• 2 days ago


00:00For a game changer, tonight's guests.
00:05A thousand haircuts, all of them cool.
00:08It's Allie Beardsley.
00:11Noted toilet water drinker, Grant O'Brien.
00:15And someone new to bid against.
00:18It's Lily Dube.
00:20Hello, money means nothing to me now.
00:22And your host, me.
00:26I've been here the whole time.
00:30This is Game Changer, the only game show
00:34where the game changes every show.
00:36I am your host, Sam Reich.
00:38I'm joined today by these three lovely contestants.
00:42Now, you all understand how the game works?
00:44I do, actually, yeah.
00:45That's right, it's a game-samer.
00:47So without further ado,
00:48let's begin by bringing out the safe.
00:53That's a stool.
00:54The safe is heavy.
00:55It takes at least two people.
00:57Do you think if you had a stronger crew,
00:58it would get out here faster?
01:00Oh, boy.
01:02Thank you so much, both.
01:05Would you?
01:06Oh, we're starting that quick.
01:07I'm whiplash.
01:08Do an earnest breakdance.
01:10Somehow this is more embarrassing
01:13than the worst stuff I thought.
01:15And you somehow did bullseye me
01:18because there is a breakdance.
01:19It's arms only that me and my cousin took hours to learn
01:23and I still remember it.
01:26How much?
01:26I do need to preface this.
01:28It doesn't look impressive, but it's really hard.
01:31I want to do it and then have someone try their hardest
01:33to also do it.
01:34No guarantees, Allie.
01:34Okay, anyway, $500.
01:39I'll give you a little peek.
01:40Okay, that's all you get.
01:42I'd like to see more.
01:43I don't think that's worth $500.
01:46I mean, I actually want to see it,
01:49so I'm reluctant to bid against that,
01:52but I also would do it for less.
01:54I'd do it for $250.
01:56What would you do, though?
01:58I'd try to do that thing where the leg,
01:59where you circle the leg.
02:01That I desperately want to see.
02:06For $200, I will try to do a kick up.
02:12Off the floor.
02:12Yeah, and then I'll try to do the leg spinny thing.
02:15Do I hear any better than $200?
02:17I'll do $150 for the cool arm thing
02:20that I know I can nail.
02:21That's $150 from Allie.
02:22I'm out.
02:23I'm out.
02:24Oh, great.
02:25I want to see it.
02:27I'd like to see it.
02:29Can you guys agree to try it after me?
02:32Because it does look easy, but it's not easy.
02:34Once again.
02:35I'll try it for $40.
02:37How dare you?
02:39Wait, are you making a deal with me?
02:41Sam, you're out of this.
02:42I'm making a deal with the person.
02:43Wait, I'm getting $150
02:44and I have to give $40 of them to you?
02:46I don't want to do it.
02:47This is the first one.
02:48This is the first one, yes.
02:49Pay me $20, pay me $20.
02:51All right, $40, $20, here we go.
02:53Yep, let's do it.
02:53Oh my God!
02:55Oh no.
02:56It's literally like the music video.
02:58Oh my God, it's a Fatboy Slim music video.
03:01Are you ready?
03:02I'm ready.
03:03We're gonna get the lever, babe.
03:06It's only this,
03:07and then you can kind of like move around.
03:10I paid $90 for this.
03:13Now, please try it.
03:14Try that?
03:15Your arms are gonna,
03:16right into your side.
03:17It's not gonna look as fluid.
03:18I paid $90.
03:21If you nail it,
03:22I swear to God,
03:23I'm gonna take an Uber home
03:24and leave my car here.
03:25No way, no way, Grant nails this.
03:26Go for it, Grant.
03:29Oh no!
03:30Grant, Grant!
03:31I almost fell.
03:32Are you faking that?
03:33What was that?
03:34Isn't that what I was doing?
03:35Do it at the same time as me,
03:36and you'll see the difference.
03:39One, two, three.
03:43You know something?
03:44You know something, Allie?
