Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 7 Rusty To The Rescue Pinata Party

  • 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 7 Rusty To The Rescue Pinata Party


00:00Hurry up, Manny! It's almost time for our show!
00:07We're gonna miss the beginning!
00:09And the beginning's the best part!
00:12What do you think, Manny? Huh? Huh?
00:14Can you get it to work?
00:16Of course he can!
00:18Well, with a little help from one of you, I think I can fix it.
00:22I can help!
00:24I can help too!
00:26I can help three!
00:28That's why we're so good at fixing things.
00:31Because we all have a special job.
00:33But right now, I just need Turner.
00:38Just need to tighten up this bolt.
00:45Hurry, Manny!
00:47The show's gonna start!
00:49We're doing the best we can, guys.
00:51Remember, we have to take our time.
00:54And do it right.
00:59All fixed!
01:06Hi, I'm Wayne.
01:08And I'm Nick.
01:10And today, we're going to build...
01:12A house!
01:15Hola, Handy Manny's Repair Shop.
01:17You break it, we fix it.
01:19This is Manny.
01:20Oh, thank goodness.
01:22Manny, it's Mr. Chu,
01:24the principal of Sheedrock Hills Elementary.
01:27One of the bars on the jungle gym broke.
01:30And Alex is stuck at the top.
01:37Hey, Manny.
01:39I've got an idea.
01:42We'll be right there, Mr. Chu.
01:51Come on, tools. We got a job to do.
01:54Oh, yeah!
01:55I do!
01:57What is it, Manny?
01:59Alex is stuck at the top of a jungle gym.
02:02Oh, no!
02:04Es grave!
02:05We better hurry!
02:07Who's Alex?
02:08Come on, tools. Hop in.
02:10Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
02:18Hop, hop, jump in.
02:20Come on, let's go.
02:22Hop, hop, jump in.
02:24Sí, vámonos.
02:26Hop, hop, jump in.
02:28Don't move too slow.
02:30Keep up.
02:31Let's get to work.
02:32Muy rápido.
02:41Good morning, Mr. Lopar.
02:43Having some trouble with the house?
02:45No trouble, no, Manny. I've got it.
02:48Okay, have a good day.
03:20Okay, guys, the first thing we have to do is stop by Kelly's hardware store and get some bolts.
03:26But what if she doesn't have bolts big enough?
03:29Yeah, Manny, we need special jungle gym bolts.
03:32Don't worry. I'm sure Kelly will have just what we need.
03:37Good morning, Kelly.
03:39Buenos días, Manny.
03:41Morning, tools.
03:42What's it going to be today?
03:44Drywall anchor, joist hanger, galvanized strap hinge?
03:48We need a perno.
03:51Un perno, a bolt.
03:53Oh, yeah!
03:55Oh, that's easy.
03:57It's, uh, for a jungle gym.
04:00Ooh, sounds serious.
04:02It is. The jungle gym at the school is broken.
04:06And Alex is stuck at the top.
04:08Wow, that is serious. I hope I have what you need.
04:15How about these?
04:16Perfect. You always have just what we need, Kelly.
04:20You sure do.
04:21Yeah, mostly.
04:22Yeah, Kelly.
04:23Well, you can't do a repair if you don't have the parts you need.
04:27Now, you guys better get going. Alex is probably getting scared up there.
04:31Kelly's right. Come on, tools. Vámonos.
04:51Boy, I hope that jungle gym isn't too high up.
04:54Too high up? How high is it?
04:57You won't need me, right?
05:00Rusty, we're not even there yet. We're gonna do just fine. Right, tools?
05:09Right, tools?
05:13Right, Nanny. I think Rusty will do great.
05:18Me, on the other hand...
05:25We're here, tools. And there's Mr. Two.
05:30Oh, it's terrible, Manny. He can't get down, and I think he's getting scared.
05:48No problem, Mr. Two. We'll get it fixed as soon as we can.
05:51Thank you, Manny. Thank you.
05:53Don't worry, Alex. We'll get it fixed and have you down right away.
05:59Now, what's the best way to fix this?
06:03I can do it! I can do it, Manny!
06:05No, Squeeze. I don't think your jaw will fit around those big bolts.
06:09We'll unscrew them, right, Manny?
06:11No, I don't think you can unscrew this by yourself, Felipe. We can...
