached 49.66%, and abroad 50.34%.
06:24Well, related to the realization of investment, if we say it like that,
06:29does this mean that the business climate that has also supported the world of business as a whole is like that for investment, or how?
06:36I see it with the fact that the election and even the government's replacement process is very good.
06:49I see that this trend is very good for Indonesia.
06:53So, we just have to continue, but the main thing is strengthening in terms of absorbing new human resources.
07:01This is what makes us have to strengthen the capacity building sector for the supply of primary schools in Indonesia,
07:14which I see is still very weak.
07:16Especially now, the Gen Z generation has 75 million, which of these 75 million actually creates a demographic bonus for Indonesia.
07:29But if they are not directed and given strengthening in terms of skills, this will also have an impact on future investment.
07:40So, good investment is growing, but if the primary school is weak, it will also be a challenge for us, Mr. Pras, in the future for investment.
07:51Okay, that's it. So that the supply of labor is in line with each individual field,
07:57it requires capacity building to be able to increase the skills or capabilities of labor candidates in Indonesia.
08:04Mr. Yusof, what do you see with the current potential?
08:06Will the target of Rp1,650 trillion be achieved or is there a challenge in itself?
08:12Remembering that we know the current conditions in the country, our economy has deflated in the last few months,
08:19then our PMI manufacturing is also declining.
08:23Yes, so for the realization of this investment, there are factors that are contributed from within the country,
08:29there are also factors that are contributed from abroad globally.
08:32If we talk globally, the realization of investment, especially in the third quarter, was greatly influenced by the slowdown of the Chinese economy.
08:41So if we look at the projection of the growth of the third quarter economy in China, it is projected to slow down compared to the growth in the second quarter.
08:52This delay turns out to be due to a weakening of purchasing power and household consumption as a whole.
08:59The relationship with the realization of investment is, if we look at the realization of investment for mining products in nickel,
09:07it is one of the biggest contributors to the realization of investment.
09:12So when requests from abroad, especially in China, experience delays,
09:19then the activity of production for the production of hydrocarbons will also have an impact.
09:26This means that adjustments are made to respond to slow requests.
09:32So when the production activity slows down, this will also have an impact on the overall injection of investment funds
09:42provided, especially for the realization of investment in the mining hydrocarbons sector.
09:48That's what we're talking about in the context of abroad.
09:51In the country, it is true that the challenges of the slowdown of the economy, especially in the third quarter yesterday,
09:58I think there is still potential for it to happen, especially in the last quarter, in 2024.
10:06However, at the same time, we also hope that there will be momentum from the seasonal factor at the end of the year,
10:17where Christmas and New Year will also support the movement of pre-economy activities
10:24and hope that this will also stimulate entrepreneurs to inject their funds
10:32and finally provide an addition to the overall realization of investment this year.
10:39It is also interesting to note that the current investment is more money-intensive
10:44and high-tech compared to labor-intensive.
10:48Is this a challenge in itself compared to the previous one for the well-being of our employees,
10:53the ability of our SDM?
10:54We will discuss this in the next segment.
10:56Mas Yusof and Buarani, we will break for a while.
10:58And Mr. Mirsa, make sure you are still with us.
11:09We will continue this interesting discussion with our guest,
11:13Mrs. Hardini Puspasari.
11:15She is the vice president of the field of investment at the Indonesian Entrepreneurial Office
11:19and also Mas Yusof Rendy Manilet, an economic researcher at the Indonesian Corp.
11:22Okay, let's go to Mrs. Hardini first.
11:24They are related to the realization of investment that is more focused on capital density,
11:29the industry and also high-tech.
11:32How do you see, if we try to compare it with the effort of employees
11:39with labor-intensive industries in Indonesia?
11:42Yes, Mr. Pras.
11:43So, the realization of our investment is currently more focused on capital density
11:47and high-tech compared to labor-intensive.
11:51There will be growth in certain sectors.
11:55What I am worried about is still in the labor-intensive industries
11:59and the quality of the labor-intensive industries
12:03which is an important issue for the business world and the government.
12:08So, if my analysis is between labor-intensive industries and the realization of investment in Indonesia,
12:14I need to convey concerns and criticism.
12:19Because even though there is a positive achievement in terms of investment,
12:24one of the complaints is about what the investors said,
12:27which is the lack of capacity of the labor force, especially in the labor-intensive industries.
12:32Because our labor-intensive industries currently have a very large number.
12:36Government data indicates that the population of labor-intensive industries in Indonesia is 75 million,
12:40which is about 27 million of the total national population.
12:45Well, this survey was conducted in the United States in 2023.
12:50From 1,300 managers there in the United States,
12:53it showed that 3 out of 4 managers admitted that the Gen Z generation is more difficult to work with
13:00compared to the other generations.
13:02Therefore, about 65% of employers said they had to terminate their jobs from the Gen Z generation
13:10through the survey within one week.
13:15So, we have good investment, but if we don't balance the quality of our labor-intensive industries
13:22for the continuation of the created job market, we can also fail.
13:28Well, the government needs to work together with the educational vocations
13:38that are more strengthened for Indonesia to create the continuation of our labor-intensive industries.
13:44Well, the world of investment and labor-intensive industries are the two main issues that are quite hot lately
13:49and maybe even in the next few years.
13:52Yusuf, what do you think?
13:53So that we can balance between the technologies that are quite interesting for us to adopt,
14:00then we use, related to efficiency,
14:03with labor-intensive industries related to labor-intensive industries.