03:46That's not worth $90,
03:49but this together is worth $130.
03:53Capitalism is strange that way.
03:56Allie's thing looked wrong.
03:58It's a great move.
04:01It was what, this?
04:03Wow, yeah, exactly.
04:06Is it this?
04:07You know what?
04:08Ultimately, small price to pay to embarrass you all.
04:11How dare you?
04:12$90, $40, $20.
04:15Creative deal-making to start this game.
04:17Grant O'Brien.
04:19Can you take a bite of an onion?
04:22Can't not peel?
04:23Where would be the fun of that?
04:25Can I peel it with my hands before I take the bite?
04:27Well, that's a negotiation that we'll leave open,
04:30depending on the other offers.
04:31Yeah, $100.
04:33$100, not so bad.
04:35For $200, I eat it with the skin.
04:38$90, I eat it with the skin.
04:42$80, I'll take a bite with the skin.
04:45$80 from Grant.
04:47For $75, I'll do it.
04:49$75 from Lily.
04:51$70 from Grant.
04:51It's a race to the bottom here again.
04:53$70 goes to Grant.
04:55The worst part is gonna be the skin.
04:57How big of a bite?
04:58You know, like an apple bite?
05:00Yes, an apple bite would be a great example.
05:02Grant takes big bites.
05:03Well, I'm a big boy.
05:04Oh boy.
05:05Ew, why is he gonna stand like that behind the safe?
05:07Get away.
05:08This one's for you.
05:09Why did I get put on the horny money episode?
05:15That'll be $70 for Grant, bringing him to $110.
05:19Lily, would you let a dog lick your mouth?
05:24Now I'm talking about open mouth French kiss.
05:27How smelly is this dog?
05:29I will say my dog has some of the cleanest teeth at the vet.
05:32This is my dog, so you have a sense of size.
05:38It would be a monster!
05:38Okay, can I have a chance to just kiss her on the head?
05:41Lily is beautiful.
05:43We will need the coconut oil.
05:44What's his sign?
05:47Finn, I can't wait for you to make out with me.
05:50What are you gonna make us do to the dog next?
05:52He finds coconut oil irresistible.
05:55So if we put coconut oil on your lips,
05:57he will make out with you until we say stop.
06:00So sorry, all my lips are inside my mouth
06:02because I'm okay with either.
06:04I'm okay with either, my lips are inside my mouth.
06:07Your lips.
06:08Oh, that's not bad at all.
06:09We are expecting an open mouth kiss.
06:11So, let the bidding begin.
06:13$10 from Lily.
06:15We're going down, folks.
06:16We began with $90.
06:17I want to.
06:18Can we have a meeting, actually?
06:20I need to talk to both of you.
06:23Fucking get it together.
06:25Pretend you don't want to kiss the dog.
06:26Know inside that you want to kiss the dog.
06:28Say $200.
06:29Okay, okay.
06:33I changed my mind.
06:34I'll do it for $10.
06:35Oh my God!
06:38Finn, come to me!
06:41The dog's cute, I get it.
06:49What dollar?
06:51I'll give you a dollar.
06:52Give me a dollar.
06:53I'll give you $2.
06:54Give me $2.
06:54I'll give you $10.
06:55Give me $10!
06:57Look at that little sweetheart.
06:58Going once.
06:59Oh my God.
07:00Going twice.
07:01Look at that little sweetheart.
07:03Wait, here's the thing.
07:04If Grant does that, is Finn not allowed to kiss my face?
07:09I suppose we could throw it a free kiss.
07:11Goal to Grant.
07:13Let's go ahead and bring out the coconut oil, please.
07:15Oh my God, this is insane.
07:18Now, Grant has just consumed an onion.
07:22And I'm a little concerned that this will backfire.
07:25A little onion, coconut dog.
07:28Okay, wait.
07:29Now, if we're looking at the rest of the challenges, okay?
07:33How many more of them have a sexual undertone?
07:35Because I'm looking at my teammates here.
07:37What are you talking about?
