Pound Puppies Episode 19 Little Big DogThe Bright Eyes Mob

  • avant-hier
00:00We now return to the all new Pound Puppies.
00:06A little farther. Yes, a little farther.
00:10Hold it right there.
00:12What are those stinky bricks for, Mommy Daryl?
00:15To build my new maximum security Pound.
00:18This wall will stop cooler and is motley more cold,
00:22like being hit with a ton of bricks.
00:25Oh, just kill me already, why don't you?
00:30Oh, mon frère,
00:31regardez-moi ce que les mauvais sont en train de faire.
00:34J'ai mis un mur de briques,
00:38cette fois-ci, je vais gagner.
00:41Elle s'enchaîne un mur de briques
00:44pour garder les chiens dégoutés dedans.
00:48Vous ne pouvez pas entendre nos cris et nos cris.
00:52Nous avons perdu nos marches.
00:56Oh, le prince de Pound,
00:59parce qu'ils se sont enfin rencontrés.
01:11Vous savez quoi? J'ai peur.
01:16Oh, un petit jeu de mouche et de mouche.
01:19Et il me semble que la mouche déteste les mousses.
01:24Oh, une mouche!
01:32Oh, mon Dieu! C'est pas une mouche,
01:34c'est un petit chien de mouche!
01:44Nous devons sauver ce petit chien.
01:47Juste pour ça, Bratina,
01:49tu n'auras pas d'argent pour une semaine.
01:54Ressaisis-toi maintenant, ma chérie.
01:57Nosmerie ne va pas te tuer.
01:59Tu es en paix avec moi.
02:02C'est vraiment agréable.
02:05Quoi qu'il en soit...
02:08Peut-être que le petit chien de mouche
02:10pourrait utiliser ma maison de Dolly.
02:12Absolument, les gars.
02:14Tu n'es pas un mauvais nom pour lui non plus.
02:18Mouche, ma chérie,
02:19ce que tu as besoin, c'est un peu de nourriture.
02:28Oh, ma chère mouche!
02:30Ça ne va jamais.
02:34Ça devrait te garder sucré.
02:39Dormis, ma chérie, dans tes rêves agréables.
02:45Salut, Tintin!
02:46Tintin, tu veux voir ma collection de verre?
02:50Oh, Roper!
02:51Je l'ai tout calmé,
02:52et tu l'as encore calmé.
02:55Peut-être qu'il a peur du verre.
02:59Tu sais quoi?
03:00J'ai peur de tout.
03:04Ok, petit, mets-le là-bas, petit.
03:05Allez, petit, tu peux le faire, petit.
03:07Donne-le à l'ancien Pépé, petit.
03:09Perfecto mundo, petit.
03:11Hey, Tintin, ma chérie, calme-toi.
03:13Personne ne va te tuer ici.
03:15Nous sommes tous des poupées amusantes,
03:17comme toi.
03:19Oui, comme toi,
03:20sauf que nous sommes un million...
03:22un trill...
03:23un trillion de fois plus gros, oui.
03:25Ne t'en fais pas, ne t'en fais pas,
03:27Sugar Plum.
03:28La taille ne compte pas.
03:29C'est ce qu'il y a ici qui compte.
03:33Voyons voir comment ça marche,
03:35ma chérie.
03:38Oh, fou!
03:39Je n'aurai jamais rien à manger.
03:42Comme disait ma grand-mère,
03:44Where there's a pound, puppy,
03:45there's a way.
03:47Oh, I've got it.
03:49Here's Nose Marie's little old secret recipe
03:51for a teensy meal.
03:53Take one slightly beat-up rubber glove,
03:55add an empty salt shaker,
03:57fill it to the brim with cold,
03:59fresh milk,
04:01mix in a little magic,
04:02and before you can say bye,
04:03you, baby,
04:04you're dining like a southern puppy king.
04:09You know what?
04:10I'm happy.
04:14Got any nifty queenies?
04:17Go fish.
04:18Well, after two weeks with us, Pupparoos,
04:20you seem to be getting along
04:21just dan-dan-dandy.
04:24I'm winning.
04:26Either my ears are on the fritz
04:27or Holly's trying to contact me
04:28with puppy power.
04:29What's puppy power?
04:31You might call it radio station K-Pup
04:33that plays nothing but love songs.
04:35Puppy love songs, that is.
04:38Hi, everyone.
