Rocky & Bullwinkle Starring In The Ruby Yacht Of Omar Khayyam

  • la semaine dernière
00:30Pour Bullwinkle the Moose
00:32And a host of others
00:37Hurry Bullwinkle, the show's about to start
00:40I'm coming as fast as I can
00:43Wave to the people
00:48Now what are you doing?
00:49Signing autographs, you see, John Smith
00:53But your name is Bullwinkle
00:55I know, but that's hard to spell
01:01We're going to have a lot of fun
01:04Come on and join us
01:06Sure, there's always room for one more
01:20There's no question about it
01:21Ask any senior citizen residing in Frostbite Falls
01:23What the major event of the year is
01:25And he'll reply
01:26The Frostbite Falls Flotilla Festival
01:29And why is that?
01:30Because all the noisy kids are down at Veronica Lake
01:34Ah, peace, it's loudmouth butterfly
01:38You really couldn't call it a lake, it's more of a pond
01:41That is, well, actually I guess you'd call it a sump
01:44At any rate, every boy in the general area had his boat ready to sail
01:48Bullwinkle, you can't enter the race
01:50I'd like to know why not
01:51The rules clearly stipulate no human over ten can participate
01:55I'm about as inhuman as you can get
01:57You're a moose
01:58And that's another reason
02:00Oh, see, there's the warning whistle advising all us marinators to ready sail
02:04Where'd you get that thing?
02:06What thing?
02:07What it is you're about to launch
02:09And the starry-eyed moose related the story in flashback form
02:12Of how one day while ambling along the old rock's road
02:15He stumbled onto an ancient rust-encrusted dhow
02:18Go about that
02:19A dhow, spelled D-H-O-W, is a sailing vessel primarily used in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean
02:25Well, she sure is dirty
02:27Yes, but she's yarr
02:29The starting signal was given and forty-eight trim little boats put out to sea
02:33Or sump
02:34All except Bullwinkle's which sank upon contact with the water
02:37She sank
02:39It doesn't matter who won the race
02:41What does matter is that the dhow emerged completely rejuvenated
02:45Wow, look at it sparkle
02:47And lookie here on the binnacle rock
02:48That's the bow
02:50It says Omar
02:55Omar Kayam
02:56Look, he smokes, what do you suppose it means?
02:58Only the library could provide the answer
03:01Pardon me, ma'am, but could...
03:03Shh, can't you read?
03:05But we don't smoke
03:06It says silence
03:08Oh, that darn cat always stomping around
03:13Now what is it?
03:15Boats, books on boats
03:18Aisle 842, lane 30, district 3
03:21Shelves 20 to 80 inclusive
03:23Well, it wasn't easy but some six hours later they cornered their quarry
03:27Oh my gosh, two copies of the ancient mariner
03:30But I'll be truth
03:32Suddenly the setting sun bounced its rays off the glittering dhow
03:35This gave the resourceful flying squirrel an idea
03:38It shines like a gem
03:40Say, come on
03:42The reigning authority on minerals valuable and otherwise was Digger Deeper
03:46Mine owner, prospector and babysitter on Saturday nights between 8 and 12
03:50It's a gem all right, might be fool's gold
03:52This is rad, fool's gold is gold
03:56Let me give it a closer look, hand me my loopy
04:00See, I never saw this one before, you boys wanna see?
04:04We don't have time, Digger, come on, Bo Winkle
04:07And the insistent squirrel led the way to the only jewelry store in Frostbite Falls
04:11You know what you have here?
04:12We were hoping that you'd tell us
04:14This little dhow here is composed of ruby
04:16Yes sir, it's rubies
04:18No it isn't, it's mine
04:20Oh my gosh, if it's made out of rubies, then...
04:23If you're hesitating for me to finish the line, you've got a long wait
04:27And I don't have the guts to say it
04:29Okay, then here goes
04:31If it's made out of rubies, then this must be the ruby yacht of Omar Khayyam
04:38And with that little gem, we ring down the curtain
04:41What does fate have in the jewelry store?
