The Apprentice UK S03E07 (2007)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:11You're going to take the best of British food products and you're going to go and sell it
00:16to the French.
00:17Project manager Lohit went for high quality goods.
00:21Oh wow, have a sniff of that.
00:24While Paul's team bought sausages, he planned to cook using an old army trick.
00:28Set that alight, stick that in there, then put your frying pan on top and cook your sausages.
00:34Across the channel, Lohit's food sold well.
00:39But Paul's sausages stayed raw.
00:41If you don't cook, they'll take older.
00:44While he took Katie to offload stock, Christina took matters into her own hands.
00:51It's always him and Katie and, do you know, half of me wants us to get into the boardroom
00:56because I'd mail them.
00:58In the boardroom, the numbers said it all.
01:01Stealth led by Paul made a loss of £225.84.
01:08It's Dunkirk all over again, your back's to the wall, try and rescue yourself.
01:11I'm a doer. These guys chat about it and then don't produce the goods at the end of the day.
01:17And Paul's relationship with Katie was out.
01:20Paul's decided not to do this.
01:21Why not?
01:22They're too close, they're two good friends.
01:25But they've got a personal relationship.
01:27Are you telling me they're carrying on in there?
01:29Yes, they are.
01:30She sits on your lap and you're stroking each other and God knows what.
01:32That constitutes a relationship as far as I'm concerned.
01:36Paul became the seventh casualty of the boardroom.
01:41On the way back to the house, Christina and Adam made a pact.
01:46I'm not going to go jeopardise my chances for that.
01:49It needed saying in the boardroom.
01:51It did.
01:51At the same time, I don't think there'd be any advantage to be gained
01:57from telling Katie that that's what's been said.
01:59Nine candidates remain to fight for the chance to become The Apprentice.
02:166am, another early start.
02:21This is Francis from Sir Alan's office.
02:23He wants you to meet him at the Lloyds building.
02:26The cars will be there in 20 minutes sharp.
02:2920 minutes.
02:32Lloyds building, 20 minutes.
02:3320 minutes.
02:39With Paul gone, his relationship with Katie is still the talking point.
02:44I think Katie will be able to put up behind everything.
02:48She's very good at what she does.
02:49I'm sure it will have some sort of effect.
02:51It's not a fantastic thing to happen, is it?
03:02He came home from the last task after Paul was fired
03:07and said that the better man came home,
03:09and that, to me, is the highest insult he could have paid,
03:13and utter bullshit.
03:14Sir Alan is meeting the candidates in the city, part of UK business.
03:25Here, getting the best deals is the key to success.
03:29Good morning.
03:31This particular task is going to be about buying.
03:34I want to see your skills in negotiating.
03:38It's where I give you ten items that you have to go out and buy.
03:42Lower than that.
03:44Lower than that.
03:46Lower than that.
03:48Lower than that.
03:50Lower than that.
03:52Lower than that.
03:54Lower than that.
03:56Lower than that.
03:57Lower than the prices that the vendors are trying to sell them to you for.
04:01I've given you guide prices.
04:03It's all in the dossier.
04:05Read it very, very carefully.
04:07You've got to be back in that boardroom at six o'clock tonight.
04:11The team with the most amount of money left over is going to win,
04:15and the team that has the least amount of money will lose,
04:18and in that team, one of you will get fired.
04:22It's a tough task, so watch out for the time.
04:25Got it?
04:26All right, off you go.
04:32With only the yellow pages to help them,
04:34they must buy all ten items by six tonight.
04:38The team that spends the least money will win.
04:42In their offices, they're given dossiers containing a set of rules,
04:46the list of items they must buy, and Sir Alan's guide prices.
04:50So, number one.
04:52Leather trousers.
04:56Er, marble.
04:58Nigella seeds. Does anyone know what they are?
05:02They just look like coffee to me.
05:04After surviving the firing line three times in a row,
05:07car salesman Adam has volunteered to lead stealth.
05:11If it had been a competition of dressing up and walking down a catwalk
05:15in a bikini, I'd have put myself forward as project manager, to be honest,
05:18cos I've still got to prove myself.
05:20Guys, if you can all take notes on the items...
05:22In Eclipse, Cambridge graduate Simon has also offered to lead.
05:27I'm about as competitive as they come.
05:29I'm like a rottweiler that refuses to let go.
05:31I just will not give up, and I'm relentless,
05:33and I'm utterly determined to win this.
05:35Do you sell wetsuits?
05:37No, we don't have a shop at all.
05:39No? OK, no problem. Thanks very much.
05:41It's Simon's first time as project manager, and he's an enthusiastic boss.
05:45Get an advert asking every single person in the hall for a number.
05:48Who sells them in the area? Where's the best place to get them?
05:51We need to get moving, guys, cos we can do all this stuff in the car.
05:54There's no reason why we can't do this while we're away.
05:56Let's take East London.
05:58Sir Alan has set the task to test key business skills.
06:02Research, negotiation and time management.
06:06Can you tell me, do you sell unicycles?
06:09Have you got any white rabbits at the moment?
06:13No, a bin that you put rubbish in.
06:16Simon has split his team.
06:19His half is going for leather trousers first.
06:22For the leather trousers, we're going to go to Brick Lane and Commercial Street,
06:25because that's kind of the hub for leather wholesalers.
06:28We should be able to get everything in East London.
06:30Keen to avoid West End prices, Simon sends Jadine and Lohit south.
06:35There, look, there's a salon. No, that's nails, that's nails.
06:38Keep going, keep going.
06:40Hello? Keep me in touch, give me a call every half an hour, minimum.
06:44Too much. We'll try our best, Simon.
06:48OK, great, bye.
06:50I'm a control freak.
06:54Simon arrives in the East End, home of the cut-price wholesaler.
06:58Key men's leather wholesalers.
07:00We just need to get this done while we're here, all right?
07:03To save time, Simon wants negotiations to be quick.
07:08Hello, gentlemen, how are you?
07:10How are you doing?
07:12Is this 32?
07:14Yeah, I mean, we can cut it and make it shorter.
07:16How many do you want?
07:18We need one for today.
07:20It will be £60.