04:39I've got great news.
04:40I found a perfect home for Teensy.
04:42This little girl lives in an apartment
04:44and a small puppy like Teensy
04:45would fit in just right.
04:47Auntie Katrina's away buying more bricks,
04:49so now's the time to get him out.
04:51I'll meet you upstairs.
04:53A home?
04:54For Teensy?
04:56Of course-a-rooney.
04:57Remember the Pound Puppy motto,
04:59neither rain nor snow
05:01nor Katrina Stone hot.
05:02I'll stop the good guys
05:04from delivering neato puppies.
05:06To happy homes!
05:12I know.
05:13I just didn't think
05:14he'd have to leave me so soon.
05:20Teensy, this is your new home.
05:22Are you coming with me, Nose Marie?
05:24No, sweetie pie.
05:25You'll live with a nice little girl here.
05:28I don't want to leave you, Nose Marie.
05:32Golly gee willikers,
05:33no pup's ever not wanted to be adopted before.
05:36Yeah, this could put a bad mark
05:38on our whiz-bang success record.
05:41I don't want to be a bad mark.
05:43I just want to stay with Nose Marie.
05:46Don't worry, Teensy.
05:48We'll find another puppy
05:49for this little girl.
05:50And we'll take you back
05:51to the little old Pound with us.
05:54Thank you, Nose Marie.
05:58That should fix any
05:59icky poor mice that come in here.
06:02There are enough scary traps
06:03to catch a zillion yucky mices,
06:05eh, cat guts?
06:09Bratina, what is going on?
06:11Bratina, what is going on?
06:14I'm trying to catch a mouse,
06:16nosy pants.
06:17What's it look like?
06:19Bratina still thinks Teensy's a mouse
06:21and she covered the yard with traps.
06:23And here comes the wicked witch
06:24of the worst, Katrina.
06:26What the?
06:27Booga, booga, booga.
06:29It's cooler than those miserable mumps.
06:32Bratina, stop those confounded canines.
06:36Don't just stand there, you ninny.
06:38Get them.
06:39No, Mommy Dearest, look out.
06:47Ew, Mommy Dearest,
06:48that looks totally painful.
06:50Not half as painful
06:52as the punishment you'll get for this.
06:54But Mommy Dearest.
07:07Lots of bricks, lots of bricks,
07:09build the wall real high.
07:11I'll keep on cementing bricks
07:14until I touch the sky.
07:16Stinky bricks, smelly bricks,
07:19Mommy Dearest, why?
07:21If we don't stop for Christmas,
07:23I will whine and scream and cry.
07:36Wow, looks like spring has sprung.
07:39Which means, Nose Marie,
07:40it's time to snip the apron strings
07:42and find Teensy a home
07:44before he eats us out of ours.
07:46I'm powerfully fond of him,
07:48but I can barely lift his food dish anymore.
07:51Teensy, dinner time.
07:54Oh, boy.
08:02You're right, Cooler.
08:03I guess it's time to get Teensy adopted.
08:08But I don't want to leave Nose Marie.
08:11Oh, woe is me.
08:14Teensy Sugarplum,
08:16everyone has to leave the nest sometime,
08:18and we'll come and visit at your new home.
08:22You promise?
08:24Positively, Teensy my pup.
08:26And remember, Honey Lamb,
08:28just let out a little old howl.
08:32And I'll come running.
08:34All right, I'll go.
08:39Mommy dearest,
08:40I'm sick of this stinky, smelly wall.
08:42Come down already, why don't you?
08:45Stop whining, Bratina.
08:47I want to put one more row of bricks on,
08:49and then I'll be down.
08:50Cooler and those crummy canines
08:52will never help another mud escape.
08:55Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
08:58Wow, looks like Katrina's been a busy little bad girl.
09:02Come on, Auntie Katrina's way up there.
09:04She'll never see you leave.
09:16Mommy dearest, where did the horsey come from?
09:18Can we keep him, Mommy dearest?
09:20Oh, please, can we keep him?
09:23Stop talking nonsense!
09:25What's going on down there?
09:27Paul is letting Cooler and some dogs and a horsey
09:30go out the front gate.
09:32Cooler and some dogs?
09:34Well, stop them, you fool!
09:36Oh, no! My wonderful wall!
09:39Looks like Katrina's plan isn't all it was cracked up to be.
09:47Ah! Ah!