04:43Be with us next time for Let's Drink to the Ruby or Stoned Again
04:50A present peccadillo was launched on the sandy shores of Veronica Lake
04:53Every boy under ten and one moose had a sailing ship entered in the annual Frostbite Falls flotilla festival
05:01They're off and sinking
05:03Yes, Bo Winkle's boat plunged to the bottom
05:05Ah, but when salvaged...
05:06It glitters, it gleams
05:08Actually, it took the trained eye of a master jeweler to determine its true identity
05:12First of all, it's running a little slow
05:14It's not a watch, it's a ship
05:16I stood watch on a ship
05:18Main Springs sprang too
05:20Please, mister, can you tell us what this boat is made of?
05:22And if you say sugar and spice...
05:25This little object is composed of precious ruby
05:28And since the name inscribed on the pinnacle was Omar Khayyam
05:31Then this is the ruby yacht of Omar Khayyam
05:35Well, you just don't come up with an awful thing like that and not hit the front page
05:38Ox-tree, read all about it
05:40Rocket hits moon
05:42Wally out for season
05:44Today's big headline
05:46La naissance de 24 catapultes pour un mothe à Elizabeth, New Jersey
05:50J'ai pensé que le narrateur avait dit qu'on allait tomber sur la front page
05:52On l'a fait, la front page de l'adversaire
05:55Voyez, Moose va vendre la ruby yacht d'Omar Khayyam à n'importe quelle fête intéressante
06:01J'ai dit que je voulais vendre la ruby yacht à une fête intéressante
06:06Eh bien, c'est la presse pour vous
06:08Eh bien, j'espère que personne ne l'écrit
06:10A vain wish, I'm afraid, for halfway across the world in the northern section of Lower East Pakistan
06:15The ruler of a remote city perused the ad with more than casual interest
06:19Son of an infidel, eater of vegetables
06:22What troubles you, oh illustrious one?
06:25This what I peruse in the periodical
06:27For years I wait for the artist to paint pupils in the eyes of little orphananny
06:33Patience, oh great one, Rome was not built in a day
06:37What kind of a...
06:39Lookie, lookie, lookie
06:42Fearing that the Pasha was suffering from a stroke, the Grand Vizier pulled the bell cord
06:47Someday I gotta get that fixed
06:51Oh boy, what did I read?
06:53Something in the paper? You saw something that would cause such a catastrophic...
06:58Sure enough, it was the misquoted ad they saw
07:01Take thirty bags of gold, ninety bars of silver, buy the ruby yacht
07:05A command is like an order
07:07And listen well, my dear Vizier, unless you buy the yacht, you lose your head
07:15Not to mention other various awful things that will happen to you
07:18I comprehend, oh felicitous one
07:21Fear not, I will beg borrower steal the sacred ruby yacht
07:25Incidentally, what would you suggest as a starting price for my initial offer?
07:29A buck and a half, you can always go up from there
07:32A fast camel, a slow train, it took a great deal of time to affect the passage from Pakistan to Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
07:38Eventually, however, the turbaned emissary approached our hero's home
07:42Oh boy, look at the headache that fellow's got
07:45That's a turban, Wawinkle
07:47A buck and a half
07:48I'll make it two
07:49Two fifty
07:50I think you're down because I got most of the trump
07:52Say, what's going on here?
07:54And the Vizier made his final offer
07:56No, sir, turhanbee, my little ship is not for sale at any price
08:00You won't relent?
08:01Well, not here in the front room, I won't, no
08:03Then look behind you
08:05And there, scimitars in hand, stood twenty fierce soldiers
08:08Uh-oh, there may be some cutting up going on around here
08:11Don't miss our next installment, Rimsky and Korsakov go to Palm Springs or Song of Indio
08:19Well, it may not have been in your newspaper, but there it was in the front page of the Frostbite Falls far-flung flyer
08:25And you can see why it's called far-flung
08:27Boy, look at the headlines
08:29Moose uncovers long-lost ruby yacht of Omar Khayyam
08:33Pretty little doodad, isn't it?