07:39I'm trying to figure out, can we bargain?
07:40Can we figure it out?
07:41But if you keep throwing us shit like this,
07:43it's just going to be an episode
07:45of people doing things for free.
07:47And I'm going to be here pulling my hair out.
07:49No, no, no.
07:50I'm ready to unionize after Grant.
07:51I'm ready to unionize.
07:53Hi, honey.
07:54Hey, this is Grant.
07:57Finn doesn't want it.
07:58It's really, it's really weird.
07:59Finn doesn't want it!
08:00Yeah, no one likes that.
08:01Finn doesn't want it!
08:04Literally pushed me away.
08:06Come to me.
08:07Literally would not do it.
08:09What about Lily?
08:10Do you like Lily?
08:11His favorite thing on earth is coconut oil
08:13and he still wouldn't kiss me.
08:14I'm used to that.
08:18I am so offended.
08:20Finn, thank you very much for participating.
08:22Finn, thank you for all you do.
08:23Gorgeous animal.
08:24That was great.
08:25You have a very clean dog mouth.
08:27As far as dog mouths go.
08:29We're going to take this up a small notch.
08:32Allie, tweet your own name in quotes
08:35as if you were searching for it.
08:39That is smart.
08:41Why, thank you.
08:42It means a lot.
08:43How much?
08:44We should just set a number and stick to it.
08:46Broker a deal.
08:48We won't go under $250 for anything here on out.
08:51Excuse me.
08:52That is good.
08:53You just got a full freebie.
08:55Let's take Sam for all he's worth.
08:58Let's make College Humor go out of business again.
09:01I said $275.
09:03Do not go lower.
09:04You're setting a floor?
09:05That's what's happening?
09:07We've added up to here, okay?
09:08I won't even do it for $275.
09:09That, I won't do that.
09:11So is your bid $275, Allie?
09:13Or are you just saying that's the floor?
09:15No, I'm saying mine is $275.
09:17And I'm not going to bid.
09:18And I'm not going to bid.
09:19Given the amount of money in this safe,
09:20I am a little worried about running out fast.
09:23You've given me no choice,
09:24but to bring out a scab.
09:27Who would be disgusting a filthy rat enough to bid?
09:30Oh, no.
09:30Oh my God, Katie!
09:32That's stupid.
09:34Katie, if you could take a position among the players.
09:37Katie and I made an agreement before this
09:39that if costs got too high,
09:41she would come out here in order to drive them down.
09:43And so Katie, I'll ask you,
09:46would you tweet your own name in quotes
09:48for any less than $275?
09:51What's your best offer, Katie?
09:53I'll do it for $20.
09:56Jesus Christ.
09:58I'll do it for $20.
10:00Wait, that's very funny.
10:02Will you really?
10:03No, no, no, don't outbid her.
10:04Don't outbid her.
10:05I'll do it for $20.
10:06Let her do it.
10:07This goes to Katie Marovitch for $20.
10:10Katie, go ahead and tweet your name in quotes.
10:13I can't believe it.
10:15And tweeted.
10:17I can't believe it.
10:18Katie, you can go ahead and write 20 on your scoreboard.
10:22I'm excited.
10:23This is so stupid.
10:24We barely got off the ground.
10:25Now, since the rest of you have chosen to unionize,
10:29I think it's fair that you all pay union dues.
10:32So I am going to subtract $5.
10:35Great, but what benefits do we receive as a union
10:38to pay these dues for?
10:39The benefits of being in the union.
10:41Hey, Katie, you want to unionize with us?
10:43I'll vemo you $200 real dollars right now
10:46to unionize with us.
10:47We're moving on.
10:50Would you get a temporary tattoo sleeve?
10:55I love that, and I would love to have that.
10:58All right, $50.
11:02Sounds about right.
11:05I'm going to go with $250.
11:07Okay, $250.
11:08Wait, shit.
11:09Oh, yeah, that's fun.
11:11How quickly we forget ourselves.
11:14Katie, can you do any better than $250?