07:22Sir Alan has insisted the teams must pay less than the asking price.
07:27Is there anything we can do? No.
07:29Can you just give us 50p off, a pound off, anything?
07:32£59, fine.
07:34For me, yeah? £59?
07:37It's going to be £59 there.
07:40Sir Alan's guide price is £100.
07:44At £59, Simon's got a bargain,
07:47but he's only negotiated a £1 discount.
07:51No problem. Very much appreciated, boss.
07:53Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
08:00Adam has also split his team.
08:03His first item is three kilograms of nigella seeds,
08:07an ingredient in Asian cooking.
08:11But he and Gazal haven't a clue what they are.
08:14I'm actually thinking it's those pellets
08:16that you get on the new kind of AstroTurf stuff.
08:20Hi, hello.
08:21Do you know the new style sort of plastic football pitches
08:25like at the JJB soccer domes and all sorts of places?
08:29They use, like, a black rubber pellet instead of sand.
08:32Could you tell me what that's called?
08:34It's rubber granules.
08:35Is it?
08:36Are they ever referred to as nigella seeds by any chance?
08:41Nigella seeds?
08:43Not that I'm aware of.
08:46I thought I was on to something there.
08:48They just look dead like them rubber pellets.
08:50Adam has given Katie and Christina the other half of the list.
08:55Christina and I know that we don't get along with each other.
08:58However, we both recognise that as professionals,
09:01when we need to get a job done,
09:03when we're working together in a team,
09:05we will get that job done and we'll do the very best we can.
09:09They're in North London to get some leg wax.
09:12We're just looking to purchase one jar of...
09:17Yeah, microwavable wax, really, Hedda.
09:20The shop price is £7.99.
09:23We're trying to get ourselves the very best price we can.
09:26But, you know, if we could get this down below £5,
09:29we'd be doing really well.
09:31OK, we're at £4.99.
09:33Hedda, that's a little bit too close to the £5 mark.
09:36We were hoping...
09:37The figure we need to achieve, really, is around £4.
09:41Yeah, can we do that, Hedda?
09:43And then, you know, because it's a one-off thing,
09:46yeah, a £4 figure would be really helpful for us.
09:49It really, really would.
09:50Then we can make it a deal and we will probably disappear forever.
09:53OK, um...
09:57Hedda, £4 it is.
10:00Katie and Christina have got 50% off.
10:04We know from previous tasks that Katie and Christina
10:07don't like one another at all,
10:09but they've made a political decision that it's a good idea
10:12for them to work together on this one
10:14and each to do her best to ensure that neither of them gets fired.
10:18They've left the two weak members of the team to sink or swim together.
10:22Simon, just going to have a look.
10:24Just going to have a look, right?
10:2611am. Simon is still in the East End.
10:30He's on the hunt for a cheap tile shop to buy a square metre of marble.
10:35We're walking to a tile shop that we don't know...
10:38We know it sells baths and we don't know where it is.
10:41Let's just have a look for a second.
10:43Keen not to waste time in traffic, he's hoping to find it on foot.
10:48Come on, let's have a look.
10:50I don't see it. It's all the way down there.
10:54I would describe myself as slightly erratic and creative
10:58and spiral in my way of thinking as opposed to linear,
11:01which can be an advantage or in some circumstances it can be a disadvantage.
11:05I don't even think we're on the right road.
11:07I think we should have been on the main road.
11:09Excuse me, mate. Do you know the tile shop round here?
11:12It's down there.
11:14No, it's on Bethnal Green. Bethnal Green?
11:16No, it goes straight down.
11:18It's near Noodle King. Near what?
11:20Noodle King. Noodle King.
11:23I was just going to say my strategy.
11:25My strategy is to try and get as much as we can in this area.
11:28That's my strategy.
11:29Do you think that's a bad strategy?
11:31I do think they don't have it in this area.
11:33Sam's got a very agile mind
11:35and sometimes agility can be confused
11:38with being something of a grasshopper.
11:41And I think he's got to settle down a bit
11:43and just concentrate on the job in hand.
11:47With no tile shop in sight, it's back to the car.
11:51A bird in the hand here is worth two in the bush in Walthamstow.
11:54If we have to abandon ship because of traffic,
11:56I want to make sure we've got as much as we can here.
11:58I think you guys are right.
11:59We shouldn't be running off down wild goose chasers.
12:01I take that on board.
12:02From now on, we won't do that.
12:03We'll just stay in the car and we'll drive places, all right?
12:07On the other team, Adam has put Nigella seeds on hold
12:11and moved to more familiar territory.
12:14I need a 1997 1.4 Peugeot 106 battery.
12:26106, 1.4.
12:34What could you do one for for us?
12:36Well, that's the price.
12:38I'd give a basic price and that's it, I'm afraid.
12:41Is it negotiable? No.
12:43I think you could do one as a one-off for about £20.
12:47Could you do a bit of something on it for us?
12:49No, I'm sorry, I can't.
12:50The style that I use is usually quite joking, quite chatty,
12:56but at the same time, there's an underlying killer instinct there
12:59that's going for the deal.
13:01Could you do anything at all for us?
13:07No, I'm sorry, no.
13:11We'll have to go somewhere else, won't we?
13:13Fair enough. Thanks, anyway.
13:15OK, bye-bye.
13:17Let's go get the benches.
13:23With just five hours left, there's no time to stop
13:26as they work their way through Sir Alan's list.
13:30November, Indigo, Golf.
13:33Echo, Lima, Lima, Alpha.
13:36Don't go and tell anybody about this now.
13:41Don't run with the rabbit, though, Kit.
13:46You don't need unicycles anywhere.
13:50No, I'm not, I'm deadly serious, actually.
13:52I need to buy a unicycle.
13:54I just wanted to make sure that they've got the crammer marble tiles there.
13:58If he took the wheel off, he'd put on a cheaper wheel.
14:00It wouldn't make a difference, cos the wheel's unique to that bike.
14:03Do you know what Nigella seeds are?
14:06Do you know what Nigella seeds are?
14:10By early afternoon, both teams have got four out of the ten items.
14:16Simon is still hunting for bargain-basement marble tiles.
