Sjene proslosti Epizoda 30

  • 2 days ago
Sjene proslosti Epizoda 30


00:04Rekla samam već mato a tipično muško
00:09Blanka mu je mogla zama za toči samo tako
00:12Nije ona neka tipična ratnica komata na primjer ali zna promjenit taktiku kada stvari ne idu po njenom
00:21Prso shvatila da mora igrat na djecu
00:24Ne mogu vjerova da smo uspjela ovako zakasviti
00:28Jeri bistro odborno stavio zadaču kuhinje i nemoj tako govorit o bratovajde prso
00:36I budi dobra
00:42Profesorice podi s nama popit kaviču imamo još pet minuta joj na žalost ne mogu žurim a drugi put
00:52Dobro si znaš
01:07Dobro jutro svima
01:12Ili možda šimo stigamo ki je nije baš najbolje vode preporučujem oprez hvala
01:21Ništa drži mi figure
01:32Spetam ne ne slobodno uđi molim te sjedni
01:45Čuo sam da je parnica gotovo je si bolje
01:50Da recimo da da
01:54Ti kako si ti
01:57Doros hvala ti
02:05Nešto ni vredu ne ne sve vredu
02:09Samo me je zanimalo
02:11Kako ide posao kako nam posluje tvrtka pa recimo da trenutno imamo nekih određenih
02:18problema ali
02:20Ne pitaj kakvi
02:27Iskreno boje da ne znaš
02:30Jedno gledam da te možda mogli pitati zašto ništa nisi rekla ovo je za tvoj dobro
02:36Prosti ali tko bi mene pitao i zašto
02:39Kao što sam rekao što manje zna što bolje
02:45I molim te neka ovo ostane među nama Marta ja ne razgovaram o tim stvarima da
02:53Jasno ti što ti ne želim reći
02:55Absolutno tako je najbolje
02:57Ono što se dogodi na poslu neka ostane na poslu
03:02I ne brini neću ništa reći Marti
03:06Ali samo da znaš da si na mene možeš uvek oslobiti što god ti treba hvala ti
03:15Ostavljam te da si vratiš poslu
04:09Miss a young young a telephone pass. I'm so sorry. No Bogo. Hvala vidim da se živi zdravo
05:04Yeah, but yet on
05:07ugod no
05:09Nikako to play
05:12If you say so
05:17Maybe a coffee
05:20No, I won't leave you
05:22You'll talk about things
05:25What exactly do you want
05:30I don't understand
05:32Why are you digging in the past who is the point of all this
05:39Yeah, I'm a middless
05:42in the future the ništa
05:46osvjećam se
05:47baš slobodno
05:51Znaš nemam što izgubit i sviđalo se to tebe ili ne
05:59Osvjećam se
06:02Osvjećam se
06:04Neto did live
06:09Onda ti ja kažem da prestaneš
06:12Naši partneri ne moraju znat našo povijest
06:15Hoćeš reći ti ne želiš da saznaju
06:19Ne želiš da čuju kako si propastila jedan mladišin
06:24I karijeru jednog profesora
06:28Upravo tako nema nikakve potrebe za tim
06:32Hm, hoćeš li da te lijepo zamolim
06:45Koliko god mi je lijepo molila ja ću im reći istinu
06:51Ma što god napravila što god rekla
06:55oni će saznati istinu
06:57because the truth is strange, you know?
07:03When the day is bright.
07:24I wanted to talk to you about some things.
07:27Of course, what exactly are you interested in?
07:30I was thinking about buying a new house.
07:33But not a city villa or apartment, I'm fed up with that.
07:37I understand. And what would you like?
07:40For example, a comfortable rural house.
07:43So that I can go far away from everyone and rest as God commands.
07:48All right, I understand, but I have to warn you,
07:51if you plan to sell or rent,
07:53unfortunately, it won't be profitable as a city villa.
07:57Even if you have your own farm,
08:00it's hard to know when you'll get what you want.
08:03You think so?
08:05Unfortunately, yes.
