El Nuevo Hogar Cap 26 en Español Latino

  • 2 days ago
Dorama en Español Latino
00:09Sabes young one de hecho solo los estaba sustando cuando los accuse
00:17Me devolvieron todo el dinero y también el título de la casa
00:25Al final de cuentas mis hijos no podría guardarles rencor verdad aun quiero
00:32darle una habitación a cada uno
00:35No lo hago solo por ellos lo hago pensando también en mis nietos
00:42Señor che no piense mucho en eso si quiere mi opinión aún pueden corregir sus errores para estar bien con usted
00:50si pienso lo mismo
00:55revisamos la casa y debería quedarse en el primer piso por lo de sus piernas será complicado subir y bajar escaleras
01:02no que sus hijos vivan arriba
01:06Dicho eso cuántos vivirán arriba si usted se queda abajo
01:10cuántos serían
01:12si primero primero que nada hay que arreglar una habitación para juá
01:17maestro no me tome en cuenta hágala para sus hijos claro que el tuyo va primero
01:22joya es alguien mayor pronto se tendrá que cazar verdad
01:27saben que dejen de la habitación que va directo al sol a juá hagan un diseño que le guste a él claro
01:35Entonces uno para juan dos para su hijo y su hija y uno para el baño dan los cuatro pero es que
01:44No bastan pero por qué
01:47Si han creció no debe estar en la misma habitación que sin yang
01:54Ella fue
01:55quien recuperó la casa pero para eso tuvo que hipotecar su propia casa
02:00claro que todo esto lo causó ella misma y tiene que hacerse responsable
02:07si a mi hija le llegara a pasar algo ya no les quedará un lugar donde vivir
02:13Y bueno soy su padre tengo que cuidarla
02:17entonces una habitación para si han y otra para sin yang muy bien
02:23pero quiero saber si ya pensó que si hacemos una habitación para si han sin an pedir a una para chiquita bien en eso tiene razón
02:31aunque no lo pida sin nan sin duda
02:34pangin será quien sí se lo pida
02:47Que pasa estas enfermos estoy pensando
02:51con cheo y stessa esta pensando y dime en qué piensas
02:59Ya lo comprendí mi reputación como el yuya dong empeora cada día en esta casa porque
03:07como porque
03:09Ahora la señorita chin vino para trabajar aquí pero tú tu hijo en chino me dijeron porque lo ocultaron
03:15piensas que eso es justo
03:19trabaja y su mesa está al lado de la de yang guang y trabajan juntos todo el día que será de xiao yu y eso que
03:26tiene que ver si no es conmigo entonces con quien el maestro de guang le dejó todo a su mujer y su hija antes de
03:32fallecer si guang se lleva ahora así con ella que pasará y si te preocupas por lo tuyo son sus sentimientos
03:39y se queda entre ellos por qué te preocupa y por qué no debería preocuparme
03:44tú tú ni siquiera sabes porque hola guang hola
03:48hola a comer me lavar en las manos
03:53Y cómo les fue
03:56oye una pregunta dime ya está decidido lo de la casa del señor shen algo así por qué
04:04No es un hecho todavía por ahora por qué preguntas nunca le prestas atención a los trabajos que acepto porque éste te interesa
04:13Pues por curiosidad te voy a servir jugo
04:22Qué le sucede hay algo en la pared o qué es lo que te pasa bien a comer ahora que se tomó
04:42Llevas muchos años trabajando conmigo
04:48Sabes que la sastrería no está dejando mucho
04:53Cuando llegue el momento en que yo muera te quedará solo en la ciudad tienes a dónde ir
04:59Puedo regresar a mi pueblo
05:07Quiero que te quedes aquí ya lo decidí después de considerarlo ya lo decidí yo
05:14yo ya
05:16hablé con un abogado
05:18Si legalmente dejo esta casa a tu nombre mientras vivas aquí
05:24los malditos de mis hijos jamás podrán venderla
05:27Jamás podrán venderla
05:30Juan yo quiero que te quedes y que cuides esta casa por mí
05:35así un día
05:37Cuando quiera venir la familia de mis hermanos puedan visitarla con confianza
05:44No diga eso
05:46Aún tiene buena salud
05:50Está bien yo cuidaré muy bien su casa
06:07Cariño esta segura de que es verdad. Oh y ahora crees que soy mentirosa la voz
06:16La última vez que tu tío volvió del extranjero
06:20agregué a tu prima en wechat y le pregunté
06:23tu tío le dio a tu papá
06:26Para la renovación de la casa una cantidad muy grande de dinero cierto mi tío le dio dinero
06:36Pero entonces no se podría no podemos hablar de dinero
06:41No hablaremos de eso que no ves la oportunidad que tenemos
06:46oportunidad de que la casa
06:49Que renueven la casa mientras más lujosa mejor pero después de eso no quedará dinero
07:00Últimamente he hablado con alguien de turismo y en qué momento conociste a alguien de ahí
07:07Hola y ustedes que hacen aquí queremos venir más seguido pues sí acaso no es obvio
07:15Tú también
07:17Tienes más
07:20Ay lo sé
07:21Siento algo de pena por todo lo que acaba de pasar con papá por eso
07:27empecé a venir más seguido
07:30Igual nosotros no podemos quedarnos detrás de ti
07:38Yo puedo hacer todo esto solo no te preocupes. Ah, no seas tan cortés conmigo
07:45Mira te has trabajado sin descanso todo el día solo es tirar la basura
08:02El señor shen
08:04Quiere cuatro habitaciones y dos baños en el segundo piso, pero se me hace poco espacio
08:10Estaba pensando lo mismo
08:12Los muebles de los otros cuartos los pueden elegir
08:15Pero el señor shen quiere conservar los que tiene en el suyo no le quedará espacio en su cuarto
08:20Los muebles tradicionales no se ven bien en espacios estrechos por eso pensaba
08:25En trasladar todo al primer piso
08:28Me parece bien
08:29El señor shen no tiene buena salud ya es un hombre mayor
08:33sobre todo por sus reumas
08:35Será difícil que él suba y baje escaleras al moverlo estará cerca de las alcantarillas
08:41Estará húmedo y sobre todo en invierno
08:43No pasa nada
08:45Con una ventana de suelo a techo del lado que da al sur también podemos decorar el canalón exterior. Estará bien
08:53Qué tal
08:54un suelo radiante
08:56Tendría su calefacción pero el costo subiría bastante
09:00Hay que preguntarle
09:02Juan no hables de trabajo se va a enfriar hay que comer mejor come cuando aún está caliente
09:11También puedo agarrar yo sola hola ya es hora de comer
09:18Ya comiste la usi todavía no
09:25Ahora que está pasando no puedes verlo tú mismo ya apunta a comer puedo comer sola
09:37Prueba esto
09:43Qué rico
09:48Esta oficina es muy bonita
09:51Con un patio tan grande se ven todas las estrellas
09:55Te acostumbraste a estar en una jaula de acero y por eso te parece refrescante estar aquí
10:02Dudo que lo soportes mucho tiempo
10:05Sobre todo si te quedas hasta muy noche devuelves un banquete para los mosquitos
10:14Trabajando en starry estaba en el piso
10:1835 si me asomaba siempre tenía una hermosa vista
10:22Luego fui a jinja
10:24Y también tenía sus privilegios
10:27No me imaginé que estando aquí sería donde me he sentido más cómoda
10:34¿Por qué te despidieron de starry?
10:40Tal vez ofendí a su mayor cliente suena algo que podrías hacer
10:49Todos los que trabajan en jinja
10:52Van arreglados y vestidos de traje, pero son hipócritas
10:56Se engañan entre ellos mismos. Creo que a una persona sencilla como tú
11:02Le ayuda mucho a estar con gente como nosotros
11:06Ve a yadong es un tonto de primera, pero se la pasa bien
11:12Hablando de yadong
11:15Creo que tiene algo en contra de mí
11:18¿Qué podría tener en contra tuya?
11:21Con quien está enojado en realidad es con yang wang
11:25¿Qué? ¿Por qué?
