Pound Puppies Episode 8 The Captain and the Cats

  • hier


00:00C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:08C'est Cooler !
00:10Whopper !
00:12Nose Marie !
00:14Bright Eyes !
00:16C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:18C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:20C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:22C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:24C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:26C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:28C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:30C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:32C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:34C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:36C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:38C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:40C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:42C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:44C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:46C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:48C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:50C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:52C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:54C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:56C'est le Pound Puppies !
00:58C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:00C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:02C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:04C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:06C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:08C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:10C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:12C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:14C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:16C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:18C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:20C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:22C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:24C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:26C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:28C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:30C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:32C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:34C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:36C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:38C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:40C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:42C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:44C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:46C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:48C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:50C'est le Pound Puppies !
01:52Mais notre nouvel plan ne va pas tomber !
01:54Mais notre nouvel plan ne va pas tomber !
01:56Nous allons vendre les Pound Puppies
01:58Nous allons vendre les Pound Puppies
02:00dans la rivière pour leur domaine !
02:02dans la rivière pour leur domaine !
02:04Et pour m'aider
02:06Et pour m'aider
02:08dans cette nouvelle entreprise,
02:10dans cette nouvelle entreprise,
02:12je suis sûr que vous vous souvenez
02:14de mon collègue de business,
02:16de mon collègue de business,
02:18le Capitaine Slother !
02:20C'est lui !
02:22C'est lui !
02:24C'est lui !
02:26C'est lui !
02:28C'est lui !
02:30C'est lui !
02:32C'est lui !
02:34C'est lui !
02:36C'est lui !
02:38C'est lui !
02:40C'est lui !
02:42C'est lui !
02:44C'est lui !
02:46C'est lui !
02:48J'en suis tellement contente !
02:50J'en suis tellement contente !
02:52J'en suis tellement contente !
02:54J'en suis tellement contente !
02:56J'en suis tellement contente !
02:58J'en suis tellement contente !
03:00J'en suis tellement contente !
03:02J'en suis tellement contente !
03:04J'en suis tellement contente !
03:06J'en suis tellement contente !
03:08J'en suis tellement contente !
03:10J'en suis tellement contente !
03:12J'en suis tellement contente !
03:14J'en suis tellement contente !
03:16J'en suis tellement contente !
03:18J'en suis tellement contente !
03:20J'en suis tellement contente !
03:22J'en suis tellement contente !
03:24J'en suis tellement contente !
03:26J'en suis tellement contente !
03:28J'en suis tellement contente !
03:30J'en suis tellement contente !
03:32J'en suis tellement contente !
03:34J'en suis tellement contente !
03:36J'en suis tellement contente !
03:38J'en suis tellement contente !
03:40J'en suis tellement contente !
03:42J'en suis tellement contente !
03:44J'en suis tellement contente !
03:46J'en suis tellement contente !
03:48J'en suis tellement contente !
03:50J'en suis tellement contente !
03:52J'en suis tellement contente !
03:54J'en suis tellement contente !
03:56J'en suis tellement contente !
03:58J'en suis tellement contente !
04:00J'en suis tellement contente !
04:02J'en suis tellement contente !
04:04J'en suis tellement contente !
04:06J'en suis tellement contente !
04:08J'en suis tellement contente !
04:10J'en suis tellement contente !
04:13Bowser J Puppy !
04:15C'est ton jour de chance !
04:17Allez-y !
04:23Bowser ?
04:25Il est parti !
04:27Eek !
04:28Bumpy Alphabord !
04:30Appelez le bureau de Mrs. Bumpy !
04:36Ne t'inquiète pas !
04:39Il doit y avoir une explication illogique !
04:42Hum ! Qu'avons-nous ici ?
04:45C'est juste un petit dessin à pied !
04:47Ça me ressemble à quelque chose de nouveau !
04:49J'ai déjà senti ce dessin !
04:51Il a l'odeur de poisson distincte de...
04:54Capitaine Slaughter !
05:01Je suis en partie Bloodhound, vous savez !
05:04Ils sont partis !
05:06Je suis en partie Pointer aussi !
05:08Je suis en partie Pointer aussi !