10:17I'll come visit you.
10:19You promise?
10:22And remember, just let out a howl.
10:26And I'll come a-running.
10:37You know what?
10:39I'm happy.
10:41You know what?
10:42So am I.
10:44We now return to the all-new Pound Puppies.
10:51Oh, Mrs. Vanderspiff!
10:53I'm simply thrilled you can come to tea.
10:57Yes, yes, and I'll see you here at four.
11:00Thanks again.
11:05Bratina, we're rich!
11:07The wealthiest woman in town
11:09is coming to the Pound to give us money.
11:12Why would she do a gunkhead thing like that?
11:15Because Mrs. Vanderspiff is a dog lover,
11:18just like me.
11:20Oh, fibbing my face away, don't you?
11:23You hate the yucky puppies, and they hate you.
11:29But Mrs. Vanderspiff will never know I hate dogs.
11:32Now that I have this.
11:34Robotic Rover!
11:36The battery-operated kissing canine.
11:40With this remote-controlled Bratina,
11:43you'll make this metal mutt adore me.
11:46Sure thing, Mommy Dearest.
11:52Mrs. Vanderspiff's money is as good as mine.
11:55Now, turn it off till she gets here.
11:58It must be busted.
12:00Shut this bonkers bow-wow off.
12:03Sorry, Mommy Dearest, it won't turn off.
12:06I think there's a part missing.
12:09Here's the missing part I needed.
12:11I found it at Katrina's house.
12:15Howler, it's your greatest invention yet.
12:18Just one question. What is it?
12:20What is it? It's my Mutt Master Matcher.
12:22Watch. I feed it a pup's picture,
12:24and it matches up the pup
12:26with just the right home and master.
12:30Amazing, Howler.
12:32But now let's try a hard one.
12:38Oh, no match.
12:40I was afraid that would happen with Toots.
12:42Who's Toots?
12:44Oh, she's that new tough pup in the pound, see?
12:47Yeah, yeah. Bright-Eyes has been trying to get her adopted, see?
12:51But no one wants to adopt a dog like me, Bright-Eyes.
12:54Aw, Toots, that's not true.
12:56It's so. I'm just a dog in the street.
13:02Jumpin' jellybeans!
13:04What's all my nifty stuff doing under your coat, Toots?
13:08Uh, well, I can explain.
13:10You see, uh, well, you left it lying around.
13:13So I, uh, cleaned up after you.
13:15Golly gee, Toots, that was nice of you.
13:18You're a peachy keen friend.
13:20Eh, no problem, kid. Piece of cake.
13:23Hey, say, how'd you like to do your peachy keen friend
13:26a peachy keen favor?
13:28Just name it.
13:30Sneak me out of this place,
13:31and I'll introduce you to all my peachy keen friends on the street.
13:35More friends? Wow!
13:37Maybe we can have a party.
13:39Gee, then after the party,
13:41I can find hap-hap-happy homes for all of them.
13:44Cooler would be so proud of me.
13:47Come on, Toots, let's go find your friends.
13:50We have to help those adorable puppies get adopted.
13:54No problem, kid. Piece of cake.
13:57What a sucker.
14:02Holly! Get in here this instant!
14:05What's going on, Auntie Katrina?
14:07Mrs. Vanderspiff and her ritzy friends will be here in two hours.
14:11Now go vacuum the front porch, shampoo the drapes, fumigate the bathroom.
14:15And then you can paint the toenails on my Tootsies.
14:23Katrina, your job is to get this confounded mechanical mutt off me.
14:27I'm trying, Amida, I'm trying.
14:38Hey, you guys!
14:41Quiet down, listen up!
14:43This here is Bright Eyes.
14:45It's a pleasure to meet Toots's friends.
14:47Soon you'll all have nifty new homes.
14:52What's little Bo Peep doing here?
14:54Don't you get it?
14:56She's a sad, honest kisser.
14:58She's perfect to do our dirty work for us.
15:00No one will ever suspect her.
15:03First, I think I'd like to find a good home for that puppy there.
15:08Oh, nice choice.
15:10Prince Filth is loaded with class and character.
15:13But he's on a strict diet.
15:15So you've got to get him some special health food.
15:19Special health food? Sure. Where do I get it?
15:22No problem, kid. Piece of cake.
15:24We'll show you where.
15:27Oh, no! On the news! It can't be!
