Sleeper Agents

  • 2 days ago


00:00Get ready for a game-changer!
00:03Tonight's guests, a secret member of the CIA,
00:06it's Katie Maravich!
00:12A card-carrying member of AAA, it's Tao Yang!
00:18And having never been to the DMV, it's Lily Du!
00:24And your host, me!
00:27I've been here the whole time!
00:29This is Game Changer, the only game show
00:32where the game changes every show.
00:34I am your host, Sam Reich.
00:35I'm joined today by these three lovely contestants.
00:37Now, you all understand how the game works.
00:43Tell us!
00:43That's right. Our players have no idea
00:45what game it is they're about to play.
00:47The only way to learn is by playing.
00:50The only way to win is by learning,
00:51and the only way to begin is by beginning.
00:53So, without further ado, let's begin.
00:55Players, welcome to the Game Changer Intelligence Agency.
01:01Oh, no.
01:02Ash, can you bring out the dossiers?
01:07Oh, no. Okay.
01:09It's not true. Very thin file.
01:11This is scary.
01:12Can we open?
01:13Yeah, you can open.
01:15Now, players, are you familiar
01:16with the concept of a sleeper agent?
01:20No. Sort of.
01:22What a sleeper agent is
01:24is an agent who can be activated with a trigger phrase.
01:31Otherwise, they look just like us.
01:33Pedestrians out on the street.
01:35For instance, Ash, my mother still tucks me in at night.
01:41Agent activated.
01:45Players, what you have in those folders
01:49are 10 phrases that unlock 10 sleeper agents.
01:54I'm going to ask you to read them one at a time,
01:57starting with Katie.
01:58Why do you think the weather isn't?
02:00Is there a cute dance you could teach me?
02:04Want to buy some stolen DJ equipment?
02:09Am I your type?
02:10Before you answer, take a look at all this.
02:15We're making a documentary about my murder.
02:19Allow me to introduce myself.
02:21I'm Fuck Fredrickson.
02:24Have you seen an older me go by in a time machine?
02:27I'm sure you get this a lot, but you could pull off a ponytail.
02:32Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds?
02:36I'm just going to sneeze over everything real quick.
02:40Now, players, there are sleeper agents all around us.
02:46Literally, all around the studio.
02:50You have 20 minutes.
02:52Your exit is off stage right on your mark, get set, go.
02:58All around the studio.
03:01This is a good-
03:01Stage right?
03:02Wait, here?
03:02That's right.
03:03Where Lily's going.
03:07Push it.
03:07You got it.
03:09Fuck that.
03:09It's a little, like, I believe his was over.
03:12Oh, no.
03:14Let's see this.
03:15I'm wearing flip-flops.
03:16Get off of me.
03:17Sir, why do you think the weather isn't?
03:21Excuse me.
03:22Why do you think the weather isn't?
03:24Or is there a cute dance you could teach me?
03:27Allow me to introduce myself.
03:29I'm Fuck Fredrickson.
03:32Nice to meet you.
03:33Nice to meet you.
03:33I'm just going to sneeze on everything real quick.
03:36Would you like to buy some stolen DJ equipment?
03:38No, I'm good.
03:39Is there a cute dance you could teach me?
03:41Want to buy some stolen DJ equipment?
03:44What's wrong with you?
03:45Am I your type?
03:46Before you answer, take a look at all this.
03:47Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds?
03:54Um, am I your type?
03:55By the way, before you answer, take a look at all this.
03:58Tell me there's a problem.
04:01Do you want to buy some stolen DJ equipment?
04:03We're making a documentary about my murder.
04:04Are you crazy?
04:05Allow me to introduce myself.
04:06I'm Fuck Fredrickson.
04:07That's not a real phone call you're making, is it?
04:10Have you seen an older me go by in a time machine?
04:13I'm talking to a real person.
04:14Oh, you are talking to a real person.
04:15I'm so sorry.
04:16If you're not a part of this, I am so sorry.
04:19But I'm with this woman.
04:21Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds?
04:23Have you seen an older me go by in a time machine?
04:27I'm going to sneeze over everything real quick.
04:29I'm going to sneeze over.
04:30I need medical help.
04:31Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds?
04:33You can say no if you want.
04:35I'm just going to sneeze over everything real quick.
04:37I'm going to sneeze over everything real quick.
04:39I'm just going to sneeze over everything real quick.
04:41Am I your type?
04:43Before you answer, take a look at all this.
04:45Why do you think the weather isn't?
04:47Is there a cute dance you could teach me?
04:49I think.
04:50Oh, thank God.
04:52Oh, thank God.
04:53This is absolute bullshit.
04:56Uh, thank you.
04:57Can you hug me for a good 10 seconds?
04:59It's okay if you don't want to.
05:01Oh, okay.
05:02We're going to hug.
05:03That's all right.
05:0410 seconds, right?
05:06I'm sure you get this a lot, but you could pull off a ponytail.
05:08I'm sure you get this a lot, but you could pull off a ponytail.
05:10What is going on?
05:12Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds?
05:14I'm just going to sneeze over everything.
05:17Agent activated.
05:21Am I your type?
05:23Am I your type?
05:24Before you answer, take a look at all this.
05:26Did I just sneeze?
05:29Let's see.
05:30You know, I was hoping any of these questions would make you do something,
05:34but you're a real person and I hate myself.
05:37I'm so sorry.