08:07Excuse me, if I may.
08:09Of course, go ahead.
08:11I really like your idea.
08:13The children grow up and the nest remains empty.
08:16It's logical that you need some kind of change.
08:19And sometimes a new commitment can be really good.
08:21Of course, as long as the quality is used.
08:25That's right.
08:27It's time to go in a new direction.
08:30Who knows, maybe one day I'll become a top agriculturalist.
08:34You're right.
08:36Life is short and it should be used as best as possible.
08:40And routine sometimes kills the soul.
08:43You understand me well.
08:46If you want to invest in a rural house,
08:49we'll do a detailed analysis.
08:51As far as I know, organic production is very popular.
08:55I have no doubt that it's profitable.
08:58What if your son is a postgraduate from engineering?
09:02Who knows, maybe he'll come back from America and help you.
09:05And then the nest won't be empty either.
09:08You know what I think?
09:10I think the most successful man is the one who does what he loves.
09:14And money should only be a means to achieve goals.
09:18We sometimes forget that.
09:21That's what I think too.
09:23Zoran, it's good to have you here.
09:26I know.
09:28You did exactly what I wanted. Congratulations.
09:31It's our job.
09:33If we continue like this,
09:36I could transfer all the other investments from you.
09:39We'd be glad to.
09:41Mrs. Kolarić is only recently here, but she's very valuable to us.
09:45If you ask me, Mrs. Kolarić
09:48can open her own company very soon.
09:51Let Simon take care of it.
10:01Yes, okay.
10:05Well, Mr. Blažeković, that's all for now. Thank you.
10:10You're welcome.
10:12We'll probably need you again, so we'll let you know.
10:16Be at our disposal if you don't mind.
10:18I'm here whenever you need me.
10:22Okay, thank you.
10:38Come on, write it down.
10:40If you have seven apples,
10:42I'll give you two.
10:45Two apples.
10:46How many is that?
10:48Seven, and then I'll give you two.
10:52We'll ask Mom to help us.
10:56Come on.
10:57I'll do it.
11:00Come on, write it down.
11:03We got all the materials Dr. Vidović asked for.
11:08The playground and the park are really well done.
11:13They even gave us a shorter construction deadline than expected.
11:17My suggestion is to focus on the race track
11:21until the park opens.
11:24I'll speed them up, no problem.
11:27Thank you very much, Josip.
11:35if no one has anything to add,
11:39I think that's all for today.
11:43It's a deal, right?
11:45Okay, see you next time.
12:12He's here.
12:13I know.
12:15He's solving the problem.
12:16Did you talk to him?
12:17I did.
12:20He doesn't want to stay, he'll say everything.
12:21I tried to convince him, but he's done.
12:24Marta, I'm going to lose everything.
12:26Do you understand?
12:27He's going to leave me.
12:31And? What if Simon hears?
12:32Why do you think I didn't think of that?
12:35What are we going to do?
12:36I don't know. I don't know. I'm thinking.
12:38I'm thinking.
12:56That's the only way you're going to leave.
12:59And you're not going to tell the truth.
13:05I don't know what you're talking about.
13:07Everything I've told you is the truth.
13:11So that's how it is.
13:13You continue to steal with a lot of money,
13:15all the time.
13:20Simon, you're free to think whatever you want.
13:28I can.
13:34I'll skin you.
13:36Sooner or later.
13:40Did you want that or not?
13:58I don't know.
14:24Okay, math is over.
14:26Let's go to Croatia.
14:28You have to read this, right?
14:29Come on.
14:35Let's go.
14:37To Venice, isn't that a good idea?
14:39What Venice?
14:40What Venice?
14:41What are we going to do with the new one?
14:42It's going to be at Grandma's.
14:43We won't miss anything.
14:45And you and I are going on a mini vacation with Marta and Simon.
14:47It sounds great, doesn't it?
14:48Can I go with you?
14:51Unfortunately, not this time.
14:53But Mila will stay at home, you know?