11:17Oh, jeez.
11:18Can you do better than $50, Grant?
11:19$50 is actually the lowest.
11:21I'll do it for $45.
11:26Can I go lower?
11:28Yeah, yeah.
11:30Do I hear any lower from anyone than $40?
11:34I'll do it for $35.
11:35Do I hear lower than $35?
11:36It's Friday, and that's going to look stupid by tonight.
11:38No, I'm out.
11:39You could have been searching, and it would still look good.
11:40I'm out.
11:41You're out?
11:42I'm out.
11:42Going once, going twice, sold to Katie for $35.
11:47Time to suit up.
11:49Put my hand here?
11:51$35, sweet balance.
11:53This is a temp tattoo.
11:54I guess that's fine.
11:55But how can we do it while Katie's always there?
11:58We take her out.
11:59Come on, baby.
12:00Make it look good.
12:02Make it look bad.
12:03Call my crew, baby.
12:04You can call this crew whatever you want.
12:05Make it look slidey and weird.
12:07Oh my God.
12:08Who's going to get it?
12:09What do we think so far?
12:10It looks incredible.
12:11Does it really?
12:11What do people do in real life with scabs?
12:13That's what I'm trying to figure out.
12:14You get them to join the union,
12:16or you threaten their family.
12:17Let's get a look at that tattoo.
12:19Pretty badass, Katie.
12:22It looks real.
12:23We have to beat up Katie.
12:24You can return to your position and turn that $20,
12:27I believe, to $55.
12:29Allie with $85, Grant with $105,
12:33Lily with $15, and Katie, our scab, with $55.
12:38Ash, would you go ahead and open the safe, please?
12:40Oh no.
12:41Already, we're finding out?
12:43Yeah, that's how he does this.
12:44There are once again $10,000 inside of this safe.
12:46I fucking told you.
12:49Lily, would you let a tarantula crawl out of your face?
12:54I would now like to introduce you to Molly and Paul.
12:58I feel sick.
12:59Everybody, this is Molly, our tarantula candidate.
13:03Hi, Molly.
13:04This is Paul.
13:05How long does it have to be on our face?
13:07Just, you know, a few seconds.
13:08A good crawl.
13:09He said a crawl to your face.
13:10That takes a while.
13:11Now, Lily, I will throw it to you
13:13with all of that information.
13:14I would do it for $1,000.
13:17$1,000 from Lily.
13:20Katie, would you do it for any less?
13:21Yeah, I'll do it for $999.
13:24Okay, I'm out.
13:25It's her.
13:25Well, now I have two offers.
13:27I mean, the difference is only a dollar,
13:29so it's really up to me.
13:30What do you think?
13:31Very true.
13:33Going with Lily for $1,000.
13:35Let's go ahead and get the armchair in here.
13:36Oh, no.
13:38How's our old guy doing?
13:41Not, but yeah.
13:43You can come over and take a seat, please.
13:46Aw, Graham hates this, for real.
14:02Oh, there we go.
14:05Hey, I bet we got it.
14:06Yeah, hey, I bet we got the shot, eh?
14:10Lily, with $1,015, Grant with $105.
14:13Katie with $55, and Allie with $85.
14:17I could've asked for more.
14:18Allie, would you post an Instagram of yourself
14:22at a maskless rate?
14:24And now you're asking,
14:26how on earth would I find that photo?
14:29How on earth would I find that photo?
14:31And I would like to remind you
14:32that I went to Photoshop camp as a teenager.
14:39They look funny.
14:39Wait, Lily, you look the best out of all of these.
14:42I think you should do it.
14:44Let's make clear an expectation here.
14:46When you post this, it will be with the caption,
14:51Miami, exclamation point.
14:54That's all.
14:56I think Grant should do this one,
14:58because it seems like he would be
14:59the one most likely to do it.
15:00Fuck, it does.
15:02What about Katie?
15:03What's the photo of Katie look like?
15:05Oh, the photo of Katie looks just what this is.
