My Favorite Fairy Tales Cinderella

  • avant-hier


00:00Une fois, dans un pays certain,
00:04vivait une jolie fille douce.
00:07Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh !
00:12Oh, père, regarde comme elle est encore petite !
00:15Oui, ma chère ! Les animaux bientôt reconnaissent la fierté dans la famille !
00:18Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh !
00:22Quand elle n'était qu'une petite fille, sa mère est morte.
00:25Son père s'est remarqué.
00:28remarried, and now she lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters, who were very jealous
00:34of her beauty, and were cruel and spiteful to her when her father wasn't there.
00:39Oh, mother!
00:43But she never complained to her father, because she didn't want to worry him.
00:52However, one day her father suddenly died.
00:58And she came under the complete control of her stepmother and two stepsisters.
01:06Now she was forced to work from early in the morning until late at night.
01:11Her two stepsisters gave her the name Cinderella, because she used to sit near the cinders in
01:16the fireplace, in her shabby clothes.
01:21Yes, that's true. Last night's ball was really magnificent.
01:29That's because you've fallen in love with the Count's eldest son.
01:34What do you mean? He has fallen in love with me.
01:38Oh, really?
01:40Of course. I'd make an ideal wife for a nobleman.
01:46Yes, mother?
01:48While we're having our meal, Cinderella, hurry up and finish the washing.
01:56You really ought to do everything without having to be told by mother.
02:00That's an inconsiderate girl.
02:02When you finish the washing, there's the table to be cleared.
02:06When her father died, Cinderella's stepmother took away all her beautiful dresses and gave
02:13them to her own daughters.
02:15Cinderella had to wear old shabby clothes and live in a wretched attic room.
02:26One day, there was an announcement from the palace that the prince would give a ball
02:31and the most beautiful of the young girls who were invited would become the prince's wife.
02:38Oh, it's marvellous. We won't get another chance like this.
02:44Oh, how lucky we are. Oh, thank you, dear lord.
02:49Right, we must get ready. We've only got ten days until the ball.
02:54I'm going to have the most beautiful dress made.
02:56I'm going to buy the best cosmetics.
02:59Now, you both must bathe in milk every day.
03:02Oh, we're going to be so busy.
03:05Yes, mother?
03:06Stop daydreaming. Hurry up and get the dressmaker and the beautician to come over here.
03:11Come on, hurry up.
03:14Cinderella was now, of course, even busier than before.
03:22And at last, the day of the ball came.
03:30Cinderella, make sure you clean the whole house and have our supper waiting for us by the time we get back.
03:36Yes, mother.
03:44In fact, Cinderella wanted to go to the ball too.
03:52Oh, the poor girl.
03:56Cinderella, if you do as I tell you, you'll be able to go to the ball.
04:04First, fetch me a pumpkin from the garden.
04:07Then, two little apples.
04:10First, fetch me a pumpkin from the garden.
04:12Then, two little mice.
04:14And finally, a lizard.
04:17But why do we need...
04:19I'm your fairy godmother, and I'm going to help you with my magic.
04:23Now, hurry up.
04:24Yes, yes.
04:34Right, you've got everything I asked for.
04:36Let's get on with it.
04:59Didn't we do well?
05:10It's just like a dream.
05:12Only, it isn't a dream.
05:15What a beautiful dress.
05:19Oh, oh.
05:20I've forgotten something.
05:22I mustn't be careless if we're going to make you into a beautiful princess, must I?
05:33Try them on, dear.
05:36Try them on, dear.
05:42They're beautiful and a perfect fit.
05:44Thank you.
05:46You must hurry up and go to the palace.
05:49Oh, Cinderella.
05:50I've forgotten one very important thing.
05:53When the clock strikes twelve, the magic will lose its strength.
05:58Lose its strength?
05:59Yes, my dear.
06:00Everything will be as it was before.
06:02So you must leave before midnight.
06:07Don't forget.
06:16Another guest.
06:20Isn't she beautiful?
06:23Isn't she lovely?
06:25Isn't she pretty?
06:38Your Highness.
06:41Simply lovely.
06:43Shall we?
06:56What a beautiful young girl.
06:58I think our son has fallen for her already.
07:01Well, I think she's very nice.
07:04So do I, my dear.
07:10I wonder where she came from.
07:13Now it's my turn to dance too.
07:17And apart from these three guests, everybody else admired Cinderella's beauty.
07:26And Cinderella was so happy dancing with the prince that she completely forgot what time it was.
07:34and Cinderella was so happy dancing with the prince that she completely forgot what time it was.
07:4012 heures du matin
07:42Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
07:44Oh non! Je suis désolée
07:47Mais je...
07:56Oh non!
08:11Et donc, Cinderella a réussi à quitter le ballon
08:15avant que le cloche ne finisse pas à 12 heures.
08:18Mais le prince ne pouvait pas s'arrêter de penser à Cinderella.
08:30Elle doit être ici quelque part.
08:32Eh bien, je vais la trouver.
08:35Et donc, le prince s'est rendu compte
08:39Et donc, le prince a décidé de rendre Cinderella sa femme
08:43peu importe la difficulté de la recherche.
08:46Le prince a ordonné à ses soldats de rechercher le royaume
08:49et de trouver la jeune fille dont les pieds mettaient le cloche.
09:00Mais il n'y avait pas une seule fille
09:03dont les pieds mettaient le cloche.
09:06Finalement, les soldats du prince sont arrivés à la maison de Cinderella.
09:17Votre pied est trop grand.
09:19C'est bon, qui est de suite?
09:21Maintenant, peu importe ce que vous faites,
09:23mettez juste votre pied dans le cloche.
09:25C'est bon, mère.
09:32Oh! Aïe!
09:34J'ai peur que votre pied soit trop grand aussi.
09:37Attendez un instant. Je n'ai pas bien mis le cloche.
09:50Ce n'est pas bon, j'ai peur.
09:52Vous n'avez pas d'autres filles?
09:55Non, je n'ai que ces deux.
10:00Ah, vous là-bas, venez essayer le slip.
10:03Quelle bêtise!
10:05Vous ne pensez pas que cette fille sale est allée au ballon, n'est-ce pas?
10:08Nos ordres sont d'essayer le slip sur toutes les filles du royaume.
10:12C'est bon, venez ici, s'il vous plaît.
10:31Donc, vous étiez la fille de la nuit.
10:34Non, c'est impossible.
10:36Non, ce n'est pas vrai. C'est tout vrai.
10:55Allez, Cinderella, va au palais.
10:57Cette fois, la magie est blessée.
10:59Donc, ça va continuer à fonctionner même après 12 heures.
11:02Oh, merci.
11:06Et c'était la fin de toute la souffrance inconnue de Cinderella.
11:10Et elle a commencé sa nouvelle vie en tant que femme du prince.