14:55Wait, where did that idea come from?
14:57I don't get it.
14:58Why do you care?
15:00Just relax and enjoy.
15:02Okay, I'll relax and enjoy.
15:05Come on, come on.
15:06Did you read it?
15:09I'm going to pack the new one.
15:10And you take your things.
15:11So we can go, right?
15:12And don't forget the swimsuit.
15:14How can I go now?
15:15Aren't we going in the morning?
15:17Why would you wait until tomorrow
15:18when you can already be at the massage parlor?
15:21Tomo, your wife invited us nicely.
15:22You don't get it.
15:23I don't get it.
15:24Don't be ungrateful.
15:26What do you mean?
15:27Paola, really.
15:28Come on.
15:29Paola, please.
15:30Come on!
15:31I told you to read.
15:32You don't write.
15:33You write.
15:34You read that.
15:35Come on.
15:42No, no.
15:43I'm sorry, but there's no chance.
15:44I can't make it.
15:45Why are you like this?
15:46I've already booked a place.
15:47We're literally not going to be there for a day and a half.
15:50Marta, I have work to do.
15:51Okay, take the laptop with you.
15:53I don't get it.
15:54Why didn't you ask me before you booked the place?
15:56Why are you making me do this?
15:58If I asked you, I would have agreed.
16:00Can you think?
16:02Come on, Šimun.
16:03I mean, you're tired from work, from everything.
16:06You'll be fine.
16:07I booked the place mostly for you.
16:09Don't be like that.
16:10Come on.
16:14Let me guess.
16:16You'll give me the money
16:17as long as I don't agree, right?
16:22It'll be good for us.
16:23It'll suit us.
16:24We'll get back to new people.
16:26Why are you acting like I'm doing something bad to you?
16:29Come on.
16:33Okay, I'm going.
16:50Neither Paula nor Marta could have imagined
16:52a good defense against Eddie's attack.
16:56They chose the simplest solution.
17:00They ran as far as their legs could take them.
17:03They needed time.
17:20Here you go.
17:21The second round is nothing again.
17:23I'm still all tense.
17:25My back hurts.
17:27Don't worry about it.
17:30But how?
17:32We'll talk to Tom and Šimun.
17:34I have a plan.
17:35Are you crazy?
17:38Then you can let Eddie fix himself.
17:41That's not a big deal, Paula.
17:43And listen to me.
17:44I know exactly what I'm doing.
17:46Trust me, it'll be over in five minutes.
17:54Just don't throw me into the fire so you can save your ass.
17:58God knows what you're thinking.
18:00Of course I won't.
18:01I'm telling you I have a plan.
18:04People believe the person who tells the story first.
18:07It's pure psychology, my dear.
18:09So calm down, relax and follow me.
18:12And now let me massage you, okay?
18:17That's right.
18:34I've taken care of that e-mail.
18:36This one will sit through it.
18:40See you.
18:42Can you take care of your phone?
18:44We're on vacation.
18:45We can at least have a beer.
18:47Sorry, I can't.
18:49Why didn't you go to the massage?
18:51What do you care?
18:52It's just some fat guy with wrinkles.
18:55He won't touch me with his greasy fingers.
18:58I couldn't let you go.
19:00I couldn't let you go.
19:06You can finish that quickly.
19:08I'm getting bored.
19:14Okay, I'll help you now.
19:17Hey, guys.
19:18Are you ready?
19:19Let's go have lunch.
19:20No, we can't.
19:21I'm starving.
19:23You go and order.
19:25I'll be there as soon as I'm done.
19:28We came here to relax.
19:30You have to eat something.
19:31You can't stay hungry.
19:32You can't work on an empty stomach.
19:34I know.
19:35I can't think at all if I haven't eaten anything.
19:39A smart man.
19:40He told you nicely.
19:41Let's go.
19:42Let's go.
19:43Let's go.
19:44Let's go.
19:52What are you waiting for?
19:55Okay, I'll take this.
19:56Can I have pasta with seafood?
19:59Just wait a minute.