05:39Dammit, please!
05:40I'm just going to sneeze over everything real quick.
05:42You said it already like so many times.
05:45What are you guys?
05:47We're twins.
05:48You're actors.
05:50We're twins.
05:54When I'm in like an escape room, I look at scratches on the wall and I go,
05:56this is it and it's not.
05:59What about these guys?
06:02I'm sure you get this a lot, but you could pull off a ponytail.
06:06Is that okay to tell you that?
06:09Can you just hug me for a good ten seconds?
06:12I'm sorry.
06:14I'm just going to...
06:15Allow me to introduce myself.
06:17I'm Fuck Fredrickson.
06:18We're making a documentary about my murder.
06:20Allow me to introduce myself.
06:22I'm Fuck Fredrickson.
06:23Where else could people be?
06:24Do you want to buy some stolen DJ equipment?
06:26Agent activated.
06:28Oh my gosh.
06:29I'm sure you get this a lot, but you could pull off a ponytail.
06:32Agent activated.
06:35Why do you think the weather isn't?
06:38Is there a cute dance you could teach me?
06:42Can you just hug me for a good ten seconds?
06:45I'm going to just sneeze over everything real quick.
06:49I'm sorry.
06:50You're just walking with a...
06:52What's in the trash bag?
06:54I'm sorry.
06:55You're right.
06:56You're right.
06:57Would you like to buy some stolen DJ equipment?
07:01Am I your type?
07:02Before you...
07:03What's your problem?
07:04I'm sorry.
07:05I'm sorry.
07:06I'm just doing some research.
07:08I do...
07:09Yeah, it's for a market in Canada.
07:10Am I your type?
07:11Before you answer, take a look at all this.
07:13Agent activated.
07:14Oh, yes.
07:18Do you want to buy some stolen DJ equipment?
07:23We're making a documentary about my murder.
07:25Think about that.
07:28I'm not going to ask you this one.
07:29Is there a good cute dance you could teach me?
07:31Am I your type?
07:32Before you answer, take a look at all this.
07:34Can you hug me for a good 10 seconds?
07:37Okay, I don't feel like I'm allowed to say this one, but allow me to introduce myself. I'm fuck Fredrickson
07:44I knew it
07:48In no world does a mom walk her daughter on this street of used car lots at 10 a.m
07:55On a monday. Why do you think the weather isn't?
07:58What? Why do you think the weather isn't? I just work. You just work here? Okay, you have a mic
08:03Huh, oh, hello. Hi. Um, hi. Um, why do you think the weather isn't?
08:16I'm just gonna hug and sneeze over everything real quick. Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds about my murder?
08:23I'm sure you get this a lot, but you could pull off a ponytail. I don't know which one activated it. Someone will know
08:34I'm just gonna sneeze over everything real quick. What is happening?
08:39I'm, so sorry. Do you guys mind if I ask you some quick questions?
08:42Have you seen an older me go buy in a time machine want to buy some stolen dj equipment?
08:46Have you seen an older me go buy a time machine gonna sneeze over everything?
08:49Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds? Why do you think the weather isn't no, okay
08:55Great. Thank you
08:56You can be done if you want to be done
08:59I'm not done
09:00I'm not done. Excuse me, sir. I'm sure you get this a lot, but you can pull off a ponytail
09:04I'm just going to uh sneeze over everything real quick. Is that okay?
09:08Can you just hug me for a good 10 seconds?
09:21So none of those worked i'm so sorry for bothering you thank you for your service
09:30Um, why do you think the weather isn't
09:33Is there a cute dance you could teach me?
09:36Are these are you part of this?
09:38I'm, just gonna sneeze over everything real quick. Can you hug me for a good 10 seconds?
09:43I'm, sure you get this a lot, but you could pull off a ponytail
09:47Can you just hug me for oh, oh this
09:52I swear I asked him every single question. Hey, man. Um, i've already asked you all these
10:01This is maybe not good that we're going for the same person. Well now katie's leaving I feel like I
10:07You seem so made up and polite to be a cop. What do you think the weather isn't?
10:12We're making a documentary about my murder
10:17We're making a documentary about my murder
10:20If none of these work i'm gonna feel really bad am I your type before you answer take a look at all this
10:27That person is real which that bothers my mind you want to buy some stolen dj equipment, it's not stolen agent activated. Thank god
10:35Players here are your activated sleeper agents. How do you think you did? I don't know not good
10:44Yes, I
10:45Feel okay, but there are definitely sometimes we were all yelling at the same person and I don't know who got it
10:50Got a little competitive. Yes katie if you could raise your hand
10:55Now if you were activated by katie, please go and stand behind katie
11:00Oh, I didn't see these people at all
11:05Katie has apparently activated three sleeper agents. Teo raise your hand
11:11If you were activated by teo go stand behind teo you were
11:19Surprise surprise
11:22Lily raise your hand if you were activated by lily stand by lily
11:27The score
11:29Is three to three to four that means lily you are the winner of this episode of game changer
11:36You are our top agent, but because you are that of course means you're outed and now need to go into hiding
11:43Okay, and so lily your prize is two plane tickets anywhere in the world
11:49You would like to go is that true that is true
11:56Okay that I hugged that strange hand
11:59Now that is it for this episode of game changer
12:03I am sam reich reminding you that our sleeper agents are everywhere
12:09Don't be embarrassed go and see for yourself. Good night