Ethan Klein let Trisha Paytas get away with WAY TOO MUCH on Frenemies

  • 2 weeks ago
Ethan Klein let Trisha Paytas get away with WAY TOO MUCH on Frenemies


00:00Alright so in this video we're gonna be taking a look back at the Frenemies podcast because I think
00:03it's pretty interesting looking back on it now that all the H3 fans finally realize that Trisha
00:07Paytas is a liar and a manipulator and she only cares about herself and has no respect for anyone
00:12else. Even though this kind of behavior from her was really no secret like everyone was aware of
00:16it but for some reason people chose to buy all her bullshit when she got on the Frenemies podcast.
00:20People chose to support her and stand up for her and let her get away with a lot of toxic behavior
00:24and people acted like she changed and she was such a great person now and Ethan was a great
00:28influence on her and I know some H3 fans will probably think that Ethan was still a good
00:32influence on her and he helped her a lot. I don't know how that makes any sense because how would
00:36it be helping Trisha Paytas to start a podcast with her where all you talk about is drama and
00:40family drama and you just let her ramble on about whatever she wants and you believe everything
00:44that's coming out of her mouth. Everyone knew what Trisha Paytas was like. Everyone knew she was an
00:48insanely toxic person that you do not want to get involved with and everyone knows you should not
00:52believe everything she says and you should not support her toxic behavior. So I have no idea
00:56how a podcast where you guys just talk shit about other people and try to attack other people and
01:00talk about drama and your family drama like I don't know how that would help her in any way and
01:04obviously it didn't help her in any way because now she's worse than ever. Like here's a video
01:08that shows all the people she's worked with in the past or like people she's attacked and I think most
01:12these people talking about her were before she was on Frenemies so this was like a well-known thing
01:16way before Ethan got involved with her like people knew what she was like. Everyone's wondering why
01:20I've stayed off social media. The reason why is because the past two months has been hell. All
01:25the hate messages and the bashing. None of you even know who I am. I've always been there for
01:29Trisha Paytas from day one. I've been there through everything. The ups and downs with blasting our
01:35relationship online. Me and Trisha were friends. I fucking stood by her time and time again. I've had
01:44people wish my death. I've had people threaten me. I had people wish death on my mom so she wouldn't
01:52have to live with a freak like me for a son. I was really hurt. I was mortified in front of
01:58thousands of people. I was made fun of. I don't even know why. I don't know what I did to deserve
02:03this. This hurt a lot more what I went through with Trisha and I'm so sick of people asking
02:08all these years later. I'm gonna be real. She's a liar and she's manipulative. Please whatever you
02:14do don't let Trisha Paytas know that you know me. The minute she knows that you know me she's going
02:18to find a way to manipulate a situation. She understands the power she has on YouTube. She
02:22knows that she can literally destroy someone's inner soul with her YouTube channel. I don't want
02:27to have any ties with her. She lied about me and I got all this hate and all this backlash. That's
02:31not true. That is a lie. It just really hurts me because it's uh being in my character. You know
02:37what I'm saying? That didn't even happen. I'm just gonna say Trisha Paytas like you have your own
02:40problems. Please stop worrying about mine. Please stop talking about me. You're not a very nice
02:44person. You can't say keep my name out of your mouth when your whole career and livelihood is
02:54based on social media. So if all these people who've worked with her or been involved with
02:57her in any way all have the same opinion on her and they all agree that she's really toxic and
03:01not a good person then why in the world would you have a podcast with her where all you talk
03:05about is toxic shit and you support all of her toxic behavior and you believe everything that
03:09she's saying. Obviously it's gonna backfire on you and Trisha's gonna go after you eventually
03:13like that's just a given. So now let's get into some of her behavior on the Frenemies podcast and
03:17I know obviously there's a lot I could talk about with her on that podcast like she was insanely
03:21toxic on there like just about every episode. I'm just gonna try to find the parts that I remember
03:25her being the most toxic and I'm gonna start with obviously like the first freakout that she had
03:29where she stormed off and like flipped out and this was only the fifth episode. They made it
03:33five episodes in and she already had a complete meltdown. So obviously this podcast was heading
03:37in a great direction. Hey I turned out fine you know having two Christmases two birthdays ain't
03:41a bad thing. You're saying turned out fine I was like oh shit. Oh my god look who's talking.