08:35Sure is, and it must be worth thousands
08:37A low estimate to be sure, especially to the ruler of a certain remote city in lower North Pakistan
08:43For years, the ruby yacht floated in this sacred bathtub
08:47It was our talisman
08:48What's a talisman, oh grandiose one?
08:51Okay, let's just say it was our good luck token
08:53You desire this humble Grand Vizier to recover the ruby yacht, oh esteemed one?
08:58Let me put it this way, if you don't recover ruby yacht, I shall be, oh esteemed off one
09:04And as we close the episode that came before this one, the Vizier was trading hotly with the reluctant Moose
09:09I give four Roger Maris baseball cards for yacht
09:12Not even if you throw in Leo de Rocher
09:15I give warped LP of Jan Pierce singing Bluebirds of Happiness
09:19Not even for Mildred Pierce
09:21Yes, apparently the ruby yacht had gotten under Bo Winkle's skin
09:24And the same might be said for our swords
09:26Smokey Smokes, we're surrounded
09:28Rocky wasn't about to take this socked in
09:30Make for the door, Bo Winkle
09:32Alas, they were both on the same track
09:35Minutes later, the Vizier and his burly aides paraded our captive heroes out of town
09:40What's the parade for, Feather Bee?
09:42Don't know, must be Labor Day or something
09:45I wish it were Doris Day, how about some cribbage?
09:48But not all the good folk of Frostbite Falls were taken in
09:51An aroused citizens committee was formed to investigate the blatant abduction
09:55I've wired the Secretary of State and the U.N.
09:57I've phoned the gas company
09:59I propose we march on Washington
10:01Shucks, he's been dead for years
10:03It was then that Miss Plumford, the principal of PS-12, spoke up
10:06I always said that Bo Winkle would wind up bad
10:09Any boy that wears antlers in school
10:12Luckily, Mild Standoffish, the turkey farmer, entered the meeting
10:16I don't know what all the fuss is
10:18Shuckings, they'll never get out of the country
10:20What makes you figure that, Mild?
10:22Well, you got a moose, a squirrel, six soldiers and one grand vizier
10:26That's vizier
10:28Anyways, the customs man will spot that group for sure
10:31Sure enough, the United States Customs Bureau
10:33Had every port, every airfield, every train depot
10:35Saturated with steely-eyed customs agents
10:38Just a moment, sir, what's in that base vial in case?
10:41Oh, just some Tommy guns and a bunch of stolen money, that's all, copper
10:45Okay, just checking, that's all, part of my job
10:48Say, Barney, what is it we're supposed to keep an eye out for again?
10:51I told you, moose, a squirrel, six soldiers
10:54And a partridge in a pear tree, right?
10:56No, a grand vizier
10:58Suddenly, the whistle of the SS plankton announced its departure
11:01That boat, did you check it?
11:03No, I thought you did
11:05From gangplank to the wheelhouse, the luxurious ocean liner was given a thorough going over
11:09However, passengers and crew alike were given a clean bill of health
11:12All but one stoker
11:14You have scurvy, sir, get off the boat, meet some oranges
11:17You saw nothing suspicious, eh, Fred?
11:19The only thing that bothered me was the ship's orchestra
11:21Boy, are they corny
11:22That is very understandable
11:24Okay, we take it from the top
11:26And please, no clinkers in the reed section
11:29But, Winkle, we gotta make a run for it
11:31What, I missed my solo? Besides, I can't run very far
11:34You strained your leg?
