Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 18 Join The Club Mannys Sick Day

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Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 18 Join The Club Mannys Sick Day


00:00Ha! Over here! Over here!
00:08It's gone!
00:10Dusty and Pat are winning! One point to nothing!
00:13This washer ball tournament is down to the wire!
00:20Handy Manny's Repair Shop. You break it, we fix it. This is Manny.
00:24Hola, Manny. It's Mrs. Portillo.
00:26Hola, Mrs. Portillo. ¿Cómo estás? How are you?
00:29Bien, thank you. I'm calling because the treehouse in my backyard is broken.
00:35You fix treehouses, don't you, Manny?
00:37Well, if it's broken, I can fix it, Mrs. Portillo. The tools you need will be right there.
00:44You'll have to finish playing washer ball later, tools. Mrs. Portillo needs us to fix a treehouse.
00:50Come on!
00:51Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho...
00:59Hop, hop, jump, leap!
01:02Come on, let's go!
01:03Hop, hop, jump, leap!
01:06Sí, vámonos!
01:07Hop, hop, jump, leap!
01:10Don't move too slow!
01:11Keep up!
01:12Let's get to work!
01:14We're wrapping up!
01:30Ah, what's wrong, Mr. Lopart?
01:32Ah, the newspaper dispenser door is stuck.
01:36But don't worry, I can get it.
01:38I was the strongest guy on my high school chess team, you know.
01:42Okay, well, good luck.
01:54Oh, no!
02:00Oh, no!
02:07Manny, Tools, you know my grandsons Alex and Quinn and their friend Kyle?
02:12Hi, guys!
02:14Boys, why don't you show Manny and the Tools what's wrong with the treehouse?
02:18I've got a batch of tamales in the steamer and I've got to get to them before they overcook!
02:25There's a big hole in the treehouse floor.
02:29Do you think you can fix it, Manny?
02:31Claro que sí, of course!
02:34All right!
02:35All right, I'll climb up and see exactly what we need.
02:43Hey, after Manny fixes the treehouse, can I play in it too?
02:48No way!
02:49It's still a ten-year-old's only treehouse club and you're only six!
02:54That's not fair!
02:56Sure it is!
02:57You can join the club when you're ten.
02:59But that's in...
03:02four years!
03:04You'll just have to wait.
03:11Can I ask you a question about your club?
03:15What's a club?
03:17I guess a club is a bunch of people who like the same stuff.
03:21Kyle and I like the same stuff because we're both ten.
03:24And we both really like the treehouse.
03:27So we made the ten-year-old's only treehouse club.
03:31We've even got a special club cheer.
03:34Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten!
03:38And we've got a special club handshake.
03:44Can you teach me to do that?
03:46Are you ten?
03:49I don't know how old I am.
03:51Then we can't teach you our handshake.
03:53You can only join if you're ten.
03:55Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten!
04:03I'm thirsty.
04:05Juice box break!
04:07See ya!
04:11I really wanted to join their club.
04:14Yeah, it sounded really fun.
04:17You get to shout stuff really loud like this.
04:19Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten!
04:23Wait, who's Ted?
04:25It's not Ted, it's ten.
04:29And you get to go like this.
04:31And this.
04:32And this!
04:35Actually, it's more like this.
04:37And this.
04:38And this.
04:39And this.
04:40I know the whole handshake.
04:43And they still won't let me join their club.
04:46I gotta get some wood from the truck to fix the treehouse.
04:49And maybe while I'm gone, you and Alex can start your own club.
04:53Try to figure out a club you could all be in together.
04:56Great idea!
04:57I'll be right back.
05:00I'm good at squeezing things, so I'll start the squeezing club.
05:04Oh, oh, and Rusty can join too, because he's really good at squeezing things too.
05:09I don't know, I'm only kinda good at squeezing things.
05:14Well, you're great at it, Rusty.
05:15And Alex, I bet you're great at squeezing things too.
05:19I don't know.
05:21Why don't you try squeezing that kickball really tight?
05:24Go ahead!
05:31Sorry, Turner.
05:33I don't think I really belong in the squeezing things club.
05:37Are you kidding?
05:39That was great!
05:40Do it again, do it again!
05:43Oh, I know another club we could start.
05:46The careful club.
05:48I always do things very carefully.
05:52And I always measure things very carefully.
05:55Yeah, I'm almost careful too.
05:58Me too.
05:59Bye-bye, careful club.
06:02What do you mean?
06:06Never mind.
06:08Oh, oh, I know a great club.
06:10Sorry, I'm a hammer club.
06:12Who else wants to join?
06:19We're all good at different things.
06:22So we need a club that puts them all together.
06:25Like the squeezing, being careful, hammers, screwdrivers, and boys named Alex club.
