• 2 days ago


00:00Get ready for a game-changer tonight's guests.
00:04Allie Beardsley.
00:09Brennan Lee Mulligan.
00:13Lou Wilson.
00:15♪ Hey, set the tank, set the tank, set the tank, set the tank ♪
00:19Erika Ishii.
00:21Ha ha ha!
00:24And that's not all.
00:25Grant O'Brien.
00:31Katie Maravich.
00:33Ha ha ha!
00:35And last but not least, Raphael Chastain.
00:38Yeah, I'm back!
00:39Ha ha ha!
00:42He's back!
00:44And your host, me.
00:47I've been here the whole time.
00:50This is Game Changer,
00:52the only game show where the game changes every show.
00:56I am your host, Sam Reich.
00:58I am joined today by these seven,
01:01count them, seven lovely contestants.
01:04Now, you all understand how the game works.
01:08Maybe it's the point.
01:10That's right, our players have no idea what game it is.
01:12They're about to play.
01:13The only way to learn is by playing.
01:15The only way to win is by learning.
01:17And the only way to begin is by beginning.
01:20So without further ado, let's begin.
01:22Players, this is without a doubt the most talent
01:25we have ever had on the Game Changer set at once.
01:30Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye to one of you.
01:34It's gonna be me.
01:36Players, it's time to vote.
01:40Oh, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!
01:43Hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, ah!
01:45Hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, ah!
01:47Hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, ah!
01:48Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na!
01:52Ha ha ha!
01:54I don't really know what's happening.
01:56Sam says we're going to eliminate someone
01:58right off the bat.
01:59People are whispering to each other.
02:01It's like, oh, it's Survivor, we're doing Survivor.
02:03This is Survivor for sure, which sucks
02:05because now I'm not a good sport about it.
02:08I love Survivor so much.
02:10I wanna win.
02:11Allie, you're up.
02:13And what are we voting for?
02:15I can't believe it. Samuel!
02:16Can we vote for anything?
02:17Yeah, yeah!
02:18Can we strategize amongst each other?
02:21Wait, Allie, did you?
02:22What'd you vote for?
02:23I'm voting for Sam.
02:25There you go!
02:27I won!
02:30Brennan, you're up.
02:31Ha ha ha!
02:33If Sam gets eliminated.
02:34Yeah, then one of us has to host.
02:36If Sam gets eliminated, Grant hosts 100%.
02:38You strategize amongst each other, players,
02:40but if you try to break by game,
02:41it's only gonna blow up in your face.
02:43Oh no!
02:44Oh no!
02:44Oh no!
02:45This is hard.
02:47Stay strong.
02:48There are too many of us
02:49for there to be a true prisoner's dilemma,
02:51and I trust you implicitly.
02:53I trust you implicitly.
02:54What about me?
02:55Trust you implicitly.
02:56I trust you implicitly.
02:56No, we can't be forming alliances already.
02:58No, no, we can't, you can't do that!
03:00You can't do that to me!
03:01They've done studies of the prisoner's dilemma.
03:04It's only hard in abstract.
03:06People solve it all the time in real life.
03:09Erika, it's your turn.
03:13Katie, if they all vote for Sam
03:14and you and me vote for Lou,
03:15we could really get something going here.
03:17Holy shit!
03:19Now we're playing the game.
03:24Do you need more to vote for Sam than what just happened?
03:27I'm voting for Sam.
03:28100% voting for Sam, don't worry.
03:30Grant O'Brien.
03:32Oh my Lord.
03:32What am I gonna do?
03:34Just don't do that!
03:35Hey, oh, hey, oh!
03:40That's how it ends?
03:40Yeah, exactly.
03:41It's a conch doing that, I think, yeah.
03:44I think it's conch, but it could be conch.
03:45Well, in any case, people on the internet
03:47will scream at me either way.
03:49Raphael, just hang.
03:52Come on, Raphael.
03:53This is-
03:53He's back!
03:55He's back!
03:57This is what we play for.
04:00You know what I'm saying?
04:01In a way, it is.
04:02You know what?
04:02Honestly, yeah.
04:03It's what George Washington played for.
04:06It's what Thomas Jefferson played for.
04:07Wouldn't he?
04:09All right, you're finished.
04:10Bye, Sam.
04:11Fucking toast, my dude.
04:13So who'd everyone vote for?
04:15I voted for Sam.
04:16Hey, if we vote for Sam all day,
04:19Players, I will now read the votes.
04:24First vote, Sam does not count.
04:28Oh, come on.
04:29Oh, come on.
