Gabbie Hanna IS the Monster

  • last month
Gabbie Hanna IS the Monster


00:00fuck being good i'm a bad bitch and i'm sick a motherfucker's trying to tell me how to live
00:11is that a fucking heinz ketchup bottle phone case with her name on it this chick is off the rails
00:17and listen i'm not trying to be that motherfucker telling her how to live and everything but when
00:21it comes to a heinz ketchup bottle phone case i think you've gone too far like if you're making
00:26a tiktok while you're yelling into a mirror about how you're a bad bitch and you're sick of people
00:30telling you how to live your life and you got a fucking ketchup bottle brand for a phone case
00:34i'd say you hit rock bottom and for this chick's case i'd be totally correct because as you all
00:39know she has pretty much destroyed her career she's going through some serious drama right now
00:44where she like lost all her credibility and she lied about a ton of shit and she's just like a
00:48mean person but i really don't want to get into any of that because i don't even know what the
00:53fuck's going on honestly there's too much shit there's too much stuff to listen to and watch
00:58i can't do it all so instead i'm just gonna watch some of her classic freak out videos
01:02because honestly that's just way more entertaining for me like this first video i'm gonna play here
01:07i don't know if you guys remember she came out with like a song and a music video and everything
01:11and i guess it didn't do what she expected it to in terms of numbers and she just has a fucking
01:16meltdown over it i was like looking at the numbers on bad karma like obviously it's an
01:23ego hit right and i'm trying to figure out like what went wrong what went wrong here is her doing
01:29music in the first place like just because you have a youtube following and you take some singing
01:33lessons it doesn't mean you're gonna be a fucking pop star like you got a good gig here on youtube
01:38you're making good money just talking about bullshit you don't need to go out and try to
01:42become a singer and if you are gonna try to become a singer don't take it this seriously
01:46because obviously you just embarrass yourself like my music always does the best and this is a
01:53great video like this is beautiful it's well done i know the song is good the album was number one
01:58on itunes it charted on three different charts on billboard so she just said the album was number
02:03one on itunes which there's no way in hell it was but if she thinks it was then what the hell
02:09is she complaining for like who cares if it doesn't get that many views on youtube it's it's
02:13number one on itunes people would die for that shit like most musicians who are real talented
02:18will go their whole lives and like not that many people even listen to their music and they won't
02:22get any commercial success and no recognition for their work and this girl who's like a very
02:27mediocre singer thinks she deserves millions of views on youtube like just because she has a
02:32following on there like you should be happy you're making music like not many people have the
02:37opportunity to spend a bunch of money on a music video budget and you already have a built-in
02:41audience so you know you have some fans out there and you're probably gonna make your money back
02:45and most musicians don't really have that stuff and they're pretty much just paying just to keep
02:49their dream alive um it's playlisted on spotify and and apple music it's picked up by blogs and
02:56like people are talking about it like it's it's successful in the music world but youtube my own
03:02platform why are the views so low even from hate like where where are the videos like a lot of
03:08times people would even come in just to hate and leave and like i wasn't experiencing that it's like
03:12the views are low and now she's complaining about how she doesn't get enough hate on her music
03:16videos is that really what you want like this girl clearly cannot handle criticism well and
03:21now she's just asking for more of it just so she can get some views on youtube that's pretty fucking
03:25wild and like you just tell yourself like okay it just didn't hit because people don't care about me
03:29anymore and i told myself that over and over and over i kept telling myself i guess people just
03:33don't like me and like that feeling of putting like your time and tens of thousands of dollars
03:42and months and passion and work and excitement into something and telling yourself like this
03:50is going to be like a turnaround for me fuck i'm sorry for getting so emotional this is just like
03:58whoa the craziest part about this video is the fact that she put this out in the middle of 2020
04:04which a fucking pandemic was going around and like thousands of people were dying a day and
04:08also like civil rights movements and like black lives matter and everything like i'd say this
04:12probably isn't the best time for some millionaire white chick to be complaining about how her music
04:16video didn't get a couple million views on youtube when you look at butterflies or like any of my
04:21music videos and you see those millions and millions of views right i don't know i don't know
04:26right and then it's like okay well people fuck with my music right people fuck with my music
04:33right and then when you put up a video being like this is my dream and like i need to escape this
04:39toxic cycle i need to get out of this and like music is my way and my passion and the one thing
04:44i care about i love how in this clip she's talking about how she gets millions of views on her music
04:49videos and people fuck with their music and everything but yet she's still complaining
04:53and like crying about how her music doesn't get enough views like this is the most privileged
04:57shit i've ever heard and like you're used to your shit performing a certain way all right all right
05:03i'm sure you guys get the idea here let's move on to the next clip i can't take her fucking crying
05:07about her music video anymore so now we're just going to take a look at some clip of her just like
05:12pretty much losing her mind on her podcast fuck you fuck all of these people for what they've
05:17done to me and for them to be tweeting right now i'm playing the victim i am the fucking victim
05:22and once again she's complaining and calling herself the victim what a fucking surprise and
05:27also this is her podcast and she's got two guests on right now which she should probably be talking
05:32to instead of sitting there ranting about your own life like it feels like she's just using this as
05:36like a therapy session or something you have abused me and lied and i'm telling you guys again
05:43there's a fraction that you guys know because i don't show it because i'm not that fucking person
05:50i'm not going to expose your private fucking dms i'm not going to expose what people have told me
05:54you've said behind the scenes i'm not going to show you the facts and the evidence because i'm
05:5829 fucking years old isn't this usually how this drama starts like she tries to expose somebody
06:03and then they end up exposing her because she's like the asshole in every situation pretty much
06:09and i'm not going to sit down and make a video with screenshots exposing my bullies these are
06:14bullies these are high school fucking bullies and they want to come at me and say you're 29
06:20years old how you're acting fuck you you're in your fucking 30s almost all of you attacking me
06:27and i'm not saying a fucking word to anybody and you're going to say i'm painting myself as a
06:32victim and i'm trying to ask for attention i have not said a fucking word where were these bullies
06:39during her last album like maybe it could have helped her get some more views on youtube like
06:43in her last video she's complaining that she didn't have enough haters and now in this video
06:47she's complaining that she has too many haters like you gotta choose one or the other come on
06:52lie a hate campaign that you fucking started five months you don't post but i'm posting a project
06:59and you have to say did gabby apologize and nobody nobody points that out nobody points out
07:05and then in that video we're talking about jesse smiles now she says it's funny at the beginning
07:09of this video she's kind of talking about like all her haters or she's trying to make it sound
07:13like that but then you can tell like the more heated she gets the more she's trying to focus
07:16on just one person and eventually she just says her name because she gets so fired up and it's
07:21funny because that's the same girl who pretty much just exposed her and ruined her whole career
07:25all right so now i'm going to take a look at some of her tiktoks well specifically one of her live
07:29streams from tiktok because this shit is just amazing i don't even know what's going on here
07:34like most of her stuff but it's entertaining to watch
07:38they said they're scared right now
07:42why are you so scared children what is so scary about me
07:55i don't even know where to start with this there's so much going on in this video
07:59i'm pretty sure this is all an act in the first place like i think she just thinks that she's an
08:04i think she just thinks that she's an artist and to be a successful artist you just gotta act weird
08:08and do weird shit and act like you're having a mental breakdown all the time but of course she
08:12goes way too far with it and it just seems so forced but she's got like a really young audience
08:17so i mean they probably believe that she's actually like losing her mind here like as you
08:21can see in the comments everyone's saying like i'm worried about you and i'm scared and then
08:24she just acts even weirder and then goes like fucking cross-eyed for no reason in this clip
08:29i got from youtube because someone re-uploaded it and they titled it gabbie hannah on crack for
08:34eight minutes and honestly i hope she's on crack or some kind of drug because if she's just sober
08:38in this video it's a lot more concerning even if it is all an act so forget me and please god
08:46forgive me thank you woof woof woof growl if you feel a touch of no other all my overwhelming
08:52negativity who am i all right we don't need to watch any more of that because she pretty much
09:00just sings the rest of the video and i really don't think anybody should have to be subjected
09:03to that and i guess tiktok agrees with me too because apparently she got banned halfway through
09:07this live stream and maybe they banned her because she was having a mental breakdown and they don't
09:11want anybody to watch that but i think it's probably because their singing was just too bad
09:16and in my opinion i don't know i could be wrong here because i don't know gabbie hannah that well
09:20but i think the downfall of her career and her mental state started to come when she started
09:25making this music because obviously she wants to become a pop star now and that seems like the only
09:29thing she wants to do with her career but she's really not that good at it and the only reason
09:33people listen to her is because she already had an audience and she really cannot handle any
09:37criticism and she just cannot accept the fact that no one else really wants to listen to her music
09:41so i feel like she kind of compensates for that by acting weirder and weirder because she's probably
09:46seen some artists in the past like lady gaga for example do like really strange things and trying
09:51to act really deep and everything but when gabbie hannah does these things it just seems way too
09:56forced and she does it way too often like every video she has she's having a fucking breakdown
10:01and scream and then she just breaks into a song like she just seems way too desperate at this
10:05point and you can tell she cannot handle defeat at all like your music career is not what you want
10:11it to be just accept the fact just have fun with it like trisha paytas in her music career i don't
10:16think she takes it that seriously like she likes doing everything but she understands it's not the
10:20best music ever and that is something that gabby just cannot grasp she cannot handle the fact that
10:24no one really wants to listen to it and if she does want to keep up the music career and everything
10:28you got to come back down to earth and if you don't i'd say go for your own reality show on
10:34mtv or something i could see that getting some fucking views i could see people wanting to watch
10:38that i mean i would probably watch that that sounds awesome i mean i'd still never listen
10:41to her music but i'd probably watch her have more breakdowns on tv that sounds like a good time
10:46all right that's about all i have for this video so make sure you like and subscribe and leave me
10:50a comment whether it's a good one or a bad one i don't care just tell me something all right
10:54thanks for watching