11:35No, they chained my leg
11:36Well, it looks like a long, frustrating passage for our boys
11:39Whatever's on your list, postpone it for
11:42The melody lingers on
11:44Or I bought you violence for your furs
11:49Well, last time, Rocky, Bullwinkle and the Ruby Yacht
11:52Were marched out of Frostbite Falls under armed guard
11:55We take you back to a remote city in Pakistan for terrible swift punishment
11:59Couldn't you just give us two demerits and let it go at that?
12:03As might be expected, the citizens of Frostbite Falls quickly summoned help
12:07Well, Sergeant, what do you and your men suggest?
12:09I think we better call the police
12:11Not only the local law enforcement agencies, but the federal as well
12:15Were called in to block any attempts at fleeing the country
12:18Sir, there are 60 young girls here who claim they're supposed to swim in the Olympics
12:2260, eh? Hold them for questioning
12:24What kind of questioning?
12:25Telephone numbers, you know
12:27What about the moose, the squirrel, the grand vizier?
12:29Let them get their own girls
12:31Meanwhile, at Pier 62, the SS plankton pulled away from the wharf
12:35Captain, the customs bureau searched the ship and found nothing suspicious
12:40By the way, tell the engineer to oil those engines
12:43Terrible racket
12:44But the engines weren't responsible
12:46The blame lay with Guy Vizier and his tremulous troubadours
13:17Just a short drive from Pier 86 set up the penthouse showroom
13:21In East Side, West Side
13:23Here now is number one singer, gorgeous Georgia Peach
13:27Who asked the musical question
13:31Boomwinkle, we gotta jump overboard before we're too far out to see
13:35Not yet, Rock
13:36I got an arrangement coming up in the next set
13:38Look, if you're worried about the chains on your legs, don't
13:42Well, I must admit, they did cross my mind
13:44Ah, but Rocky had a plan
13:45Sure enough, during his bass solo in Four Brothers
13:48The resourceful squirrel attached a hacksaw to his bow
13:51And by bar 32 had sawed through their fetters
13:54You can imagine the vizier's surprise
13:56When at the start of a five-minute break
13:58Rocky and Boomwinkle dashed from the room
14:00Quick, the dogs are escaping
14:03Shuttleboard games, sun deck bathing
14:05All were shattered by the ensuing wild chase
14:07Hey, what's going on here?
14:09Somebody requested Running Wild and two of my boys took it literally
14:14There they go
14:15The pursuit lasted well into the wee hours of the night
14:17They got to be somewhere on this tab
14:20Oh well, we pick up Chase at dawn
14:22Phew, lucky for us they didn't look in this lifeboat
14:25Yeah, we sure are lucky
14:27A questionable statement for the engine room
14:29Was having trouble maintaining full speed
14:31As I understand it, the ship is overloaded
14:34We must either jettison the lifeboat or the passengers
14:37What do you suggest?
14:38Don't ask me, sir
14:40Flip for it, heads passengers, tails lifeboat
14:43It came up tails and wouldn't you know
14:45The lifeboat to be sacrificed was the very one our lads were in
14:49Sea seems to be getting a trifle heavy, Rock
14:51Ah, it's probably a minor squall
14:53Get some sleep
14:55Careful there, men
14:56You don't want it to land in the water upside down, do you?
14:59What should matter? There's nobody in it
15:01Bad judge, you're right
15:03Throw it over
15:05Sea seems to be getting a trifle heavy, Rock
15:07You said that
15:08Oh, we may be on the brink of a terrible tragedy
15:11Only way to find out is to join us next time for
15:14The Deep Six or It's Tough to Fathom
15:18Last time you must recall
15:20Rocky Bullwinkle and the Ruby Yacht of Omar Khayyam
15:23Were smuggled out of the country aboard the SS Plankton
15:25Oh yes, the mastermind behind this daring plan
15:28Was the Grand Vizier, or Guy Vizier as he is now known
15:31Boy, what I wouldn't give just to hear a chorus of Kashmiri love songs
15:35During a vocal rendition of Prisoner of Love
15:37Rocky hacksawed their way to freedom
15:39Hey, what's coming off in the reed section?