11:27Porque yang wang es una persona perfecta en su mente siempre hace lo que dice y por eso lo admira
11:33por eso si yang wang no se casa con ella será
11:36Una traición para él
11:42Sí solo la he visto una vez
11:47No sobrepienses
11:49Si guang sintiera algo por ella sería imposible que sigan como están ahora
11:58Era en serio lo de los mosquitos
12:01Si me quedo me seguirán picando te dejo para trabajar no te quedes muy tarde. Adiós. Sí. Adiós
13:19Es que el haberme incorporado con ustedes los afecta como equipo
13:34Ya debería saberlo señorita chen
13:40Quiero saber en realidad que es lo que piensas
13:43A qué te refieres que no antes te molestaba mucho nuestro equipo también te molestaba guang y ahora quieres trabajar para nosotros
13:52Además qué relación tienen guang y tú
13:58Tengo que advertirte guang es un hombre comprometido
14:02Eso ya lo sé y por qué no mantienen su distancia distancia distancia están juntos todo el día
14:13Oye ya don
14:15piensas que
14:16Yang guang y song xiao yu están muy enamorados verdad
14:20Eso no lo sé
14:22Todo lo que sé es que fueron novios desde la infancia y deben sentir algo entre ellos
14:27por eso mismo señorita chen
14:29Deja de pensar en eso o lo arruinarás
14:34Solo por llevar tiempo juntos se enamoran
14:37Si lo vemos así
14:39Cuando soning empezó como aprendiz estaba rodeada de compañeros se enamoró de todos ellos. No lo creo ya don
15:17Señor sei
15:23Los contacte y según lo último que me dijeron resulta que chen zhi se volvió diseñadora para yang guang
16:46Hey, where are we?
16:47Why did you bring me here?
16:48You'll find out soon enough.
16:58He's fishing.
17:00Have you caught anything yet?
17:02Oh, yeah.
17:03Two huge fish.
17:05Just right for fish fideos.
17:10Mr. Lu.
17:12I see you're still enjoying yourself.
17:13You have to eat fresh food.
17:16I know, I know.
17:17I won't leave until I eat your fried fish fideos again.
17:20You're lucky.
17:21I can make them for you today.
17:23Is she your girlfriend?
17:26She's my new designer.
17:29Have a seat, have a seat.
17:30Come on.
17:33It's good to see you.
17:35You run your business so well that you already have a designer.
17:38I'm glad.
17:39Thank you very much.
17:40And you came here just to try the fish or for me?
17:43For you.
17:44I'll take care of a project.
17:46And I want you to join us as my advisor.
17:49What project?
17:51An old house.
17:52Old house?
17:55Give me the details.
17:56Do you know Mr. Shen's house?
18:01The house that belongs to the owner of the tailor shop?
18:04Yes, I know which one it is.
18:06Shen is a very good man.
18:08A great tailor.
18:09He was the one who made my suit when I got married.
18:12Besides, that old house has a connection with my genealogical tree.
18:18That's why he was the first person Mr. Shen thought of when he commissioned me to renovate it.
18:24Being the consultant, I'll pay him until the last cent.
18:26I'm just afraid he'll be as happy with his grandson as he is to do the hard work.
18:31The hard work?
18:33If we talk about that, the hardest work is being able to get along with my grandson.
18:38I dream of going back to work almost every day.
18:41To feel it again.
18:43Also, to touch the stones and all the bricks.
18:46Like wood.
18:49But if you want me to be your consultant,
18:52I have to make sure that this young designer is capable.
19:00I made this a few days ago to give it to my grandson.
19:04Young lady, do me a favor and open it.
19:08Without help.
19:12Let's see if you can open it.
19:18I don't think I can.
19:28Since you can make a secret box like this for your grandson, I know who you are.
19:33It's a pleasure, Mr. Lu.
19:38This woman is smart.
19:40But if you want me to be your consultant, I don't want you to pay me for the job.
19:48I can advise you.
19:51I'll introduce you to my disciple.
19:52He can help you.
19:55My grandson is not here today.
19:57First, take me to see the house.
19:59I want to have fun.
20:03Before that, we have to eat your fried fish noodles.
20:07Let me try that delight.
20:09What are you saying?
20:12Let's eat.
20:21Mr. Lu, drink this.
20:30It's the only part that's rotten.
20:32Just fix it.
20:38Hey, Yan Huang.