15:31If I didn't know better, I'd say that looks like Bright Eyes.
15:34Oh, it is Bright Eyes.
15:40We're here at Bruno's Meat Market, scene of a bold robbery.
15:43Mr. Bruno, what exactly happened?
15:45Well, I was slicing veal cutlets when this vicious criminal-type canine comes in and steals my weenies.
15:52We have to stop Bright Eyes before she strikes again.
15:55Yeah, if she stole weenies, she may be building up to b-b-balonies.
16:00Pound puppies, let's start pounding.
16:13I got it, toots! Are you really sure this box will help get puppies adopted like you said?
16:20Okay, gang, this is it. Each of you gets one.
16:23Now, be careful. We don't want any accidents.
16:30A little squeaky bunny toy! I like it, I like it!
16:40The coppers, they're after us!
16:42Where do we hide our toots?
16:44No problem, kid. Piece of cake.
16:46Hey, Bright Eyes, I think we better head back to your pad so we can hide out.
16:51Er, so we can all find hap-hap-happy homes.
16:55Oh, wow, now you're talking, toots. Follow me, puppies.
17:01Extra, extra, read all about it. Giant ship and a squeaky toy stolen.
17:06Will you just look at what toots has Bright Eyes doing now?
17:10We gotta save her.
17:12But we can't even find her.
17:15Maybe a little puppy power could help track her down. Gather round, pupperoos.
17:23Sakes alive! The pound! Bright Eyes must have gone back to the pound!
17:32We'll be safe in here, gang.
17:34And whilst we're hiding out, maybe we can pull off another caper.
17:38Oh, Mrs. Vendorspiff, it's such a pleasure to have you here.
17:43And isn't it a coincidence we both love puppies?
17:47Yes, and where are these dear doggies you love so much, my dear?
17:54Oh, dear, sweet Rover.
17:58You just lost control on me.
18:01My dogs do seem to love you.
18:04Oh, yes, all animals adore me.
18:07Miss Stoneheart, since it is clear you meet our high standards of animal devotion,
18:12I would like to present you with a check for one million dollars.
18:22Toots, what are you doing?
18:24Going inside to case the joint.
18:26That is, to see if some kind of soul might, perchance, wish to adopt us.
18:31But Katrina lives here. She hates dogs.
18:34Oh, no problem, kid. Piece of cake. Come on.
18:37Mrs. Vendorspiff, ladies,
18:40I accept your million dollars on behalf of homeless dogs everywhere.
18:45Bless them all.
18:48Bright Eyes, go grab them cookies and cakes and bring them here.
18:51Anything for my peachy keen friend.
18:54You really would do anything for me, wouldn't you, kid?
18:57Sure, Toots. That's what friends are for.
19:00Wait a minute. I don't know who's the bigger sucker.
19:03Bright Eyes or me.
19:10Bright Eyes!
19:12A real Ekipo puppy! Look!
19:16Why, you loathsome mutt! I'll truffle you!
19:21Hey, gang, my peachy keen friend needs our help.
19:33Oh, rats! The party started without us.
19:37Out! You horrible rotten beasts! Out! Out!
19:41Stop tormenting those poor dogs! Leave them alone this instant!
19:45I hate them! I hate them! I hate them!
19:49Hate dogs? You hate dogs?
19:52That's right. She hates dogs.
19:55No! No! I love dogs!
19:59And dogs love me! See?
20:05Miss Stonehorse, you'll never see a cent of mine, you fake!
20:10Please! You've got me all wrong!
20:13Oh, no, I don't.
20:15And I won't let these dead animals stay with you another second.
20:18I'm going to adopt all of them.
20:22I can't believe it! Us adopted!
20:28Hey, thanks for being such a good friend, Bright Eyes.
20:31And I'm sorry we caused so much trouble for you.
20:34Golly gee, Toots, that's okay.
20:36I'm just glad you all found a hap-hap-happy home.
20:42You're one of the good ones, Bright Eyes.
20:44Do me a favor. Don't ever change.
20:47No problem, kids. Piece of cake.
20:50I'm going to go and get some fresh air.
20:52See you later.
20:54Now, if only Katrina would turn over a new leaf.
20:57Why not? Everything else is turned over.
21:00Achoo! Achoo!
21:03Hey, Paul!
21:06Those bound puppies have lost me a fortune!
21:11Moths drive me nuts!
21:15Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada