Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 6 Rustys Little Light Lie Squeeze In A Pinch

  • 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 6 Rustys Little Light Lie Squeeze In A Pinch


00:00What's in the box, Manny?
00:05What is it? What is it?
00:20It's a magnifying lamp. It makes small things look big.
00:23It will help us with small repairs.
00:25Here, I'll show you.
00:27What happened?
00:32Nothing happened.
00:34Should I whack it, Manny?
00:36I don't think that's going to help, Ed.
00:39You can't have light without a lightbulb.
00:42Oh, si.
00:44You have to be real careful with these.
00:47Lightbulbs are very fragile.
00:49What does fragile mean?
00:51It means they can break easy.
01:02It's okay, Rusty. That's what a magnifying glass is for.
01:06See? It makes small things look big.
01:09Let me try.
01:15Wow! I did it!
01:20Hola. Handy Manny's Repair Shop. You break it, we fix it.
01:23This is Manny.
01:25Hola, Manny. This is Mayor Rosa.
01:28Buenos dias, Mayor Rosa.
01:30It's the mayor!
01:31The mayor needs us.
01:33I'm good day to you, Manny. I have a very special job for you.
01:36Can you meet me on the corner of Main and Maple?
01:39A sus ordenes. At your service. We'll be right there.
01:45Sounds like the mayor has a really important job for us tools.
01:50Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
01:58Hop, hop, jump in.
02:00Come on, let's go.
02:02Hop, hop, jump in.
02:04Si, vamonos.
02:06Hop, hop, jump in.
02:08Don't move too slow.
02:09Keep up.
02:10Let's get to work.
02:12Muy rapido.
02:21Hola, Mayor Rosa.
02:23Hola, Manny, and hello, tours.
02:25Welcome to the new Sheetrock Hills Movie Theater.
02:31Tonight is the grand opening and I expect the whole town to be here.
02:36It's beautiful, Mayor Rosa.
02:38What is it that you need from us?
02:40There are no lights on the movie marquee.
02:43I would like you to fill the sign with light bulbs so it lights up bright and beautiful for everyone to see.
02:50That's going to take a lot of light bulbs.
02:53Si, Rusty.
02:55What do you think, Manny? Can you do it?
02:59We can make the sign look great. Right, tours?
03:02Right, Manny!
03:04Oh, thank you, Manny. I knew I could count on you.
03:08Come on, tours. We better get to Kelly's and get some light bulbs.
03:11Oh, yeah!
03:17Hola, Kelly.
03:19Hi, Manny. Hi, tours. What can I do for you?
03:22We need some light bulbs.
03:25Night toads?
03:27Light bulbs!
03:29Bright molds?
03:32Light bulbs!
03:36Oh, light bulbs. Right this way.
03:41A whole lot of light bulbs, Kelly.
03:44Oh, I think I only have a few left.
03:47We were afraid of this.
03:49We didn't think you'd have all the bulbs we need.
03:52Oh, wait! I just remembered I got in a whole case of light bulbs this morning.
03:59You always come through, Kelly.
04:01Allow me, Kelly.
04:03Gracias, Manny.
04:06Careful, Manny!
04:11The light bulbs are very fragile.
04:14That means they break easy.
04:16All right, let's take a look.
04:21Ah, perfecto.
04:23Would you like some help taking the box out to the truck, Manny?
04:26I could do it, Manny.
04:28Okay, Roster, but remember, cuidado.
04:31Slowly and carefully.
04:33Okay, Manny.
04:35Come on, tours. We'll just pay Kelly for the light bulbs and we'll be on our way.
04:41Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
04:44Oh, the mayor's gonna be so happy.
04:47Wait till she sees that sun all lit up.
04:53What was that, Rusty?
04:55What noise? I didn't hear any noise.
04:58Did something happen to the box?
05:00No, Manny. Nothing happened.
05:02I was very careful.
05:05Ah, well, that's good. Mayor Rosa is counting on us.
05:08And we wouldn't want to let her down.
05:20Well, we better get started.
05:22It's getting late and we have a lot of work to do.
05:27Hmm. Well, I guess it's not unusual for there to be one broken bulb.
05:33I suppose two bulbs could get broken.