20:01I'm not done yet.
20:04I'll take a slice.
20:09Can I have a steak?
20:10Like this.
20:11Medium rare, please.
20:12And a lot of potatoes.
20:13I'm in a hurry.
20:14It's a bakery dish.
20:15Can I have it?
20:17They should bring you a cook so you can eat him, too.
20:21That would be...
20:24We have to have a cook, too.
20:27We haven't been alone like this for a long time.
20:29The four of us.
20:30I missed it so much.
20:32It's a good opportunity to talk a little.
20:35Maybe about our former professor.
20:38What year did he mention?
20:392003? 2004?
20:42He must have been talking about something stupid.
20:46It wasn't stupid, Marta.
20:47It was a very serious situation.
20:49It was a big scandal.
20:50You can't forget it.
20:55Let me hear.
20:56What was it?
20:57Fuck it.
20:58I completely forgot about it.
21:01You're right, Tomo.
21:02It was a big scandal.
21:04I can't believe how much I laughed about it.
21:06Me, too.
21:08Well, maybe it's not nice to talk about it now,
21:12but our Olga was...
21:16cheerful in high school.
21:20She went out with Tomo.
21:23Actually, she was hanging out with Ed.
21:26I mean, they were in a relationship.
21:29And then the ball broke.
21:32We told her not to do it, but she didn't listen to us.
21:36We warned her a hundred times, but what can you do?
21:40Who could tell us what to do?
21:41We did everything our way.
21:47Boma, I'm a fool.
21:48I didn't know what was going on.
21:50I don't know why everyone at school is laughing behind my back.
21:54What happened next?
21:55What could happen?
21:56Olga was expelled from school.
21:59Ed got a rejection.
22:00He wasn't allowed to study anymore.
22:02Makes sense, doesn't it?
22:04Yes, of course.
22:05It's terrible how it all happened.
22:39How did you know
22:43that Professor and Olga were together?
22:46Look at this...
22:48He's making Sherlock.
22:54What? How?
22:55I'll tell you how.
22:57They caught them at the school outing.
23:03What happened?
23:05You better not know.
23:09They were alone on the shore of the lake
23:12and Olga was practically naked.
23:16Did Olga go into the lake?
23:18Yes, she did.
23:19Why is that important?
23:22Why did they go into the lake?
23:24I don't know.
23:25People usually take off before going into the pool.
23:27Maybe it's a coincidence
23:29that they found each other there at that time.
23:34Who saw them?
23:35What did they do exactly?
23:38Our girls saw them.
23:39Love is like it doesn't matter who saw them.
23:41You have to look at the bigger picture.
23:43They were together and that's obvious.
23:45Okay, but you said you warned her, right?
23:49That Petja and the Professor are not smart.
23:52So you didn't find out about them then,
23:54but you've known them for a long time.
23:55I don't get it.
23:58Of course we knew.
23:59We were best friends.
24:00We shared everything.
24:01We talked about everything.
24:02Isn't that right?
24:05So, Olga told you she was in a relationship
24:09at that time?
24:11We talked about everything.
24:12That's normal for that time.
24:14Yes, and she was the most popular girl at school.
24:16No one wanted to hang out with her.
24:18See, that's what he told you.
24:22I don't know.
24:23It's suspicious to me.
24:27Wait, really?
24:29You think we had a bad relationship?
24:32It's possible.
24:35We should ask Olga and Edo.
24:37Edo wanted to talk to you about it.
24:40Do you want to tell them something?
24:44Honey, Olga and Edo are together now.
24:48Isn't that the biggest proof?
24:50Yes, you're right.
24:52Of course it is.
24:53Petja is two quarters older than her.
24:56Yes, yes, yes.
24:58That makes sense.
25:02I think we're in a relationship.
25:07I don't understand.
25:10I think we're not in a relationship at all.
25:12It's suspicious to me.
25:14Wait a minute.
25:15What do you want to say?
25:19I don't know.
25:21If you ask me,
25:23I think there's nothing between us.