05:10Comment pouvez-vous être sûr que c'est la bonne direction ?
05:12Je suis en partie Pointer aussi !
05:14Je suis en partie Pointer aussi !
05:19On s'approche !
05:22On s'approche !
05:25Bingo !
05:29Vous voulez dire que Bowser est à l'intérieur de la voiture ?
05:31Non, je veux dire que j'ai juste cassé mes doigts !
05:38Oh mon dieu ! Il y a vraiment des doigts à l'intérieur de la voiture !
05:45Bienvenue ici, vous musclot de chien !
05:49Comment pouvons-nous le cacher ?
05:51Nous avons besoin de roues !
05:52Je n'ai qu'une chose !
05:54Un escalier ?
05:55Qu'est-ce que vous voulez d'ici ?
05:56Un bus à l'école ?
05:57Eh bien, je suppose qu'il le fera dans un instant !
06:09C'est un escalier !
06:10Non, c'est un escalier !
06:13C'est un escalier !
06:14Non, c'est un morceau de pain !
06:26Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on va faire maintenant, ma chérie ?
06:28Oh, on va juste s'amuser pour un moment !
06:48Bouncer, m'sieur, êtes-vous là-dedans ?
06:56J'en suis heureux de vous voir !
07:03E.G.A.Z, les petits chiens !
07:04Descassez-vous !
07:05Shooting, go !
07:06What do you mean? We're trying to save you, kooky cats! This truck's on a one-way trip to Belugaville!
07:12Mind your own business, Governor! We're here on a vital mission!
07:16Yes, indeed! The next time you start to rescue someone, why don't you ask permission first?
07:22Oh, boy! I knew cats were confused, but these dudes are out to lunch!
07:29The bad man! He's coming!
07:31Come, puppies! Let's boogie!
07:33Well, here's another fine mess we've gotten into!
07:36Them doggie blokes fouled up our whole undercover operation!
07:40And if we stay here, the captain will know something's afoot! We'd better dash off, musketeers!
07:46One for all, all for one!
07:48And a poor tridge in a pear tree!
07:52Good night, Auntie Katrina, and sweet dreams!
07:55Oh, give me a break!
07:57Good night, Mama Dearest!
07:59Don't you bite me!
08:00Come on, Bratina! Bet I can beat you to the top of the stairs!
08:04Bet I can throw you back down again!
08:21Careful, girls! Don't bruise each other!
08:24Too much!
08:30C-C-Captain Slaughter!
08:32How nice of you to break in!
08:37Well, you seem agitated. Did something go wrong?
08:40The dogs escaped!
08:43You bungler! The people who pay us want dogs and cats, not silly excuses!
08:51But, of course, your excuses aren't really silly at all, are they?
08:57I ship out tomorrow night with Pound Puppies!
09:06Goodbye, Bowser! Farewell, Bowser!
09:10Good luck, Bowser! You've found a happy home!
09:15So long, Pound Puppies, and thanks for everything!
09:20Wow! At least Bowser's safe from that awful captain!
09:24I wish we could say the same about our little old selves!
09:27Don't sweat it, Nozmarie! We're gonna beef up the Pound security!
09:30That's right! With my brand new invention!
09:33The Automatic Niminal Crabber... Criminal Nibber...
09:37My Automatic Criminal Nabber!
09:39This I've gotta see!
09:43Here's how it works! The captain comes in the gate like so!
09:51And the molasses lands right on the dummy!
09:56It landed on the dummy, alright!
09:59You get an A for effort, Howler! A D- for neatness, but an A for effort!
10:03What the Pound really needs are security guards!
10:06Yeah, not a bad idea, Holly! We'll have to ask the security guards!
10:10I'll go and get them!
10:12I'll go and get them!
10:14I'll go and get them!
10:16I'll go and get them!
10:18Yeah, not a bad idea, Holly! We'll have puppy guards around the clock!
10:22Nah! We don't need guards around the clock! We need guards around the gate!
10:29Whopper, little buddy! For that joke, you get the night shift!
10:35Left! Left! I had a good job, but I left!
10:38Left! Left! Right! Left!