06:32Ooh, that is catchy.
06:34Now we need a really neat club handshake.
06:38Excuse me, Alex, but we do not have hands to shake.
06:43Don't worry, I'll figure out something we all can do.
06:47I got it!
06:49Shake up, shake down.
06:51Spin around, touch the ground.
06:54That's a great club handshake, Alex.
06:57Now you guys try.
06:59Shake up, shake down.
07:01Turn around, turn around.
07:03I touch the ground.
07:08We'll work on it.
07:12Now we need a club cheer.
07:14Gwen and Kyle say their club name ten, ten, ten, ten, ten.
07:20Maybe we should say our club name too.
07:23Great idea.
07:26What was our name again?
07:28Like the squeezing, being careful, hammers, screwdrivers, and boys named Alex club.
07:33Now everybody say it.
07:35We're the squeezing, being careful, hammers, screwdrivers, and boys named Alex club.
07:43That was perfect.
07:46We have a club.
07:48This is great.
07:49I'll be right back.
07:51Where are you going?
07:52Inside to get some stuff.
07:54I have all kinds of things we can use for our club.
08:01Nanny, nanny, we came up with a great club.
08:04One we can all be in.
08:06The squeezing, being careful, hammers, screwdrivers, and boys named Alex club.
08:11That sure does include everybody.
08:14Great job.
08:15Are you done yet, Nanny?
08:17Well, I got the wood we need, so the treehouse should be fixed in no time.
08:21Now all I need is a box of nails.
08:23I'll be right back.
08:30What's all that junk?
08:31Stuff for my club.
08:33You started a club?
08:35Yeah, the tools are in it.
08:37We're going to have lots of fun.
08:39You guys want to join too?
08:41Yeah, about me.
08:42Nah, we have our own club.
08:44And besides, kids in a 10-year-old club can't hang around with you.
08:48We already told you, you're not 10.
08:51But cookies?
08:55We can play our own fun games and eat our own snacks.
08:58What snacks?
09:01I have a lollipop.
09:03Want to split it?
09:04Nah, it's all yours.
09:09I know a game we can play.
09:11Duck, duck, goose.
09:13How can we play that?
09:14We don't have a duck or a goose.
09:16No, Pat.
09:17We don't need a duck or a goose.
09:21Duck, duck, duck, duck, goose.
09:25All right.
09:28Duck, duck, goose.
09:35Remind me never to tag you again.
09:42Alex's club sure looks fun.
09:45Our club's fun too.
09:47We can play duck, duck, goose.
09:49Duck, duck, goose.
09:51Duck, duck, goose.
09:53Duck, duck, goose.
09:56Duck, duck, goose.
09:57I'll start.
09:58Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, goose.
10:03Your turn.
10:06You guys aren't having very much fun, are you?
10:10Sure we are.
10:11We've got snacks.
10:14Sort of.
10:16And we're playing duck, duck, goose.
10:18With two people.
10:20And no, it's not fun.
10:22Then why don't you join Alex's club?
10:25Nah, we're the ten-year-old's club.
10:27And he's only six.
10:29Well, maybe instead of thinking about what makes you different,
10:32you should think about what makes you the same.
10:34You guys like cookies, don't you?
10:38And you all like playing and having fun, so why not do it together?
10:42You do like playing with Alex, don't you?
10:44Yeah, he's my brother.
10:45Of course I like doing stuff with him.
10:47Well, keeping him out of your club isn't a very good way to show that.
10:50I mean, how would you feel if someone left you out of something fun?
10:54Pretty bad, I guess.
10:56Yeah, that wouldn't be very nice.
11:02Come on, Kyle.
11:07I'm sorry I wouldn't let you join the ten-year-old's only treehouse club, Alex.
11:12That wasn't very nice.
11:14That's okay.
11:16From now on, you can play in the treehouse, too.
11:19It'll just be the treehouse club.
11:22Thanks, Quinn.
11:26Well, I guess we better hurry up and fix that treehouse,
11:29now that everyone can play in it.
11:31You guys want to help?
11:34We'll have that treehouse fixed in no time, if we all work together.
11:40Let's get going and fix it right.
11:43Twist and turn.
11:44Make it tight.
11:46Trabajamos juntos.
11:48We work together now.
11:51Cut and measure and tap it flat.
11:53Bend and twist.
11:55Just like that.
11:56Each of us has a special job.
11:58We work together.
12:00Todos juntos.
12:01We can fix it right.
12:05The treehouse looks awesome.
12:07Thanks, Manny.
12:08And you too, Tools.
12:10It's my pleasure.
12:11Here we go.
12:12Let's test it out.
12:16Come on, Alex.
12:22Gracias, Manny.
12:24Gracias, Tools.