25:31I don't know.
25:52Do you want some coffee?
25:56No, thank you.
25:57I'll have some in the office.
26:02Where's my little princess?
26:04I've missed you, you know?
26:06I drew you a giraffe.
26:08Come on.
26:10How did you know I like animals?
26:14I knew it.
26:26Good morning.
26:27I'd like a coffee with milk.
26:29Short, for you.
26:44She's thinking about someone.
26:47Is this real love?
26:50Good morning.
26:54I'd like to ask you something.
26:56Why do you ask so many questions?
26:59For example?
27:03To think about someone.
27:07To ask
27:09how he lives.
27:12What he feels.
27:16What he does when he's not with me.
27:20How he is.
27:27Why do you ask so many questions?
27:32What exactly is going on?
27:35Simon, please.
27:36Don't make me do this anymore.
27:39I have nothing to say.
27:40I think you do.
27:41For example, what exactly happened on April 2nd?
27:44What did Edo want to say at the party?
27:49Edo, Cura and me.
27:52It's a very strange and complex story.
27:56It was my whole life.
27:59And to you it looks like a joke.
28:05Yes, yes.
28:07It's funny.
28:09That's why I'm asking you.
28:10I have nothing else to think about.
28:12My life is beautiful.
28:13Completely without stress.
28:14That's what you wanted to say.
28:16I didn't mean it that way.
28:17I don't know.
28:20I asked you how you are doing at work.
28:23Have you had any attacks lately?
28:26I'm sure there have been, right?
28:29Because lately everything is strange and tense.
28:35Do you want to talk about that?
28:42We said we wouldn't be friends.
28:45And we will be.
28:47Now I understand why.
28:50Because we don't see each other as friends.
28:53There is something.
28:56And there is nothing.
29:02I'm late for work.
29:18Just run.
29:21Someone has to.
29:35Good afternoon.
29:38It's nice to see you again.
29:42It's nice to see you, too.
29:45Come in.
29:55What can I do?
29:57You just can't help me.
30:00You've failed me.
30:02You can't stop thinking about me.
30:05Let me hear what else I can do to thank you for this visit.
30:10I've been thinking about you for days.
30:15I'm honored.
30:17Please, have a seat.
30:21Talk to me.
30:38I've been thinking.
30:39I've been thinking.
30:44Why do you and Olga pretend to be in love?
30:49If you ask me, it's part of Olga's game.
30:53To cover our eyes.
30:55Who knows, maybe she was really with Tom again.
30:58And now she's using you to cover it up.
31:03That part is even clear to me.
31:06But what's not clear to me
31:09is that you
31:11are playing that game.
31:14It's always in my head.
31:18What do you mean?
31:24You didn't show up earlier,
31:27which means you're not interested in the past.
31:32But then you have a different motive.
31:34I'm sorry.
31:38Are you okay?
31:40You're not the kind of guy to have low self-esteem.
31:45That's enough.
31:47Would you like some coffee?
31:50Forget the coffee.
31:53I think...
31:56I think I've spoiled you,
32:01You actually feel something for Olga.
32:04You're actually
32:07in love with her.
32:17You've misunderstood everything.
32:22I know you want to convince me, that's okay.
32:26But unfortunately, you can't convince me.
32:28Everything is clear to me.
32:31Or maybe I should ask Olga.
32:34What does she think about all this?
32:37Because she probably doesn't know
32:40that you're actually in love with her.
32:44And if you haven't started to enjoy our lie
32:48that we're together...
32:56I have to admit that
32:59you're hiding your feelings very well,
33:15Marta never forgets anything.
33:17No, she doesn't.
33:20And the worst thing about her
33:23is that she can read people very well.
33:27If only she could use her powers for good things.
33:32Where would she end up?
33:41You can say whatever you want to Olga,
33:44but the question is,
33:46who will she trust?
33:49Advice, huh?
33:51Just give it to me.
33:53I've been counting on it.
33:56Let's hear it.
