Penguinz0 had a BAD TAKE on Nikocado Avocado

  • last week
Penguinz0 had a BAD TAKE on Nikocado Avocado


00:00Alright, so in this video, I'm gonna be talking about some of the drama that's going on with Nikocado Avocado and Penguins
00:05So if you don't know who Nikocado is
00:06He's a mukbang youtuber who uploads videos of himself every day eating really unhealthy food like McDonald's and Taco Bell
00:13But when he first started YouTube, he was actually a vegan and he was really skinny
00:16So he had this crazy transition that was all documented on YouTube over the past four or five years
00:21people watch this guy go from eating healthy food every day and being really skinny to like the
00:26complete opposite side of the spectrum and like eating complete garbage every day and like gaining a ton of weight and now obviously he's
00:32Really unhealthy, but it's hard to tell exactly what kind of shape
00:35He's in like physically and mentally because his videos are more of a performance and he's kind of like acting in them
00:41sometimes like he'll start having a breakdown crying and like the cries obviously fake and like him and his husband or boyfriend always have
00:47this like beef going back and forth and they'll like throw food at each other and he also tries to make himself look like a
00:51Complete slob and like makes himself look as big as possible and as unhealthy as possible
00:56and he'll wear shirts that are way too small for him and like his stomach will be hanging out sometimes and he'll be pushing his
01:01Stomach out and they'll fart all the time in his videos and sometimes he even pretends like he shits himself
01:06The guy's just shameless and recently he said he broke a rib which people are starting to doubt and then also like in every thumbnail
01:12He's just laying in his bed now with like a ton of fast food around him
01:15And he's also wearing like a CPAP mask, which is for sleep apnea
01:19But obviously what he's trying to do here is get people to think that he's bedridden and he needs an oxygen tank and obviously people
01:24Don't actually believe that but you know
01:26The thumbnail is gonna go viral because people are gonna see this and be like what the fuck is going on here and people don't
01:31Know what to think of this guy
01:32Like obviously everyone just thinks he's disgusting but people also find him really entertaining and think he's funny
01:37Like he's a huge meme at this point like people repost his videos and they go viral on tik-tok reddit YouTube
01:43Twitter like every platform
01:45he's a very controversial figure because what he's doing is really unhealthy and a lot of people are just sick of what he's doing and
01:51Think he's gone too far at this point and pretty much every commentary channel has made a video about how
01:56Nikocado is slowly killing himself and the youtuber penguins made a video titled that and if you don't know who he is
02:01He's a commentary channel like I think the biggest one on YouTube probably and he also does twitch streaming and he seems like a good
02:07Dude, he seems down-to-earth and I really respect him
02:09But I think his opinion on the Nikocado situation is kind of strange in his video
02:13He acts like this is it for Nikocado like he doesn't have much time left and he says it's sad to see and he wishes
02:18Nikocado would get healthier and it just seems like he's making the video not to clown on Nikocado or make fun of him
02:23But to like try to help him maybe but it was a weird approach that he took and I feel like what he was saying
02:28Didn't really make any sense like in Nikocado's videos
02:30He always says it's your fault like referring to the audience
02:33Like he's always like it's your fault like because he gained all this weight and like this is what his lifestyle is now and in
02:38Penguins video he actually agrees with Nikocado on that and he says the audience is to blame here and it's the audience's fault
02:44It's the audience's fault for this. They created what Nikado avocado has become. Obviously, it's not all their fault
02:50He is making the conscious decisions to completely throw away his health and well-being
02:54Even the people that get in there just to dislike or just tune in to watch the train wreck. That's more views for him
03:01That's more engagement that helps him and that keeps him on this wagon and keeps him going
03:05So overall, it's just a really shitty cycle
03:08I think it's weird for him to blame the audience at all here because if you think the audience does play a big part here
03:13And they just keep pushing him further and further
03:15You wouldn't want to make a video on him and give him more exposure like penguins has 9 million subscribers
03:20He made two videos on Nikocado
03:22Both of them blew up like everyone was talking about it
03:24One of them got like 9 million views the other one got 7 million and now obviously more people are watching Nikocado's videos like his
03:30Views are way up
03:31So I think that if you're gonna make it a point that the fans are responsible for some of this you'd have to admit that
03:36You're only making it worse by making a video on it, and it's not like a situation that needs to be exposed
03:40It's not like he's doing something illegal and people need to talk about it more and like he needs to be taken off the platform
03:45Like if you think the fans are to blame here and the views are really what's driving him to be unhealthy and you want him
03:50To get healthier. I feel like as a giant youtuber
03:52It'd be counterproductive making a video about it like penguins is basically
03:56Rewarding him here because Nikocado acts like this so he can get people to talk about him and he can make more money and it
04:01Giant youtuber like penguins reacting to him is exactly what he's looking for
04:05Nikocado made I think five response videos to penguins and Nikocado probably feels like he did his job here
04:10He got a giant youtuber to talk about him again, and I'm not trying to say that penguins is a bad guy
04:14Like I'm sure he probably had good intentions making this video
04:17I just think this situation is like one-of-a-kind and people don't really know how to handle it
04:21But I feel like if you're making a video and you're being like really serious about how dark this is and this guy's slowly killing
04:26Himself and it's really sad and his fans are slightly responsible for it
04:30It just doesn't really make any sense
04:31And it seems like you're making things worse if you feel like the main reason he's unhealthy is because there's an audience for this kind
04:37Of content as a giant influencer
04:38The best thing to do would probably be just not to talk about it
04:41And also I think people get caught up in his whole act and like take him a little too
04:45Seriously like Nikocado is trying to act like the most unhealthy person ever and he wants people to think that he's about to die
04:50And obviously the guy's really unhealthy and he could have a heart attack any day
04:54but like I've seen a lot worse people than him on YouTube and the only reason people like talking about him is because he's
04:59Shameless and he will do whatever like he embraces being gross and overweight and like out of shape and unhealthy
05:05There are plenty of other youtubers that are in a lot worse shape than he is
05:08There are some youtubers that do mukbangs that literally can't even stand up on their own
05:12I've been thinking if someone didn't even know who Nikocado was and they saw him in public and he wasn't wearing like a really
05:17Small shirt and he was acting normal. They probably wouldn't even think anything of him
05:20They just think he's like slightly overweight like they wouldn't be like
05:23Oh my god, that guy has no time left
05:24He's gonna die any day now
05:26like I can personally think of a handful of people that I know that are in a lot worse shape than he is Nikocado is
05:31Not some person you'd see and be like, oh my god this poor guy. He's doomed
05:34Like I think he's really unhealthy and he's heading in the wrong direction
05:37But like it's hard to tell just how bad it is
05:39But people act like he has no time left like he's not gonna make it to the end of the year because I think people buy
05:44Into his character a little too much and also obviously
05:47Channels want to buy into it because it makes the story even better
05:50Like if this guy actually was bedridden and he needed an oxygen tank and you shit in the bed all the time
05:54Like that's a crazy story to talk about like in penguins video
05:58He puts up a bunch of thumbnails of Nikocado in his bed
06:00And he has like a bunch of pizza boxes or like a bunch of KFC
06:03Buckets and penguin says that Nikocado eats everything that's shown in the thumbnail tons and tons of food from different places
06:09And it's not clickbait. He really eats all of that food. Very rarely. Does he not finish his plate?
06:14He usually finishes it or gets very close to it
06:18Almost nothing goes to waste it goes right into Nikado
06:23avocados guts
06:24Like obviously Nikocado doesn't eat anywhere near the amount of food in those thumbnails like that one picture had like 10 pizzas
06:31The other one was like 15 bags from Chick-fil-a and like KFC buckets all over the place
06:36And I think he just added some food in for the thumbnails
06:38But if you watch his videos, he's still like never eats at all
06:41Like he still has a good amount of food left over
06:43like the only thing that makes people talk about this guy and act like they care about him is the fact that he like puts
06:48on this whole show like if he wasn't trying to look as heavy as possible and he didn't put all this food in his
06:52Thumbnails and he didn't have breakdowns or anything like that
06:54Like people wouldn't even really care like sadly a lot of people in America eat the same way
06:58He does and the only reason people act like they really care about this guy is because he's entertaining and if they talk about him
07:04It makes their video more entertaining
07:05like I feel like people want to act like this is more serious than it is because it just helps sell everything like it helps
07:10Everyone's channel do better like the more people that think that this guy's out of control and he could die any day
07:15The more people are gonna talk about him and want to watch videos talking about him like Nikocado is obviously in terrible shape and really
07:21Overweight and unhealthy but people on shows like my 600 pound life or a thousand pound sisters
07:26Like those people are on another level and people love watching that stuff and that's a lot darker than Nikocado's videos
07:32Like these people can't even get off their bed
07:34They can't even fit in their shower like they can't put on clothes or anything and there's people just sitting there recording them eat like
07:40A bunch of McDonald's and the point of the show is them trying to get help and get better
07:43But like it rarely ever works
07:45I'm sure and I know these people aren't like eating for a living like Nikocado
07:48But like it's still like probably even sadder because these people are in a lot worse shape than he is and also I'm sure they're
07:54Not as successful as him. Like I'm sure they don't have the money
07:56He does and I just feel like what Nikocado does isn't as bad as people make it out to be people just want to talk
08:01About him because everything he does is so exaggerated and also he's only harming himself
08:05Like I don't really think this is damaging to anyone else
08:08Like I don't think he's glorifying eating food at all
08:10Like I think he's doing the exact opposite when people see his videos
08:13They probably want to lose weight and they probably don't want to eat fast food anymore
08:16Like I saw some reddit posts of people saying that they were so disgusted by Nikocado that they went out and lost a bunch
08:21of weight and I just don't understand how it really be a discussion at all that this guy should be banned from YouTube or like
08:26Someone needs to step in here because yeah, he is harming himself by eating a bunch of food
08:30But like it's not like he's doing anything illegal like go to McDonald's
08:33You're gonna see a bunch of overweight people eating food
08:35Like I think it'd be weird to ban something that you could just go to any
08:38Restaurant and see and also there's a lot of other people that will damage themselves for content like the guys in
08:43Jackass like isn't there a new jackass movie coming out this year?
08:46Like these are 50 year old guys who are doing like insanely dangerous stunts and they're probably breaking bones and like landing on their head
08:52And getting concussions and also people love watching UFC and boxing and football
08:57And those are sports where you're gonna shave years off your life
08:59like people are okay with two guys getting in a ring and beating the shit out of each other and like getting a ton of
09:04Damage and getting concussions and like injuring themselves
09:07But then people are gonna pretend like they have a problem with some overweight kid filming himself eating unhealthy every day and also in penguins
09:14Second video that he made about Nikocado recently
09:16He talked about the youtuber Matt Stonie and if you don't know who he is, he's like an endurance eater
09:21He just sees how much food he can eat at once
09:23But he's in like really good shape and penguins brings this guy up as like I guess an ethical way of eating a large amount
09:28Of food, but he makes it sound like what this guy's doing is like really impressive
09:32But I mean it's still got to be pretty dangerous and it's definitely not good for you at all
09:35And if an average person tried to eat more food than him or like beat one of his records
09:40I'm sure they had risked some health complications
09:42And I just think Nikocado's situation is something that nobody on YouTube can really help him with like no one's gonna be able to make
09:48A video that's gonna turn him into like someone that's healthy again if the videos do anything
09:52I feel like it's only making it worse because you're giving him more attention
09:55Which is what he wants and then he's happy and he feels like what he did is working
10:00But also even if people didn't talk about him and his views went down
10:03I still don't know if that would help him at all because he still needs to stop eating and healthy and lose some weight
10:07Which is difficult to do but I hope he can turn it around
10:10Eventually because it would obviously be good to see like to know that he's healthy and everything like that and also I think you'd still
10:16Be just as entertaining while he's trying to lose weight
10:18I think if he did actually start to eat healthy and lose weight
10:21People would respect what he's done a lot more like this guy would have the craziest story ever and I think people would actually
10:27Recognize him as like being talented because like he's playing a role here
10:31This is a character and he's putting his health at risk for entertainment and I'm not saying that's a good thing
10:35Like I hope the guy gets healthy
10:36but there are a lot of people that have put their lives at risk for
10:39Entertainment and people respect them like a lot of people act like Heath Ledger
10:43Basically sacrificed his life to play the Joker and Batman and I think he won like an Oscar for that
10:48And then there's also actors who will like gain a bunch of weight for a role
10:51Which is obviously unhealthy and pretty dangerous
10:54But people don't really make a big deal out of it and people actually kind of respect them more for doing it like people think
10:59It's great that they're so committed to the role and I know Nick Hakata was obviously worse than someone gaining weight for a role in
11:04Acting but I feel like you gotta accept this situation
11:07the same way you accept watching two people in the UFC like beat each other's brains and in the same way you watch the
11:12Jackass guys go out and risk their lives for content and the jackass guys have actually inspired like a lot of people to do a
11:18Bunch of crazy shit, so I'd say what they're doing could be even worse than Nick Hakata
11:22Like jackass started a culture of people doing like just stupid shit
11:25That's gonna fuck them up just for entertainment
11:28And I think jackass still has a new movie coming out like I'm a lot more worried of people copying jackass stunts than people
11:34Copying Nick Hakata. So again, I hope Nick Hakata eventually loses weight and starts getting healthy
11:38But until he decides to do that, there's like really nothing anybody can do about it
11:42I think you just got to look at it like the dudes risking his life for
11:45Entertainment like a lot of other people are and if you're someone that thinks that this is a really serious situation
11:50And it's really dark what's going on here and the people watching him are enabling him
11:54Then I think the best way to handle the situation would be not to talk about it
11:58Alright, so that's about all I for this video. Make sure you leave me a comment
12:01Let me know what you think of this mess and then hit that like button hit the subscribe button
12:05And I'll catch you all at the next video