14:21He's found a stone merchant who quoted £40 over the phone,
14:25£10 under Sir Alan's guide price.
14:27Where's the boss?
14:28Boss man!
14:30We need to get our crammer marble tile.
14:32We need one metre.
14:33One metre square in tiles or whatever.
14:35We spoke to Paul and he's given us a guide price.
14:37He said go down and talk to George to see what we can do.
14:39We need it as cheap as possible.
14:41Show us what you've got, boss man.
14:43If it means scraps, give us scraps, as long as it's a metre square.
14:45We've got a budget of about £20 for this.
14:48I'll have to ring my boss up and see what he can do.
14:54The team must remember not to pay the asking price.
14:58I've spoken to my boss and, like, 20 quid, he can't let them go for 20 quid.
15:03I can give you 305 by 305 tiles, or we'll make a metre, but they're seconds.
15:09Can we go cheaper than 20? Can we get them for 15?
15:12He said to me 20 quid, so that's...
15:14Have you got them here?
15:15Yeah, we have got them.
15:16Can you give us a receipt for them?
15:18Can we give him another call and just try and get it for under 20?
15:21Maybe for 17.50?
15:23I don't think he's going to do it, because he actually said, like, 20 quid, just give it to him for 20.
15:28That's right, because our quoted price was...
15:30That's fine, that's fine, that's fine.
15:31All right, 20 quid, that's perfect.
15:33And that's a metre square, is it?
15:35Simon's team buy the seconds at the asking price of £20.
15:39So that's 20 quid?
15:40Yes, please.
15:45Project manager Adam is back on the trail of nigella seeds,
15:49and he's taken another guess about where to find them.
15:52We're trying to find nigella seeds.
15:55More white colour.
15:59I don't know exactly, you know, it is what...
16:03It is this.
16:05We have... I don't know the name, because name is Chinese name.
16:11Does it? That looks like him.
16:14It does look like him, but if it's a Chinese name, it's hard to take the risk, isn't it?
16:17What do you use those for?
16:19That is for kidney function.
16:22But that's just the medicine, is it?
16:24Yeah, this is herbal, yeah.
16:26It's probably the wrong thing, I don't want to take a risk on it.
16:29But thanks very much.
16:30All right, you're welcome.
16:33If they don't get all the items, the teams face heavy fines.
16:39Right, nigella seeds are becoming a total nightmare to track down.
16:46What we'll do, we'll get the bin, get the rabbit.
16:49If there's time and we've tracked down what they are and where we can get them,
16:52we'll get them.
16:53If not, we might have to take a hit on it,
16:55but I'm starting to think this is a bit of a wild goose chase.
17:01Adam and Gazelle move on to their next item, a designer rubbish bin.
17:06Designer kitchen places?
17:12OK, thanks.
17:15Excuse me, hi.
17:16Can you tell me if there's any other designer kitchen places near here?
17:19No, no, no.
17:20No? OK.
17:22Finally, they locate a kitchen supply.
17:27I was wondering if you could help us, we're trying to find a brand new...
17:30Is it a Barbatella bin?
17:31Rabantia bin.
17:32Rabantia bin.
17:34It's a posh, it's a posh bin.
17:36Ben, is it selling still?
17:39Yes, it is, yeah.
17:40You might get a second-hand one up there.
17:42We need to, we have to buy a brand new one.
17:45Have you any idea of anywhere that sells them?
17:47Pound shops down Bethnal Green Road.
17:48Bethnal Green Road, pound shops.
17:51Pound shops.
17:52Won't get one in there, no.
17:53Right, all right, never mind. Thanks a lot.
17:58I don't think she understood what we're asking for at all, did she?
18:01Fucking pound shop.
18:04It's definitely through the front.
18:06Across town, Katie and Christina are on their third deal
18:10and they're still driving hard bargains.
18:13I couldn't do it for about ten.
18:16I know I'm really, really pushing you,
18:18but I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to.
18:26She just said, can I have a phone number?
18:29At 60% off, it's the best deal so far.
18:32Can we just turn round, then?
18:34But their project manager hasn't bought a thing for two and a half hours.
18:39Or worked out what nigella seeds are.
18:45I need to include two more brands on something.
18:49Right now, at this minute,
18:50we're struggling with nigella seeds and the dustbin.
18:53Yeah, and we haven't...
18:57We just need some help, I think, really, now.
19:00And we're still making as many phone calls as we can, OK?
19:02OK, well, crack on and I'll speak to you in a bit.
19:04Yeah, thank you, bye. See you, bye.
19:07He's just relatively, you know, inefficient at everything,
19:10to be honest, with that phone call.
19:14Time ticks on.
19:17Katie and Christina are almost through their half of the list.
19:21Is there a pet shop round here? Pet shop.
19:23Just down there? I think so.
19:24You have to go round the back somewhere, somewhere round here.
19:28Just drive to Shaftesbury Avenue for a minute, darling.
19:31Darling, just drive to Shaftesbury Avenue for a minute.
19:35Simon's team is still speeding through negotiations.
19:38It's a £200 suit normally.
19:41No, £65.
19:42£60 and you've got a deal, deal, deal.
19:44Keep going.
19:45It's too small, isn't it? You can't get it.
19:47£20, you know, I can't come lower.
19:49You're twitching my arm now.
19:51Can you move up a little bit? I've got no space at all.
19:54We're in a bit of a rush, so I don't mind.
19:56See, I'll take it like that.
19:58In less than two hours, both teams must be at the boardroom with everything.
20:05Simon has to make one more deal.
20:08But it's the one item no-one can pin down.
20:12Hi there, I'm trying to get hold of some Nigella seeds.
20:14Do you know if they're edible? Are they...
20:16Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, they are.
20:18That's what you put into, you know, the CDC non-bread.
20:21In what... In what, sorry?
20:23Non-bread. Non-bread.
20:25All right, brilliant. Thanks very much for your help.
20:27Cheers, bye.
20:29Most Turkish shops we can get it from, you know that.
20:31I can't believe we're so stupid.
20:33It's in fucking non-bread. Non-bread.
20:35Now we know what we know, this should be easy.
20:37I'm looking for some Nigella seeds.
20:40Do you sell them at your cash and carry?
