20/20 Vision

  • 2 days ago


00:00Get ready for a Game Changer!
00:04From the year Oprah premiered, it's Grant O'Brien!
00:08I love bread.
00:09From the year the Hubble Space Telescope launched, it's Katie Maravich!
00:15And from the year the Berlin Wall fell, it's Lily Du!
00:19And your host, me.
00:22I've been here this whole time.
00:26This is Game Changer!
00:28The only game show where the game changes every show.
00:30I am your host, Sam Reich.
00:31I'm joined today by these three lovely contestants.
00:35You all understand how the game works.
00:39That is incorrect.
00:40That's right.
00:41Our players have no idea what game it is they're about to play.
00:42The only way to learn is by playing.
00:45The only way to win is by learning.
00:46And the only way to begin is by beginning.
00:48So without further ado, let's begin.
00:51And players, I don't know about you, but in quarantine, time has lost all meaning.
01:01It's tough.
01:03We're going to play a game called Did This Happen in 2020?
01:11Normally, I wouldn't tell you what the prize is until the end of the show.
01:14Today, we're going to raise the stakes a little bit.
01:16You are playing for a trip to Big Sur, California.
01:22Where you, in the comfort of an inn or Airbnb, might forget about time for a while.
01:29I just watched a documentary about Big Sur.
01:31Oh, what'd you learn?
01:33There are otters.
01:34I insist that I go see them.
01:35I really feel like I have enough in my life until you tell me there's something else I could have.
01:42Sort of defining, like, capitalism in a single statement.
01:48When did the first iPhone get released?
01:53Why do you have to think about it?
01:55Well, because I know about Sam, and I'm thinking about the construction of the question.
02:01Yes, constructing.
02:02Did this happen in 2020?
02:06That is a point for Grant now.
02:10That is an additional two points.
02:12Can you tell me what year the first iPhone got released?
02:18Honor system now.
02:19I want to see hands up.
02:20I don't want to see anyone typing or Googling or anything.
02:22The first iPhone was released 2007?
02:29Grant, that is absolutely correct.
02:32That is an additional two points for you.
02:35Bravo and well done.
02:36Whatever inner chamber of your brain that you managed to access in order to determine that answer will serve you well for the rest of this game.
02:46Did Princess Diana die in 2020?
02:50That is correct.
02:51That's a point for you.
02:52Now for an additional two points.
02:53Katie, what year did Princess Diana...
02:56Yeah, I want to see you flex.
03:00Let's see.
03:01I was in second grade.
03:05Does that answer that?
03:11Katie, for an additional two points, you're absolutely right.
03:14Princess Diana died in 1997.
03:16Holy shit, you guys.
03:18You are off to a flying start.
03:20I knew I was going to be good at this particular question because I went to this boat that had a very good Princess Diana display.
03:30I remember when that happened and being told and being like, why do I give a shit?
03:34I don't know.
03:36I loved her.
03:38In a way that I do not care about Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.
03:42I put it all in Princess Diana.
03:45She seemed like a nice lady.
03:46I was sad she died, but a lot of nice ladies die, you know?
03:49Lily, this is a little more challenging.
03:52When did the TSA start making you remove your shoes?
03:57Not 2020.
04:00Not 2020.
04:01That's a point for Lily.
04:02The problem is I don't have a lot of context because I wasn't flying a bunch when I was like 12 years old.
04:07I imagine this is like a post 9-11 thing, like so many things in my life.
04:12Maybe not.
04:13Ooh, shimmy.
04:192002 is a spectacular guess, but the TSA did not get their act together until 2006.
04:29Sorry, Lily.
04:30That's later than I thought even.
04:31That is late.
04:32Because there was the shoe bomber.
04:34Somebody was trying to light their shoes on fire.
04:36That's exactly what it was.
04:38The shoe bomber was in late 2005.
04:42And summer of the following year, TSA integrated that new rule.
04:47And it fixed everything.
04:48Yeah, absolutely.