04:30Okay, okay, okay.
04:31The whole day is just voting.
04:32Second vote, Sam does not count.
04:36You were right again.
04:37We're gonna have to vote again.
04:39We're gonna have to vote again.
04:40Third vote, Sam does not count.
04:45Fourth vote, Sam does not count.
04:48Fifth vote, Sam does not count.
04:52I wonder what the next one's gonna be.
04:54Sixth vote, Sam does not count.
04:58Okay, at least I know I trust all of you.
04:59The first person voted out of Game Changer Survivor, Katie.
05:04Who did it?
05:06Who did it?
05:08Who did it?
05:08I swear it wasn't.
05:10Katie, I would never do that to you.
05:12Who did it?
05:13You're dead to me.
05:14As God is my witness, I wrote Sam's name.
05:14You're dead to me.
05:15Nobody did that.
05:16You're dead to me.
05:17No one did it.
05:19He's turning us against each other,
05:20that sturdy little man.
05:22Do you have any last words?
05:25I think it was you.
05:26And I think you're a bad man.
05:28You may leave the stage, Katie.
05:32You're gonna have to get security in here.
05:35Thanks very much.
05:36Bye, everyone.
05:37Bye, Katie.
05:38Bye, Katie.
05:39The second I figured out
05:42that it was like an elimination thing,
05:43I was like, I'm always gonna be first to leave.
05:45I'm only gonna be here for five minutes.
05:49What you have there is a fart machine,
05:52an advantage that you can give to someone else
05:55that you want to see win.
06:06That's right, players.
06:06You are in our first ever elimination game.
06:09In it, you will face challenges.
06:11Battle it out for immunity.
06:13Form alliances.
06:15And if you're clever,
06:16be the last person standing here at the end of the day.
06:19This is Game Changer, Survivor.
06:23Oh my God.
06:24Knock out, watch out, drop out.
06:26I love it.
06:27The winner of this episode
06:28will receive two round trip plane tickets
06:30anywhere in the world they would like to go.
06:32Wait, what?
06:35No, no, no, no.
06:36This is how it begins.
06:38Anywhere in the world.
06:43Keep going.
06:43North Korea.
06:45Got you there, baby.
06:48I've been on Game Changer before.
06:49The prizes aren't bullshit.
06:51And so pretty quickly, I'm like,
06:53well, I'd like to win.
06:55Six players left, an even number,
06:57which is good for forming teams.
06:59We're gonna get buffs.
07:01This is insane.
07:02Allie, fuck.
07:03I haven't watched Survivor.
07:04I don't know how to design either.
07:05Oh my God, that's kinkier than a buff.
07:08Come on, I want it.
07:10Come on, come on.
07:11Oh, no.
07:15All right.
07:17I don't like this.
07:18All right.
07:20Okay, it's like Team Ireland.
07:22I was just gonna say, the racial makeup is-
07:25Right, so it's the white.
07:27This is sort of a Cook Islands callback.
07:33Okay, guys, let's do this for white people.
07:36Can I be a professor transfer?
07:37I would like to also transfer.
07:39Here we go, here we go.
07:41Blue team, what is your team name?
07:43Don't you talk.
07:45It's not up to you.
07:46Team Friendship.
07:47Team Friendship, question mark.
07:49Yellow team, what is yours?
07:50We're Martin Luther King's Dream.
07:54Wouldn't it be awful if we were to lose?
07:56That's what I was going to say.
07:58You were gonna suggest Martin Luther King's Dream for us?
08:01I got silenced by my teammates.
08:03Players, it's time for your first immunity challenge.
08:07Here's how it's gonna work.
08:08Standing in front of your stumps,
08:10you will try to make each other laugh
08:12using funny sounds.
08:15Sorry, guys, we've all seen my episodes of Breaking News.
08:20If you laugh, you are out.
08:21If you make yourself laugh, you are out.
08:24Let's have everyone stand.
08:26You will go as I call your name.
08:29The first team to have all three players knocked out
08:33will be forced to face elimination.
08:39A little help, please.
08:48That was a laugh from Allie.
08:49Allie, you may sit back down on your stump.
08:55Help me, please.
08:56I need help.
08:58I'm just a little girl.
09:13Of course I was gonna be bad at this.
09:14This was designed to eliminate me.
09:16This is like saying there's a height limit for the show.
09:20We all know how tall I am.
09:22Even before Lou spoke.
09:27Next up, Erica.
09:34Damn it!
09:35Erica made herself laugh.
09:37It wasn't me.
09:38I didn't make myself laugh.