15:41Oh, we're fetters, that's what
15:43The Grand Vizier and his soldiers gave chase
15:45But the one place they neglected to search
15:47Was a lifeboat on seadeck
15:49I think we're safe
15:50I think you're right
15:51They were both wrong
15:52For the SS Plankton was up to its plimsoll line in cargo
15:55And something had to be tossed overboard
15:57What'll it be? Passengers or a lifeboat?
16:02Well, we couldn't get away with it on a kid's show
16:04So it was the lifeboat they jettisoned
16:06The one occupied by Rocky and Bullwinkle
16:10No thanks, Rock, I'm not thirsty
16:12What do you mean you're not thirsty?
16:14Well, didn't you just open a canteen and spill some water?
16:17Hokey smoke, we're foundering
16:19And we're upside down in the water
16:21Boy, if there's one thing you've got, Rock, it's perception
16:24It wasn't easy, but through sheer superhuman moose power
16:27The boys managed to right their crap
16:29Uh-oh, fog's coming in
16:31Who cares? New York is in that direction
16:33Row, Bullwinkle, row hard
16:35The moose complied for all he was worth
16:37Alas, what he didn't know was that a mooring cable
16:39Had snagged the prow of the lifeboat
16:41Therefore, no matter how hard he pulled
16:43The boat went right along with the SS Plankton
16:45Stroke, stroke
16:47I'm stroking, I'm stroking
16:49Two weeks later, the lifeboat stopped
16:51Just as the fog and their spirits lifted
16:53There it is, Bullwinkle, New York City
16:56Yeah, Statue of Liberty
16:58Empire State Building
17:00India Inc. Company
17:01India Inc.
17:02The realization that they had been towed
17:04All the way to the harbor of Bombay
17:06Suddenly sank in
17:08I think I shall now be sick
17:10Don't waste it, wait until you reach our remote city
17:13And that word remote fit most aptly
17:15For high in the Pakistan hills
17:17Nestled snugly amid giant boulders
17:19Sat the small but exceedingly remote city of Jaipur
17:22Whose very name struck terror in the hearts of peaceful men
17:25The Pasha who ruled this tempestuous town
17:27Had no mercy with those who transgressed against tribal laws
17:30But you're merciless one
17:32I didn't swipe this ruby yacht
17:34You did too
17:35For eons and eons it floated in the sacred shrine
17:38Looks more like a bathtub
17:40That's what it is
17:42Anyways, as long as it floated
17:44The city of Jaipur had good luck
17:46And you mean when it was taken you had bad luck?
17:48Twelve months of steady monsoons
17:51That's a lot of rain, Jack
17:53Yes, I call that bad luck
17:55But you said the ruby yacht disappeared 400 centuries ago
17:59You got sharp ears for a squirrel
18:01Well, listen here, Pasha
18:03I'll have you know I am not 400 years old
18:06I should take your word for it
18:08Take him out and cut off his...
18:10No, that wouldn't hurt him
18:15Throw him in the cobra pit
18:17The seconds later
18:18Bulmical stood swaying at the rim of a pit
18:20While below a covey of cobras watched evilly
18:23We will teach you the error of false pride
18:26Gee, weren't you in Gangadin?
18:28Oh, there you go!
18:29No, no, wait a minute!
18:30Actually, we have to wait more than a minute
18:32Because we've run out of time
18:34Does Rocky have something up his sleeve?
18:36A fur?
18:37We'll find out in the New Delhi Katesin
18:41Or Judgment at Bloomberg's
18:48Well, you're just in time
18:49For what might be a very unhappy ending
18:51In our preceding installment
18:52Rocky and Bulmical assumed they were rowing back to New York
18:55Only to discover
18:56That they had been towed all the way to Bombay
18:58The Grand Vizier escorted our heroes
19:00To the hard-to-find city of Jaipur
19:02One of the few times in this story
19:04We haven't come up with a bad pun
19:06Moose, Squirrel, meet His Highness Ness the Pasha
19:09I do not wish to offend either of you offendees
19:12But would you mind divulging
19:14Which one of you pilfered the ruby yacht?
19:16Oh yes, the little ship that had been stolen
19:18From that sacred bathtub 400 centuries ago
19:21And ever since we've had a plethora of ill fortune
19:25A whole bunch
19:26Now, who took the yacht?
19:28I took it, but it isn't my yacht
19:30I mean, it is my yacht, but I took it
19:32That is, I... Oh, marshmallows
19:34There were two ways of dying in Jaipur
19:36Just living there
19:37And being cast into the dreaded cobra pit
19:40This was to be Bulmical's punishment
19:42Shame it isn't the end of the episode
19:44We could use Fangs for the Memory as a title
19:47Never mind the shop talk
19:49Walk over into the pit
19:51Look, if I had to go this way
19:53No snakes can walk over to me
19:55Silence, thief of thieves
19:57Push him in
20:00What do you mean stop?
20:01You can't say stop when we're about to push Moose over
20:05What is wrong with you?
20:06I said stop and I mean stop
20:09He said stop
20:10How about that?
20:12Well, no one had ever said that before
20:14So they all adjourned to the throne room
20:16Leaving the snake pit behind
20:17Goodbye, Olivia
20:19Now, what gives with all this stop jazz?
20:22Your Eminence
20:23Your Majesty
20:24Skip the flattery
20:25We all know I'm great
20:26We demand a fair trial
20:28You're kidding
20:29We don't have fair trials here
20:31We don't have any trials
20:32Rocky threatened a shot more stopped
20:34So a trial was agreed upon
20:36Counselor for the accused, Rocket J. Squirrel
20:39What'll we do, Perry?
20:40Plead self-defense?
20:41First off, you throw a fit
20:43But Bulmical, this was easy
20:47While this was going on
20:48Rocky, unnoticed, grabbed a sheet of paper
20:51Shaped it into an unreasonable facsimile of the Rubaiyat
20:54And sprayed some lacquer on it
20:56Amazing set of coincidences, isn't it?
20:58You can quit now, Bulmical
21:01I'm all cured
21:02Mr. Pasha, my client did not steal your Rubaiyat
21:06In fact, nobody did
21:09I object
21:10That's indimaterial and an elephant
21:14You see, the real Rubaiyat was here all the time
21:17In the bottom of the sacred bathtub
21:19Avec des manoeuvres de mort que seulement un squirreau volant pouvait faire
21:22Rocky a pris le bateau
21:23Tu veux dire qu'il s'est cassé il y a 400 ans?
21:27Okie-dokie, gentilhomme
21:28Qu'est-ce que c'est que le Rubaiyat Moustade?
21:32Rien que du papier
21:34Des jours plus tard, à bord du voyage de retour de la SS Plankton
21:37C'était un rapide figurant, Rock
21:39Qui fabriquait un bateau stupide
21:40Et plantait le véritable dans le tub
21:42Mais je ne sais toujours pas comment tu l'as fait
21:44Regarde, Bulmical
21:45Fais-moi un favor
21:46N'entrez plus dans les courses de bateau
21:49Oh, n'aie pas peur
21:50L'année prochaine, c'est le Marble Shootout
21:52Je ne vais même pas me rapprocher des femmes
21:54Pourquoi dis-tu ça?
21:55Eh bien, regarde mon marbre
21:57C'est tout oblongé et pas le moins ronde
22:00Et il a le mot « espoir » dessus
22:03Ça pourrait être le diamant de l'espoir
22:05Eh bien, au moins, il ne sera pas sans espoir, hein, Rock?
22:13Rocky J?
22:14Oh, non!