06:15I know! You need me to knock them out. I'm a hammer.
06:19No. And thank you for offering, everyone.
06:22But I think this is a job only a monkey wrench can do.
06:26We just need Rusty to loosen up those bolts and put a couple of new ones in.
06:30Huh? Me? No, up there? Oh, please, no.
06:35Sure, it's easy. You can do it, Rusty.
06:38No, I'm not going up there.
06:42Mijo, hi. Manny here. Mr. Two asked me to fix this so you can get down.
06:47I know you. You're Handy Manny. I'm sure glad you're here.
06:53We'll have you down in just a few minutes.
06:55My monkey wrench, Rusty, is just a little scared to go up there.
07:00Can you just tell him that it's not so bad?
07:02Uh, sure.
07:05Come on, Rusty. I'll be there with you. The whole way.
07:08Uh, it's actually really nice up here, Rusty.
07:12You can see the bowling alley. And the laundromat.
07:16And even Mr. Lopar's candy store.
07:21I don't want to see anything. Tell me when it's over.
07:28Be careful, Manny.
07:31Okay, we're here, Rusty. Now, you just need to loosen up those bolts.
07:37You can do it, Rusty.
07:43Wow, that one's on tight.
07:51Good job, Rusty.
08:03Now, all we have to do, Rusty, is tighten up these new bolts and Alex can climb down.
08:08No problem, Manny. Come on, Tools. Let's go.
08:15Let's get going and fix it right.
08:18Twist and turn.
08:19Make it tight.
08:20Trabajamos juntos.
08:23We work together now.
08:26Cut it, measure it.
08:27Pop it flat.
08:28Bend and twist.
08:29Just like that.
08:31Each of us has a special job.
08:33We work together.
08:35Todos juntos.
08:36We can fix it right.
08:41Good job, guys. It's safe to come down, mijito.
08:46Thanks, Handy Manny.
08:48Thanks, Rusty.
08:50You were really brave up there.
08:52Thanks for helping me get down.
08:54Oh, uh-huh. Gee, it was nothing.
08:58As long as we never have to do it again.
09:01I sure hope you don't.
09:03Well, if we do, mi niño, you can be sure that Handy Manny and his tools will be there to help.
09:09Yeah, you bet.
09:16Rusty, you did a great job back there.
09:20You were so brave.
09:23And careful.
09:25And you didn't even hide in the sandbox.
09:34You all did a great job.
09:36I don't know what I would ever do without any of you guys.
09:39Oh, me either.
09:46Hmm, Mr. Loper's still trying to get his hose to work.
09:50Maybe he needs our help.
09:55Come on, cooperate, please.
10:00Hello, Mr. Loper.
10:02Still having trouble with your hose?
10:04No, I'm sure I can figure it out, Manny.
10:07For some reason, I just can't get the water to come out.
10:11Well, it seems to be working now.
10:13Can I get you a towel?
10:16No, no, I'll be fine.
10:19Okay, buenos dias.
10:25Come on, we can still catch the end of our show.
10:29Hooray! I got the remote!
10:35That's all for now. See you next time.
10:40And don't forget to brush!
10:45I just missed it.
10:47That's okay, we can read a book instead.
10:50Manny, how did you get to be so good at fixing things?
10:54Because I have great tools, Pad.
10:56And to do good work, you have to start with good tools.
11:03It's true. Without you guys, I couldn't do half the things I do.
11:09And without you two fix it.
11:12Oh, here's one we haven't read in a while.
11:14Ten Great Ways to Build a Treehouse.
11:20Hola, Senora Portillo. Hola, Alejandro.
11:23That's him, Abuela. That's Hanny Manny who rescued me.
11:28Yes, I know, Alejandro. Everyone knows Manny.
11:33I baked you some fresh pasteles to thank you for helping my grandson today.
11:39Oh, wow, gracias. You didn't have to do that.
11:46Come on in. We were just going to read a story.
11:48It's called Ten Great Ways to Build a Treehouse.
11:51I think you'll like it.
11:53Yeah, you can read with us.
11:55There's a spot right here.
11:57How about next to me?
12:00I get a little scared during the electric saw part.
12:03Don't worry. It's not too scary.
12:06You too, Abuela.
12:08Oh, you're so cute.
12:14The first step of building a treehouse is finding just the right kind of tree to build it in.