12:34Manny is sick today.
12:39What's doing, Manny?
12:41Just putting a coat of enamel paint on this picture frame.
12:44What's enamel paint?
12:47Not animal, enamel.
12:49Enamel paint is shiny and it stays on longer.
12:52That looks really good, Manny.
12:55Thanks, Dusty.
12:58Are you okay, Manny?
13:00Si, Felipe, but I have a little cough.
13:04Are you sure you're okay, Manny?
13:06I think I'll just finish painting and then go sit down for a while.
13:11I'm feeling kind of tired.
13:17I don't remember Manny having a mustache.
13:23You look sunday good, Manny.
13:26Gosh, maybe I have a cold.
13:31How about we get your jacket, Manny?
13:33Then you won't be cold.
13:35No, bad.
13:36A cold is when you sneeze and cough and you just don't feel well.
13:41We can help you feel better.
13:43Si, we can take care of you, Manny.
13:52Here, have a seat.
13:54Just sit and relax.
13:56Well, maybe for a few minutes.
14:03I got the tissues, Manny.
14:12Sorry, Mom!
14:15I got it!
14:23Stop her!
14:29Sorry, Manny.
14:31That's okay, Dusty. Accidents happen.
14:36Just leave it for now. I know we'll clean it up later.
14:39Good idea, Manny.
14:43What else can we do for Manny to help him feel better?
14:47I know, bad. How about some juice?
14:50Oh, no thanks. I'm not thirsty.
14:53Not for you. For Manny.
14:56Would you like some juice, Manny?
14:59Gracias, quiz.
15:01Yeah, I would love some jugo.
15:03Manny wants some juice!
15:06Coming right up!
15:10Boy, this is harder than it looks.
15:13I'll help you, Rusty.
15:15Me, too.
15:16I have an idea. Squeeze and I'll hold the juice box.
15:20And, Rusty, you poke the straw through the top of the box.
15:24I'll try.
15:26Ready, Squeeze?
15:28Ready, Rusty?
15:30I guess so.
15:35What was that?
15:37What was that?
15:38We were just getting you some juice.
15:43That's okay.
15:45I'm feeling a little chilly now, so maybe something hot might be better.
15:49How about some hot tea?
15:51Yeah, I think some hot tea with a little honey might be great.
15:54I'll get it, Manny. You just sit and rest.
15:58Uh, where is the honey?
16:01Hmm. You know, we may be out of honey.
16:04I wonder if Mr. Loper has some.
16:06We'll get it, Manny.
16:08Maybe I should go.
16:10Pat and I can get it together.
16:12Yeah, we'll go together.
16:27Hi, Mr. Loper!
16:31Uh, Mr. Loper, it's just me and Pat.
16:35Oh, hello.
16:37We were just wondering if you have any honey.
16:40Manny's sick and we want to make him some tea.
16:43Oh, Manny's sick, huh?
16:46Well, I should have some honey around here somewhere.
16:51Oh, yes. I remember now.
16:55Here it is.
16:57Thanks, Mr. Loper.
16:59You know, these can be a little tricky to open.
17:01Maybe I should open it for you.
17:03With my greater strength.
17:10It's stuck on there pretty good.
17:13I'll have to find something to open it with.
17:15I can open it. I'm a hammer.
17:20Oops. Sorry.
17:22Oh, that's all right.
17:24Happens all the time, actually.
17:26Maybe I should bring the honey to Manny with you.
17:29That way I can see if he needs anything else.
17:34Hey, Mr. Loper.
17:37Hello, Manny.
17:39The tools told me you're not feeling so well.
17:42See? It's just a little cold.
17:45Well, don't you worry about a thing, Manny.
17:50Dr. Loper has come to the rescue.
17:53We'll fix you up with a little hot tea and honey.
17:56And we've got the honey.
17:59Look out!
18:05Oh, boy. That is quite a mess.
18:09I'm sorry, Manny. It was an accident.
18:12I know, Pat. Let's just see if we can clean it up.
18:19But looks like I'll have to go to Kelly's and get some paint remover.
18:25But maybe a little later.
18:28We could go to Kelly's and get the paint remover, Manny.
18:31I don't think you should go by yourselves.
18:34I could take them, Manny.
18:36After all, we Loparts know our way around a hardware store.
18:41And then you can rest while we're gone.
18:44Okay, well, gracias, Mr. Loper, and thanks, tools.
18:47Fix it. You stay here and take care of Manny.
18:55Gracias, Fixit.
18:57Come on, tools. We've got work to do.
19:00Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
19:08Hop, hop, jump in.
19:10Come on, let's go.
19:12Hop, hop, jump in.
19:14Sí, vámonos.
19:16Hop, hop, jump in.