05:40What's wrong, Manny?
05:42Oh, the light bulb's there.
05:45What happened?
05:47I'm not sure. We were all really careful, right?
05:52We were careful.
05:54Very careful.
05:56Really, really extra careful.
05:59Rusty, you were careful, too, right?
06:04What are we gonna do now, Manny?
06:06Well, we'll have to go to Kelly's and see if she has more light bulbs.
06:10We better hurry. It's almost time for the grand opening.
06:20It sure is dark in there.
06:22That's because it's closed.
06:25Maybe we could go look for Kelly.
06:28Oh, I don't think there's enough time.
06:30We better get back to the theater and tell Mayor Rosa about the broken bulbs.
06:38Hola, Manny. I was just getting ready to turn on the sign.
06:42Mayor Rosa, I have to tell you something.
06:45I can't wait to see it all lit up. Gracias, Manny. Gracias, tools.
06:52Um, Mayor Rosa?
06:59I don't understand. Where are all the lights?
07:03Lo siento, Senora Rosa. I'm sorry I didn't finish the job, but all the light bulbs were broken.
07:09All the bulbs were broken? How can that be?
07:12I'm sure you were very careful, si?
07:15Si, very careful. But we'll go to Kelly's first thing in the morning and get new bulbs.
07:20But tomorrow will be too late.
07:22What will I tell all the people when they come to see the grand opening tonight?
07:33Manny, can I talk to you for a second?
07:38I did it! I lied! I wasn't careful with the box and I crunched it against the door at Kelly's hardware store.
07:45That's why all the bulbs are broken. I'm a very bad tool.
07:51Rusty, what didn't you just tell me when it happened?
07:54I was afraid you'd get mad at me for not listening. I'm really sorry, Manny.
08:00Well, I'm glad you told me, Rusty.
08:03I'm really sorry, Manny.
08:05Well, I'm glad you told me, Rusty.
08:08But I think there's something else you need to do.
08:11Sit in the toolbox all by myself until you tell me to come out?
08:15No, Rusty. Something even harder than that. You need to tell the mayor what happened.
08:21I was afraid you'd say that.
08:25Mayor Rosa?
08:27Si, Rusty?
08:29I... I broke the light bulbs.
08:33Is that true?
08:35Yes, it's the truth. I lied about it because I didn't want to get in trouble.
08:40Rusty, one thing I've learned. If you tell the truth, you usually don't get in trouble.
08:46I'm sorry, Mayor Rosa. I should have never lied.
08:51Thank you for being honest, Rusty. But what are we going to do about the sign?
08:59I have an idea.
09:04We'll be right back, Mayor Rosa.
09:08He'll come through. He's Manny.
09:15That one.
09:18Y dos.
09:20We're going to need a lot more than two.
09:23We'll ask our friends and neighbors to help out by donating a bulb or two.
09:27Good idea!
09:29Tools, you start knocking on our neighbors' doors while I go see if Mr. Lopar has a few extra bulbs he can spare.
09:39Buenos noches, Mr. Lopar.
09:41Oh, hello, Manny. Look at all the popcorn I'm making for the grand opening of the new movie theater.
09:48Well, that looks delicious, Mr. Lopar. Um, I was wondering if you might have a spare light bulb or two.
09:55Light bulb? You know, I might. Let me take a look.
10:01Um, Mr. Lopar?
10:03Just a minute, Manny. I know I have a light bulb in here somewhere.
10:11Mr. Lopar?
10:17Gracias, Mr. Lopar. Can I give you a hand?
10:20Oh, no thanks, Manny. I'll just eat my way out.
10:50We're back, Mayor Rosa, and we have all the light bulbs we need to finish the job.
11:05But where did you get all these bulbs?
11:08We collected them from our friends and neighbors. It was all Rusty's idea.
11:12Rusty, you are muy inteligente. Very smart indeed.
11:17Okay, tools. Let's get to work.
11:22Let's get going and fix it right.
11:24Twist and turn. Make it tight.
11:27Trabajamos juntos. We work together now.
11:32Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
11:35Bend and twist. Just like that.
11:38Each of us has a special job. We work together.
11:42Todos juntos. We can fix it right.