10:41Who goes there? Stop or I'll sweep!
10:45Don't be silly, Whopper! It's just me! I brought you some nice tasty hot cocoa!
10:50Oh, I thought you were another one of those monsters trying to break into the Pound!
10:55What monsters?
10:57Oh, these huge scary monsters with lots of eyes, ears, no, no, warts, yeah!
11:02Big ugly warts all over their noses!
11:04Well, there I was, surrounded by wart feasties, so I started to bar, uh, uh, ballet dance, yeah!
11:11I taught them ballet dancing, and they lived happily ever after, the end!
11:15Golly, Whopper, you sure were brave!
11:18That's right! I'm the bravest pup in the car, uh, the whole universe, yeah! I can lick anyone!
11:30Can I lick your shoes?
11:37Look, here comes that cat and blighter now!
11:47Well, how do you like that? Here we are, acting adorable, playing with our ball of yarn,
11:52simply begging to be kidnapped, and he won't give us the time of day!
11:56It is kidnapping them pups against their will!
11:59There's no justice!
12:03Well, what do we do now?
12:06Musketeers, the only decent thing to do is to rescue those pathetic puppies!
12:11And so, one for all, all for one!
12:14And a partridge in a pear tree!
12:19You're still alive!
12:24Hey, let me out of here! Somebody call the police!
12:27No, no, the Marines! No, somebody call my lawyer!
12:33Well, how do you like that?
12:36He didn't even try to come nab us!
12:39But what'll happen to Whopper?
12:45So, if it wasn't for my new friends here, I'd be caught, just like little Whopper!
12:53Oh, oh, oh!
12:57Alas and alack! Poor Whopper! Trapped in the clutches of that hideous monster!
13:05Oh, woe is he!
13:13It's raining cats and dogs in here!
13:17We tried to get the captain to take us instead, but he wasn't the least bit interested!
13:22But why would you want that awful man to kidnap you?
13:25Yeah, what's with you kooky cats, anyway?
13:27Cats, don't you know? We're the three Musketeers! One for all!
13:32All for one!
13:33And a partridge in a pear tree!
13:38Oh, yeah!
13:42I think these guys have been at the catnip too long.
13:45We've been after this cat and bloke for a long time!
13:48Ever since he kidnapped our dearest friend!
13:51An old ship's cat, Dumas!
13:54Dumas was the greatest mouse chaser of all time! He taught us everything!
13:59And showed us all the secret places where mice hide!
14:05We soon learned that we were all absolutely terrified of mice!
14:09But then, one night, Dumas disappeared!
14:14You've been kidnapped by the captain!
14:17So yesterday, we got that cat and bloke to capture us!
14:21With the hope that he'd lead us to Dumas!
14:24But then you silly bumbling mongrels came along and spoiled the whole affair!
14:29Whoa! Did you call me a mongrel?
14:32No! I called you a silly bumbling mongrel!
14:37Oh, yeah? Well, then...
14:42Guys! Guys, calm down!
14:44This is no time for a cat and dog fight!
14:46We've got to work together to rescue Wagner and Dumas!
14:51Olly's right. Sorry, pal.
14:53I guess I lost my world-famous coolness there for a sec.
14:56It's quite all right, old chap.
14:58I was a tad uncivilized myself. My deepest apologies.
15:01Now, what we need to do is track down that no-good pup-napping captain!
15:06Before he tracks down little old us!
15:37Can't you hear the puppies screaming
15:40As they're loaded on the ship?
15:44Oh, can't you see the captain beaming?
15:48It's the puppies' final trip!
15:55Now, as soon as our guest of honor arrives, we can start the big bash!
16:05C-C-C-Captain Slaughter!
16:08I do wish you'd use the doorbell.
16:11Hiya, Captain! Did you bring me a present?
16:14Huh? Did you? Huh? Huh? Did you?
16:19Eww! Well, I guess it's the thought that counts.
16:25Since you're shipping out tonight with the puppies,
16:28We decided to throw you a farewell feast!
16:37Would you like some cranberries with that?
16:39No. I have to eat and run.
16:45Looks like Katrina's dinner party is breaking up early!