20:39They haven't stopped since they got here.
20:41Tell them to come and have tea.
20:43Let's go.
20:44Mr. Shen, they are more interested in the house than coming to have tea.
20:48Let them do their job.
20:51But who is he?
20:54Hello, Yan Huang.
20:59You haven't decided on the renovation yet?
21:03I asked a big company to do it.
21:07Hello, sir.
21:08Nice to meet you.
21:09I'm sorry I'm late.
21:10It's a pleasure.
21:12I'm in charge of the construction of the yin-yang.
21:14Zai Yufeng.
21:16Here's my card.
21:22Oh, Mr. Zai.
21:23You can call me Yufeng.
21:24Well, what do you want to do?
21:27Dad, decoration is an important matter.
21:30It's good to consult more companies.
21:32I already asked Yan Huang.
21:37Xingnan is right.
21:39We have to compare.
21:40Besides, it's true that yin-yang is a big company dedicated to decoration.
21:46Listen to him.
21:47Maybe you'll like it.
21:49I'll take Mr. Lu upstairs.
21:54I don't want to interrupt.
21:56You interrupt?
21:57If that's not it, why did you come?
21:59Sir, I was told that Yan Huang and Chen Xi will come to renovate this old house,
22:05which is very dear to me.
22:06That's right.
22:07As you can see, they are here.
22:09I'm sorry I'm late,
22:10but I hope I'm in time to avoid a tragic incident.
22:14But how?
22:20Well, I'll get straight to the point.
22:22This work can't be done by Yan Huang and Chen Xi.
22:26But why?
22:27To be honest,
22:28they were fired from yin-yang because of me.
22:32I didn't imagine that after they were both fired from the company,
22:36they would collaborate to commit fraud.
22:40Commit fraud?
22:43No, it's not that serious.
22:45I've known Yan Huang for many years.
22:48There's no way he's a fraud.
22:51Well, Mr. Chen, people change.
22:54He committed fraud.
22:55He deceived several dreams by convincing them to renovate their houses,
22:59especially older adults.
23:03Especially older adults.
23:12that charlatan down there is talking badly about you outside.
23:15Didn't you hear him?
23:17Let him do it.
23:20Mr. Lu,
23:21if he finds out that the beam is rotten after disassembling it and removing it,
23:25it will be very short.
23:27It doesn't matter.
23:28If only one part is rotten,
23:30you can use the same type of wood and repair it.
23:34With the mortise and tenon technique, you can make another one.
23:37It's like the broken beam of Hu Qiu, right?
23:40That's right.
23:42We replaced it.
23:44You're so smart.
23:46Drink tea.
23:47You must be thirsty, right?
23:49Drink tea.
23:50In fact, I'm thirsty.
23:52Let's see.
23:53You said so many things that I don't know which ones were true and which ones were lies.
23:57But, with my experience of so many years, I'm sure of my decision.
24:01No, you won't fall into a trap.
24:02Dad, Wan Jing says that the safest are those who deceive the most.
24:08Well, that's what she said.
24:12Sir, I'll put it another way.
24:15Your house is almost 100 years old, right?
24:19Of course.
24:21The renovation of such an old house is a very delicate job.
24:25This type of work can only be done by professionals.
24:29You can't trust a contractor.
24:32For you, this house is a treasure.
24:35For us, too.
24:36To repair a treasure,
24:38you have to respect its value and history.
24:41But, if they destroy it,
24:44and want to repair it later, it can be more difficult.
24:47Mr. Sae is right.
24:49That's why I asked Yan Wang.
24:51He's been doing remodeling for years.
24:53Dad, even though he's been doing it for many years, he's still a contractor.
24:56Did Wan Jing say that, too?
24:59That's what I said.
25:01Mr. Shen,
25:02our company is dedicated to decorating houses like yours.
25:06Look, look at the cases we've done.
25:14They're very nice pictures.
25:20Look, whether it's the renovation or the construction of your house,
25:24you have to trust us.
25:26You can't trust a contractor.
25:27You'll suffer losses.
25:28They're very nice.
25:30That's enough, kid.
25:32You look like a gentleman.
25:33Then why do you talk like that?