33:58Let's say that she'll get all her old traumas back because of you,
34:02and that her life will turn into hell,
34:04and that she won't be able to close her eyes without a pill.
34:08Our poor Olga
34:10won't get anywhere.
34:11She'll get what she needs.
34:14Problem after problem.
34:16I feel sorry for the orphan already.
34:20Olga has gone through very bad things because of you.
34:24Don't drag her into this.
34:27Honestly, I really wouldn't,
34:29but it doesn't depend on me.
34:31It depends on you.
34:36Leave the past alone,
34:38and I'll be quiet.
34:40And our Olga will continue to live her life in peace.
34:44Do we understand each other?
35:00I won't
35:02mention it anymore.
35:05But please,
35:07leave Olga alone.
35:12Now that we've resolved it,
35:14we can finally have some coffee.
35:16I don't want coffee anymore.
35:18Too bad. Next time, then.
35:20Next time.
35:22I was glad, as always.
35:25You don't have to follow me. I'll go on my own.
35:29Very sweet.
35:31You have to tell me where you bought it.
36:01I think that...
36:04I think I've woken you up.
36:07You're actually feeling something for Olga.
36:10You're actually
36:12in love with me.
36:18Or maybe I should ask Olga.
36:20Why does Olga think all this?
36:23Because she certainly doesn't know
36:25that you're actually in love with her.
36:37I have to admit that
36:39you're hiding your feelings very well,
36:48Leave the past alone,
36:50and I'll be quiet.
36:52And our Olga will continue to live her life in peace.
36:56Do we understand each other?
37:12Thank God it's not Marta.
37:15I'm coming.
37:25I thought Marta came to interrogate me.
37:28Did you tell her?
37:30No, but she never tells her.
37:33She won't come to you anymore.
37:34Why not?
37:36Because she can call me.
37:41But are you okay? You're a little pale.
37:45Yes, I wanted to see you.
37:47Hey, we almost fell in love.
37:49We almost fell in love.
37:51But it's okay.
37:53Now it's
37:55all right.
37:59You know what?
38:01I'm cooking something really nice.
38:04We'll see how it turns out.
38:06It's a new recipe.
38:08It smells nice.
38:10Come on.
38:14I'll just put out the fire.
38:16It smells nice. What is it?
38:19There's a little bit of everything. You'll see.
38:25let's not argue anymore.
38:28I really don't like it.
38:29I don't like it.
38:31You and I have known each other for a long time.
38:36what's the point?
38:38You're right.
38:40You're right.
38:45Now that we've solved it,
38:47do you want to tell me something?
38:49Like an example?
38:51Like an example that I'm crazy?
38:53Or a fool?
38:55A fool, great.
38:57You can be a fool.
38:59You can be a fool.
39:04My dear friend.
39:12Let's stop this, please.
39:14We'll say we broke up.
39:16I won't say anything for five years.
39:19And Marta is a socialite.
39:21Let her think what she wants.
39:25You're right.
39:26Now that we're married,
39:29it doesn't matter.
39:31It doesn't.
39:33Tell me,
39:35why are you looking at me like that?
39:39You'll see.
39:41You're expecting a real guest.
39:43Okay, tell me.
39:45Can I know what I'm going to eat?
39:47You're going to eat pachettino alla Olga.
39:52Help me put the table down.
39:54Here I am.
39:56Now it's my turn.
40:00Our neighborhood is very specific.
40:03If you want to live in it,
40:05you have to have a very bad memory.
40:10The good and the bad in those streets
40:13are quickly forgotten.
41:57In our neighborhood,
41:59there are no real friends,
42:01but enemies.
42:11And for enmity,
42:13you have to have some kind of warmth.
42:18You have to have some kind of warmth.
42:21You have to have some kind of warmth.
42:26You have to have some kind of warmth.
42:37That's why everyone is constantly
42:39turning their heads,
42:41hiding their eyes.
42:56They are pushing sins into you.
43:10And most importantly,
43:12they are always trying to find a way
43:14to stay together.
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