16:48I should have known that despicable man was in cahoots with Katrina!
16:53Golly gee willikers with whipped cream and sprinkles on top!
16:56Maybe we can talk to him and make him our friend!
16:59Bright Eyes, honey, you have all the common sense of a hot fudge sundae!
17:04So what's the stand of a plaque? The tack of a plant?
17:07What do we do now?
17:09I have a brilliant strategy!
17:12We'll take a circuitous route, avoiding the captain's exact whereabouts,
17:16But staying within a stone's throw of danger at all times.
17:19Then, we'll swoop down and take a brief moment to play with a bit of string.
17:24Uh, yeah. Why don't we just follow him to his hideout?
17:27Or we could just follow him to his hideout.
17:30Well, Pound Puppies, and featured guest stars, let's start pounding!
17:41The captain's heading southeast on West Elm!
17:45He just turned northwest on Southeast Lane!
17:49Now he's going southwest on Northeast West South!
17:52I mean, he's easting down northwest, southwest...
17:55I mean, east, west, north, south, east...
17:59Any of you kids got a map?
18:02Okay, step right up!
18:04All aboard Captain Slaughter's luxury liner for the ultimate pleasure cruise!
18:08It'll be a pleasure if we get out of here alive!
18:17Hey, cats, sounds like some fellow felines and canines in distress!
18:21Mousketeers away!
18:25Oh yeah, these cats are gonna be a big help!
18:32They're in here!
18:33But gosh and oh golly gee, it's all locked up!
18:36Stand back, I'll pick the lock with my claws!
18:41Better than a Boy Scout knife, eh?
18:45Why, that captain has shanghaied a whole boatload of pitiful pets!
18:49Whopper, are you in here?
18:51Right over here, sonny!
18:53I can't believe I'm finally being rescued after all these years!
18:57But you've only been here an hour!
18:59Oh, well, I must have lost track of time!
19:02Hark! What's that rapping, tapping at my windowpane?
19:06Blimey, it's coming from in here!
19:16Is it really you?
19:18Oui, mes amis!
19:19I've been hiding here a long time, all through the last voyage!
19:24What happened to the others who were with you?
19:27They will never return!
19:29Oh, that terrible captain!
19:31If I had him right here, I'd give him a piece of my mind!
19:37And a piece of your arm and a piece of your leg?
19:43Eek! I say eek!
19:45Eek! Eek!
19:53And once again, for good measure!
20:00Quick, everybody! Back to the pond!
20:03Whoa, Jack! I feel like Little Bo Peep who's lost his sheep!
20:06And your little old flock is heading out to sea!
20:09Not if I can help it! Geronimo!
20:13Korra! Watch out!
20:17He made it! It's all right!
20:19This is all right?
20:30Now to throw this washtub into reverse!
20:43I've wanted you for years, Korra!
20:46And now you're mine!
20:49No, no, thanks, really! You're not my type!
20:53You are dog meat!
20:55And you are all washed up!
20:59And you are all washed up!
21:04Come on, kids! I just hosed down the bad guy!
21:06Let's hear some cheering out there!
21:11Ah, music to my ears!
21:17All ashore, let's go in!
21:24It's Korra!
21:25Anybody wanna be rescued?
21:28Hey! The pup remembered to ask this time!
21:31Jolly good show!
21:38Captain Slaughter?
21:40You should be out at sea by now! What happened?
21:48They all escaped! No!
22:02Thank you, Kool-Air, for reuniting me with my friends!
22:05Now we all must be shoving off!
22:08There are more daring deeds to be done!
22:10There are more helpless kitties to be rescued!
22:12And there are more balls of yarn to be played with!
22:46Auntie Katrina, look out!
22:50I say, shall we lick her clean?
22:53Let's do! I'm famished!
22:55No! No, no, no!
22:59Oh, it tickles! Oh, make them stop!
23:01Oh, make them stop!
23:02Those cats may be confused, but hey, I like their style!
23:08Well, Pound Puppies, that wraps up another sticky situation!
23:11One for all!
23:12All for one!
23:14And the Pound Puppy's in a bad dream!
23:44Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
24:14Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
