My Favorite Fairy Tales The Three Little Pigs

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00:00There were once three little pigs who lived with their mother in a lovely little house.
00:08The first one was Boo. He was a lazy little pig and he was always taking a nap.
00:16The second one was Tom. He was always rushing around and always hungry.
00:24Mom, isn't lunch ready yet?
00:27But you've only just eaten it.
00:30Oh, have I?
00:32Tom was just like this every day.
00:36The third one was Coral. He worked hard out in the fields every day.
00:42And then one evening...
00:48Now listen, you're all big boys now, all three of you.
00:52And I think it's about time you all built your own houses and looked after yourselves.
00:57What? Do you mean we'll have to cook and do the washing ourselves?
01:01Of course, you'll have to do everything for yourselves.
01:04Oh, that sounds terrible.
01:06Anyway, I think you should all try starting tomorrow.
01:10The next morning, the three little pigs discussed where they would build their houses.
01:18Anyway, I don't like climbing hills. I'll build my house at the bottom.
01:24I'm going to build mine halfway up the hill where there are lots of apple trees.
01:28And I want a good view. I'm going to build mine right at the top.
01:33See you soon.
01:38Lazy Boo gathered straw from a field nearby.
01:44I love straw. It's so light.
01:50And the good thing is there's lots of straw around here.
01:54It's not so difficult to build a house.
01:57There we are. Finished already.
02:01Time for a little nap, I think.
02:04Oh, I'm exhausted.
02:08Meanwhile, up the hill, Ton had been gathering wood in the forest to build his house.
02:18Wooden houses are the strongest.
02:25And it's so easy to do repairs.
02:28There we are. Finished.
02:31Oh, I'm starving.
02:33This is the last time Mom will make lunch for me.
02:36Looks good.
02:40Oh, Boo and Ton soon finished their houses.
02:44Coro struggled up to the top of the hill with his load of bricks.
02:51I'm going to build a house so strong that nothing will ever knock it down.
03:08Soon be finished.
03:18It'll soon be dark and you're nowhere near.
03:23It'll soon be dark and you're nowhere near finished.
03:29That's right.
03:31Ah, but a brick house is the strongest of all.
03:36But at this rate, I don't think you'll ever finish it.
03:40Come on, let's go.
03:42Yes, see you.
03:45Coro forgot all about the time and went on working very hard into the night.
03:55Phew, there we are.
03:57Hooray, I'm finished, I'm finished, I'm finished.
04:00Coro was very tired, but also very happy.
04:05Each of the three little pigs had now built his own house.
04:10But trouble was lurking.
04:14I've been waiting a long time for this.
04:17Three delicious little pigs.
04:21This is really good luck.
04:23And that's the first one.
04:26Then tomorrow and the day after.
04:28Oh, food, food, lovely food.
04:31Oh, luck's really on my side.
04:37Oh, who's there?
04:40All right, I'm coming.
04:47Stop that, it hurts.
04:49Oh, my nose, my nose.
04:52Go away.
04:53Oh, my nose, my nose.
04:58Oh, a wolf. Oh, mum.
05:01Oh, I'm getting angry, little pig.
05:04Right, I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow this house down.
05:09Oh, no.
05:19Oh, Blue, too hot. Come back, come back.
05:26Tom, open up quick, it's me.
05:28What's the matter, Blue?
05:33Oh, he escaped those pigs.
05:37What? A war?
05:39I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow this house down!
05:42John, is this house strong enough?
05:44I don't know. I built it rather quickly.
05:46Must be careful. I was too strong last time.
05:59It's no good.
06:04I'll take a run at it.
06:11Let's go!
06:15Not again!
06:17Oh no!
06:19Oh dear, that's twice I've failed.
06:23But I'm not as stupid as I look.
06:27I know where they're heading. I'll take a shortcut.
06:37I'm ready.
06:42Oh, I'm really starving.
06:48Here comes lunch. You can't escape.
06:54You can't escape.
06:56What can we do?
06:58Call our help!
07:04Quick, quick! Get inside!
07:13Why is it I'm a failure all the time?
07:16But I'll get them next time.
07:19Now all three of them are together.
07:23I'm quite clever, really. I'm ready if they are.
07:27Are we safe in here?
07:29Of course we are. This is a strong house.
07:33Oh, I hope so.
07:37Right. Here I come.
07:48There. See what I mean?
07:50You were right.
07:52The wolf had hurt his arm so badly, he gave up and went home.
07:59But the wolf soon recovered and decided to try again.
08:12By hook or by crook, I'll eat them this time.
08:17He's got a great big hammer.
08:20Oh, no!
08:21Don't worry. These bricks are really strong.
08:40And once again, the wolf gave up and went home.
08:45We did it!
08:50The relieved little pigs went out to pick some apples.
08:56Ah, delicious!
08:58Let's get full and then take some apples home with us.
09:02She won't escape this time.
09:05What are we going to do?
09:06Don't worry. Wolves can't climb trees.
09:09Right, it's lunchtime. Come down one after the other.
09:14Oh, what lovely apples! I'm absolutely full.
09:18Me too. I can't move.
09:20I need a rest.
09:22Hurry up! I'm starving!
09:26Ah, would you like an apple, Mr. Wolf?
09:29All right. All right. I'll eat anything.
09:32Here you are.
09:34Oi, apple! Come back! Come back, apple! Come back!
09:37Come on, let's go!
09:39Come back! Come back! Come back, apple!
09:43Ah, got you!
09:45Thank you!
09:48Oh, I'm so stupid!
09:51Fooled by an apple! I'm a real idiot!
09:54What's wrong with me?
09:56Just a moment.
09:57I know!
10:10Oh, no! This time he's coming with a ladder.
10:13Oh, don't worry.
10:15Come on, you two, give me a hand.
10:22Good afternoon, little pigs.
10:25Oh, Mr. Wolf, we're sorry.
10:27Gobble, gobble, gobble, but I'm not sorry.
10:31He he he he he.
10:33Good afternoon, Mr. Wolf.
10:35Gobble, gobble, gobble, but I'm not sorry.
10:38He he he he he.
10:43Oh, just remember lunch.
10:49Oh, looks like hot water.
10:51Oh! Oh!
10:53Help, it's hot!
10:56Oh, it's hot! Ouch, it's hot!
10:59Oh, it's hot!
11:01It's hot!
11:02It's hot!
11:03It's hot!
11:05I surrender!