11:50Rusty, would you like to turn it on?
12:03It's even more beautiful than I imagined.
12:06What a great idea you had, Rusty. And just in time.
12:10People should be arriving any minute now.
12:13We did a good job.
12:15We sure did. Now let's go inside and get some great seats.
12:19Hey, everybody, don't start the show without me. I got the popcorn.
12:34Squeeze and a pinch.
12:44I think we finally fixed the radio.
12:47Sorry I broke it, Manny. Twice.
12:51That's okay, Pat. I know you get a little loco when you dance.
12:55Okay, let's see if it works.
13:00I love this song. Come on, let's dance.
13:04Let's dance!
13:13Dance while you can, everyone. The radio may be broken again very soon.
13:34Hey, nice move, Turner. What do you call it?
13:46A twist.
13:50Okay, la fiesta is over.
13:53We have a customer.
13:56Handy Manny's Repair Shop. You break it, we fix it. This is Manny speaking.
14:01Hey, Manny. Coach Johnson here.
14:03Hola, Coach Johnson. How can I help you?
14:05The breaches at the school are broken, and a Junior League baseball game is starting in an hour.
14:10Don't worry, Coach. We'll be right over. See you soon.
14:14I'm sorry, Tools. We'll have to dance later. Coach Johnson needs our help right away.
14:22All right, let's get going.
14:24Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
14:33Hop, hop, jump in.
14:35Come on, let's go.
14:37Hop, hop, jump in.
14:39Sí, vámonos.
14:41Hop, hop, jump in.
14:43Don't move too slow. Keep up.
14:45Let's get to work.
14:47Mi rápido.
14:54How do you like my new sign, Manny? I put it up all by myself. See?
15:00It's very nice, Mr. Lobard. Are those rubber bands holding it up?
15:07Yup. The extra-thick kind.
15:10I have some metal braces that might work better.
15:12Don't worry, Manny. I've got it all under control. It's so beautiful.
15:18Okay, Mr. Lobard. Let me know if you need anything. Adios.
15:25Metal braces, huh?
15:28No. That sign is sturdy as a rock.
15:38I guess I should have used string instead.
15:47Thanks for getting here so quickly, Manny.
15:50My pleasure. I love baseball.
15:53My team is looking for a sponsor. Would you be interested?
15:58What's a sponsor?
16:00A sponsor is someone who helps the team and comes to the games whenever they can.
16:05And we'll put the name of your business right on the team's uniform.
16:09Handy Manny's Repair Shop. It'll look great.
16:12Wow. My own baseball team. It's a dream come true.
16:19Well, there it is.
16:21Can you fix them in time for the big game? It's less than an hour away.
16:25Claro que sí. Of course.
16:27Way to go! I knew you could do it, champ!
16:31Wow. That must be his coach voice.
16:35Let me know if you need anything, Manny.
16:37Thanks, Coach. I will.
16:40First, we have to take this old broken board off.
16:43Ready to pull out some nails, Pat?
16:46I'm always ready!
16:54Okay. Now I'm really ready.
17:10Way to use your head, Pat.
17:13Uh-oh. This isn't a nail. It's a bolt.
17:16And it's too big for you, Pat. It won't fit in your claw.
17:20Squeeze, I need you to help me pull the bolt out.
17:24Yay! This is gonna be fun!
17:30Look out, Bolt! Here I come!
17:36Oh, no! I didn't mean to hurt you, Manny.
17:41Are you okay?
17:43Sí. I'm fine.
17:47Oh, look! Manny's got a little red balloon!
17:51That's his stub.
17:53I gave Manny balloon, Tom!
17:56It's okay, Squeeze. Really.
17:59Why don't you guys play on the playground while I take a little break and ice my thumb?
18:05How can we play at a time like this?
18:08Don't worry. I'll be fine.
18:11We'll be back to work in just a few minutes.
18:14Meanwhile, I see a slide.
18:17Ooh, a slide? What are we waiting for? Let's go!
18:27Would you like me to join you on the teeter-totter, Rusty?
18:31No. This is enough teetering for me.
18:35And tottering, too.
18:38I need to work on my landings.
18:45Squeeze, why aren't you playing? You love playgrounds.