20:42Yes, yes.
20:44I'm sorry?
20:46Yes, yes, cash and carry, yes, yes.
20:48I supply the restaurant, yes.
20:50And you have... Do you have Nigella seeds?
20:55No, no.
20:57You don't have any Nigella seeds. OK, thank you.
20:59All right. Bye.
21:01Let me try TRS again. What was TRS's number?
21:05I'm thinking of a question.
21:07I need to buy some Nigella seeds for Nan.
21:10Which one?
21:12Nigella. It's black seed that you put into Nan.
21:15No, I don't think so.
21:17But I will ask someone.
21:19Because if you can have a look at the black seeds that you sell...
21:22No problem.
21:24I will ask someone. And I will call you in five minutes.
21:26Not five minutes.
21:28It's a cash and carry today.
21:30Give me 15, 20 minutes. OK, I give you 15 minutes.
21:33OK, bye. Thank you, bye.
21:35I love that you get there.
21:37Don't be silly.
21:39I am coming in 20 minutes. I'm going to come soon.
21:41If you can do this for me, it is great.
21:43Can you look for me?
21:45You are my friend. I will not be too long.
21:47You are my friend, you know.
21:50You have got to adapt yourself.
21:55On the other team, Gazelle has found the number of a seed importer.
21:59I'm trying to source Nigella seeds.
22:02I wonder if you can help me?
22:04We do have some, but not a large quantity.
22:08It's not really a made product for us.
22:10Three kilograms at all?
22:13We would probably have three kilograms, yes.
22:16OK, can you tell me your address and whereabouts you are based?
22:20You have to come up the M11, past Dunstead Airport.
22:27I don't know if we can make it there and back on time.
22:30What are these seeds?
22:33They have got several different names for what they could be called.
22:36OK, what are their names?
22:39Kalonji seeds.
22:42Kalonji seeds? Oh my God.
22:44OK, I know where we get Kalonji seeds from.
22:46OK, what else are they called?
22:48Black onion seeds.
22:49Black onion seeds. Right, fantastic.
22:51Listen, thanks very much for that. I know exactly what they are.
22:53Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
22:55Right, I know exactly what Kalonji seeds are.
22:57We get Kalonji seeds from any Asian herbs or spice shop.
23:00Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
23:054.40pm. The race is on for Nigella seeds.
23:10In north-east London, Trey spots a Turkish supermarket.
23:24They have more of them.
23:26But the shop only has 300g.
23:29They need ten times as much.
23:33Nigella seeds. Do you have bigger bags?
23:35No, only this one.
23:37How many of these do you have?
23:39Only was there. Haven't you got any more in the back?
23:41No. I've got the number of the manufacturer on the packet.
23:43Do you know where we can buy bigger bags?
23:45The name of the company.
23:47It's right there. I know, I'm calling them.
23:51They're around the corner.
23:54Calm down, relax, relax.
23:56Hi, I'm after some Nigella seeds.
23:59Nigella seeds? Yeah, but I need 3kg.
24:02Yeah, you can buy 30g.
24:04How much would that be?
24:05It's equal to 3kg.
24:07I'm going right now to buy them.
24:11Gazelle is still calling Asian food shops.
24:15We're trying to source 3kg of Kalonji seeds.
24:18Do I have 3kg? Yeah.
24:22You don't. How much do you have?
24:24Probably about half a kilo.
24:26Half a kilo.
24:28Time is running out.
24:30The only place they've found with enough seeds
24:32is the importer near Stansted, 30 miles away.
24:36Oh, man!
24:40Hi, girls. Mega, mega, mega urgent one.
24:43No kids, no Nigella seeds.
24:45It's near Stansted airport.
24:48You just about get there and back.
24:50It's M25, M11, so the time will be tight.
24:53I think it's a no.
24:56Right, OK.
24:59Adam came up with the genius idea
25:02that Christina and I should drive to the Outer Hebrides
25:05to go and pick up some seeds that he'd finally located
25:08having sat on his arse all day.
25:10They were actually in Stansted or somewhere similar.
25:13You know, that really was a mastermind of a plan
25:16and we greeted it with as much enthusiasm as we could muster,
25:19which was, frankly, to tell him to bugger off.
25:23In less than one hour, the teams must be at the boardroom
25:27or they'll be fined £50.
25:29Where are you going, man? Gamma's over here.
25:31Gamma's over here, dude.
25:33Hello. Hi, are you Gamma? Are you from Gamma?
25:36Did we speak to you a moment ago?
25:38About getting some seeds? Yeah, that's right.
25:40Three kilograms, yeah?
25:42So you had 30 packs? 30 packs.
25:44You guys are awesome. Thank you very much.
25:46Much appreciated. Let's go talk to the boss about price.
25:50Simon's team still has to negotiate a discount.
25:54So how much are the...
25:56£5.90 each box.
25:58OK, is there any way we can get that down a bit
26:01because we're buying three boxes.
26:03We'd budgeted about maybe £10 to buy this much.
26:06No, we can't do that.
26:08What's your best price that you can give us?
26:10Actually, you have to buy ten cases to get one box free.
26:16I'm going to empty my pocket here.
26:18There's a pen. I can give you a pen.
26:20I can give you £10 and £13.50. How about that?
26:23This is a special one just for us.
26:25We can give you a 5% discount.
26:27Yes. OK, we'll buy it. OK. OK, let's go.
26:31Time to hot-foot it to the boardroom.
26:33The boardroom. Shut the door, shut the door.
26:40We're going to the boardroom. We're all done and dusted.
26:42On all levels.
26:44Qualitative, quantitative.
26:46We rock. We rock.
26:50Unfortunately, no. We're running out of time.
26:52If we'd have found out a different name for them earlier,
26:54we could have probably found them and me and you could have gone and picked them up.
26:57When was I so that flippin' long to find out what they are?
27:02Crossed the I's and dotted the T's. Everything was perfect.
27:05It was. It was. It was.
27:215.50pm. A few minutes to ponder their fate.
27:28Simon's team got all ten items, but their discounts were small.
27:34If we lose this task, it'll be Simon's fault.
27:36Nobody else's fault, because the rest of us did and did work hard
27:40and it was just stupid decisions he was making when we were in negotiations.