09:39It's looking at Brennan.
09:40It's just like seeing it all play out in his face.
09:44We're all the way back to Raph.
09:57Well done, Raph.
10:03Raph is out!
10:05Oh, no!
10:06Just looking at Brennan's face for too long,
10:10I just crumbled.
10:12The two best men for that challenge
10:16were the two that were left standing.
10:18A heads up between two powerhouses.
10:31Nothing from Lou.
10:32Next, the ball's in Lou's court.
10:36Who's is it?
10:37Is it mine?
10:38I just want it back.
10:39My knees.
10:40My poor knees.
10:41Was that a laugh from Brennan?
10:42It was close.
10:54The meatball fell off my little plate of spaghetti.
10:57It was so good.
10:58It was so good.
10:59It was so good.
11:00It was so good.
11:01It was so good.
11:01It was so good.
11:02It was so good.
11:03It was so good.
11:04It was so good.
11:05It was so good.
11:06My little spaghetti.
11:08The spaghetti too slippery for the little meatball.
11:12She pop off so fast.
11:14The strong wind blow all the noodles off of the plate.
11:18Ragu on my niece and nephew.
11:24Of all the things,
11:25I did not expect a tiny, sad Italian man.
11:28You didn't expect stereotypes from this team?
11:36Please let me win.
11:45I did the best I could, man.
11:47I did the best I could.
11:48Got these two dumb crackers to either side of me.
11:50Beardsley and O'Brien.
11:52Fucking fold like cheap suits.
11:54Lou, there's not too much you can do about.
11:56He is a Titan.
11:58We had a dream!
11:59We had a dream!
12:01Martin Luther King Jr's team wins,
12:03Martin Luther King Jr's team wins,
12:05which means that friendship question mark
12:09will face elimination.
12:11But before they do,
12:14I will be bringing each of you one at a time
12:17upstairs to a green screen for confessionals.
12:21While I do that,
12:23it would be a great time for you to conspire
12:26with your fellow players, form alliances
12:28and do whatever you need to do to stay in the game.
12:33All right.
12:40Have you formed alliances with anyone down there?
12:43Sure, I've formed alliances with everybody.
12:45Little alliance!
12:51Okay, good, two alliances.
12:52Right now, everyone's making alliances as bits
12:55that I think are actually just alliances.
12:56I think everybody's doing jokes like we're on a team now,
13:00but also I think we're all just on teams now.
13:04I'm gonna get you!
13:05There's joke alliances that are just regular alliances now.
13:08Should the three of us...
13:10Should we finally make up some kind of alliance?
13:14Do I understand these alliances?
13:15No, no, no!
13:17I have never seen Survivor.
13:20I don't think I've ever actually seen
13:22an entire episode of a reality show in my entire life.
13:27Let me learn you a thing or two about Survivor.
13:28Okay, okay.
13:29Hopefully, I think I can lean
13:32on some of the people who are a little more nervous
13:34about the competitive elements
13:37and assure them that I've got their back
13:39and that I'm gonna take care of them
13:40and we're gonna make it together.
13:41A white person can't win.
13:43It's just gonna be hard to beat Brennan,
13:46I'm gonna tell you that right now.
13:47That's the thing, is Brennan is always...
13:49Hey, well, why do you think the three of us
13:50are talking to us right now?
13:52Use them and kind of keep them in a stable, like, sheep,
13:54and I'll cut them loose at a moment's notice
13:57whenever need is be.
13:58They're trying to sow the seeds of distrust in you.
14:01Distrust amongst us?
14:03Yes, yeah.
14:04I don't like that word.
14:05It's us versus Sam and the rest of the crew.
14:09And the crew?
14:10I'll say not the crew.
14:11If the crew wants to be in on it.
14:12That's what I think.
14:13I think we should lead the revolt of the crew.
14:15Come here, out.
14:16My guy.
14:17Come here, out.
14:18Yo, what you know about an uprising, dawg?
14:19What you know about an uprising right now, dude?
14:21We'll cut you in.
14:22Come on, bro.
14:26So, who do you think wrote down Katie's name?
14:32That was not any of us, right, dude?
14:35Or just say it if it was.
14:37No, no.
14:38No, no.
14:38There's a thumb on the scale for sure.
14:39That was a sleight of hand.
14:40I think so too, right?
14:42Yeah, sure.
14:43Something foul is afoot.
14:44I do not suspect a single one of those people out there.
14:48Those are all good-hearted comedians.
14:51They're not that good at lying.