03:46I would never say I turned out fine. You have the most dysfunctional family. I literally would never
03:50say I turned out fine even though I did. I turned out okay. No just because you make money doesn't
03:55mean you're okay. But you're way crazier than me. That's so not true. But you're way crazier than
03:58me. Yeah this is the kind of podcast that Trisha Paytas really needs to help her change like how
04:02the hell is this podcast helping her change at all and I know the title of it is Frenemies so
04:06it's like supposed to be about them being enemies and like arguing or whatever but still that just
04:10means the podcast is just going to be toxic as hell. Like how would you think that this podcast
04:14is productive at all or it would help Ethan or Trisha in any kind of way. I mean it'll help them
04:18make money and get views but that is pretty much it. And I know Ethan probably did enjoy making
04:22this podcast and making content with Trisha but he knew there were consequences with working with
04:26her. He knew shit was going to get really toxic especially if you're going to believe and support
04:29everything that Trisha's saying. Like the only time you push back is like right now when she's
04:33talking about him or his family but every other time when she's attacking someone else he's right
04:37by her side. With no fucking eyebrows and everything. You were into pills you never
04:41talk about that that you were a pill addict for a minute. What? Yeah you said that you said you
04:46were really into pills and you don't talk about that. Why do I need to talk about that? Because
04:50that's being open that you're judging me for being crazy taking pills or whatever like I
04:55take out pills or whatever but you've done it too and you're just not open about it. Come on this
04:59has to be like one of the most toxic podcasts ever and I know it's entertaining it's fun to
05:03watch everything but you can't tell me this podcast is good for anyone or it's helping
05:06anybody. And how did everyone expect this podcast to end? Did anyone actually think that they'd have
05:10like a mutual breakup and they both go their separate ways and they'd be respectful to each
05:14other? I mean everyone knew it was going to end in a shit show and I'd say the longer you support
05:18her and the longer you have her on your podcast the worse the ending's gonna be. Shaming you for
05:22being off beds? That's what it sounds like you just call me crazy which means I'm off medication.
05:27You're trying to see this is why you are such a dangerous person especially to be close with
05:32because he knows that she's dangerous to be close with but yet he still decides to continue
05:36a podcast with her for like six more months I think. Like Ethan knows her deal and he's aware
05:40of how she acts but he doesn't care because it's gonna make him money and get him views. Like he
05:44pretty much just admitted that this podcast is dangerous for him and I know people would say
05:47that she's already dating Moses so Ethan's already kind of tied to her but does that still mean you
05:51should start a podcast with her? Like just because she's dating your brother-in-law doesn't mean you
05:55need to be close with her and it makes it even worse to start a podcast with her once you're
05:58related to her because then you're talking about all your family drama on the internet. Like to
06:02me it's pretty clear that Ethan is choosing toxicness and a lot of family drama and having
06:06his personal life all over the internet in exchange for money and views and I'd even say
06:09that he's enabling probably the most toxic person on the internet and I don't even know how you'd
06:13really argue with that because I mean at this point every H3 fan says that she is the most
06:17toxic person on the internet and Ethan supported her for like six months and everyone knew she's
06:21the most toxic person on the internet before the podcast and the only thing that Ethan did was
06:24support her toxicness and let her attack pretty much whoever she wanted on his show and he would
06:28stand by her side. Like I found this reddit post I thought was hilarious this person posted on the
06:32frenemies2 subreddit and I would imagine that this person is an H3 fan they said unpopular opinion
06:37anyone who supports Trisha Paytas is a racist bigot as well as and then they list off pretty
06:41much everything else you could call someone out for like anti-semitism, transphobia, xenophobia,
06:47homophobia and I think this is really funny because literally four months ago everyone was
06:51supporting her like she couldn't do anything wrong they didn't want to hear you criticize
06:54her at all she was a changed person but that's all bullshit she's always been the same person
06:58she was the same person before the podcast during the podcast and now after the podcast but the only
07:02thing that's changed is H3 fans decided to support her and believe her for some reason and they would
07:07act like she's a good person all of a sudden but then when she starts attacking H3 now she's back
07:11to being a terrible person. Like if you're gonna call Trisha Paytas anti-semitic xenophobic racist
07:15you know like all that stuff then you gotta say Ethan supported a racist I mean everyone knew
07:19what she was like before the podcast and everyone knew what she was like on the podcast and I'm all
07:23for change but she clearly was not a changed person the only thing that changed is she had
07:27a massive youtuber in his audience supporting her which is not good for anybody. Knowing my history
07:33bro we always call you crazy you're like up front crazy but if you're gonna call me crazy then I'm
07:37gonna say hey why don't you own up to what you've done that's also crazy. That doesn't make me crazy.
