Dan Peña Has Lost His Mind

  • 2 weeks ago
Dan Peña Has Lost His Mind


00:00Alright guys, so a few days ago I made a video reacting to Grant Cardone because I was hoping
00:04he could teach me some ways to make some money, but if you watched my video you could clearly
00:07tell it did not work and I just got really frustrated, but today I decided I should give
00:12one of these motivational finance guru guys another shot.
00:15So I decided to choose someone that I've been hearing about that has a pretty unique style
00:18to say the least and also I heard that they can be a little intense at times, but he's
00:22claimed to have made a handful of people billionaires so he's gotta be doing something right.
00:26And if you're not aware who I'm talking about, it's Dan Pena, he's been on like Logan Paul's
00:30podcast and Joe Rogan's podcast, so he's a pretty big deal.
00:34So now let's just check out some of his work.
00:36This is what I'm training you to be like, the four horsemen of the motherfucking apocalypse.
00:44Fucking warriors, not whiners, not warriors.
00:47This dude is pissed off, like how does he have so much energy at this age?
00:51He's 75 and he's a billionaire, like why isn't he just like relaxing somewhere, why is he
00:56spending his time yelling at a bunch of people?
00:58I'm kinda just concerned for this guy's health now, I feel like he's gonna have a heart attack
01:01any day.
01:06Fucking warriors, not whiners, not warriors.
01:09Do you think Donald Trump's a whiner?
01:14Do you think he worries and gives a fuck what you think of him?
01:18I don't think Donald Trump's the best example to use when you're trying to refer to someone
01:22who's not a whiner.
01:23Like I don't want to get political here or anything, but Donald Trump's known for whining
01:26about pretty much everything.
01:29You think Elon Musk gives a fuck what you think of him?
01:34You think the late Steve Jobs gives a fuck what you thought of him?
01:39You think Bill Gates gives a fuck, and I can go on and on and on, the only one that gives
01:45a fuck is you.
01:47Why did he call out some random guy saying that he still gives a fuck?
01:50Because like what if that guy just gives no fucks?
01:52Like what if he gives such little fuck that he doesn't care if you say he gives a fuck?
01:56Maybe Dan's just testing him right here, I mean that'd be some deep shit.
01:59You only have one time to make a first impression.
02:02The first impression is how you look.
02:04Now I already know how I look, and you know how I look as well.
02:07Wait, if I'm supposed to give no fucks about what anyone thinks of me, then why does the
02:11first impression even matter?
02:13So should I care about what someone thinks of me?
02:15Like I can't figure this out, how am I supposed to make any money with this guy?
02:18Mr. Carnegie was a hard bastard.
02:21Vanderbilt was a hard bastard.
02:22Henry Ford I was a hard bastard.
02:25Jeez this guy does not sound good, after every time he yells it sounds like he's gasping
02:29for air.
02:30And we all get the idea here, you gotta be a hard bastard to make money and be successful
02:33or whatever.
02:34Continue on with your fucking slides and save your breath.
02:36Rockefeller was a hard bastard.
02:38Steve Jobs was a ruthless hard bastard.
02:40Tough as nails.
02:45Take the prisoners.
02:47Damn this dude is going off, I think he's having like a Vietnam flashback or something.
02:51Like you made your point a while ago, I think saying take no prisoners is a little excessive.
02:55Like imagine if you just accidentally wandered into this room while his seminar was going
02:59on, I'd be pretty freaked out.
03:00Like I don't know, I might think it's some kind of cult or something where like they
03:03all just sit around listening to some old deranged guy yell about war flashbacks and
03:07how tough he is.
03:09Which is actually pretty accurate now that I think about it, but also there's a twist
03:12to it where like the old guy's a billionaire and like you could become a billionaire going
03:16to see him or something.
03:17This is just fucking craziness.
03:19We oughta just line, you know, this cement wall, we oughta just line all your parents
03:24up there.
03:25Cut them down like the fucking dogs that they are.
03:32Yeah, I think this guy's a little too intense for me.
03:35Like I think if he actually did that machine gun towards me, I probably would have thought
03:39I was actually shot.
03:40Like this dude scares the shit out of me.
03:41Damn it, I'm probably just not cut out to make a billion dollars.
03:44Elon Musk's favorite word is fuck.
03:48Every third or fourth word in a sentence is fuck.
03:50Wait, is he saying that Elon's successful because he says the F word a lot?
03:54I say it a lot too, so maybe I still do have a chance of becoming a billionaire.
03:58Now am I the only white, black, yellow, or purple man that knows that?
04:03It's common fucking knowledge.
04:07Why doesn't anybody talk about it?
04:08I honestly don't know if I've ever heard Elon say fuck, but this dude seemed confident.
04:12I mean, look at him.
04:13His head's about to explode.
04:15I think he knows what he's talking about here, so I'm just going to trust him.
04:18Nick Jagger.
04:19Nick Jagger has not gotten laid more than me.
04:24The whole Rolling Stones.
04:27There was a medical fraud back in the 60s and 70s that they said that the male organs
04:33can only produce between 30,000 and 35,000 orgasms, 30,000 and 35,000.
04:41I went to dick doctors because I was worried I was going to run out, for real, for real.
04:48Why is he even talking about this?
04:49I thought we were supposed to be making money here, not listening to him talk about how
04:52he had to go to a dick doctor because he thought he was running out of sperm.
04:56This dude is fucking nuts.
04:57Where is he going with this story?
04:59In the history of the seminar, 28 years, all the men that have come in 28 years haven't
05:03been laid 30,000 times, cumulatively.
05:12But one of the things when we talk about the program is I never took no for an answer.
05:18I mean, literally.
05:19Oh, that's where he's going with this, that he doesn't take no for an answer.
05:22I'd say it's probably not the best idea to attribute the amount of women you slept
05:25with to the fact that you don't take no for an answer.
05:28Like this dude literally just said, listen, I've been laid more than the Rolling Stones,
05:31I've been laid more than you'll ever be, and you want to know why?
05:34Because I didn't take no for an answer.
05:36I was hoping that wasn't where he was taking that story.
05:39And as I said, you know who's behind Bitcoin?
05:48It's a Ruski conspiracy to fuck up the American economy and the world.
05:53It's a long range plan he started seven, eight years ago.
05:57What the hell's going on here?
05:58Like, I feel like I'm at a Christmas dinner with someone's like great grandpa who has
06:01dementia and is ranting about how Putin invented Bitcoin.
06:06He's going to see the demise of the Western financial world while he's still the head
06:11of Russia.
06:14He's going to be there long enough.
06:22And he's already hacked into the brains of all the morons.
06:26You, YouTubers.
06:28Whoa, whoa, he's calling me out now?
06:30He's saying that Putin hacked into my brain?
06:33It's really hard to tell if he's being serious here or not, but I don't think he is because
06:36he's not yelling.
06:37I feel like whenever he's yelling, he's being serious.
06:39But when he's talking normally, he's just like joking around, maybe.
06:42I don't know.
06:43I'm not learning much from this guy.
06:44I just know he gets laid a lot and he thinks I could be a Russian spy.
06:47So I think I'm going to stop it here.
06:49So thanks for watching the video.
06:51Make sure you leave a comment, like and subscribe, and I'll catch you at the next one.