Trisha Paytas has an obsession with Ethan Klein

  • 2 weeks ago
Trisha Paytas has an obsession with Ethan Klein


00:00Alright guys, so in this video I'll be talking about Trisha Paytas
00:02I'm sure you all know her either from the Frenemies podcast or from just sitting on her kitchen floor
00:06Crying in front of a camera and the reason I'm bringing her up in this video is because I want to talk about the
00:10Fact that she's obsessed with Ethan Klein and I also want to talk about why she's obsessed with Ethan Klein
00:15And I know none of this is that big of a secret
00:17But I really just wanted to take this video to react to some really awkward clips between the two of them and the clip
00:22I'm gonna start with was like one of the first times Trisha was on the H3 podcast and for like half the podcast
00:27She was just sitting there hitting on Ethan right in front of Hila. So it obviously got pretty awkward
00:31How do you rate me on a scale of 1 to 10 then as revenge?
00:37No, I think the worst human yeah, but on a scale of attraction 10
00:42No, you don't thousand percent. You're 100% my type. I can't say it in front. I know you're my
00:49Okay, so she thinks Ethan is the worst human being in the world
00:53But she also thinks he's the most attractive person in the world and I think if anyone else said that kind of thing I wouldn't
00:58Really believe him or I just be kind of confused by it
01:00but when Trisha says that I feel like I totally believe her and it all makes sense because before the first time Trisha went on
01:06The H3 podcast the only thing that Ethan really said or did to her was that video he made like making fun of her look
01:12And like her weight and everything so it does make sense that she wouldn't like him as a person because of those things
01:17But also at the same time
01:18I think she does find him attractive or like his lifestyle attractive or like his success or whatever
01:23He's accomplished and she really likes being in relationships with famous people like she dated Jason Nash
01:28Obviously who's I guess kind of famous. I don't know and also Crispin Glover who's really famous
01:33You know, he played Biddleman and like Mike he fucking killed in that role
01:36He deserved the goddamn Oscar Stan Biddleman and like Mike that movies fucking amazing. Sorry. I'm going on a like Mike rant
01:43I'm just I'm just really into that movie
01:45Patricia Paytas is clearly into h3 because I
01:49Don't know. I'm just gonna keep playing the clip. I lost where I was going with this with the whole like Mike rant
01:58A 10
02:00That's confusing. Yeah, I'm confused by that. I've never been rated a 10 year. What would you rate him?
02:06But you wanted me to give me a 10. Yeah, I believe it
02:10I bet she'd give him like a 7 or something like if Ethan wasn't a big youtuber
02:14I bet she'd just leave him for Keemstar or somebody. No, I'm kidding. That's a joke. Maybe I don't know
02:18Maybe she has like a garden gnome fetish or something. Yeah, I think you're
02:23Would you I deserve you? Oh god. Yeah
02:27You're so much. So let me ask you this if you look if you look took your advice and moved on
02:31Would you make a move on me?
02:33Yes. Oh good. So is that what you were trying to do the whole time?
02:40Truly do think you deserve better. I didn't know but if I'm a 10 what's better than 10 as a
02:45So she said she'd make a move on Ethan if you were single and she's saying this right in front of Hila and then you
02:51Asked Tricia if this is what she's trying to do the whole time
02:53Like she's just trying to get with Ethan and her response to that is oh, no
02:57No, you deserve better than Ethan
02:58which doesn't make any fucking sense and it makes it seem more likely that she'd want to get with Ethan because in my opinion I
03:04Feel like that response makes it either seem like Trisha's trying to get you a more accepted to the fact that she's into Ethan and she's
03:10Trying to say that you really shouldn't care because she could just do a lot better than Ethan or she could just mean the opposite
03:14Of that and she just really doesn't like Hila and she's just saying me and Ethan should be together because we're above you and I
03:20Think it's just kind of somewhere in between there because it's very clear that she doesn't like Hila which we'll get to
03:25But also at the same time she does really like Ethan for the record. I did not know you actually had a kid
03:31I thought that was a troll to be honest. So I'm
03:34Thought that was like we literally have a child that's half me and
03:44You are tricks, I'm not a liar. I'm not a trickster. I'm not a troll
03:48Why would they lie about having a kid and then also how they'd be trolling anybody with that if anything?