12:20Some trees are too big.
12:22Some trees are too small.
12:25Somewhere out there is a tree that's just right.
12:35Pinata party!
12:48I love parties.
12:51Me too.
12:54Maybe we should all hide.
12:56Then when Manny comes in, we jump out and yell, surprise!
13:00We don't want to scare Manny, though.
13:02He won't be scared. He'll be happy.
13:05Of course he'll be happy. It's his birthday.
13:13Hey, Squeeze, mind giving me a hand?
13:16How about some teeth?
13:24Oh, careful there, mi amiga.
13:31Happy birthday, Manny.
13:33Wow, gracias, tools.
13:36Feliz cumpleaños, Manny.
13:39Gracias, abuelito.
13:41I have a surprise for your birthday, Manny.
13:46Wow, it's beautiful.
13:50What is it?
13:52It's a pinata.
13:54A what?
13:56A pinata.
13:57It's a game that's played at all kinds of celebrations, especially birthday parties.
14:03When I was un niño pequito, my abuelo would always bring me a pinata for my birthday.
14:10And now...
14:11You're bringing one for Manny.
14:16What's that noise?
14:18What's that noise?
14:20It sounds scary.
14:22I don't think I want to play.
14:25You don't have to be scared, Rusty.
14:27The pinata's filled with candy.
14:30Candy? I'll play that game.
14:33But how do we get the candy out?
14:35See, that's the fun part.
14:37You whack the pinata with a stick until it breaks open.
14:42What are you doing?
14:44I'm going to whack the pinata and get the candy.
14:48That's what I was going to do.
14:50But I got it first.
14:52Give it to me. I got it.
14:54I got it.
14:56Hang on, you two.
14:58Yeah, there's no need to argue. You can both get a turn.
15:03We're sorry, Manny.
15:05I guess we made a mess.
15:08Well, if we all pitch in, maybe we can pick up all the ball bearings and still have time for the party.
15:18Hola, Hanny.
15:20Hey, Rusty.
15:22Hey, Manny.
15:24Hey, Rusty.
15:26Hey, Manny.
15:28Hey, Rusty.
15:31Hola, Hanny Manny's Repair Shop.
15:33You break it, we fix it. This is Manny.
15:36Hello, Manny. It's Sam the bike man.
15:39Buenos dias, Sam.
15:41Manny, I need your help.
15:43Today is the Wood Valley bike race, and I have so many bikes to fix.
15:47But the machine I use to put air into the bike tires is broken.
15:51Don't worry about a thing, Sam. We're on our way.
15:54Vamonos, tools. We'll have to finish this party later.
15:59We got a job to do.
16:01Maybe I should wait here and keep an eye on the piñata.
16:06Or I could go with you guys.
16:09Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
16:18Hop, hop, jump in.
16:20Come on, let's go.
16:22Hop, hop, jump in.
16:24Si, vamonos.
16:26Hop, hop, jump in.
16:28Don't move too slow. Keep up.
16:30Let's get to work.
16:32Muy rápido.
16:36Will you come back later for the party, Abuelito?
16:39I wouldn't miss it.
16:41Está bien, Abuelito. Adios.
16:43Bye, Abuelito.
16:47Oh, hi, Mr. Lopar.
16:49Oh, hello, Manny.
16:51Is that a speaker?
16:53Yes, you noticed. Yes, it is.
16:55I'm going to have music playing outside my store.
16:58That's how you get more customers, Manny.
17:01Can I give you a hand, Mr. Lopar?
17:03I'm pretty good with wires.
17:05Oh, no thanks, Manny.
17:07I think I figured it out.
17:12Are you okay?
17:16I never liked that song anyway.
17:19Morning, Sam.
17:21I'm so glad you're here, Manny.
17:23My air pump is broken,
17:25and all the tires in the shop are flat.
17:28Including mine.
17:30No problemo, Sam.
17:32The tools and I will get right on it.
17:34Right, tools?
17:36Right, Manny.
17:43I think I found the problem.
17:46I think I found the problem.
17:52Wow, you've got a leak.
17:54Oh, can it be fixed?
17:56Well, the hole is very big,
17:58but nothing to worry about, Sam.
18:00We'll just replace the hose,
18:02and you'll be fixing flats in no time flat.
18:05If you say not to worry,
18:07then I won't worry.