07:42Okay I'm joking around and then you go okay so what what do I have to weaponize against Ethan
07:47oh he told me you should take bills in Israel I don't think he's ever said that so here I'm
07:51gonna drop that on him. You want me to weaponize you because I have things I could actually
07:54weaponize you with no but I don't. All right you guys get the idea here the frenemies podcast
07:59was off to a great start and I'm not really joking it all depends on how you look at this
08:02because obviously this kind of content is going to get views I mean you bring Trisha Paytas onto
08:06a podcast and start arguing with her about how crazy she is and then she flips out and storms
08:11off like that is content but obviously it's a double-edged sword because this is really unhealthy
08:15behavior and your content's pretty much revolving around toxicness and like really serious drama and
08:20also Ethan's putting all of his trust into probably the most untrustworthy person alive
08:24which he pretty much just admitted that he's aware of like to start a podcast with Trisha Paytas and
08:28then talk about this kind of shit like you're asking for trouble because you're gonna have a
08:32really toxic environment there's gonna be a lot more stress there's gonna be a lot more drama it's
08:36probably not that good for your mental health you have someone on your show that's a loose cannon
08:39you never know what kind of mood she's in you never know if she's telling the truth or not like
08:43you gotta watch what she says 24 7 and you also gotta watch what you say to her and everything
08:47has to be accommodated to her i just feel like if you're any rational person you'd be like you know
08:51what this probably isn't the best idea it's probably not worth the money and views you know
08:54this situation isn't good for anybody like Ethan's a 36 year old who's married and has a kid and he
08:59decided to start a podcast with Trisha Paytas like that is one of the worst decisions you could
09:03possibly make i mean you know you're gonna be making more money and becoming more popular but
09:07like every other aspect of your life is gonna be worse and it was just a really greedy move and
09:11Ethan was letting his workplace become insanely toxic and Ethan even started treating his employees
09:15like trash i mean i remember one time Trisha made this video talking about how much she hates
09:19one of the employees and she was saying like fuck you you're an idiot you're a piece of shit all
09:22this stuff and Ethan pretty much took her side and he like publicly shamed his employee for like an
09:26hour and he like played Trisha's video to him and stuff like it was really bad i don't know if you
09:30guys remember this but Ethan had his employee AB try to defend David Dobrik and this was before
09:35the more serious allegations that came out against him so he was like trying to defend him against
09:39like the thing with Seth and like Big Nick and it was basically AB versus like everyone else Trisha
09:45wasn't there but like it was AB versus like Ethan, Hila, and like the rest of the staff i'd imagine
09:49i think AB was kind of new at the time and you could tell he just was not that prepared and he
09:53was also debating against his boss and he really did not give that good of a defense and Ethan,
09:57Hila, and Trisha labeled him a victim shamer and Trisha like made a crazy video flipping out at
10:02him and a ton of H3 and Trisha Paytas fans started going after him online and he said he started
10:06getting death threats and he had like private his instagram and his girlfriend broke down crying and
10:10ran into the bathroom it just sounds like he probably went through a lot like all of a sudden
10:13he's on this giant show and then every fan's coming after him and Trisha Paytas who's like
10:17the last person you want after you is coming after you and all of her crazy fans but Ethan and Hila
10:22really showed no sympathy for him and this is the way they treated him the next day so i'm gonna
10:25start the clip here where he's apologizing for defending David Dobrik and he seems like really
10:29sincere and he seems like he's really shaken up over the incident my next sentence which was
10:34completely wrong i'm not defending my actions i'm just trying to understand them for my own sake
10:38i have no right to speculate whether someone is telling the truth or not it was extremely arrogant
10:42of me to insinuate that someone's speaking out is doing it for malicious reason reasons well if
10:46you were insinuating that Trisha Paytas is speaking out for malicious reasons you'd be 100% correct
10:51like this kid really shouldn't even have to apologize but H3 and his fan base and Trisha
10:55are just so toxic that everyone just jumped down his throat like right away and they all labeled
10:59him as a victim shamer and manipulated him into thinking that he was like completely wrong and
11:03he was victim shaming it's pretty messed up what they're doing here they're basically taking Trisha
11:07Paytas's side over their employee and they had no problem with Trisha Paytas making a video going
11:10after him and calling him a fucking idiot and like a piece of shit and everything and getting
11:14her fans all riled up to attack him and send him death threats and stuff the amount of nasty uh
11:19comments and hate i've been getting across all my social media is insane i've been told multiple
11:23times to kill myself and then i should be fired i may deserve the backlash but deserve it or not
11:28i'm still human and it hurts um yesterday i did something that i've never done before which was
11:33call my mom just to just to hear her voice because how sad i felt i'm not trying to make myself a
11:38victim but rather explain how i feel all right so as you can see here this is a pretty traumatic
11:42incident for this kid and Ethan and Hila couldn't care less i don't think they ever say like oh man
11:46i'm sorry that happened to you like let's just move past it let's just be done with it you're a
11:49good guy we all believe you and like let's move on from it instead they talk about it for like
11:53another hour and Ethan keeps bringing up points about how the kids screwed up and he's sitting
11:57there like yeah i know i'm aware of it and then at the end they bring up the Trisha Paytas video
12:01and they play that in front of them they really show no sympathy towards him they just want to
12:04like embarrass him for content because these people don't actually care that much about other
12:08people like they just want to make good content and make money like they don't really care about
12:11how other people feel about things like they spend the next hour of this podcast publicly shaming
12:15their employee who clearly knows what he did was wrong and they keep telling him he's a victim
12:19shamer and they keep going over what he did and they're telling him why it was wrong and everything
12:22and it's so ironic because this whole thing started because David Dobrik was treating his
12:26friends like shit but then they'll go on their podcast and treat their employee like shit which
12:29is even worse than treating your friends like shit because as a boss you have a responsibility to
12:33make sure that you respect your employees and make sure you don't have a toxic workplace and
12:36make sure no death threats are being sent to one of your employees i'm sorry trisha if i reopen
12:41reopened any past trauma you have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me personally i was
12:46stupid to think i could defend david without offending you trisha i fully support you and
12:50i'm sorry for being insensitive i know it may take time but i'll do everything in my power to show
12:53you that i will want nothing but good for you i'm sorry let run down i will do better like this is
12:58torture this kid's apologizing to trisha paytas because he called her a liar this is even after
13:03she made a video viciously attacking him and like calling him like a bunch of names like it's crazy
13:07that they have this kid apologizing right now like if anyone should apologize it should be trisha paytas
13:11for like insulting their employee and like sending all this hate towards them excuse my shaky boys
13:16but i'm being sincere that's all wow wish we had the apology podium out i was worthy of the uh
13:25worthy of the great apologies of this in the show's history okay you got some death threats i know i
13:32saw your instagram went private yeah like what the hell is this this kid just poured his heart
13:37and soul into that apology and then you have like nothing to say about it you have like no remorse
13:41for anything that happens and then you're like so you got some death threats and your instagram
13:44went private let's hear about that like jesus why don't you tell him that you're sorry about
13:47everything that happened like your fans and trisha paytas's fans are the ones sending him the death
13:51threats like be like dude sorry you don't deserve that like we all know you're a good person but
13:55none of that instead you just say like oh let's hear about those death threats because all we
13:59care about is good content like we don't care that one of our employees is feeling like complete
14:02crap and probably had one of the worst days of his life all we care about now is shaming him
14:06and making content out of it i did i felt bad i just i felt bad like lena seeing it too like
14:12yeah a little rough i mean usually i consider myself to be a strong person but when it's the
14:18fight like last night i heard uh i don't have to do personal i heard i heard lena in the bathroom
14:26like she was trying to hide from me but she was tearing up and that's that's kind of what broke
14:29me oh lena was upset it's really hard i know what it's like i mean whenever ethan would go so your
14:36girlfriend was affected by this oh i'm so sorry but you like i don't give a shit let's just make
14:40him feel like an asshole for the next hour then play a video of trisha paytas making fun of him
14:44but she's just frustrated i think because she's like it's everything you're not it's everything
14:50you stand against and it's just oh she yeah no poor lena she's the she's an angel she is a
14:58an angel yeah let's talk about so let's talk about it okay yeah let's talk about it because
15:04you clearly don't understand what you did wrong yet and i need to keep going in on you
15:08so have you obviously you've reconsidered your position of some of the stuff you said yesterday
15:14do you and you understand why people are upset right what the fuck is this did he listen to
15:19the apology at all like he just explained everything he was really sincere about it like
15:23he's pretty much crying you're like oh this kid still needs to learn a lesson i need to embarrass
15:27him in front of two million people a hundred percent yeah i have some points here so
15:37like a lot of people were curious like why are you so quick to defend david
15:42against the first-hand account of like nick and trisha and seth on video it's just it's odd that
15:49you would accuse three different people of lying and left for lack of a better word and yeah it's
15:57so strange that someone would accuse trisha paytas of lying and i don't know i could be wrong on this
16:01but i think ethan like really wanted him to debate and defend david dobrik like i don't think ab was
16:06jumping at the opportunity to defend david dobrik against his boss and trisha paytas and also this
16:11kid just answered all these questions in his apology like what more do you want him to say
16:14like you just want him to keep repeating himself and being like you know you screwed up right yeah
16:18i did but did you realize you said this wrong yeah i did like what are you gonna do here like
16:22this is such a bad workplace environment like this is terrible behavior from ethan and hila like
16:26they're basically stooping down to trisha paytas's level here it's crazy they just keep going in on
16:30their employee and it seems like they don't feel bad for him at all and i don't think they ever
16:33really apologize about their fans sending him death threats and like trisha paytas making this
16:38crazy video on him all they do for the next hour is just like publicly shame him and try to make
16:42him feel like shit so i don't want to play all this because as you see it's very redundant and
16:46you know where this is going but i do want to skip ahead to the part where they start playing
16:49trisha paytas's video in front of him okay trisha spill it apply it to the dumbass ev from the h3
16:56podcast called david dobrik debate now he's a complete ass like he's a complete dumbass like
17:00it's not even an asshole he's a complete dumbass because he's actually sweet in person he's just
17:02an idiot oh that's kind of a compliment ab she said you're not an asshole you're just a dumbass
17:07you're a sweet person you just don't know anything thoughts i agree i agree that's good
17:13i mean well let's close the video you know why do we need to watch any more than that
17:18that's what i'm saying like this is a really good response for her
17:22she comes out saying he's a nice person gradually gets more yeah she says i want to kill him she
17:29wants to fire him if she sees you ever at my house she'll quit the show what the hell am i
17:34watching here ethan's like oh this is a good response from trisha she's calling your employee
17:38an asshole she's sending him death threats she's saying that he should be fired and ethan and hila
17:42are sitting there like with no sympathy for him and they're like acting like he pretty much deserves
17:46it like they never say like i'm sorry that she's acting like this towards you this is wrong like
17:50they're just playing this for him and being like yeah she handled it pretty well it's crazy that
17:53this is how they treat their employee like complete garbage they're acting like it's not even a big
17:57deal that trisha paytas is telling their employee that he should be fired and he should die and like
18:01he's an asshole and a piece of shit and people want to act like ethan's a family man that would
18:04never hurt anybody and he's like such a great person i mean come on him and hila are sitting
18:08here with no remorse that trisha paytas is sending their employee death threats and telling him that
18:12he should be fired i was just noting that she just said she's only two minutes into the video
18:17oh yeah i do think it's worth noting that she stopped to start recording two minutes into the
18:21video and already he's like thank you dan no dumbass no dipshit this is my real freaking life
18:27so let's bring up the stuff he says we're going a little hard on jason jason you know he has kids
18:31to feed and all that stuff like that let's let's okay so wait wait wait her sitcom point is good
18:35because you kept bringing that up they're like it's a sitcom it's all exaggerated and i think
18:39trisha rightly counters that by saying it's not a sitcom this is my real life and i think that's
18:45true oh my god the irony here is amazing because they're treating ab like this is a sitcom like
18:49they're not really caring about his feelings they don't care what he's actually going through like
18:52they're doing this all for content and they're playing this video of trisha paytas attacking
18:55ruthlessly and they're still like do you realize what you did was wrong like how about you talk
18:59about what trisha paytas is doing here because that's obviously wrong too a lot worse even like
19:03for the past half hour ab's been talking about all the stuff that he did was wrong and still
19:07ethan's acting like he doesn't get it and he's like trying to stick up for trisha paytas like
19:10trisha is saying some terrible things right now to one of his employees and like he has nothing
19:14really to say about it other than just keep going after his employee he said this is what happened
19:19so it why are you like there's no reason for you to go out of your way to call him a liar you know
19:25what i mean it's like he came out and said they did this to me so that's the part that i think
19:34100 yeah i agree yeah all right trish go off queen
19:42yeah trisha go off girl start telling my employee that he needs to be fired call him an asshole
19:46send him death threats today b you still don't understand what you did was wrong you need to
19:50learn you're a victim shamer you need to learn to believe all victims nobody will ever lie to
19:54you you just need to believe everyone's story like come on ethan and hila deserve trisha paytas
19:58if this is how they're gonna act by the way this point you made i thought was i didn't get it
20:02either it's like just because they trisha made jokes about being attracted to david doesn't mean
20:07that oh my god it never ends like he understood what he did was wrong like this has been 30 minutes
20:11at this point of him telling him what he did was wrong and like shaming him and it's trisha paytas
20:15that he's defending like the biggest liar and manipulator of all time it's very responsible
20:19of these two to stick up for trisha paytas and let her call your employee a piece of shit and
20:23everything and like then just shame your employee for like half a podcast and i'm definitely not the
20:27only one to notice this because someone made a really long well thought out post to the h3 subreddit
20:31talking about this situation and it got like 1.4 000 upvotes and they were saying all the same stuff
20:35i was saying and basically all the comments are on the same page as them and everyone knows it was
20:39awful behavior by ethan and hila and if you're an h3 fan that's like trisha is such a dangerous
20:44person now well don't you think ethan's a dangerous person for platforming her and like agreeing with
20:48everything that she's saying and let her do this kind of stuff to their employees like to give
20:51trisha such a big platform i think is really irresponsible and i think if you're agreeing with
20:56everything she's saying and supporting her like you're not the best person either especially if
20:59you're not even defending your employees while she's like viciously attacking them these people
21:03are just so selfish and money driven like when trish is attacking other people it's like yeah
21:06we love that that's good content and then when it backfires and she starts attacking you then it's
21:10too much of course and she should be de-platformed and she's a racist now and she's a liar and a
21:15manipulator and she's a danger to society yeah of course she is but you're the one who's just
21:19monetizing that and supporting that for like six months like i don't know how people don't see it
21:23like ethan and hila are not the best people and i'm only bringing this stuff up and making this
21:26video because most people think so highly of them and think they can't do anything wrong and they're
21:30all just like a victim of circumstance here and they don't deserve any of this if you have such
21:34a big following and all these people that are obsessed with you you got to be careful who you
21:37bring on your podcast and you got to be careful how you treat other people like all the early
21:41criticism they had of david dobrik can all be turned right around on them but their fans do not
21:46want to hear any of that they can't handle any criticism of ethan and hila because they think
21:49of them as like gods that can do no wrong but they're entertainers they're not really trying
21:53to stick up for victims all they care about is making money and getting views like that's why
21:57they had trisha paytas on the podcast in the first place their views were going down the drain they
22:01knew if they had trisha on like it would bring their channel back to life if you really cared
22:04about victims you wouldn't support trisha paytas because there's a bunch of victims that had to
22:08deal with her harassment and lies and manipulation over the years and now even your employee had to
22:13deal with it and you're sitting there supporting her like you're a hero that's just trying to do
22:16the right thing like god it's terrible like these people deserve what trisha paytas is doing to them
22:21all right so there's some more stuff i wanted to get into but like this video is long enough so i
22:24think i'm just gonna end it here so make sure you leave me a comment let me know what you think i
22:28got wrong in this video like if you're an h3 fan i really want to hear from you and then make sure
22:32you hit that like button and hit the subscribe button and then i'll catch everyone at the next