19:18Don't move too slow. Keep up.
19:20Let's get to work.
19:22Muy rápido.
19:31Good morning, Kelly.
19:33Hola, Kelly.
19:35Oh, hello, Mr. Lopart. Hi, tools.
19:37Where's Manny?
19:39He's got a cold.
19:41He's coughing and sneezing, but we're taking care of him.
19:44Oh, Manny is very lucky to have such good friends.
19:48What can I do for you?
19:50Well, somebody kind of spilled some paint.
19:53So we need some paint remover.
19:56Oh, I think I have some of that.
19:59Well, it depends.
20:01What kind of paint do you want to remove?
20:03It's blue.
20:06And it comes in a can.
20:08Wait, I remember.
20:10It's, um, animal paint.
20:13Animal paint?
20:15She means enamel paint.
20:17Yeah, enamel.
20:21And that would be right over here.
20:23Actually, it's right here.
20:26One can of enamel paint remover.
20:28Right, of course.
20:30Exactly where I thought it was.
20:32Good thing I was here to help.
20:34Like Manny always says,
20:36muchas gracias, Kelly.
20:38Yeah, thanks, Kelly.
20:40You're welcome.
20:42Oh, we better get back.
20:44Manny needs us around if he's ever going to get better.
20:47Hey, maybe I should go with you.
20:49I could bring Manny one of those new Mexican blankets I just got in.
20:53Really feels good to be under a blanket when you have a cold.
20:56You're right about that, Kelly.
20:58Fluffy and I love a nice warm blanket.
21:02Kelly's coming with us!
21:05You can sit next to me.
21:07Thank you, Pat, but I think I better walk.
21:16Oh, hello, Kelly, Mr. Lopart, and hello, Tools.
21:20Hi, Sherman.
21:22Where are you all off to?
21:24Manny has a cold.
21:26So we're taking care of him.
21:28And I'm bringing him this warm blanket.
21:31Oh, that's really nice of you.
21:33I wonder if Manny would like a new pair of slippers to keep his feet warm.
21:37Oh, I think he'd love that.
21:39I know Fluffy and I would.
21:41Great! I'll head back to my store and grab a pair,
21:45and I'll meet you all at Manny's.
21:47Sounds good, Sherman. We'll see you later.
21:50Where is everyone going?
21:52Oh, hello, Mrs. Portillo.
21:54We're going to see Manny.
21:56He has a cold.
21:58You know, I just finished making a big pot of chicken noodle soup.
22:02Would it be all right if I went with you and brought some soup for Manny?
22:06That would be great!
22:10You go on, and I'll be right behind you.
22:19We shouldn't wake him.
22:21Maybe we should come back later?
22:27I could just leave the slippers I brought for Manny.
22:31Bunny slippers!
22:33Oops. Sorry.
22:38Hola, everyone.
22:40Hi, Manny. We heard you had a cold.
22:43I brought you some homemade caldo de pollo, hot chicken soup.
22:48And I brought you some bunny slippers for your feet.
22:51And I brought you a blanket to keep you warm.
22:54And don't forget about the paint remover.
22:57That's so nice of you. Muchas gracias.
22:59Actually, I feel a little bit better.
23:01It was so quiet I was able to take a little nap and get some rest.
23:05Aw, you look better too, Manny.
23:09Hmm. The shop sure doesn't.
23:13But now that I feel a little better, we can clean it up.
23:16And if we all helped, that would make it go faster.
23:19Well then, let's get to it.
23:24Let's get going and fix it right.
23:26Twist and turn.
23:28Make it tight.
23:30Trabajamos juntos.
23:32We work together now.
23:34Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
23:37Bend and twist.
23:39Just like that.
23:41Each of us has a special job.
23:43We work together.
23:46We can fix it right.
23:50Nice work, everyone. Gracias.
23:53Oh, you're welcome, Manny.
23:55I'm glad we could help.
24:01Sounds like you could still use a little rest, Manny.
24:04Maybe you're right.
24:06I may have tried to do too much too quickly.
24:10Now, Manny, you just sit right here and relax.
24:14I'll heat you up some of my chicken soup.
24:17And here's some nice warm slippers for you, Manny.
24:20It's very important to keep your feet warm when you have a cold.
24:24Muchas gracias, Sherman.
24:26Here, this blanket should help you stay comfy and cozy while you're getting better.
24:30And here's some nice hot tea with honey.
24:33I'll just set it right here.
24:35Thank you, everyone.
24:37You really know how to make someone feel better.
24:41Oh, no.
24:43I'll get the tissues.
24:45I'll get the juice.
24:46I'll get the honey.
24:48I'll get it.
24:49Well, at least you'll be well taken care of, Dusty.
25:14Oh, yeah.