18:09Okay, tools, we better get to Kelly's
18:11to buy a length of hose and some clamps.
18:15We'll be right back, Sam.
18:23I can't wait to tell Kelly
18:25that it's your birthday, Manny.
18:27Maybe we could invite her to our party.
18:29That's a good idea, Pat.
18:35Hola, Kelly.
18:37Hola, Manny. Hi, tools.
18:41Oh, and happy birthday, Manny.
18:43I mean, feliz cumpleaños.
18:45How did you know it was Manny's birthday?
18:49Easy. I just looked at my calendar.
18:53Kelly, do you want to come to Manny's birthday party?
18:56Sure, that sounds like fun.
18:58When is it?
19:00As soon as we replace the air hose at Sam's bike shop.
19:02Air hose, huh?
19:08Wow, I don't know if I have one of those.
19:11Yeah, that's okay, Kelly.
19:13We didn't think you'd have something like that anyway.
19:15I mean, why would you have an air hose?
19:19Found one.
19:25Kelly, you're amazing.
19:27Well, we better get going.
19:29Sam needs this right away.
19:31But we'll see you later at the party.
19:33I can't wait.
19:35Adios, Kelly.
19:37Adios, Manny. Bye, tools.
19:41The phone hasn't stopped ringing.
19:43Customers all wanting to know if their bikes will be ready soon.
19:47We'll have that hose fixed pronto.
19:49Ooh, I'd better answer that.
19:51Give me a holler if you need anything.
19:57Stretch, I'll need you to measure off the correct length.
20:01Uh, Stretch?
20:03Oh, I'm sorry, Manny.
20:08Uh, I'm sorry, Manny.
20:10I was looking at that shiny new scooter.
20:16Wow, that's cool.
20:19And fun.
20:20But you have to have really good balance to ride it.
20:23Like this?
20:28Something like that.
20:30I have to ride it first so I can test the handlebars.
20:33I have to ride it first so I can test the new wheels.
20:40Look out!
20:49You know, if you took turns, you'd both get to ride it.
20:53But I'm the one that fixed the wheels, so I should be the one to ride it first.
20:57But I'm the one that tightened the handlebars, so I should go first.
21:01If you don't take turns, then nobody will get to ride it.
21:05That's true.
21:07He has a good point there.
21:09Okay, we'll give it a try.
21:12But how do we decide who goes first?
21:14I know what. I'll flip a coin.
21:19Now, say heads or tails.
21:23You can't both be heads.
21:28How about you be heads, and you'll be tails?
21:31Tails it is.
21:35You go first, and then it will be your turn.
21:38There you go.
21:40Well done. Nice moves.
21:42That is one smooth ride.
21:49That's some pretty good steering.
21:52Well, that's one job out of the way.
21:54But we've still got lots of flat tires to fix.
21:57No problem. Right, tools?
21:59Right, Manny!
22:03Let's get going and fix it right.
22:06Twist and turn.
22:07Make it tight.
22:09Trabajamos juntos.
22:11We work together now.
22:14Cut it, measure it.
22:15Tap it flat.
22:16Bend and twist.
22:18Just like that.
22:19Each of us has a special job.
22:22We work together.
22:23Todos juntos.
22:24We can fix it right.
22:29Okay, Sam. Let's turn it on.
22:37Oops. Sorry about that, Sam.
22:40That's okay. It works.
22:42I'm back in business.
22:44Thank you, Manny, and thank you, tools.
22:47Hey, how about a little air for your chair?
22:59Oh, man.
23:01What's wrong, Sam?
23:03Well, with only me and my two helpers,
23:06there's no way we can fix all those flat tires in time for the race.
23:11We could help.
23:12Yeah, we're good at working together.
23:14You would do that for me?
23:16Of course. That's what friends are for.
24:01Can we start the birthday party now?
24:03And whack the pinata?
24:07But who goes first?
24:15Why don't you go first, Manny?
24:18After all, it is your birthday.
24:21Yeah. Then we can all take turns.
24:25Sounds good to me.
24:33Can I get a turn?
24:35Kelly's here!
24:37Feliz cumpleaños, Manny.
24:40Oh, gracias, Kelly.
24:42Do I smell birthday cake?
24:45Kelly brought it, Abuelito.
24:54Happy birthday, Manny.
24:57Gracias, Abuelito. Gracias.