14:08Yes, that's right.
14:09So, if we look at it, the shift from the labor-intensive industries to capital-intensive industries
14:17has an impact on the absorption of the labor force.
14:21So, if we look at 2013, I have the data,
14:25every trillion of investments that happen can absorb about 4,500 workers.
14:31However, in 2023, this figure dropped,
14:35so only about 1,200 workers per trillion of investments were made.
14:41So, this is an illustration that it is not easy to prepare our labor force
14:50to look at the current conditions.
14:53However, on several occasions, we have also said that
14:58what the government does by promoting the hilarization of mining,
15:04mining products, is a positive thing.
15:08However, at the same time, the government must not forget
15:12the industry that has long been the backbone of the economy,
15:16including in the labor-intensive industries.
15:19So, to get there, to then increase competitiveness again,
15:23there are many things that then become domestic labor.
15:27Earlier, it was mentioned, for example, how to increase human resources.
15:32I think the government currently has programs that are related to the effort to increase the SDM,
15:38one of which is training through a pre-employment card.
15:41I think it can be used as one of the tools that can be pushed
15:49so that the quality of labor is in line with the demands of the industry or the field of business at the moment.
15:55At the same time, efforts to promote investment realizations,
15:59especially for the labor-intensive industries, also need to be initiated again.
16:04So, not only from the SDM capacity that needs to be increased,
16:08but also how to improve basic things,
16:13especially how to improve the quality of institutions.
16:17The government, both at the central level and the regional level,
16:20do not let the central government level talk about policies or vision A,
16:26but at the regional level, it turns out to be different.
16:29This is what we do not expect.
16:31So, what the central government has said must be in line with the regional level.
16:36At the same time, legal certainty,
16:39then also the issue of ease of access to the market,
16:45must be considered in the context of pushing the labor-intensive industries back into employment.
16:53That's it.
16:54Mrs. Hardini, what about the business owners themselves?
16:56We know that various policies or incentives have been given to business owners or investors
17:06to plant investment in Indonesia.
17:08Is this in line with expectations or not?
17:10Or maybe there needs to be more adjustments,
17:12even though many people have said that we have laid out quite a long red carpet.
17:18Yes, this is actually good, the government.
17:22Moreover, now through the PMK number 130, 2020 is extended to 2025.
17:34And for the facilities provided by the government, I think it's enough.
17:41It's quite good.
17:42The most important thing now is how we expand,
17:50simplify access from tax holiday facilities and tax allowance
17:56for priority sectors so that it is more attractive to investors.
18:01This will later provide tax exemption for longer periods of time
18:08for investors who are committed to long-term investment in Indonesia.
18:13In addition, of course, it also provides special tax incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises
18:22that contribute to the creation of jobs and the use of local resources.
18:28Of course, in the future, we still have to continue and improve the risk-based system of the OSSRBA
18:36to facilitate tax allowance for investors
18:40and reduce bureaucracy and speed up the time needed to start an investment project.
18:47Yes, that's interesting if we look at high-capital technology investment
18:52that is aimed at the upper middle class.
18:57For the MSME sector, this is interesting.
19:00Mr. Yusuf, do you think there needs to be another adjustment
19:04so that investment can be directed to the MSME sector?
19:08Yes, I think MSMEs need to be one of the support
19:14for the construction of our investment.
19:18So, the position of MSMEs is, for example,
19:22how they are involved in the supply chain
19:25from an industry unit or a business field.
19:30So, when they are involved in a supply chain from a business field unit,
19:36it can also open up opportunities to push investment into MSMEs.
19:44Now, the domestic work now is how to ensure the quality of MSME products
19:52to meet the standards, especially when they want to enter a larger supply chain.
19:58Because we know that the industry is larger,
20:02especially if we talk about the global context,
20:04it has its own standards.
20:06And this is what we think will be a challenge
20:10if we talk about the context of how to push the involvement of larger MSMEs.
20:17I think the new government has a commitment to also pay attention to MSMEs.
20:24Not only talk about how MSMEs can survive,
20:28but also how to improve the class of MSMEs.
20:32So, from micro to small, small to medium, medium to large.
20:37This is what I think is a positive note.
20:39And of course, we need to evaluate later
20:43how the new government prepares in detail
20:47to build MSMEs and also the context earlier,
20:50how to involve MSMEs in the larger investment realization process.
20:55That's it. In general, it can be said that it is on the track.
20:58Various efforts have been made by the government to optimize the target of investment in 2024.
21:04We just need to continue and focus on how the incentives,
21:09the policies that are necessary for the business world and the creation of this job
21:12that we must continue to tie for some time in the future.
21:16Okay, Mr. Yusuf.
21:17Then, Mrs. Hardini, thank you very much for the time,
21:20sharing that you have delivered to the audience today.
21:23Congratulations on your activities again.
21:25Stay healthy. Thank you, Mrs. Hardini, Mr. Yusuf.
21:27Stay happy. Stay healthy.
21:29Yes, audience, I have accompanied you for an hour in the market review
21:32and keep sharing your information only on IDX channel,
21:35your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
21:38Don't forget to watch the first-hand closing program
21:41which will air at 11.30 p.m. WEST INDONESIA time.
21:44Because the future must be ahead, I am an stock investor.
21:48Yes, I am Prasetyo Wibowo,
21:49along with all the staff who are on duty.
21:51I would like to say goodbye.
21:52Thank you and see you again.