27:45Katie and Christina got Adam's team big discounts.
27:49But as they failed to get nigella seeds, they'll be fined £80.
27:54I do not regret putting myself forward as project manager.
27:57I've put myself under the microscope
28:00and he will make an opinion based on what he's seen.
28:11You can go through to the boardroom now.
28:33Evening. Evening, sir.
28:42You're going to find this very, very hard to believe,
28:45but one of you has won by 97p.
28:55Unbelievable. It is.
28:57This task is all about negotiating, yeah?
29:01You lot, leather trousers, then.
29:03Someone got a pound off of a £60 pair of leather trousers.
29:08Who's the leather trouser buyer?
29:10I got the pound off.
29:12Not very good negotiation, yeah?
29:15Nigella seeds, £17.70, you got 90p off.
29:20Don't look like you was doing much negotiating on your side here, Simon.
29:24Personally, I did some negotiating, but I had a lot of...
29:27Was your strategy just get it in, get it done, get out?
29:30No, not at all. My strategy was always to negotiate
29:33and my target was to try and halve the asking price.
29:35Some of the negotiations took maybe 30 seconds.
29:38I mean, you were very, very fast.
29:40We bought the tiles, we were quoted £40 plus VAT,
29:42which is £46, £47.
29:44We'd gone for 20 cash. We went for less than half.
29:47Well, you see, I hear a different story there.
29:49What you bought was actually seconds.
29:51They weren't quite seconds, they just didn't match.
29:53They were seconds.
29:54They didn't match the colour of his main line.
29:56They were seconds and they were offered to you
29:58because I think it was Naomi who said,
30:00we've got 20 quid to spend.
30:02Yeah, she negotiated.
30:03So the bloke said, OK, I can't do those for 20 quid,
30:06but I'll do you these seconds for 20 quid.
30:08Now, in my book, that is his first price.
30:12So why didn't you get it less than 20 quid?
30:14I could have got it less.
30:15Because it's a different commodity.
30:16I could have got it less, I take responsibility.
30:18OK, well, let me tell you something.
30:21That cost you 50 quid fine in these calculations.
30:24No, it didn't, because...
30:25No, it did, because they're my rules.
30:28And I'm telling you, it cost you 50 quid fine.
30:30Fair enough.
30:32On the stealth team, good bit of negotiating I can see going on here.
30:37The unicycle, 95 quid.
30:40Who bought that?
30:42We did.
30:43Got that for 60?
30:45But you, of course, couldn't find your Nigella seeds.
30:48We did find them later in the day,
30:51but I made the call that it was important to get back on time.
30:54Let me tell you that within ten minutes' drive of this location,
30:59a shop that is open to midnight tonight has got them.
31:02Right, OK.
31:03All right? OK.
31:04Good team leader?
31:07What's that supposed to mean?
31:09You're not in France now.
31:10You know, I'm speaking English.
31:12Good team leader or not?
31:14I don't know that we saw a lot of our team leader.
31:16Did you speak to him on the phone or what?
31:18Yeah, we spoke a lot on the phone.
31:20So you must have got a gist on the phone.
31:22You know, was he directing you OK or not?
31:25It's here or there.
31:27Here or there.
31:30Well, mistakes on both sides, fines on both sides.
31:33One of you lot's going to be kicking yourself over 97 pence
31:37over something that, you know, you could have sorted out easily.
31:45Right, OK, then.
31:46Well, let's put you lot out your misery.
31:48And it is misery, I've got to tell you.
31:51OK, well, after taking account of the fine
31:54and the guide price for the Nigella seeds,
31:58stealth came back with £458.71.
32:04Eclipse, Eclipse.
32:08Taking into account the £50 fine,
32:11with £459.68.
32:19You won by 97 pence.
32:23You lost by 97 pence.
32:29Bit of a joke, isn't it, really?
32:31A total joke.
32:33Your treat is that you're going to the Jonathan Palmer
32:37racing experience at the Bedford Autodrome.
32:41You'll be driving Formula One cars.
32:47Off you go.
32:49Thanks very much.
32:53Simon, you are so lucky.
32:56You are such a wanker.
32:57I'm going to smack you.
32:58I'm seriously going to get you.
33:01Adam, I'm going home.
33:04It's late.
33:05You're going to go home also.
33:07We're coming back to this boardroom tomorrow
33:09where we're going into more details of what went on
33:12and then one of you is going to get fired.
33:16Off you go.
33:38What a joke.
33:41And all to do with...
33:42Look at this paper.
33:44All to do with absolute stupidity.
33:47Either they can't bloody read or they can't manage time.
33:51It's unbelievable.
33:52I mean, this lot, they could have won by £50
33:55if they'd just read the bloody rules.
34:01I'm kind of annoyed that we're going to be in the boardroom
34:04and that's kind of a waste of a day.
34:06But I'm pleased because hopefully it won't mean the end of Adam.
34:11I'm absolutely gutted.
34:13I really, really wanted to prove myself to him.
34:18Absolutely gutted.
34:19The bloody car racing is a surprise as well.
34:22I'd have loved that.
34:23That's my favourite thing in the world is racing cars.
34:35I need a drink.
34:53It just doesn't seem right.
34:56At the end of the day, I really want the job.
34:58I really want to work for Sir Alan.
35:00He's allowed me to stay on three occasions
35:02and I'm hoping this is going to be the fourth.
35:05Because I want the job.
35:07I've given up a lot to be here.
35:09It's just very difficult to know that tomorrow, yet again,
35:12I'm in the firing line.
35:16What a day.
35:17What a pisser.
35:21Here's to...
35:22Here's to...
35:23Here's to us.
35:24Here's to us and here's to...
35:26Here's to us.
35:27Here's to us and here's to kicking Adam's arse.
35:38The next day, for the winners, another race to the finish.
35:44You think you're big time?
35:46You're going to go down big time!
35:57But even off duty, their eyes are still on the big prize.
36:02It's going to be a sprint to the finish, I think, from here on in.
36:06There's not much between strong candidates and the left,
36:09so hopefully I'll come in first and hit the chequered flag
36:12and be on the top of the podium.
