10 Day Trend – Calmer weather as we heading into spring?

  • 2 days ago
The last week of meteorological winter promises more changeable and windy weather but there may be signs of calmer conditions next week. Alex Deakin has the details.


00:00Welcome along to the last Met Office 10-day trend of meteorological winter.
00:06The weather, though, is going to remain pretty lively over the next, certainly, four or five
00:10days, chopping and changing day on day.
00:12Let's run through the pressure sequence through the rest of this week.
00:15Still plenty of isobars, still plenty of weather fronts, but we also do have high-pressure
00:21systems at times moving in.
00:23So, it's not going to be low after low after low.
00:27We will see some lengthier, drier periods in between.
00:31Why this change?
00:32Well, it's a subtle shift created by a subtle variation in the jet stream, that fast-moving
00:39ribbon of air high up in the atmosphere.
00:41It's still very active.
00:43It's been creating the storms over recent weeks.
00:45But the strongest winds high up in the atmosphere are shifting more out into the mid-Atlantic
00:50and this potential shift, split rather in the jet stream, may well allow high pressure
00:56to build in here through next week.
00:59More on that in a moment.
01:00Let's get through the next few days because, as I said at the start, chopping and changing
01:03pretty regularly.
01:04At first, we've got this cold front swinging south, introducing a much colder air across
01:11the UK for Thursday.
01:13Significant wind chill and these little weather features likely to bring some heavy snow showers
01:18across Scotland, Northern Ireland, maybe parts of Northern England too.
01:21With gusty winds, that could mean blizzards, so we do have a Met Office yellow warning
01:26in place.
01:27I'm not going to go into the details of that here.
01:29You can see it for yourself on the app and on the website.
01:33This is the 10-day trend.
01:34So, let's look at what happens beyond Thursday and, well, what's this?
01:38A little bump in the ice bars, a little ridge of high pressure, which promises most of us
01:44a fine day on Friday.
01:46But as I said, the weather's chopping and changing, so that doesn't last into the weekend.
01:49The ice bars come together again, the winds pick up, these weather fronts will bring some
01:53rain to the north and the west and you can see milder air is spreading back in.
01:59So, as I said, chopping and changing, cold on Thursday with that risk of snow, a cracking
02:05day on Friday if you like your winter's days to be full of blue sky and with much lighter
02:10winds than of late, before the winds pick up through the weekend and it starts to turn
02:14a little milder once more.
02:16The weekend, however, isn't that straightforward.
02:19We do have to keep our eyes peeled on events for Sunday.
02:23This is Sunday's pressure chart and this is potentially a pretty vicious area of low pressure
02:29at the moment, likely to be, well, to the west of the UK.
02:33But even then, the ice bars fairly close together, it is going to be a windy day.
02:37We do have to keep our eyes on this because it could be a little bit further east.
02:42Let's see where it comes from.
02:43It develops from an area of low pressure that's fairly innocuous as it clears away from the
02:48eastern seaboard of the US.
02:50The jet stream picks it up and initially just tracks it out into the mid-Atlantic, but then
02:56it develops it a little dip in the jet stream.
02:58The low crosses from the warm to the cold side and that really intensifies that low
03:04pressure, turning it into a fairly vicious looking low by the time we get to Sunday.
03:09Now, of course, with all that that's got to go on and we're talking five days ahead here,
03:13there is a chance that low is either further north, but also potentially further south
03:18and that could bring some strong winds across the UK.
03:22This is just one computer model run and of course, for these longer range forecasts,
03:26we run the computer model several times and that's what we've got here.
03:29We call these the postage stamps.
03:31This is for Sunday, the middle of Sunday and the darker colours where we're going to see
03:37some stronger winds.
03:38You probably can't see much detail here.
03:39Let's zoom in a little bit and you can see different solutions.
03:44Most of them do have this fairly vicious low pressure system well to the west of the UK,
03:49but some suggesting some strong winds across parts of the UK.
03:53But the ones with the really dark colours tend to have that low further away from the
03:59But it's definitely something we need to keep an eye on over the next few days, that developing
04:03area of low pressure.
04:06That low will scoot away to the north.
04:08But another issue we need to keep an eye on is its weather front as it trails across the
04:13That could bring some periods of longer rain across parts of England and Wales.
04:18And of course, after recent heavy rain, recent flooding, that is something we need to just
04:22keep an eye on at this stage.
04:24But that too should be clearing away, maybe not completely until Tuesday and that will
04:29then allow high pressure, it looks like, to topple in behind.
04:34And that high, or at least areas of high pressure, are more likely to dominate our
04:39weather through next week as this graph shows.
04:42This is the European outlook for next week from the ECMWF model where blue is low pressure,
04:49the orange and red high pressure.
04:50You can see for the next few days up to 100% dominated by low pressure systems, but quite
04:56a strong signal here of a change into next week of seeing an area of high pressure, what's
05:02that 70, 80% more likely to see high pressure than low pressure from Tuesday onwards.
05:08And that would really calm the weather down across much of the UK.
05:12This is the American model, actually, a GFS model, and it shows quite a significant area
05:17of high pressure sitting slap bang across the UK.
05:20This is for next Wednesday.
05:23Not quite that clear cut.
05:24Again, this is just one computer model and we run them several times.
05:28The European model suggesting just around the middle part of the week we could see more
05:33of an easterly wind picking up as well.
05:36So that's also something we need to keep a bit of an eye on.
05:39But generally, it looks like high pressure will certainly be closer to the UK for next
05:45So significantly less windy.
05:47We're going to see less chopping and changing with the weather, certainly once that weather
05:51front's out of the way for Monday and into Tuesday.
05:54With high pressure nearby, clear skies at night, we are likely to see some frosty mornings.
06:00Still plenty going on then, certainly in the short term.
06:02So make sure you stay up to date with the very latest.
06:06Weather warnings, of course, are always available on our website and through our app.