25:36Whether you're a designer or a contractor,
25:38that doesn't matter.
25:40What matters is that you're dedicated, attentive, and responsible.
25:42It doesn't matter if you're a contractor or a company.
25:45There are always good and responsible people,
25:47and there are always bad people.
25:49It all depends on the person.
25:52Did you hear that?
25:54I heard that, sir.
25:56But, who are you?
25:57Who is he?
25:59The man in front of you
26:00is the real master of the Xiangshan clan,
26:03Lu Xingzhu.
26:04It's him in person.
26:06Yangguang, don't be silly.
26:08Do you really think I'm going to believe you?
26:13Mr. Lu!
26:16Are you really part of the Xiangshan clan?
26:21Look, there's this whole house
26:23and many houses all over the town.
26:26Now I know they were built by the great masters.
26:29I know.
26:30The houses in this area
26:31were built by my clan.
26:34The bricks in the base
26:35were made by my great-uncle.
26:38If you ask me,
26:40I can make one of your clan's disciples
26:42fill in the gaps.
26:45Perfect, perfect!
26:48I never thought I'd meet a master of the Xiangshan clan
26:52in all my life.
26:53And much less
26:54than fixing my house.
26:56It's really an honor.
26:58Likewise, when I got married,
27:00I bought my suit right in his store
27:03and I still keep it in my house.
27:07We're both artisans
27:09and we make a living with our skills.
27:11It's true.
27:12It's a great coincidence.
27:15Hey, Hua.
27:16Look, make the best tea
27:18and take it to the patio.
27:19I'm going to talk to Mr. Lu there.
27:21Let's go.
27:21Dad, here's the tea.
27:23You'd better stay.
27:24You drink it with Mr. Zhai, okay?
27:26Let's go.
27:28Mr. Zhai, here, let's drink.
27:31I won't drink tea.
27:32I'm leaving.
27:41Mr. Zhai?
27:58Mr. Zhai,
28:00that old man in the dirty clothes we saw over there,
28:03is he really a builder?
28:06Didn't you hear?
28:08He's from the Xiangshan clan.
28:10And what is that?
28:11Is it like a club or something?
28:15Didn't you go to school?
28:17For centuries, the Xiangshan clan
28:19has brought together the best carpenters
28:21in all of Jiangnan.
28:22Didn't you know?
28:24But they're just carpenters.
28:26Are they as great as they look?
28:28Like you?
28:29They're not that great.
28:30They just built the Forbidden City
28:32and Tian'anmen.
28:33What have you done?
28:38I've underestimated Jiangguang.
28:41He's always one step ahead.
28:44If he wants to play,
28:46then we'll play.
28:48Oyoshi, take a break.
28:50I brought you this soup.
28:52Why are you still here?
28:53I was about to leave,
28:55but Wang went to the kitchen all of a sudden.
28:57He said you'd stay until late,
28:58and he wanted to give you a plate of soup.
29:00But the kitchen is my domain.
29:02How could I let him in?
29:04That's why I took it off and made it for you myself.
29:09How is it?
29:10This is delicious.
29:11Thank you, Suning.
29:13You're welcome.
29:14It's delicious.
29:15This is delicious.
29:16Thank you, Suning.
29:18I'm glad you made it.
29:19If he had made it,
29:21it'd taste bad,
29:22but I wouldn't tell him
29:23because he'd be sad.
29:26I've known you for a long time.
29:28There are many things you don't like.
29:30I didn't think you'd worry about his sadness.
29:36This design is very good.
29:38Why did you throw it away?
29:40It's not.
29:41It must be old.
29:42Not new.
29:44That's strange.
29:46A newly renovated house
29:47shouldn't look like it's new.
29:50What Mr. Shen wants
29:52is for the renovation to preserve
29:53the essence of the original design of the house,
29:56that it has an old air.
29:58And according to what he wants,
30:00I'm going to find a way to make this house
30:03look old,
30:05but functional.
30:09That complicates things.
30:11By the way,
30:12if you want to eat something starting today, ask me.
30:14Since Wang wants to pay you for the food design,
30:17you should be able to eat whatever you want.
30:19I know.
30:20I want meat and fish.
30:24Yadong said
30:25there would be fireworks tonight
30:27next to the lake, right?