04:49And now there's no such thing as terrors.
04:53Now it's not security theater at all.
04:56I love how TSA pre is basically just the solution to the problem that they themselves created.
05:03You've given away the game.
05:05Like, folks.
05:06Grant, did this happen in 2020?
05:10Was Harvey Weinstein found guilty?
05:14Oh, that's a good question.
05:16Yes, that was in 2020.
05:19That was in 2020.
05:22Oh, God.
05:23Well done, Mr. O'Brien.
05:25Truly, really, I did dig for it.
05:27For an additional two points, what month of 2020 was it?
05:37So the world fell apart in March.
05:41But I can't remember if that was before or after.
05:44Because here's the thing, Sam.
05:47I was ordered by the government to stay in my house and just watch TV and eat snacks.
05:51Yes, that was unique to you.
05:53Precisely those words.
05:55Both those things are so much more fun with marijuana.
05:58And so I've just smoked this year away.
06:01Oh, fat.
06:02It is.
06:03If I wasn't excited to play this game with you before, boy, am I ever now.
06:10February is correct!
06:13Grant's Mary Jane addled brain shouldn't be this good at retention.
06:19Oh, my gosh.
06:22Well done, Grant.
06:23You know, you present like you're going to be bad at this.
06:26And then so far, you're acing the game.
06:28Did the spire of Notre Dame burn down in 2020?
06:34That is correct.
06:35It did not.
06:36And so that is a point for you.
06:38We all know what year this happened.
06:41It was recently enough.
06:43If you can tell me what month in 2019 this was, I will award you those additional two points.
06:50Let me, let me guess.
06:52Hands up.
06:56Grant, put those hands away.
07:00So close.
07:01It was April.
07:04Do I get one point?
07:06Ooh, no.
07:09Lily, did Parasite win Best Picture in 2020?
07:16That is correct.
07:18And tricky because it's a 2019 movie.
07:21I don't know about you guys, but like Februa-
07:24Oh, I just gave it away.
07:26Oh, well.
07:27The points are yours.
07:28But like the period of time before the pandemic in 2020 is a complete and total blur.
07:34Full and optimistic still.
07:36Parasite could win Best Picture.
07:38Anything can happen.
07:40Hey, Lily, when in 2020 did this happen?
07:45What month?
07:47What day?
07:49Not January.
07:52Was it February?
07:53That's an additional two points for Lily.
07:58Did the O.J. Simpson car chase happen in 2020?
08:02That's a point for Grant.
08:03Well earned.
08:04What year did the O.J. Simpson car chase happen?
08:07Oh, boy.
08:08It was 94 or 96.
08:11Maybe just say 95.
08:14And get it wrong for sure.
08:16I'm going to say 1996.
08:20It was 1994.
08:24I knew it!
08:25Because I would have been eight at the time.
08:28That feels too young for me to have been so keyed into the O.J. Simpson case, but I was.
08:34It was all around us.
08:36There was nothing happening then.
08:40Was Nancy Kerrigan attacked in 2020?
08:45She was not.
08:46In what year was Nancy Kerrigan attacked?
08:53Before you answer, if you could give me three more faces.
09:01What if I just said 1997?
09:04Would that be correct?
09:05If you said 1997, you would be incorrect because this happened in 1994.
09:151994 is my final answer.
09:21She didn't say 97 was her final answer.
09:23I did not say 97.
09:25I said 1994.
09:26Write that down.
09:27I get two points.
09:28Wellie, did Kurt Cobain die in 2020?
09:33Oh, I'm sorry.
09:36Giving serious thought to Katie's suggestion.
09:40That is correct.
09:41That's a point for Lily.
09:43In what year did Kurt Cobain die?
09:47When I was a little baby.
09:50I feel like it is 91 or 92, but let me think.
09:55Make some faces while you do.
09:58At least three.
10:01I'm going to guess 92.
10:05I was kind of hoping that you guys would pick up on some of these context clues.
10:10This happened.
10:13Oh, boy.