18:49But if I start playing, I might get too excited and hurt someone.
18:54Like I hurt you.
18:56Oh, no!
18:58Oh, no!
19:00Oh, no!
19:02Oh, no!
19:04I hurt someone. Like I hurt you.
19:07I'm very dangerous, Manny.
19:10No, you're not, Squeeze. I don't think you'll hurt anyone else.
19:14And besides, my thumb feels a lot better now. Look!
19:18No more balloon thumb!
19:21Nope. It almost looks normal again.
19:24Come on, guys. Our team is playing soon, so let's get back to the bleachers and finish the job.
19:29Let's do it!
19:31Let's do it!
19:34I can't do it! I might hurt you, Manny, and I don't ever want to hurt you again!
19:47You should forget about me and go buy those new pliers.
19:50Like some of those fancy electric Ply-O-Matic 3000s.
19:55Ooh, those are nice!
20:00Squeeze, I'm not going to buy a Ply-O-Matic 3000.
20:03But I'm a bad tool. I hurt your thumb.
20:07Look, making a mistake doesn't make you bad.
20:11Everyone makes mistakes, Squeeze. Right, guys?
20:14Oh yeah!
20:15That's correct!
20:16I'm a hammer!
20:17Once I got too excited and sawed a board in half.
20:23That's no big deal.
20:25And the table it was on.
20:27And the chair under the table.
20:29And part of the floor.
20:33You know, one time I broke a water pipe and I turned a toilet into a water fountain.
20:39It wasn't pretty.
20:41Well, it was pretty.
20:43But it was bad.
20:45I collapsed the whole water tower!
20:49The small one, no one was near it. He's better now.
20:53I measured a flagpole rug.
20:55Instead of going up this high, it only went up this high.
21:00The flag was bigger than the flagpole.
21:04Okay, even I made a mistake. At once.
21:08I slipped off a screw and put a hole in a wall.
21:12You know, I still think that screw pushed me.
21:14I've messed up too many times to remember.
21:17Tables, toilets, water towers, flagpoles, walls.
21:21I've broken all that stuff and lots more.
21:25Is there a prize for this? Because I think I'd win.
21:28Thanks for telling me your mistakes, guys.
21:31But I'm sure you've never made a mistake, Manny.
21:34Oh, yes, I have. Muchos mistakes.
21:40But the worst mistake I ever made was the time I fixed an air conditioner a little too well.
21:46It was so cold, it snowed.
21:51See, Squeeze? Everyone makes mistakes. Even me.
21:55And when you make a mistake, don't give up.
21:58Just learn from it. Then, keep trying.
22:01Because that's how you get better at something.
22:07Yes, Squeeze?
22:09I'm ready to try and take out that boat again.
22:13And this time, I'll be more careful.
22:17I'll be more careful.
22:21Here we go.
22:36I did it!
22:40Great job, Squeeze. I knew you could do it.
22:42Not everyone else can join in.
22:44We'll have this bleachers fixed in no time.
23:18Wow, the bleachers look brand new.
23:21Great job, everybody. Thank you very much.
23:24De nada, Coach Johnson.
23:26And you finished just in time.
23:28The kids are about to arrive for the game.
23:30Would you like to stay and watch?
23:32After all, you are our new sponsor.
23:35We would love to.
23:36Won't this be fun to us?
23:38It would be more fun with popcorn.
23:44That's all right. I'll see what I can do.
23:47Extra butter.
24:00Adios, Po.
24:01It's over the fence. It's a home run.
24:04They did it. Tools, a team one.
24:09Great game, Coach.
24:11We couldn't have done it without you and your team, Manny.
24:15Way to go, champ!
24:18Calm down.
24:20The kids want to get a picture with their brand new sponsors.
24:23A picture? But I'm having a bad handle day.
24:27Oh, please.
24:34We sponsor a baseball team now, Tools.
24:37Isn't that neat?
24:40This turned out to be one of the most fun days ever.
24:44Thanks for helping me out, everyone.
24:46That's what friends do, Squeeze.
24:48They help each other.
24:50And remember, everyone makes mistakes.
24:56Oops. I think I broke the radio again.
25:00Some of us just make more mistakes than others.
