My Favorite Fairy Tales Puss in Boots

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00:00There was once an old miller who lived with his three sons.
00:11The two elder brothers were both very lazy.
00:14Our father only seems to love our younger brother.
00:18Boring, isn't it?
00:20Yes, and he'll do anything just to please father.
00:23Makes you sick.
00:29But the youngest son always worked as hard as he could.
00:34You must be very tired too, my son.
00:36Have a little rest.
00:38I'm fine, father.
00:40Why don't you have a rest?
00:42Hey, and where have you been?
00:52What's the matter?
00:53Are you alright?
00:57And suddenly the father of the three brothers died.
01:01Father, goodbye.
01:07After their father's death, the eldest son took the mill for himself, and the second
01:13son took the donkey.
01:16They gave the youngest son the cat and a loaf of bread and kicked him out of the house.
01:23He had nowhere to go and didn't know what to do.
01:27Oh, I'm so hungry.
01:31Here, you have some too.
01:35But, but, you're eating bread just like a human.
01:43You spoke!
01:44Yes, I can speak really well.
01:47Oh, you really surprised me.
01:49But that's wonderful.
01:50Now I won't be lonely.
01:51But anyway, what are we going to do?
02:01Oh, don't worry.
02:04Just you leave everything to me.
02:06You've been very nice to me, so now it's time to pay you back.
02:11But, but how?
02:13Well, please hand me your bag and your boots.
02:18And your handkerchief as well.
02:28Now, please wait here for a while.
02:48And Puss in Boots took the rabbit to the king's castle.
02:54What's that?
02:55A retainer of the Marquess of Carabas?
02:57Your Majesty.
02:58What does he want?
03:00A present from my master for the king and the princess.
03:06Oh, what a splendid rabbit.
03:09Yes, it's lovely.
03:11The king was delighted and gave Puss in Boots a big reward.
03:16Oh, another present from the Marquess of Carabas.
03:20Well, thank you very much.
03:22Please tell your master I am well pleased with his gifts.
03:26Certainly, your Majesty.
03:29And every day after that, Puss in Boots took gifts to the king and the princess.
03:37Oh, that's wonderful.
03:39And every day after that, Puss in Boots took gifts to the king and the princess.
03:46And then one day, the king and the princess went out for a long drive in their coach.
03:57Come on, quickly.
03:59Get your clothes off and jump in the river.
04:05Quickly, quickly, there isn't much time.
04:09Now, wave your arms about, all right?
04:12Splash around a bit.
04:21Right, now we're ready.
04:25Help, help, stop!
04:29What's going on?
04:30Oh, your Majesty, please help.
04:32My master is drowning.
04:36The Marquess of Carabas?
04:37Quick, go and help him.
04:39Yes, your Majesty.
04:40This way.
04:54Puss in Boots explained to the king that someone had stolen his master's clothes while he was in the water.
05:01Immediately, the king sent for some clothes from the castle and presented them to the Marquess.
05:07Oh, Marquess, they suit you well, don't they?
05:11Yes, they do.
05:16Oh, I know.
05:17Let us take you home to your castle in my coach.
05:20My castle?
05:22Your Majesty, the castle's over that hill.
05:25But, but I...
05:27Oh, don't worry.
05:28I'll go ahead and tell them you're coming.
05:32Your Majesty, please follow, it's your leisure.
05:37Well, I must say your servant is most thoughtful.
05:40Now, please join us for a leisurely drive.
05:44Puss in Boots raced towards the fields that belonged to a wicked ogre.
05:48This ogre used nasty magic to frighten all the farmers who lived on his land.
05:54Puss in Boots quickly gathered all the farmers together and explained to them how to attack and defeat the ogre.
06:02Could we really do that?
06:05What can we do?
06:07Well, the king will be coming by here soon in his coach.
06:10And so?
06:11When the king asks you about this land, you must say it all belongs to the Marquess of Carabas.
06:18Is that all we have to do?
06:20Yes, that will solve all your problems.
06:27Believe me, everybody, this will lead to the defeat of the ogre.
06:31Right, we'll do just as you say.
06:34Now, don't forget...
06:37Ah, so that's the ogre's castle.
06:46I say, who do these fields belong to?
06:49They belong to the Marquess of Carabas, Your Majesty.
06:53The king was very surprised to hear that so much land belonged to the Marquess.
06:59I see.
07:00The king was very surprised to hear that so much land belonged to the Marquess.
07:08Oh, quite extraordinary.
07:11Marquess, you have a terrific amount of land.
07:14Yes, yes.
07:16No need to be embarrassed, it's splendid.
07:19Yes, Your Majesty.
07:30I say, who owns this farm?
07:33This all belongs to the Marquess of Carabas, Your Majesty.
07:38Hmm, but it's far bigger than my farm.
08:00Oh, and who might you be?
08:04Good day to you, sir. I am here on my master's errand.
08:08And what does he want?
08:11Well, sir, my master says...
08:15Puss in Boots pleased the ogre by telling him that his master would soon be arriving with many gifts.
08:22Then he praised the ogre for his ability to change shape.
08:25Oh, that's right, I can change into anything.
08:28Oh, well, with such wonderful magic, it must be very easy to change into a lion.
08:34Easy, you fool! It's a very rare skill.
08:41I bet that frightened you.
08:44Yes, it did.
08:46I know you can do anything, sir, but I don't suppose you could turn into a tiny mouse this size.
08:52What do you mean?
08:53I said there's nothing I can't do. Look!
08:57Oh, that's marvellous! And can you jump up here?
09:07Puss in Boots quickly ate up the mouse.
09:11And that was the end of the ogre.
09:23Welcome, your majesties, to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas.
09:30Oh, what a magnificent castle!
09:39Puss, what does all this mean?
09:42Shh! I'll tell you later.
09:45But as from now, you're the Marquis of Carabas.
09:51And so, by skilfully defeating the ogre, Puss in Boots presented his master with the castle.
09:58And the king remained convinced that he really was the Marquis of Carabas.
10:03Well, Marquis, I think it's time for you to go.
10:08Yes, sir.
10:09I'm convinced that he really was the Marquis of Carabas.
10:13Well, Marquis, I think you should marry my daughter.
10:23The princess as my wife?
10:26That's right.
10:29Well, of course, if only she agrees.
10:39And so the princess and the Marquis of Carabas were married.
10:57And all the people were delighted that the kind Marquis of Carabas was now their master.
11:04Puss in Boots became a great lord.
11:08And ever afterwards, the Marquis of Carabas took great care of him.