10:15OJ Simpson, Nancy Kerrigan, Kurt Cobain.
10:20Big year.
10:21Was a big year.
10:22The entire time?
10:24No, just for the last three questions, Katie.
10:27I was trying to be cute, basically.
10:30Don't do that.
10:31I stumped you.
10:33Stop it.
10:34That's my thing, goddammit.
10:35That's not your thing.
10:36That's my thing.
10:37Quick point recap.
10:38Grant right now has seven points.
10:40Katie has five.
10:41Lily has five.
10:44When was the Game of Thrones series finale?
10:47Oh, no.
10:48And did it happen in 2020?
10:51That is correct.
10:52It did not.
10:53Can you tell me what happened in 2020?
10:56What month in 2019 it happened in?
10:59I'm glad that's the question, because I was locked and loaded to say 2018.
11:04So one of my quarantine activities, I did not watch Game of Thrones when it was on.
11:09I did not think it would be for me, because swords are boring.
11:13And I...
11:14That's objectively not true.
11:16But during quarantine, I watched Game of Thrones all the way through for the first time, except I left.
11:24I have not seen the last two episodes.
11:26And I don't actually have plans to watch them, because I don't like things ending.
11:31I do that a lot with books, where I'll read almost to the full, almost the whole thing.
11:36But I won't finish it.
11:37This way, I still have a little bit more Game of Thrones to look forward to.
11:40So the series finale was in...
11:44I bet they put it on in winter just to fuck with me.
11:48The Game of Thrones season finale was in May.
11:52I also said that.
11:54I thought that would be too obvious.
11:56God damn it.
11:57Can I ask, after being harassed to watch Game of Thrones for years and years, Grant, what do you think of it finally?
12:02What a great show.
12:03And can I ask you, as someone who watched the whole thing through at once,
12:06is it clear to you when they just left the books behind and when they started going rogue?
12:11Yes, and I actually don't mind that at all.
12:13A lot of people were criticizing the last season and saying, don't even watch it.
12:16I've loved it.
12:17I've loved it.
12:18I've had a ball watching it.
12:19It's been so much fun.
12:22When did Billie Eilish win five Grammys?
12:25Did that happen in 2020?
12:29Katie, I've trapped you.
12:34Stop it.
12:36That happened in January of 2020.
12:41That's a bad guess.
12:45I am docking you two points.
12:48Don't do it.
12:49Oh, that's so heavy.
12:51Sam, that's rude.
12:54Billie Eilish couldn't be cooler.
12:57No, it's not cool when you do it.
13:00Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh.
13:04Oh, great.
13:05It's like a musical theater.
13:08Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
13:11Who's a bad guy?
13:12He's a bad guy.
13:14This could get off the rails.
13:16Lily, when did Harry and Meghan announce that they were leaving the royal family?
13:20Did that happen in 2020?
13:24Yes is correct.
13:26In what month of 2020?
13:29I'm going to say March.
13:32March is incorrect.
13:35Lily, I'm sorry this happened in January.
13:38And you're saying, Sam, it's not still January.
13:42She is the best thing to ever happen to the show Suits.
13:45Grant, do you watch the show Suits?
13:47Oh, certainly not.
13:48You so have the kind of personality to be a guy that's exclusively into shows on TNT.
13:55Grant, when was gay marriage legalized in the US?
13:58Did that happen in 2020?
14:01No, it did not.
14:02That's a point for you.
14:04What year did it happen?
14:06You would really think I would know this, wouldn't you?
14:09I'm going to say, so the case was, just so I don't look like a complete asshole, it was legalized by Obergefell v. Hodges.
14:16That was the name of the case.
14:18Anthony Kennedy wrote the decision.
14:21And that happened, I'm going to say 2015.
14:25It was 2015.
14:27Well done.
14:29Impressive, my friend.
14:31Grant's brain is a steel trap.
14:34As he takes another bump.
14:38Katie, when was the Chernobyl disaster?
14:41It was not in 2020.