15:09Okay, I would like to remind the group
15:11that there is still $8,740 on the line.
15:15I'd do it for $1,000.
15:17$1,000 is a reasonable offer, Grant.
15:20I respect that.
15:21Well, I'm a reasonable man.
15:21It was Allie's turn, however.
15:23Yeah, $1,200.
15:25That's $1,200 from Allie.
15:28But you also have to Photoshop in Megan Fox
15:30and Machine Gun Kelly next.
15:34I would do it for $1,000.
15:35$1,000 from Grant.
15:37Do I hear any lower than $1,000?
15:39I'll do it for $999.
15:49I'll do $400.
15:56Going once.
15:58I'll do it for $75.
15:59Oh my God!
16:03There are people that I'm trying to sleep with
16:05that follow me on Instagram
16:06and I want them to think I'm a good man.
16:08Going once, going twice.
16:10Sold to Katie.
16:11I can't believe it.
16:12Katie, I'm gonna go ahead and text this to you.
16:14Text it to me, I'll post it right away.
16:16I don't know if I feel bad from the onion,
16:19from the stress hormones from that tarantula,
16:21or from the fact that I don't know
16:23how I'm gonna make any money in this game.
16:24I can't believe it.
16:25Already people are liking it.
16:26People are liking it already.
16:28Katie, you'll never make the big bucks this way.
16:30Yeah, it's true.
16:31A good prompt is elegantly simple.
16:35And so the difficulty is coming up with prompts
16:37that are creative and devious,
16:39despite the fact that they're simple.
16:41And I can't tell you how proud I am of this next one.
16:44Would you put a notch in your eyebrow?
16:50Oh my God, this is so good.
16:56I am bisexual.
16:58Yeah, I was gonna say.
16:59And that's the only way to let people know
17:01that you're bisexual.
17:02You get to go to Equinox for free.
17:06I'm not doing it.
17:07You won't know until it's too late
17:09whether you can pull it off.
17:10Yeah, true.
17:11I know.
17:12Katie said she won't scab for this,
17:14so name as high as possible.
17:15I won't scab, you have my word.
17:17Excuse me, Katie, that's what you're here for.
17:19I'm not making as much money as I want it to be.
17:22I have to join the group.
17:23Thank God.
17:25We did it.
17:26I believe, Grant, I'm starting with you.
17:27There's not, I won't do that for that.
17:30I think it would look kind of hot on you, though.
17:32There's not an amount of money left
17:33that I would do that for.
17:35Here's the thing.
17:36I do need my face to look the same for auditions.
17:39So for that reason, I'm out.
17:41Wow, this is like Shark Tank all of a sudden.
17:43Here I am, the lone pitcher with a product
17:46that I think America can really get behind,
17:48and all of you are telling me, you're out.
17:50How thin is the notch?
17:51Oh, I was planning on giving you the reason.
17:53Oh, the notch could be so thin.
17:54Look at my eyebrows.
17:55They're so-
17:56They're bushy, you could pencil them in.
17:57I can't.
17:58You do the notch at the edge.
18:00I don't know.
18:00Ally, your eyebrows are sparse, you could pencil them in.
18:01How dare you?
18:02I'm gonna brush it on these eyebrows.
18:03Everything that you have done
18:06to your physical appearance on CollegeHumor over the years
18:10has turned out to look cool.
18:12$5,000 for Ally to do it.
18:14Yeah, 5,000.
18:15Do it.
18:17Nobody has to.
18:17I will move on to the next prop to Five No-Takers.
18:21God, it's so good though.
18:22This is such a good prom.
18:24This girl looks hot.
18:26You're all Googling the look.
18:27I mean, the front is kind of cool.
18:30Do it in an angle, don't do it straight.
18:32Do it at a-
18:33Oh my God, Bow Wow has it?
18:36Momoa's looks cool.
18:37Momoa's does look cool.
18:38All these people wear the same type-ass.
18:40I'll do it, I'll do the Jason Momoa for $5,000.
18:45I'll do it.
18:46This is the tattoo.
18:47I said, don't do it.
18:48We don't have to do it.
18:49Then the money's still on the table.
18:51This is literally total forgiveness.
18:55Ally, you're gonna look hot.
18:59Ah, okay.
19:01Oh my God.
19:02Did you do it?
19:03Yeah, yeah, definitely.
19:03Dead compression off, make it look good.
19:05It looks fine.
19:06Oh my God.
19:07It looks totally fine.
19:08Okay, great.
19:11I love this.
19:12You look like you're the president
19:13of the GSA of a public high school.
19:16Ally, bravo.
19:19Thank you so much.
19:21That is $5,000.
19:24Bringing you to $5,085.
19:28Last time around, some of these prompts
19:30got a little bit more interpretable.
19:31Now it's not just a matter
19:33of how much you'll do something for,
19:35it's also a matter of what specifically you'll offer to do.
19:40The next prompt is share a secret.
19:44Oh no.
19:44You must be willing to share this secret with me.
19:48That doesn't mean you'll necessarily share it
19:49with the world.
19:50However, the secret I like most,
19:53I'll try to make a deal for.
19:55And once we strike a deal,
19:56you must share that secret with everyone.
19:58Oh God.
19:59I'm gay.
20:02I have no secrets.
20:03I've told the worst things about me
20:05in public and on podcasts already.
20:06I have some wild secrets.
20:10I have one.
20:11I think I haven't said this on camera before.
20:14I might have.
20:19Oh, I think I know this secret.
20:21It was crazy.
20:24You shouldn't say that out loud.
20:26That's intense.
20:27I'm not gonna lie.
20:29How much do you want for that?
20:30Give me the rest of the money.
20:31The rest of it?
20:32Well, maybe you'll bid me down.
20:35Lily, do you have something for me?
20:36This one isn't that juicy yet.
20:37There's $3,600 left.
20:41Oh, yeah.
20:43It's not that good.
20:44I can think of worse.
20:45No, that's pretty good, Lily.
20:47I like that.
20:48How much do you want for that?
20:49Same as Grant.
20:51Grant's secret might be worth more than yours.
20:53I believe that.
20:53Katie, do you have anything for me?
20:55I definitely don't have anything
20:57as good as these two Grant stories.
21:00Oh no.
21:00Wait, what's Grant's?
21:01I thought of another one, I could tell.
21:03Honestly, Grant.
21:05This is the worst thing I've ever done.
21:07No, I already knew that.
21:08I'm excited.
21:09What was it?
21:12That's good, though.
21:13Yeah, that's good.
21:14That's good.
21:15Okay, I have another one.
21:16It's not as juicy.
21:17It is bad.
21:18Oh my gosh.
21:19I'm quietly judging you, Grant.
21:20That's really bad.
21:21Can I tell Katie's mom's secret?
21:23You better not.
21:29I've apologized.
21:30It's all fine.
21:31I'm better now.
21:31Oh my gosh, that ending is crazy.
21:33Some juicy stuff over here.
21:35Can I convince you to come down at all?
21:37I don't know.
21:38Those are both a lot.
21:39Those are both gonna make the audience hate me.
21:42Grant, you told me two stories.
21:44I think one of them is slightly worse than the other.
21:46Well, which one?
21:47Neither one's good.
21:48Lily, second one is definitely worse than the first.
21:52I would put your second story
21:54in the middle between two Grant stories.
21:56So Lily, would you be willing to come down to, say,
22:02Will you go lower than 2,000?
22:06Grant, what about you?
22:08Would I bring you down to 2,000?
22:09I don't know.
22:10Those are not good stories.
22:13I'd look bad in those stories.
22:15I'll throw in a bribe.
22:17What about $2,000 and all of these donuts?
22:24So many donuts.
22:27Can I make you a counteroffer?
22:28Oh my gosh.
22:29Yes, you have to.
22:30I will do it for $2,000 and all of those donuts
22:34if you promise me that none of this idiot crew
22:37is allowed to have any of those donuts.
22:38Oh my God, I hate you.
22:40Show us your shirt.
22:41This crew is a bunch of idiots
22:45and I don't think they should have any donuts.
22:49I accept and I want the crew to have these donuts.
22:53Oh, very sweet.
22:55It might not be enough.
22:56You're welcome, dummies.
22:57Oh my God.
22:59Grant, go ahead and tell the story.
23:02So my first job in New York,
23:07there was a temporary art installation.
23:09It was very big.
23:10It was a big public thing
23:12and there were souvenir stands arranged around the park.
23:16A massive thing, very popular
23:18and it was in the middle of winter
23:19so I'm wearing a big heavy coat
23:21and you're doing so much business
23:22that I'm just working out of my pocket the whole time.
23:25And after the second day, I'm on the train back to my dorm
23:28and I realize, oh shit,
23:30I still have like $1,500 in this.
23:37Well, I don't stand to make more than $1,500
23:41over my next two or three shifts, which is all I had left.
23:44Why don't I just never go back and keep this money?
23:46Long story short, Grant O'Brien admitting to embezzlement
23:49here on Game Changer.
23:51Let's go ahead and give Grant $2,000 for stealing $1,500.
23:54That's right, baby.
23:56Oh my God.
23:57A couple thousand dollars left in that.
24:00Thank you so much, my onstage accountant.
24:04Anything at all.
24:07It can be something you all do together.
24:08It can be something that you pitch me separately.
24:10What if we sing a song?
24:12Sing a song?
24:13A beautiful song for the rest of the night.
24:15How far have you fallen?
24:17I'll slap Grant in the face.
24:19I'll be honest, slapping Grant in the face
24:22is not the worst offer ever.
24:24We all cheer on as the whole crew gets to come up.
24:27One at a time and slap Grant in the face.
24:29The crew, everybody, the crew gets to slap Grant.
24:33I will do that for the rest of the money.
24:35Yeah, yes.
24:36As hard as they want, real slaps, real slaps.
24:39They're all weak.
24:41I don't think it's going to hurt very bad.
24:42You're going to have to really slap him.
24:44Okay, the rest of this money goes to Grant.
24:46Grant, let's get you right over here.
24:50Any crew who wants should line up over here.
24:53Everyone, everyone.
24:55Come on, everyone get up here.
24:57I'm going to ask you each to come in,
24:59just introduce yourself and then give Grant a good smack.
25:04I'm Kyle.
25:05I'm the producer.
25:09Oh, he made it sexy, I don't like that.
25:12I'm going to make it sexy.
25:13Hello, I'm Jedi, HMU, and this is for you.
25:18Aw, thank you.
25:20Aw, that's so sweet.
25:22I'm Brandon, I'm first AD, I do the scheduling,
25:25and this is for being five minutes late yesterday.
25:31Made this shirt.
25:32I dressed him in this this morning.
25:33I'm Adriel, I'm the costume designer.
25:37Oh, that was nice.
25:38I'll be getting in line.
25:39These slaps aren't enough.
25:41I'm Pierre Delecto, and I hate this bitch.
25:48I wanted more money.
25:53I'm Chloe, I'm the designer,
25:55and you said my whole art team was weak.
26:03See, I told you that our team was weak.
26:04I'm Jay, I am also part of the art department,
26:07and I'm here to prove that we're not weak.
26:10He has a headband!
26:12I'm wearing a headband!
26:18Did a fly just land on me?
26:22Grant, you're all set.
26:23You may return to your podium.
26:25I got so much enjoyment out of that.
26:27That's $1,665 for Grant.
26:31The dollars here at the end of our game,
26:34Katie with $130,
26:36Lily with $1,015,
26:38Grant with $3,770,
26:42and Allie with $5,085.
26:46That does it for us here at Game Changer.
26:47I am Sam Rice,
26:48reminding you that when it comes to us versus the suits,
26:51they may have the money,
26:53but we have the numbers.
26:54Good night.