14:53You know, Sam's a trained magician,
14:55and I think Sam might've done some sleight of hand
14:58to put Katie's name in.
14:59Your name had an underscore underneath it,
15:02which is a little bit of flourish
15:04that a, like, hassled comedian doing something on camera
15:07would not put a beautiful little flourish under the name.
15:09That screams art department to me.
15:12That screams someone who actually made it.
15:16Right now, we have a big vote.
15:18Me, a survivor fan.
15:20Brennan, a huge survivor fan.
15:22Yul's one of my favorite winners of all time, yeah.
15:24Because he's so humble,
15:25and he has, like, an actual, like,
15:27good head on his shoulders.
15:28So sweet.
15:29Grant, not a survivor fan.
15:31Are they talking to us?
15:32Oh, my God.
15:33We're talking to each other.
15:34I asked them who they were gonna get rid of,
15:36and they both looked at Grant very quickly.
15:38Like, super quickly.
15:39I should lose, because I'm single.
15:42So I don't have anyone to use two plane tickets on.
15:44Oh, my God, Grant.
15:45So if you guys want to vote me out, that's fine.
15:48Clearly, if you've watched Survivor,
15:50the move is to not vote Grant out,
15:52because he doesn't care,
15:54and get rid of your biggest competitor.
15:56I'm not gonna lie.
15:57Brennan's the only person that I'm actually afraid of.
16:00This is good B-roll
16:01for if people are talking about me in another scene.
16:04You can cut to me sort of eating sadly
16:05on set here by myself.
16:08That could be helpful.
16:09I'm not a good prospect for anybody.
16:11My reputation in competitive games
16:14makes me impossible to form a true alliance with.
16:17Now you can probably pull back and do a wide,
16:18and make me look really small in the composition.
16:21Oh, man, what have we got ourselves into?
16:24No idea.
16:27But do you want an alliance for real?
16:28Of course.
16:29What do you think I brought you out here?
16:31I walked to go to the patio,
16:33and Lou and Brennan were out there,
16:34so I just listened at the door,
16:36and they made an alliance for the end.
16:38Don't tell anybody.
16:40This is us.
16:41This is us.
16:42This is us.
16:43This is us.
16:43This is us.
16:44This is us.
16:45This is us.
16:46This is us.
16:47This is us.
16:48This is us.
16:48This is us.
16:49This is us.
16:51This is us.
16:51No deal.
16:55Hello, Allie.
16:57What did you hear out there?
17:01Couldn't help overhearing,
17:03because I was right on the other side of the door.
17:05What'd you hear?
17:06Whoa, sick.
17:07Oh, shit.
17:08Wait, let's work out.
17:11I'm gonna drag it straight up.
17:14This is good.
17:15This is easy for me.
17:16Is this what it's gonna be like when we all go to jail?
17:20I walked up to Grant and went,
17:21it's Brennan.
17:22And Grant went, okay.
17:24So maybe that's what we're looking at.
17:26But also maybe that's not very fun.
17:28Maybe I don't wanna go cutthroat right away.
17:30Like obviously I'll get voted out at the next turn
17:32because everyone knows that I'm going for blood.
17:35So maybe I should just play it chill and vote Grant out.
17:37I don't know.
17:38I don't know.
17:39Before she left, Katie gifted you a fart machine.
17:46I'm gonna win.
17:47Katie, I love you.
17:49We're going to Europe, baby.
17:54I think we should send Grant home
17:55because that's the easiest
17:57because he would like to go home.
17:58But strategy wise, I think we both know
18:01it would be best to get each other out right now.
18:03Let's go to the patio and talk about how to vote.
18:05Oh my God.
18:06Let's figure it out.
18:07What are you thinking?
18:08I think I'm gonna vote you out.
18:11I'm also down to play it not cutthroat immediately.
18:13This feels exhausting.
18:15I feel totally groovy, however you want to play it.
18:25We're back from the break
18:27and it's time for friendship question mark
18:30to face elimination.
18:32Blue team, please step out.
18:36Players, we have just had a confessional break
18:40where some conspiring could have taken place.
18:43The question for you is, was there any conspiring?
18:46Allie, I'll start with you.
18:47A bunch of different people were conspiring.
18:49I think there's a lot of ways that this could go
18:53and I'm deciding to be really cutthroat and voting Brennan.
18:59Which I've told him.
19:00Leaping right into it.
19:02I don't like this posture that I've taken, but here I am.
19:06Now, for those of you at home,
19:07who can't see this, the rest of our players
19:09are standing by off stage, watching what's occurring now.