14:43That is correct.
14:44That's a point for you.
14:45Was it in 1993?
14:48It was a good seven years before that in 1986.
14:54That series was too dark.
14:56The second to last episode of that series was the single darkest episode of television I've ever watched.
15:02It gets darker?
15:03I'm not interested.
15:05When was the Challenger explosion?
15:08Did that happen in 2020?
15:13No, it did not.
15:15Do you know what year?
15:17It did happen.
15:18Look, I don't care about history.
15:20I only care about myself.
15:21I'm going to say 92.
15:2392 feels like a good year.
15:2792, like Katie, a good guess, but I'm afraid also 1986.
15:35Why are you going to do this to us, Sam?
15:37As we slip the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God as the last passage of the speech that Reagan gave the night that it happened.
15:46Grant, budge away with this.
15:48He's way older than us.
15:50Of course he's going to know.
15:52She's using my memory on these.
15:53I don't even need to know history.
15:55All right, for Grant, this is all yesterday.
15:57Very well done, players, as we enter into the last chapter of our game.
16:01Grant with 11 points, Katie with 4, Lily with 7.
16:04Grant, did Kobe Bryant die in 2020?
16:08He did.
16:09What month?
16:11January is correct.
16:13He died on my birthday.
16:15Katie, I'm sorry.
16:16January the 26th.
16:17He took your focus.
16:19He did.
16:20Katie, did the Pentagon release UFO videos in 2020?
16:26Yes is correct.
16:28Do you know what month?
16:31February is incorrect, I'm afraid.
16:34That happened as recently as April.
16:38I'm stunned.
16:42What a crazy thing that in any other category of human history would feel monumental.
16:50The United States government being like, hey, we don't know what these things are.
16:55Here you go, America.
16:57We were just like, huh?
16:59Yeah, what?
17:02Lily, was the college admissions scandal in 2020?
17:05No, it was in 2019.
17:07That is correct.
17:09Do you happen to remember what month that happened in?
17:12It happened some point during the summer, because I was reading about it at work.
17:19So at least after March, when I would have been working at College Humor, I spent a whole
17:26morning not doing work and reading about this.
17:30Maybe July?
17:32It happened in March.
17:35I was so confidently reading about this at my brand new job.
17:41Did Brexit happen in 2020?
17:47That is incorrect, Grant.
17:52As soon as I said it, I realized I was thinking about the vote to Brexit.
17:58But yeah.
18:00That's the little trick you thought was coming in the first question came at the end.
18:05The vote happened in 2016.
18:08Oh, boy.
18:09As soon as I said it.
18:11God damn it.
18:12It actually separated from the European Union in January.
18:17That happened this fucking year.
18:20I remember thinking when that happened, it's like, wow, that's really going to tank the
18:24world economy.
18:25Little did I know.
18:27Oh, baby.
18:28That is negative two points for Grant.
18:33Enough to bump one of these other players into the lead.
18:36We shall see.
18:38Grant is so far ahead.
18:41I have four points.
18:42I can do the math.
18:44Katie, was Trump acquitted in 2020?
18:47Oh, God.
18:50That's correct.
18:52He was.
18:53Katie, in what month was Trump acquitted?
18:57Ooh, so close.
19:00February, I'm afraid.
19:02That'll be just the point for you, but well done.
19:05Last question for Lily.
19:07When did the WHO declare COVID-19 a pandemic?
19:11Did that happen in 2020?
19:14Yes is correct.
19:16Now, that's a point for you.
19:19It happened in March.
19:26That's the end of our game.
19:28Our points at the end of this episode.
19:30Katie with six.
19:31Lily with nine.
19:32Grant with 12.
19:34Grant, you get the trip to Big Sur where you can hopefully smoke more of your vape
19:40and forget that time is even a thing for a while.
19:44That is what will happen.
19:45That's it for us here at Game Changer.
19:47I'm Sam Reich, and I will continue to be here the whole time.
19:53Good day.
19:54Good night.