03:53I think Trisha is trolling them by saying they're trolling people with their kid. I think I don't know
03:58I don't know. I'm trying to make any sense out of this. I thought it was a goof
04:01There was no way at how I thought that you guys are having a baby
04:03So you think I'm a 10?
04:05What about me is a 10? I'd like to know everything your face your body your voice
04:10Another reason I feel like she's acting like this in front of Ethan is because she gets the feeling that he's actually not that
04:15Attracted to her and she can't accept that fact
04:17So she's trying to bait him in and let him know that she thinks he's attractive and that he would have a chance with her
04:22I have a tiny penis. Is that a problem? I love that. That makes it even hotter. I do love tiny penises
04:26I love like shaming him. Oh you so you like doing like a body degradation thing
04:33But it feels good to I like little penises if it's a if I bet yours is probably five inches and I love that's my
04:38Favorite smaller smaller than five. I don't think I probably couldn't even get it. You're such a liar
04:44That's fine, I know it is I know it is I'm so good with it
04:48So you're a fan of the Howard Stern show, right?
04:50I don't blame you for trying to get away from that conversation and it's hard to tell but I feel like Trisha might be doing
04:56This to get you a mad as well
04:57Because she's probably jealous of you love for being with Ethan and having a kid together and everything
05:02and I also feel like this is probably why Trisha started dating you as brother Moses because it's a good way to upset you and
05:07Also, it's a good way to get close to Ethan
05:09So now I'm gonna jump to one of their other podcasts when Trisha's talking about how much they could be making on only fans together
05:15I don't have only fans. Okay, you make like $10 you could
05:20It's not in our
05:23Dude that would fucking I would I bet before this he probably never thought of doing only fans
05:28But then once he thought about how much money could be made
05:30He probably thinks it's like a really good idea now and he's probably thinking about how much money he can make if he did
05:35It with Trisha because I bet if they had a film together, they could be making like 10 mil each
05:39I mean look at Ethan's face here
05:41That looks like a guy who's realizing that he could be making millions of dollars in like 15 minutes
05:46But also at the same time he'd have to be having sex with Trisha paid us for those 15 minutes. No, I'm not
05:51I was like the best episode ever. I left his wet. Oh
05:55Wait, what?
05:57Are you actually wet? Oh, no, can I smell?
06:02All right. I don't know why you'd say that
06:04I mean
06:05I hope it's just a bad joke that he made or something like I bet you Lebron him home after this podcast and probably like
06:10scolded him for like an hour
06:14Let's see if we can get it back if we can moisten it back up
06:19She's what is going on now, I think it might be the sex tape thing. I think that kind of screwed him up
06:24He's like shit. Maybe I am attracted to her because then I could just make all this money
06:28I don't I don't know but also I'd have to deal with Hila but you know, maybe she just be cool with it
06:32I bet this is kind of why he started the front of these podcasts because he probably realized you know
06:36I could be making so much money using this chick and obviously the sex tape isn't gonna happen because I'm married and also it's Trisha
06:42Paytas so now I want to get to some of the clips from that podcast and first I'm gonna start with when Ethan was taking
06:48a lie detector test
06:49Do you think I'm hot?
06:51No, no
06:53That's true
06:58Wow really is just all about how much oh
07:03That is
07:05We know that's a lie like whatever so she's got Ethan on a lie detector test
07:09And of course the only questions that she's asking are about him being attracted to her
07:14And of course she cannot accept the fact that when he's saying no
07:16He's telling the truth and also this is so awkward because her boyfriend's in the room with them right now
07:21Like why should she even care if Ethan's attracted to her or not?
07:25If you have a boyfriend and especially if your boyfriend's in the room with you
07:28You should not be talking about how you're mad about some other guy not wanting to have sex with you God
07:33I don't know how Moses puts up with this chick
07:35No, I definitely don't want to fuck like everybody wants to like be me or be in me always
07:40What a statement right there. Everyone wants to be me and everyone wants to be in me all the time
07:45That's disgusting and that's like the most narcissistic shit
07:48I've ever heard like obviously this chick's got a ton of problems
07:52But I feel like this is like her main one right here
07:54Like she just cannot accept the fact that some people don't like her some people aren't attracted to her
08:00Some people are more successful than her
08:01But she just does not want to believe it and you don't trust me when I say I have no desire to fuck you
08:07Yeah, I know you're lying
08:11You look so pretty right now, it's insane so you want to do this, uh, are you smart?
08:17Really? Yeah
08:20Really you're a friend
08:24So obviously once he tells her that he doesn't have sex with her then she starts acting all into him again
08:28And she's like telling me he's muscular and stuff and again her boyfriend's in the room while all this is going on
08:33But he must just be used to it at this point
08:35I guess and I want to play some of the podcast where Trisha walks off for the first time and she has some pretty harsh
08:41words for you
08:43She's really upset because she was saying how he doesn't like her. He says don't talk about me in the podcast
08:48All I said was you should have a guess. He's like we can't mention English
08:50He's only me talk about oh, she's too good for a fucking podcast, even though we were talked about
08:53They never once insulted me. I said it she has a fucking podcast
08:56I brought life to the fucking a tree channel, but oh, he was too fucking good to even mention name
09:00I said nothing bad. I said like oh, whichever is a guest or whatever like I don't mention you
09:03Let's just let me talk about
09:06Okay, I literally don't care. Literally. I don't want to come back and I really fucking hate her
09:11So she she always making comments about the family and how I wasn't that wasn't it
09:17I said, oh, you should that's why on the podcast and you're like don't fucking mention you lie
09:20She's all I'm talking about. Oh a fucking queen you guys talk about my shit all the time, but her don't fucking mention her name
09:26Dumb fucking bitch. Okay
09:30Yeah, I think so too
09:32So Tricia kind of has these meltdowns every few months like it's pretty much inevitable
09:36Like I think she quit like three or four times before his final on this podcast and there's almost nothing you could do about it
09:42Like Ethan said the last time like he was trying to please her every way he possibly could
09:46But she pretty much finds a problem with everything and she thinks their whole world revolves around her and she thinks like her opinions better
09:53Than everyone else's and she's the star of everything, but that is definitely not the case
09:57so she always flips out about it and I feel like there's a lot of misplaced anger towards Hila from Tricia because of that like
10:03Tricia's really passive-aggressive towards her and then in the case
10:06We just saw like she's just straight-up calling her names right in front of her husband and her brother
10:11Like Tricia has no respect for anybody and I really can't believe this podcast lasted as long as it did
10:16Like Ethan held this podcast together pretty well
10:18I mean, I can't imagine working with Tricia Paytas like behind the scenes
10:22She must have been a fucking nightmare, but that is obviously what Ethan chose
10:25I mean he chose to have all this drama like all the family drama because that is what comes with Tricia, you know
10:30And he chose that to have good content and to make more money and it really worked out for him because even with this breakup
10:37And everything he's the real winner here
10:39I mean his podcast is still doing really well and now all these people like the family's
10:44Podcast now and they don't want Tricia back or anything and Tricia's just kind of getting hate and people are telling her no one wants
10:50her back and you can tell Tricia's having a lot of problems with that because she just keeps making videos about the front of me's
10:55podcast and talking about how there's like unaired episodes and then she like made an apology video and
11:00Ethan all he pretty much does just made one video after they broke up like explaining everything and he seems like he's over it
11:06But unfortunately, he's still stuck to Tricia because Moses is with her and apparently they're gonna get married
11:12So, you know, he's in it for the long haul now, I guess I'm sure Ethan's not too happy about that
11:16I mean
11:17Maybe Tricia will be the real winner here because she's still involved with all them and she's probably still gonna give them a bunch
11:22of shit and I don't know I could still see this potentially getting kind of messy because if I think Tricia ever stumbles upon an
11:28Opportunity to like go after Ethan again. She will definitely take it
11:31So I guess we're just gonna have to see what happens from here
11:34So thanks for watching the video. Make sure you like and subscribe and leave me a comment
11:38Let me know what you think of the video and I'll see everybody at the next one