36:14Sir Alan handing me the champagne.
36:20It was a big fishbowl. Lots of the fish have died.
36:24The piranhas are in the fishbowl
36:26and I feel that a lot of the piranhas are waiting to bite.
36:42At the boardroom, the losers are back.
36:53I would like to be the person that secures Adam's exit from this
36:59and also secures his route back to the north and his northern chums,
37:03where I do feel he rather belongs.
37:11It's going to be a siege mentality
37:13and I can absolutely guarantee that they will say that it was all my fault
37:17and that I could have done lots of different things.
37:20You can go through to the boardroom now.
37:39Morning. Good morning.
37:47You've had overnight to think about what went wrong
37:51or why you didn't do better,
37:53so who wants to kick off and start telling me?
37:56I thought we negotiated well.
37:58I thought we negotiated some very good prices.
38:01The reason that we didn't win was the fact that we didn't get the seeds.
38:06Looking down this list, if I was in your position, all of you,
38:10I would have taken one look at this list and gone,
38:13Nigella seeds bothers me, I'm out of my comfort zone,
38:17I don't know what they are.
38:19And I did.
38:20And I would want to deal with that within the first hour of this task.
38:25Tell me what you did to try and get hold of these Nigella seeds.
38:28We did a bit of research, we went to quite a lot of places,
38:31we managed to get hold of food importers
38:33that told us that they had a number of different names.
38:36Where was that? Who did that? I did that.
38:38Well, tell me about it then.
38:40I called an importer that specialised in seeds, et cetera,
38:43spoke to them and they said, we can give you the seeds.
38:46Well, where were they? They were near Stansted Airport.
38:48But at the same time I said to her,
38:50look, I'm having trouble finding out what these seeds are,
38:52can you give them to me? So you located them, right?
38:54Yeah, they were located. And you located an importer of them?
38:57Yeah. And that was at Stansted Airport?
38:59It was far out at that point.
39:00And did you ask the obvious question to the importer?
39:02I asked them, why can we not find what these seeds are?
39:05And at that point she told me, they've got two names,
39:07they're either known as Kalonji seeds
39:09or they're known as black onion seeds.
39:11So then I started calling other places that could possibly...
39:13Stop, stop, stop, stop. You found an importer.
39:16What does an importer do?
39:17They supply. We asked them...
39:19What does an importer do? They supply other people?
39:21They wouldn't give us a list.
39:22They weren't allowed to give us a list of who they supply them to.
39:24It's the same with the bins as well.
39:26Hold on a minute. I'm the importer of some electronic item.
39:30A member of the public phones up and says,
39:32I understand you're an importer of this item, I want to buy one.
39:35Can you tell me where I can get some?
39:37Oh, sorry, I'm not going to tell you where I sell them to.
39:39Yeah, it was ludicrous.
39:40Don't be ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous.
39:42I didn't ask the question.
39:44I did ask itself that question.
39:46Did you ask the question or not?
39:48You're lying, you did not ask me to ask the question.
39:51You're saying that you told her to ask the question
39:53and she's saying you didn't tell her to ask the question.
39:55Five minutes ago you were telling me,
39:57no, they wouldn't tell us, it was secret.
39:59So it's a lot of bullshit, isn't it, you're giving me?
40:03You want me to treat you seriously,
40:05you've got to realise that you've got to tell me the truth.
40:10Isn't it an obvious thing to have asked?
40:12You found the importer, you found the jewel in the crown
40:15and, you know, you made the fatal error
40:17of not asking where I can buy it,
40:19give me one of your distributors.
40:21Why did you let them go?
40:23As soon as she said Kalonji,
40:24that was my mind going off in different tangents,
40:26thinking, OK, if it's Kalonji seeds,
40:28then I know we can get them from Asian food shop,
40:30Asian cash and carries.
40:31Did you do that then?
40:32We got through to lots of people that said,
40:34right, we've got them in 100g bags
40:37and as soon as I said that,
40:38you changed the direction of the car about five different times
40:41because you were panicking about time.
40:43Just tell me, in simple terms, right,
40:46why didn't you go to those cash and carries?
40:48Because it was Adam's decision to go back
40:50because we were getting late.
40:51Back where? Back to the boardroom?
40:52Because you didn't have enough time.
40:54I didn't want the fine for getting back late.
40:56And the fine for not being able to negotiate.
40:58Did you read the rules properly?
40:59Yeah, there was a fine of £50 plus the value
41:01if we didn't get something,
41:02and a fine of £50 for being late.
41:04And what about if you did get something but you was late?
41:07Actually, getting home late, you would have had...
41:10But with the stuff, you would have only...
41:13You would have been £30 better off
41:15and you'd been out there racing cars at the moment.
41:18Do you understand?
41:19Yeah, I do.
41:20Do you think he's very bright?
41:21I don't think Adam is the brightest guy in the house, no.
41:25You being superiorly clever than your team leader,
41:28why didn't you think to yourself, right,
41:30if he's definitely got the place
41:32and that's where I'm supposed to go
41:34and I'm going to get there
41:35and I'm going to damn whether we're going to be late?
41:37Your point's correct.
41:38I mean, it was an oversight.
41:40We didn't discuss it.
41:42You didn't read the rules properly.
41:44It cost the whole task, wasn't it?
41:45Cos you weren't going to be any worse off, were you?
41:48It's that time for you to decide
41:51who you're bringing back in the boardroom with you.
41:54Who is it?
41:55Katie and Gazelle.
41:58Why does Christina go free?
42:01I actually felt that Christina had worked hard.
42:04Didn't think the others worked hard, then?
42:06I thought that Katie's head was a little bit down,
42:08especially in the early part of the day.
42:11Why would her head be down in the early part of the day?
42:13The only possible thing I can come up with
42:15is obviously she's missing a friend who left last week.
42:18That's the only thing I can think of.
42:20What, Captain Manory?
42:21Yeah, I just didn't feel that I got 100% from her.
42:23This is going back to a week ago
42:25when Christina told me about all the canoodling
42:27going on in the house between you and Captain Manory.
42:30And you was down on that, was you?
42:32That's a fairly low blow, to be fair.
42:34Low blow for who?
42:36I think that's a very poor attempt at coming up with a reason.
42:39He thought you were depressed because you've lost a friend.
42:41So I stood there, I gripped the room,
42:43I found us a place to go and get the leg wax.
42:45If that's someone with their head down, Christ alive.
42:48You know, when your best friend's a Mr Pino, Mr Grigio,
42:51you want to watch it?
42:53Er, lost on me.
42:56I know what Pino Grigio is, but, I mean, who's best friend is he?
42:59It's an insinuation that perhaps it's Adam's best friend.
43:01Is that right?
43:02That was the insinuation, I think.
43:04That's correct. If we're going to go personal, let's crack on.
43:06Well, actually, it wasn't him that went personal.
43:08It is, by talking about...
43:10No, no, talking about...
43:12I mean, I only knew about you and your relationship with Paul
43:15because Christina brought it up to my attention.
43:18That's all.
43:19I think personal and business are separate, sir.
43:21I think you also thought that you'd lost a good friend
43:23and he should have gone instead of the good friend,
43:25possibly, that was in your mind, yeah?
43:28Christina, you can go back to the house.
43:30You three go and wait outside, all right?
43:45Katie's decided to take her gloves off.
43:48Well, I think Adam's very silly,
43:50saying that she was down in the morning.
43:58Anyway, look, I'll tell you what we'll do.
44:00We'll call them back in and I'll decide which one is going to go.
44:06Frances, can you send the three of them in, please?
44:08Yes, sir.
44:10It's around the sea now.
44:28Why did you bring Gazelle back in here with you?
44:31The thing that I found with Gazelle is she has abilities,
44:36but I think the abilities are more sensitive, I believe,
44:39to be a personal assistant.
44:41She's very polite, she's very well-mannered and she's a lovely girl.
44:46Gazelle, there is an underlying feeling that you're a kind of a...
44:51And I'll put this in the nicest possible way,
44:53you're a kind of a hanger-around,
44:55a kind of an apprentice to the apprentice, really.
44:57To put things in perspective, you know, if you were in the kitchen,
45:01yeah, OK, I'll be doing the washing up, really,
45:04rather than actually cooking the food, so to speak,
45:07using that as an example. How do you address that?
45:09If that's how you feel, then I will address that,
45:11because I'm not the type of person that will sit back and say,
45:13I'm all this and I'm all that.
45:15I have been a leader, so I can clearly do it.
45:17Give me an opportunity to prove it to you, Sir Alan.
45:19Well, I have, in this past seven weeks.
45:22I have made a distinct improvement.
45:24I don't know. If that is the feedback I'm getting,
45:27give me an opportunity, make me the project manager on the next task.
45:31I'll give that consideration. Thank you.
45:34Adam, what's Katie doing here?
45:36Katie didn't give me the extra effort that I needed.
45:39I felt that if we'd have had more effort and more commitment...
45:42So you're saying lack of effort?
45:44I could not have put more effort into yesterday.
45:47I fragged myself to the bone yesterday to try and make this thing work.
45:51Reasons for bringing me in here, just do not stack up.
45:54One on a personal level, two on a business level.
45:56Sir Alan says he does not know about my personal stuff.
45:59He knows about it because you talked about it,
46:01because Christina talked about it. Fine, bin that.
46:03But if you want to go personal, I'll go personal.
46:06I very much strongly advise you not to take down the personal route.
46:09At a business level, you have one speed setting,
46:12and that speed setting is slow, slow, slow.
46:15Someone put the wrong speed dial in when they created you, sweetie,
46:18which is why when the phone rings, I always drop,
46:21because I know that phone call will take forever to hear something
46:24either I already know or I can get done quicker myself.
46:27So you know what? You're just barking up the wrong tree.
46:30I wouldn't expect a Christmas card from her this year.
46:33Not at all. Nigella seeds.
46:35You decided that you didn't want to go to effort to find them,
46:38so we have to help you. Absolutely incorrect.
46:40OK, Katie, let the man talk.
46:42It will take a long time, though, Sir Alan.
46:44Well, it doesn't matter. I've got time. OK.
46:46In the morning, your head was down.
46:48You're the only person that we're questioning.
46:50Katie. Sorry, Sir Alan. Your head was down.
46:52It was down. End of story.
46:54You were the person that we're trying to question.
46:56Let's kill this off, shall we?
46:58I want to question whether that affected her attitude towards the work.
47:03Her attitude towards me?
47:05Was you there? Did you think her head was down?
47:07Did it affect the attitude?
47:09Katie did a fantastic job in the morning.
47:11She had the most amount of input.
47:13It's bullshit. It's head down bit.
47:15Her head was not down.
47:17Even if it was down, did it affect her doing the work?
47:19Absolutely not.
47:21Absolutely not. Adam.
47:23Start again.
47:25Right, OK. I still believe that your head was down.
47:27Your commitment wasn't there.
47:29We stopped the head down bit. Did we not just agree my head wasn't down?
47:31OK, at the end of the day...
47:33Before I let you go again...
47:35I'm moving on to something else.
47:37No, I'm not going to let you until we agree something.
47:39If something's been dropped, let's drop it.
47:41I'm moving on to something else.
47:43Don't move on once you agree it's dropped.
47:45I've ruled. Head down is dropped.
47:47Move on.
47:49At the end of the day, when you were supposed to make the extra effort to get the nigella seeds,
47:53you didn't make a single suggestion.
47:55And I looked at that and thought,
47:57if they don't want to make the extra effort to go and get it,
47:59if they don't want to make the suggestion to let's go and get it anyway,
48:01why is that?
48:03Did you want us to win the task in the end?
48:05Or did you want to make yourself look good?
48:07You did enough during the day.
48:09I am speaking.
48:11Well, it's dull, so I'm going to speak right over the top of you, sweetie.
48:13Did you want to win the task?
48:15Or did you want to do enough to make yourself look good?
48:17Christina said that you did enough.
48:19We're a lollipop. Don't bring Christina into this, sweetie.
48:21Listen, let's just chill out now.
48:23Let's stop this now, OK?
48:29I'm starting to think about
48:31where can these people slot in
48:33somewhere into my organisation?
48:35Are you honest?
48:37Are you one of those people
48:39that is going to tell me as it is?
48:41Are you going to dance around
48:43and backbite and go behind me?
48:45One thing I can say to you, Sir Alan,
48:47which I think I can say above some of my colleagues here,
48:49is that I've never lied to you
48:51and I won't lie to you.
48:53I don't bullshit and I am a grafter.
48:55And those two things together...
48:57Are you a corporate animal?
48:59Are you one of those people that kind of whispers in the ear
49:01and loads the bullets and lets someone else...
49:03I'm no corporate animal. I just work bloody hard.
49:05You don't just whisper in the ear and...
49:07I'm no whisperer. I don't talk about people's personal lives
49:09if they don't interfere with business.
49:11Let's get off the personal life again.
49:13I am not a corporate animal,
49:15but I do know how to be sophisticated
49:17in a corporate environment.
49:19I am someone who can deliver at the highest level
49:21and I will deliver for you.
49:25you've been here
49:27four times,
49:29sitting in this position, OK?
49:31I've said it before,
49:33again, I'm not a religious man,
49:35but if there is someone up there,
49:37maybe they're sending me a message.
49:39The evidence
49:41is piling in
49:43so much against you.
49:45But I do know that you desperately
49:47want this job.
49:49You want to be the apprentice, right?
49:51But given all this stuff
49:53that people are saying,
49:55you're dangling by a thread now.
49:57Tell me, why
49:59shouldn't I fire you?
50:01I'm the person that can be
50:03the next apprentice. I've proved that I can negotiate
50:05on the last task. It was a negotiation task
50:07and I've proved that I'm a very good negotiator.
50:09I've proved that I can sell.
50:11I've proved that I can lead a team and motivate people.
50:13These guys are now in a situation
50:15where this is a siege mentality.
50:17You are talking to me as if I haven't been here
50:19for the last seven weeks.
50:21You're a great negotiator.
50:23You're selling maybe,
50:25possibly, and leading a team.
50:27No, this is you saying it.
50:33You haven't led the team well. The team's not with you.
50:35You motivate us about as much.
50:37Thank you very much.
50:39I'm capable of talking myself.
50:41On this task, as far as I was concerned,
50:43they were given explicit instructions
50:45on what to do.
50:47I don't want...
50:49What do you want to know?
50:51I want to know, if you can,
50:53in a nutshell, if it's possible
50:55to tell me why
50:57you are here.
50:59Because I have the abilities to be the next apprentice.
51:01I can work hard for you.
51:03I can negotiate.
51:05I can lead a team.
51:07I can do whatever I need to do and get a job done.
51:09If you give me a job to do, I'll get the job done.
51:11Well, it's that time now, really.
51:13It's a difficult one.
51:15I've got three separate dilemmas here.
51:17I have
51:19a concern
51:21about you,
51:25that you've been here so many times.
51:27So many, many times.
51:29Shut up now.
51:31That you've been here so many, many times
51:33and so many, many people are pointing
51:35in your direction.
51:37A very, very big concern.
51:43I don't know
51:45whether you're just too young for me.
51:47I really don't.
51:49Don't look at my age.
51:51I'm talking now.
51:53You're too young for me.
51:55I don't know whether you're lacking that experience.
52:05I don't know if you're going to be hard work.
52:07You're clearly an intelligent person.
52:11I think for the first few weeks,
52:13you may have played a kind of
52:15a sitting back game.
52:17Today, for the first time, you showed your true colours.
52:19Got to make a decision.
52:29Adam, your luck has run out.
52:31You're fired.
52:43I've got nothing further to say to you
52:45that I haven't already said.
52:47You go back to the house
52:49and I'll see you when it's time to set the next task.
53:07Too many,
53:09too many times, really.
53:11Too many times.
53:13Too much evidence.
53:15He isn't a good leader.
53:17He can't organise.
53:19He can't. He can't lead.
53:21He's a good salesman.
53:23He's a good bloke. He's got his heart in the right place.
53:25It's now come into a stage
53:27where it's showing.
53:29He's completely out of his depth now.
53:45I've got nothing.
53:51Revenge for last week, when the wrong man went.
53:55The only thing that would make me even happier
53:57is if it was a double firing with Christina.
53:59To actually use your impulse scenario
54:01in front of Sir Alan.
54:03I mean, why would Sir Alan not see what she's doing?
54:09It's just a hard, evil little wench.
54:11Well, we're to keep...
54:13With a forked tongue.
54:15Back at the house,
54:17Christina tells the winners
54:19what happened in the boardroom.
54:21What has annoyed me is the Pinot Grigio comment
54:23is personal,
54:25and that's never affected the way Adam works,
54:27if you know what I mean, in terms of what he drinks.
54:29And I think that that was unfair.
54:31I think Katie's a very smooth operator.
54:33I think there's no questioning her talent
54:35and her skills, her skill set.
54:37But I also think that she's playing
54:39quite a dangerous political game,
54:41in some people.
54:43Katie's here.
54:51How are you?
55:01Adam brought up,
55:03he didn't think my heart was in it,
55:05maybe because of personal issues.
55:09What did Sir Alan say?
55:11What was his response to that?
55:13He said he didn't want to hear personal bullshit,
55:15he didn't interfere with business,
55:17and he didn't appreciate whoever's been feeding Adam's lines
55:19to him, because he didn't think that came from Adam himself.
55:21If you're referring to anything
55:23I might have said, Katie,
55:25to Adam,
55:27I didn't.
55:29Sir Alan, I think, is seeing that if people are being fed lines,
55:31he works out pretty fast
55:33where they're coming from.
55:35Adam was playing a game. Adam knew he was going.
55:37I don't think he had a game left in him.
55:45There were too many fingers pointing at me.
55:47I've not come here to make friends,
55:49I've not made myself the most popular person in the house.
55:51I've come here to win it,
55:53and people know that, and people know how much I wanted it,
55:55and they saw it as a threat.
55:57So if people are throwing mud around
55:59to make me look bad, then
56:01I think a lot of that is more down to the threat level
56:03that they're sawing me.
56:07One job,
56:09now eight candidates.
56:11Sir Alan's search for his apprentice