30:28Aren't you going?
30:29I know.
30:30He mentioned it to me.
30:33Aren't you going to see them with him?
30:35And now, why?
30:36He has to ask me.
30:38If he doesn't,
30:39then I have to ask him.
30:41I don't think that's right.
30:43I'm going.
30:44Finish it.
31:06Here you are.
31:08Are you mad?
31:09If I got mad so easily,
31:11I'd be dead.
31:14Do you think
31:16Suning won't see the show
31:18with you
31:19because he stayed to make me soup?
31:25Oh, Yadong, look at you.
31:26Sometimes you're so stupid.
31:28Stupid and funny.
31:30The reason why Suning left
31:32and didn't stay here
31:33isn't that he wanted to make me happy,
31:35that was just an excuse.
31:37He just wants you to invite him in person
31:39to go see the fireworks.
31:41Don't you realize that?
31:45Why are you looking at me like that?
31:47He's still in the kitchen,
31:48waiting for you to invite him.
31:49And if you come in?
31:50He doesn't let me in the kitchen.
31:52If I do, he hits me.
31:53You deserve it.
31:55Anyway, I already told you.
31:57Now think about it.
31:58You're so stupid.
32:01Chenxi, do you need anything else?
32:03If not, I'm leaving.
32:05Now I need to be completely silent.
32:08Okay, okay, okay.
32:09I'm leaving.
32:13Hurry up, Yadong.
32:14It's late.
32:16I'm going.
32:18I'm going.
32:19I'm going.
32:20I'm going.
32:21I'm going.
32:22I'm going.
32:23I'm going.
32:24I'm going.
32:25I'm going.
32:26I'm going.
32:27I'm going.
32:28I'm going.
32:41Come in.
32:53I knew you were still here.
32:56That's why I went to get food and I brought it to you.
33:02I'm not hungry.
33:03Eat a little.
33:05If you don't eat anything, you'll be more depressed.
33:08If I'm depressed, it's my business.
33:10If I'm not happy, it's just my business.
33:13Now I want to be alone for a while.
33:19I know you're very sad because Chen Xi went to join Yang Wang.
33:25But think about it.
33:27You've spent a lot of time thinking about Chen Xi.
33:30But she doesn't care.
33:32That shows that it doesn't fit well in Jingjia.
33:35Much less with you.
33:37Now you're fighting alone in Jingjia.
33:40You must beat the competition and save the company.
33:42You need someone who's on your side to fight with you
33:46and help you with this problem.
33:48Instead of someone who only betrays you, who hurts your confidence
33:52and stabs you in the back when you need it the most.
33:55You'd better shut up.
34:00Song Xiaoyu.
34:02I don't want to hear a single word from you about Chen Xi again.
34:07We'll see.
34:09I'll be the one to help you.
34:18Hey, Xi.
34:20I brought you a blender.
34:23From now on, if you want to make a plan, you can blend it right away.
34:28That way, what Lulu did won't happen again.
34:31Lulu isn't here.
34:33But you must protect your beliefs.
34:36Do you want me to blend this first?
34:40It's great. Even if it doesn't work, it's a shame to blend it.
34:43Didn't you say that if a design doesn't live up to the client's expectations, it's useless?
34:48Did I really say something so wise?
34:50These wise words aren't yours. I summarized them.
34:56Jiang Wang.
34:59Listen, Xiaoyu is here.
35:02She doesn't want to come in.
35:04She wants you to go see her.
35:06It seems that our study is not enough for her elegant feet.
35:12I'll go see her, okay?
35:21Why don't you come in?
35:23Better not. I'll talk to you here.
35:26Is Miss Chen really with you?
35:29Yes. Why?
35:32Wang, you're so capable. You have a great designer in your company.
35:36It has nothing to do with being capable or not.
35:38She just wants to challenge herself on a different platform.
35:41I was lucky.
35:43He came all of a sudden. He must want something from him.
35:46Even if that's true, Jiang Wang can solve it. Don't worry too much.
35:51My dear Xi.
35:53How can you be so calm?
35:56Aren't you curious?
35:58Curious about what? Do you want to hear them at the door?
36:02Good idea.
36:08Wang, I've come to tell you officially that from now on I won't ask you for more money.
36:17Why do you say that?
36:19Now I'm an adult and I have a good job.
36:22I can take care of myself and my mother too.
36:25I'll start paying the debts my father left me.
36:28Wang, you've been helping my family for years.
36:32I think it's time for you to take care of your things.
36:36What kind of things?
36:38Your marriage.
36:40You have to get married and find me a sister-in-law.
36:43You also have to pursue the life you deserve instead of taking care of my family.
36:49Don't say that.
36:51Wang, you know it.
36:53Your commitment to me was forced because my father was sick.
36:57When he died, our commitment left with him.
37:01Neither of us should be tied.
37:04Go find your own happiness and I'll find mine.
37:10Xiaoyu, why did you decide it now?
37:16Actually, I fell in love with someone.
37:21And I'm sure it will be a great happiness in my life.
37:25I know I should be with him.
37:27Who is he? Can you tell me?
37:32Okay, if you don't want to, I won't force you.
37:35I hope you're happy, but I'll tell you something.
37:38You must be sure not to be deceived.
37:41Wang, don't worry.
37:44I also hope you're happy.
37:47Miss Chen joined your little company.
37:51I think that shows you care about her.
37:54Why do you say those things again?
37:57Wang, don't underestimate yourself. You're a good man.
38:00Go find her. She would be a good sister-in-law.
38:05I'm leaving.
38:21I wanted to leave a long time ago,
38:23but they were at the door and I couldn't leave.
38:25I'm leaving.
38:31I asked you to come because the designers have finished
38:35making the plan for the renovation of our beautiful house,
38:39which I appreciate.
38:41Well, I'm going to show you what they've prepared.
38:44You can also give your opinions.
38:46It's your design. I'm in charge of directing the works.
38:49It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
38:51This is the first floor. Look.
38:53Good, Dad.
38:54The second floor. Check it out.
38:58It looks like they didn't change anything.
39:01It looks almost the same.
39:03Of course not.
39:05I'll show you. Look.
39:07Do you see here?
39:09Before, this was just a patio, you see?
39:11And now it has a rock and a landscape.
39:14Ah, here?
39:16Here, next to the south wall in the space,
39:19it has a small landscape, you see?
39:21It's a bamboo forest.
39:23You hadn't seen it.
39:25It really has a good eye.
39:27Red walls, black tiles,
39:29and the high ridges are basic for that style.
39:32Yes, yes, yes.
39:33Without these things, it won't be an old Suzhou house.
39:40Let me see.
39:42One question, Yang Wang.
39:44What is this room that is on the first floor?
39:47It's his bedroom.
39:49We put a lot of furniture.
39:51It's his bedroom.
39:53We put his room on the first floor.
39:55It's this room.
39:56It's my room?
39:58Mr. Shen, because of your age and your joints,
40:01we think the room to the south is the best for you.
40:04That's why we put your room on the south side.
40:07Besides, we expanded all the storage space outwards.
40:11So your room will have more space.
40:13We turned that wall into glass
40:15so you can see the landscape from the inside
40:17and the natural light can come in completely.
40:19Yes, with good light.
40:26I never dreamed that this house
40:28could have such a beautiful day.
40:32I wish your mother were alive.
40:35She would be very happy.
40:37We should have renovated a long time ago.
40:39Yes, you're right. We should have.
40:41Dad, as long as you live in a good environment,
40:44Mom will be happy in heaven, right?
40:49Now tell us about the second floor.
40:52Yes, there is a big change on the second floor.
40:55I changed the living room into a corridor.
40:58That way there will be four rooms
41:00and two bathrooms on the second floor.
41:02Oh, how interesting.
41:04It's beautiful. It looks like a luxury suite.
41:07But I don't think those closets are very big.
41:11Oh, are you Wang Ying?
41:13Mr. Shen said you like shopping.
41:16You have a lot of things.
41:18He said Shiki too.
41:19That's why I took into account the space of those two closets.
41:22Oh, I don't think it's necessary.
41:24We'll moderate and there will be no need to waste that space.
41:27Actually, I don't like shopping that much.
41:29You shouldn't worry about that.