19:13There are only three people left at this vote,
19:14which does make it easy for two players
19:16to conspire against a third.
19:18Brennan, how are you feeling right now
19:20listening to what Allie's saying?
19:21Not great.
19:22I would say that I'm coming into this game
19:26with a pretty distinct disadvantage,
19:28which is just the character persona
19:30in the College Humor Cinematic Universe that I play.
19:33There's a whole Game Changer episode
19:34that I'm in right now.
19:35There's a whole Game Changer episode
19:36about me being hyper-competitive.
19:37So anything I do to make moves to defend myself
19:41is just further proof to people
19:43that I should be gone at the nearest convenience.
19:45So I'm not holding my breath.
19:47Now, Grant, not being a regular survivor watcher,
19:51I wonder if you realize what a position of power
19:54you're in right now.
19:56Allie is coming after Brennan.
19:58Brennan has no choice but to go back after Allie.
20:02Without putting too fine a point on it,
20:04your reasons for voting out Brennan would be obvious.
20:07The guy is familiar with Survivor.
20:09He is known to be a strategic force.
20:13And you have that opportunity now,
20:14whereas you might not have it later in the game.
20:17What would be the reasons to vote off Allie?
20:19There would be none.
20:21And with that, it's time to vote.
20:24Lou, can you help me out?
20:26I'm gonna have to vote for Brennan.
20:27I'm gonna have to vote for Brennan.
20:28I'm gonna have to vote for Brennan.
20:30It's time to vote.
20:31Lou, can you hit that yell one more time?
20:37That's the alliance.
20:38Allie, you're up.
21:20I will now read the votes.
21:25If anyone has a loop-de-loop and would like to play it,
21:28now would be the time to do so.
21:30What is a loop-de-loop?
21:31I don't know, but I'm imagining it's a loop-de-loop.
21:32This is a fucking loop-de-loop.
21:33Oh my God!
21:37Do you think I fuck around?
21:43Is there something back there?
21:44Lou sees an immunity idol in the plant.
21:47That's totally a thing.
21:49Congratulations, you have found a hidden
21:50immunity loop-de-loop.
21:52The second I see that, I go,
21:53okay, that thing I noticed on the urn earlier
21:56is for sure an idol.
21:57On the urn, I notice a decoration.
22:00The decoration is in the exact style
22:02of the Game Changer set,
22:03and if I had to bet dollars to donuts,
22:05I'd say that's not a coincidence.
22:07I rush backstage to find Ash and Carly,
22:10our wonderful assistants.
22:11Sorry, guys, excuse me.
22:13And I pull this off the urn.
22:14This, of course, is an immunity idol.
22:18This is not the immunity idol that I'm gonna use tonight.
22:22This is the immunity idol I'm gonna use tonight.
22:26You think I don't know my heads on a fucking spike
22:28the minute I let my guard down?
22:31I go full Russell Hance.
22:33I go full Rick Devins.
22:36What's up, my dude?
22:37What's up, my friend?
22:38What's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up?
22:42Whoa, my man's got that loop-de-loop.
22:46I don't know what has happened.
22:48How did he earn this?
22:49This is an immunity loop-de-loop.
22:52Any votes cast for Brennan will not count.
22:55Oh my God.
22:57You think I'm gonna fucking roll over?
23:00You look me in the eyes, Beardsley,
23:02and say, Brennan, I think it's your fucking time.
23:05It'll be a cold day in hell
23:08when I go out like a fucking chump.
23:09I'm not a fucking fool, Sam.
23:12I am at a disadvantage by not knowing the rules of the game.
23:16Oh my goodness.
23:19All right.
23:20First vote, Brennan.
23:23Wow. Does not count.
23:27Second vote, Sam.
23:29Does not count.
23:33Second person voted out of Game Changer Survivor,
23:36Allie Beardsley.
23:37Whoa, whoa.
23:39Allie, now, we agreed to vote for Sam.
23:44I am a man of my word.
23:46This sucks.
23:49Allie, before you depart, any last words?
23:53Thank you for having me.
24:01I got got.
24:02Loop de loop got me.
24:06I think the worst part is that I got voted out
24:08with this in my pocket.
24:13He is playing like this is Survivor
24:15where it's all like strangers,
24:17but we are actual friends,
24:19so I will leave this to Brennan.
24:22Well, I think it's fair to say that this vote
24:24has been a Game Changer Survivor Game Changer.
24:28See you next time.
24:30Next time on Game Changer Survivor,
24:34five players remain.
24:36Who will be the last one standing?
24:40What fun we're having.
24:41Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha