
  • 2 days ago


00:00Get ready for a game changer.
00:03Tonight's guest, Twitch for 400, it's Iffy Wadiwade.
00:09Role-playing games for 800, it's Brennan Lee Mulligan.
00:14Dude, I'm alive.
00:17And 1988's big business for 1,000, it's Allie Beardsley.
00:25Good morning.
00:26Oh, I spilled everywhere.
00:27Can your host leave?
00:31I've been here the whole time.
00:35This is Game Changer, the only game show
00:39where the game changes every show.
00:41I am your host, Sam Reich.
00:42I'm joined today by these three lovely contestants now.
00:46You will understand how the game works.
00:48Sorry, we actually don't, there's no,
00:51you haven't given any rules.
00:51That's exactly the whole point.
00:52That's right, our contestants have no idea
00:55what game it is they're about to play.
00:56The only way to learn is by playing.
00:59The only way to win is by learning.
01:01And the only way to begin is by beginning.
01:03So without further ado, let's begin.
01:05Players, I'm not gonna lie.
01:08I straight up phoned this one in.
01:11Today, we're just gonna play some Jeopardy.
01:13You're telling me right now,
01:14we're about to play Jeopardy against Brennan Lee Mulligan.
01:17Who wants to be a millionaire's own Brennan Lee?
01:23Categories are red herrings, video games,
01:27Shakespeare, theme parks, Italy, and the 80s.
01:33Brennan, I'm going to start with you.
01:36Fantastic, thank you, Alex.
01:38Let's go Shakespeare for 800.
01:44Brennan, you set sail for Shakespeare at 800.
01:49There's a little boat sailing across the Jeopardy screen.
01:52Ify, your move.
01:53I'm gonna go the 80s for 800.
01:56Ify, you set sail for the 80s at 800.
02:02I'm gonna go for it Allie for 800.
02:06You set sail for Italy at 800.
02:13Brennan, that's back to you again.
02:14I will also set sail for Italy at 800.
02:19Oh, I'm sorry, Brennan.
02:20That move is not available to you.
02:25I was hoping for such an answer.
02:26I have discovered more about the nature of the game
02:29and am thus closer to winning.
02:32Ify, I'll move on to you.
02:33I will move to Italy for 800.
02:40Italy for 800.
02:42Allie, it's your go.
02:43Oh good, I thought I was about to get sunk.
02:45I will move to theme parks for 800.
02:48Theme parks for 800.
02:50And Brennan.
02:51So it seems that we have discovered some parameters thus far.
02:55Only orthogonal moves, one square at a time are allowed.
02:59That's right, orthogonal, baby.
03:03All of a sudden you have a pipe.
03:07Helmsman, let's make a course due east.
03:12Theme parks for 800.
03:14Theme parks for 800.
03:18Captain Beardsley, ahoy.
03:20Welcome aboard.
03:21You find yourself each at the helm of a ship,
03:27adrift on a dark and foreboding sea.
03:32Despite the undulation of the waves,
03:37all is eerily still.
03:40A thick fog permeates the air as well as your minds.
03:47For the life of you, you cannot remember who you are
03:51or how you ended up here.
03:54All you can remember is a grab bag
03:57of general knowledge trivia.
04:01I believe, Ify, that is your move again.
04:04The 80s for 800.
04:05All right, yeah.
04:07The 80s.
04:08We're a good timer.
04:10Allie, that's you.
04:11I'm gonna go Italy for 800.
04:13Brennan, you look down off the deck of your ship
04:17and you discover a rowboat lapping calmly at the waves.
04:23A rowboat that seems to belong to an old pirate.
04:28I would like to address this pirate and say,
04:33I know not your face,
04:37but I fear that that don't mean much
04:41as I barely recognize my own.
04:43Tell me, traveler, do you know who I am?
04:48Oh, I'm afraid there's very little memory
04:53or knowledge left anymore on the Jeopardian seas.
04:58Here, sir, knowledge is, it is like treasure.
05:04It is our most valuable resource.
05:08We were once rich with knowledge,
05:11but then a terrible sea serpent
05:15plunged us into darkness.
05:17I've two questions for you, pirate.
05:20Number one, where be this sea serpent?
05:26Oh, should I answer, I thought I was gonna get
05:28both questions and then answer both of them at once.
05:31No, because the answer to this question
05:32may affect question number two.
05:34Unfortunately for all of us, wait long enough
05:38and the serpent will find you.
05:42They say up is down and left is right,
05:45endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings,
05:47questions are answers and answers are questions
05:50and such will be the case until the serpent is destroyed.
05:55Things are other things, those things are the first things.
05:57You get it, it's like a whole upside down rigmarole.
06:01Question the second, me hearty.
06:04How may one reach the answers
06:10at the bottom of these patches of wide open sea?
06:16Oh, you seek answers, do you?
06:22Aye, and yet you should seek questions.
06:31As I lay here at night, staring longingly at the full moon,
06:35an answer haunts my soul, an answer to a question
06:40I've long forgotten.
06:42Give me your answer, traveler,
06:44and I shall give you your question.
06:47The pirate leans forward, excited and trembling.
06:52This hit Hollywood franchise was the first ever
06:57to be adapted from a theme park ride
07:02rather than the other way around.
07:05I gaze up at the sun setting in the horizon.
07:09Lay a weathered hand on the gunwale of my ship.
07:15Gaze at this pirate and say,
07:18won't be pirates of the Caribbean, matey.
07:21Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
07:24That's right, my child.
07:27And just like pirates of the Caribbean
07:31is a ride underground.
07:35So I've heard, I've never been.
07:37So too is there a secret city on the Japadian seas.
07:43All one must do is be swallowed up by it.
07:51And with that, she rose cackling away,
07:54giddy with her newfound knowledge.
07:59Thinking it's time to go down to the 80s for a 1200.
08:04Oh, you, Ify, stumble upon a stone statue
08:11of the god Poseidon.
08:14I'll touch it.
08:14I wanna touch the statue.
08:16You touch the statue?
08:19It's smooth to the touch.
08:21It's cool.
08:22As you lay your hand upon it,
08:24you think and you're not sure if it's a trick of your mind
08:26that you can almost feel a heartbeat coming from inside.
08:31I try and talk to the statue and say,
08:33what can I do to free you?
08:34Very faintly, you hear.
08:37It is hot, it is scarce, it is human.
08:42And with that, we will move on.
08:45Allie, the next move is yours.
08:48I am going to go to the 80s for 800.
08:53And we are back to Brennan.
08:57I will set sail south for theme parks for 1200.
09:02And back to Ify.
09:04I go to Italy for 1200.
09:08Italy for 1200.
09:11Allie, it's all you.
09:12I will go to Italy for 800.
09:16Allie for 800, Brennan.
09:20Oh, shocking.
09:22Keep her steady as she goes, Helmsman.
09:25Theme parks for 1600.
09:27Theme parks for 1600.
09:31Look at y'all, trying to be sneaky and steal.
09:33What are y'all, some type of pirates?
09:37Unfortunately, y'all got the best pirate of all right here.
09:41Oh, shit.
09:43Let's go down to 1600.
09:49You hear singing.
09:52Oh, no.
09:54Two beautiful-
09:57Oh, no.
09:58Sirens up onto the rocks,
10:02singing a captivating song.
10:06Potent potables, potpourri.
10:12Potent potables, potpourri.
10:16And this beautiful singing lures you up onto the rocks
10:22where you find yourself stranded,
10:26just as a sea serpent-
10:29Oh, no.
10:30Appears in our game.
10:32Allie, the move is yours.
10:33I'm not scared.
10:35I'm gonna go to It Allie for 400.
10:39Come face me!
10:41You'd be mad!
10:43A serpent coming to your life!
10:46Let's keep her headed south.
10:48Theme parks for 2000.
10:49Maybe on a triangle, I'm safe.
10:51Okay, I see you.
10:52I see you, Brennan.
10:53Three turns of paralysis.
10:57The sea serpent is going to take
10:59an attack of opportunity on Allie.
11:01Allie, your ship is no match
11:03for the might of this sea serpent.
11:07The serpent swallows you whole,
11:10and yet, as you are traveling through its digestive tract,
11:15you are suddenly spit out the other end
11:21to the whirlpool.
11:24A whirlpool unlike any whirlpool you've ever known,
11:28because this whirlpool appears to be inverted.
11:31It is spitting you out versus luring you in.
11:36You cannot confirm, but you have reason to believe
11:38that somehow this whirlpool and the serpent are connected.
11:42Brennan, back to you.
11:43Oh, my God.
11:45Change course, Master Helmsman.
11:46Do West Shakespeare for 2000.
11:49As you cast your eyes onto the horizon
11:54in search, I think, for this whirlpool,
11:57you suddenly hear a groaning underneath you,
11:59something that's not the floorboards of your ship,
12:03something very much alive.
12:06You cast the ship's wheel to the side
12:09and make just enough way for an enormous whale
12:15to break through onto the surface.
12:16The whale turns its head toward you
12:20and almost seems to smile.
12:27I would like to point at the whale's open mouth
12:29as it smiles and say,
12:30Helmsman, set a course for that whale's gullet.
12:34You, with a reluctant crew, I should add,
12:38swing your sails in the direction of the whale.
12:42The whale opens its mouth, revealing to you
12:46a seaweed city inside the whale,
12:51and a representative of that city broaches the mouth
12:56and says, Welcome to the City of the Whale.
13:00So I'm Alvin.
13:02I'm the head of the tourist bureau here.
13:05How may I be of service?
13:08You staying a long, short time, long time?
13:10Greetings to ye, Alvin.
13:12I am the captain of this vessel,
13:14having heard the wisdom of the wide seas
13:17that there lay an ancient city
13:19within the gullet of this whale.
13:21Forget for a moment-
13:22What's that?
13:23You talked to the pirate?
13:24You talked to the old pirate lady?
13:26Yeah, I talked to the old pirate lady.
13:27You know, I think I said it kind of with more gravitas,
13:30but yeah, I talked to the old pirate lady and-
13:33Yeah, she was here for a couple of weeks.
13:36We got drinks.
13:37Listen here, Alvin.
13:38Forget for a moment how you might be of use to me.
13:42I'm more concerned with how I might be of use to you.
13:45Perhaps you have an answer
13:48and have been longing for a question.
13:50Oh, well, I gotta say,
13:52as someone who, you know, spends their life as service,
13:55this is like kind of a big deal for anyone.
13:59I mean, nobody asks after Alvin.
14:02So if there's anything you need,
14:03I trust you will let me know.
14:05Sometimes when the kids have gone to bed
14:08and there's nothing good on TV anymore,
14:11I'll stare out the window
14:13and this answer will tumble around in my head
14:17like a sock in a dryer.
14:19This late Shakespeare play
14:21begins with a terrible shipwreck,
14:24leaving its characters stranded on a desert island.
14:29Here's the issue, Alvin.
14:30The problem here is that both Twelfth Night
14:36and The Tempest, I believe-
14:38The Tempest was one I was thinking about.
14:42You let me, I could have just walked through
14:44and listed all the Shakespeare plays I know
14:46and I would have spent gold.
14:48Hey, should you ever find yourself
14:52near shipwrecked on an island,
14:56just sing a happy tune,
15:00preferably a royalty-free one,
15:02and you'll turn out just fine.
15:05Everyone knows how pirates love jaunty tunes
15:09that are completely royalty-free.
15:12There's two ways out of here.
15:13You can go out through the mouth
15:14or you can go out through the spout.
15:16The spout is one of the most powerful forces
15:20that we have here on the Jeopardy!
15:22And seas just be warned,
15:23if you exit through the spout,
15:25you could land anywhere in the sea.
15:27I'm not going to sail back out through the mouth
15:31when there's another mechanic of the game
15:33we could discover.
15:34Onward to the spout, Helmsman.
15:38You were spewed out the spout of the whale
15:40and you find yourself in Video Games for 800.
15:48Ify, I think you are still-
15:52You just singing me a tune?
15:54Yeah, just a skibbity-doop-ba-doop.
15:56On the rock.
15:58Something told me to sing on the rock.
16:01When you're on the rock, it's feeling good.
16:04On this rock, how good?
16:06Too much, might make my body rock.
16:09Cause I'm on the rock.
16:10The sirens look at you completely perplexed and amazed.
16:16Yeah, I could sing too.
16:18Didn't know that, huh?
16:19Didn't know that.
16:20Now you do.
16:21Hey, what a lovely song you sing, sing.
16:25Are you a siren too?
16:27Two people, please join us in our shipwrecking, wrecking.
16:33It's fun in a fucked up kind of way, way.
16:37You know, I got some things to do or I would,
16:39but I definitely, I'm coming back for you.
16:41Definitely coming back, but I got a game to win.
16:45Who are you, weary traveler?
16:50I don't even know.
16:51Allow us to introduce ourselves.
16:53We are the twins, twins.
16:55Shipwreckers of heroes, heroes.
16:57Keepers of today's twin question.
17:01Oh, oh.
17:04If you have a twin question, I got a twin answer.
17:07Very well.
17:09Today's twin question, question.
17:11Otherwise known as the Daily Double.
17:15Italy's capital of Rome is known for this water feature
17:21and tourist attraction.
17:24Oh, why couldn't I be stranded in video games?
17:27Oh, what is the Trevi Fountain?
17:32The Trevi Fountain?
17:35You two will need to ask for the assistance
17:40of a powerful fountain-like force
17:44to propel certain shy creatures
17:49from their hiding place.
17:52If I were to find said fountain-like creature
17:56and say their voices are muffled
17:58because they are a statue,
18:01how would I free them from their form?
18:04Oh, I don't know shit about that statue.
18:06That's a whole other fucking thing.
18:09I like these batty sirens.
18:13Back to the board,
18:16back to the board, Ali.
18:19I am going to go to Forward Ho Video Games for 2000.
18:25You decide to go for a little swim.
18:28The trip through the digestive tract of the serpent
18:32really did a number on you.
18:33You lower yourself down the ladder overboard,
18:36peer under the water,
18:37and see what you're almost sure are two beating eyes
18:43piercing out from under a log.
18:46I'm wondering if it's really shy,
18:48so I say, you're really pretty.
18:51You hear a low sort of murmur in return,
18:57a sort of a dismissive murmur,
18:59and that is all.
19:01We are going to return to the serpent
19:05and is going cross over into theme parks.
19:09Brennan, the move is yours.
19:10Theme parks.
19:11Brennan, the move is yours.
19:13To South Helms Video Games for 1200.
19:17East as well.
19:18Theme parks for 1600.
19:20Ali, that is you.
19:21I would like to swim up,
19:26take a breath out of the water,
19:29and look to where I just came from.
19:34This reverse whirlpool,
19:38which I'm wondering,
19:40does that seem like some sort of force
19:43that could move this shy guy?
19:46It is not the force that you are looking for.
19:50I would like to go to Video Games for 1600, please.
19:53Video Games for 1600.
19:56It is the serpent's move.
19:57Serpent is going to move to Shakespeare for 400.
20:00That's Brennan.
20:02To South, and give a fair greeting
20:06to Captain Beardsley on the way.
20:08A wave between captains.
20:11We hold out our hands and we go, ding.
20:14Two hooks.
20:18Iffy, that's you.
20:19All right, I'll sail east to Shakespeare for 1600.
20:26Ali wants more.
20:27I would like to go to Red Herring for 1600, please.
20:32Serpent is going to take his turn
20:35coming down to Shakespeare for 800.
20:38Action up.
20:40Brennan, that's you.
20:41Houseman, to South.
20:43Oh, Brennan's onto something.
20:44I'm going to dive into the water
20:46and whistle out over the open sea and say,
20:50Alvin, you said that you'd never been paid a kindness,
20:54you'd live your life in service,
20:55and that for the first time,
20:57someone had asked you if you needed a question
21:00for an answer.
21:01I'm calling on my favor, Alvin.
21:04You bring that great Leviathan to call.
21:08Alvin, here's your call.
21:10Well, what can we do for you here in the city of the whale?
21:14There's a coward hiding under that sea lion,
21:18and I think he'd enjoy a little ride
21:21aboard the whale's spout, my good Alvin.
21:24Yes, I guess, sir, consider me a part of the extended crew
21:28with the SS whatever you are.
21:31And he ducks back inside the whale.
21:34The whale turns sort of a groaningly around,
21:39dips below the water.
21:40Next thing you know,
21:42shooting out of its log is the murktopus.
21:49Literally out of my dream diary.
21:54I thought my hiding in a log
21:59would have made it clear that I'm not eager for company.
22:04Well, murktopus, there's only two things I know.
22:09Number one, you are,
22:12I'm just gonna be frank and blunt,
22:14you've been rendered kind of very attractive.
22:16Is that weird to say?
22:18The murktopus is strangely hot.
22:21Something you should know about the Jeopardy in seas
22:25is that everyone's really hot.
22:27Number two, murktopus,
22:29is that I know the creatures of this far-flung
22:32and accursed sea have all the answers
22:36and long for questions.
22:38Pose your answer to me,
22:40and I shall see if I can question it.
22:42If I give you my answer and you give me back your question,
22:49may I return to my Sudoku?
22:51Yes, do you, by the way, do you do-
22:54I do the easy,
22:55all of my Sudoku books are only one third done,
22:58just the easy part.
23:00I hear that, yeah, it gets,
23:02you'd like to think that you're like,
23:03are gonna build it out as a skill and improve,
23:06but really I just get so frustrated
23:07by the medium and hard ones.
23:09And it's just, there's no joy in it for me anymore.
23:12And in any case, yes, you may return to your log,
23:14you sea devil.
23:15Fair enough.
23:17Sega's most popular video game franchise
23:21is known for featuring this iconic trio.
23:26You know, some kids are video game kids
23:29and other kids take their copy of Lord of the Rings
23:32and sit under a tree outside.
23:34Oh my God, that's so cool!
23:37What, what be,
23:40I know Sonic has friends like Tails and Knuckles
23:43and just-
23:46That's exactly what it is, yes, yes.
23:49Fuck me, I almost had a fucking heart attack.
23:53What be Sonic?
23:54There is a stone statue of Poseidon on these waters
24:00and a saber that can be pulled out of the coral
24:06as red herrings for 400.
24:09But be warned, you will not be able
24:12to pull the saber out by yourself.
24:16You must overcome your competitive nature,
24:21Brennan Lee Mulligan.
24:24Have any hope of defeating the serpent
24:27and saving this land.
24:30I do hear what you're saying in principle,
24:32but let me see if I can work my way around this.
24:36If I were to threaten you with physical force,
24:40wouldn't that theoretically be another person
24:42that I could collaborate with to pull the saber?
24:45The Murctopus, all of its arms come up
24:47and it covers its face with all of its hands.
24:50And it says, how did someone
24:52with a homeschooled education
24:55become so wildly competitive?
24:57You had no one to compete with.
25:00I think you answered your own question, haven't you, Brennan?
25:03We seek it out.
25:05Maybe that's all you.
25:07All right, I'll head to video games for 1,600.
25:12North for me, please.
25:16Video games.
25:21Brennan, do I get the idea that if this Jeopardy!
25:25in C is kind of like a Pac-Man where if I sailed south,
25:28I'd appear at the northernmost spot in video games?
25:32You could try.
25:33To the edge of the world, lads!
25:35Sail south!
25:37And you come back round to the top.
25:42I will go red herring.
25:45And Serpent has the opportunity here to get.
25:50So it does.
25:53Brennan, you are sucked down into
25:56and out of the whirlpool.
25:59Brennan, it is your go again.
26:00Do south!
26:02Red herring for 400!
26:04I'm gonna shout out at the Sea Serpent.
26:05Thanks for the help, ye nasty Sea Serpent!
26:09You see a saber stuck deeply inside some coral.
26:14I am going to exclaim loudly,
26:17the murktopus was probably lying!
26:19And I'm going to jump out
26:21and attempt to pull the saber out.
26:24It moves not an inch!
26:26Fair enough.
26:27Why won't this reward my individual effort?
26:31Ify, that's all you.
26:32I've done the math and I'm going south.
26:36To the whirlpool alley.
26:39I'm going to red herring for 800.
26:42The Serpent appears to be somehow propelled by the saber.
26:48And so takes a move back.
26:51Brennan, that's you again.
26:52I see the approach of Captain Ify coming from the south
26:57and Captain Beardsley headed north.
26:59So I'm going to say,
27:01everyone, quick, quick,
27:02hide all the stuff we used to try to pull the saber out.
27:04Make it look like we've been waiting here.
27:06Put it on a spread, put out finger sandwiches.
27:11Lay some blankets.
27:12I'm sorry, I already saw it.
27:13Ify, that's you.
27:15I go south.
27:16South to end up at red herrings for 400.
27:22Full speed ahead north.
27:24To land at red herrings for 400 players.
27:30As if propelled by some mechanical force
27:34that neither of you knew was present,
27:36your ships fall together like some bad-ass transformer
27:41and your blue, red, and green sails
27:44become those of a combined ship.
27:48A ship that now wields the saber.
27:53You will now make your moves together.
27:56First, the Serpent is going to back up one more time,
27:59threatened by your newfound status.
28:02Players, where would you like to go?
28:03Maybe go east to pop up on the other side of the 80s.
28:07Why, set sail for the 1980s!
28:12End up at the 80s.
28:15The Serpent, once more threatened by you,
28:17now moving in the other direction.
28:19And where would you like to move, crew?
28:2180s for 800.
28:24The Serpent moves south, and one more time.
28:30Where would you like to move?
28:3180s for 1,200.
28:33Players, you arrive at the stone statue of Poseidon.
28:40What do you do in here?
28:42I say we take this saber
28:44and plunge it into the sea god's heart!
28:46No kings, no masters!
28:49Then we might kill him, right?
28:51Let's just chop off the hand.
28:54I don't wanna cut any of his body off.
28:56It looks like he's pointing at something.
28:57What, is he pointing at something?
28:59He's pointing imperiously at us poor mortals.
29:02Let's behead the sea god!
29:06What if we do a practice stab on the shark?
29:12You line up for your practice stab on the shark,
29:15and all that happens is you touch this stone
29:19with the edge of that saber,
29:22and a crack begins to form in the stone as if it's ice.
29:28It spreads throughout the statue,
29:30and the statue crumbles away from the top to middle.
29:36As it does, dust rises into the sky,
29:41and out from the bottom comes this guy.
29:46You goddamn man, son of a bitch.
29:49How long was that?
29:50Was that like, was that a thousand years?
29:53Is anyone keeping tabs on that?
29:54Hey, brother. Oh no, hey.
29:56Hey, how's it going?
29:57Hey, what's up?
29:57What's up, what's up?
29:58Poseidon, you are?
30:00I'm the captain of the ship that you're looking at.
30:03I am also the captain of the ship.
30:05Oh, right, of course, yes, co-captain.
30:07Yeah, we're, it's, there's three co-captains.
30:10It's like a whole fucking lesson about, you know,
30:15collaboration or whatever.
30:17Man, I'm more of a solo player,
30:19you know what I'm saying?
30:20But whatever floats your boat, literally speaking.
30:22Hey, you know what, man?
30:24We were wondering if you have an answer
30:29that you would like a question to.
30:31I got a answer to a question needs some asking,
30:36but that's because you're needing some more wisdom
30:38to guide you on your journey.
30:39I want to be very clear.
30:40I'm not after wisdom.
30:41I'm after the dollar amounts associated
30:44with these questions.
30:45Well, I don't know much about dollar amounts.
30:48I'm sort of the non-material kind of guy,
30:51but sure, here's a quick, here's a quick answer for you.
30:55This 1984 hit song by the band Dead or Alive,
30:58were you to follow its instructions literally
31:00would make you quite dizzy.
31:03Captain, is this you spin me right round?
31:07Is that what it's called?
31:07That's what I was thinking too.
31:09What be you spin me right round?
31:13Oh, man, you saved me quite a bit of grief there.
31:17I've been wondering about the question
31:18to that answer for eons.
31:21Makes no sense given that it was composed in the 80s.
31:24Now this is, this is gonna sound a little trippy.
31:28They say up is down and left is right
31:33and such will be the case until the serpent is destroyed.
31:37That's what they say.
31:38But because questions are answers
31:42and answers are questions,
31:44you know, I wonder if the reverse is true too.
31:48In other words, could the serpent be destroyed
31:53if up were made down again?
31:56Are you suggesting that if we sail up
31:59the serpent's asshole, we'll eat it
32:02and then it will be dead?
32:04Well, that's, that's one idea.
32:07Set a course for the serpent's asshole.
32:09Absolutely not, I grabbed the wheel.
32:11Oh my God, I'm literally getting outvoted.
32:13This is why there's not three captains on a ship.
32:16One day, it was like everything got turned upside down
32:21and suddenly that whirlpool that had only ever gone down
32:24went up instead.
32:26And when it did, the serpent got flung out of there.
32:32Well, oh, I never noticed this whole time
32:36that compass is upside down.
32:38Do so, set a course for the compass rose's asshole.
32:43Rowan's quarantine horny.
32:47Together, you make your way down
32:50to the tip of the compass.
32:52The three of you lift your anchors together
32:57and throw them across this giant metal object.
33:02They clang as they tighten.
33:05The power of your combined ship backs up
33:08and moves them together.
33:10Very slowly, the compass starts moving around
33:17and as it does, you feel the gravity of the game shifting.
33:23Waters that once moved right, move left.
33:27Waters that once moved up, move down.
33:31The serpent pulled by this new found gravity
33:34of the whirlpool moving in the other direction
33:37is sucked in.
33:39He lets out one primal screech
33:43as he's lured finally into his water coffin.
33:48The three of you have saved the land of the Jeopardy and Seas
33:54with your combined efforts and your trivia knowledge.
33:59We all working together, reverse the cardinal directions
34:05and sucked that sea bug up its own asshole.
34:10And in an instant, it all comes flooding back to you.
34:13You're reminded that your names are Brennan
34:16and Ify and Allie,
34:18and you are playing a weird internet game show
34:22over video conference,
34:24and you've all collectively won a tushy bidets.
34:29Get that asshole clean.
34:31Are you being serious right now
34:32that we did a whole asshole bit on this thing
34:35and the real prize is a bidet?
34:37That is it for us here at Game Changer.
34:41I am Sam Reich,
34:43a poor excuse for both Brennan Lee Mulligan
34:46and an Alex Bruback.
34:48That's right.
34:53Somebody send me that siren picture.