Dr. Phil Must Be STOPPED

  • 2 weeks ago
Dr. Phil Must Be STOPPED


00:00Alright guys in this video. I'll be talking about dr.
00:02Phil and how he treats people like trash and don't get me wrong his show can be entertaining at times
00:06But the way he treats people on there is just terrible, and I don't think dr
00:09Phil's a good guy a part of his shows him just bringing on mentally ill people and he actually is a
00:14Psychologist they are just trying to help them
00:15But really he's just trying to get views out of them
00:18And he's trying to make him look like a fool and make his audience laugh at him
00:20And it's pretty obvious that he cares more about the views than actually helping anybody because any real
00:25Psychologist is gonna tell you that this is not the way to help anybody and it's only probably gonna hurt them
00:29So the first example I have of this is this girl
00:31He brings on that had a really traumatic past like I think she was essayed when she was younger
00:34And she's like abused and stuff like that now. I guess she's stalking some girls
00:38She met online and she thinks she's in love with her which is obviously a bad thing to do
00:41I'm not saying this girl's innocent
00:43But this is obviously a really complicated issue that should be taken more serious like if dr.
00:47Phil actually wants to help people he should say like maybe we should take care of this with like a private
00:51Psychologist like not in front of my audience and the whole world watching you truly think it's the love story of the century
01:01Do yes, I'm writing a book about it actually
01:04It's the love story of the century, but you've never physically met no sir
01:15And y'all can laugh at me, it's fine. I will be your spectacle. I will be your laughing laughing spectacle
01:20You can all laugh at me. Well. You know what I think we're just gonna shut this down cuz I'm not into all this
01:25Melodrama, and you play in the victim and everything so
01:29You're you're saying the audience is is making a spectacle out of you. That's not what I'm about
01:35That's not what I do
01:36I I had you come here to help you making a spectacle out of people's his whole show like he brings on the wackiest
01:43People and the craziest people you can find like I'm pretty sure he has his producers like scour the internet for like the craziest people
01:48And brings him on he's like do you know how crazy you are do you know crazy you sound like that's his whole shtick like
01:53It's so obvious. He's not trying to help anyone
01:54He's just doing it all for entertainment, and I think the show even has to admit that that it's just for entertainment
01:59It's not like real psychologist advice like even this clip before she said you can all laugh at me
02:03I'm pretty sure there were some audience members laughing at her like this is why people watch his show is because they want to laugh
02:08And be entertained by some crazy people and dr. Phil's definitely aware of this
02:11That's probably why I put an end to this girl's segment so fast because he knew she's right, and he knew it looked bad
02:16So he just said you know what that's not what I'm about
02:18I'm gonna end this right here because people have done so much worse on his show
02:21And he hasn't kicked him out like Daniel Bregoli wanted to fight an audience member
02:24And he still had her on but whenever someone actually calls him out
02:26He just puts an end to it right away, and I'd have more respect for dr.
02:29Phil if he didn't take any guests that had like real serious trauma or like had some real issues going on and he stopped acting
02:34Like he was actually helping people because like if this was like Jerry Springer or Maury Povich or something like that like everyone knows that shit
02:40Is trash and they're not actually helping anybody but dr.
02:43Phil like people actually think they're gonna get real help here
02:45And he takes on people that have some serious issues like even if they do want to come on the show
02:49Sometimes you should just say like you know what that's not best for you
02:51I think you should go see a real psychologist because like it's not gonna help him
02:55It's only making things worse so the next example
02:57I have here if I'm exploiting someone is when he had on Shelley Duvall
03:00And she's a really big actress from like the 70s and 80s
03:03I think and you might know her from The Shining and she has some serious mental problems and paranoia
03:07And she's clearly not in the right state of mind and dr.
03:10Phil just sees this as content and in 2016 he interviewed her and I'm pretty sure this is the first time people have seen
03:15Her in a while because she's a recluse and she's very good friends with Robin Williams who died two years prior to this so I mean
03:20I'm sure that had a big impact on her
03:22And I just think it's in really bad taste to do an interview with her like even if she wanted to do it
03:26She's clearly not in the right state of mind
03:28And now I'm just gonna play the trailer for the interview
03:30Which is just awful because he's trying to make her seem as crazy as possible here, and it's just really bad
03:35Friday on an all-new dr. Phil
03:37The Shining's Shelley Duvall from red carpet to near recluse
03:41I loved Robin Williams. I don't think he's dead where you think he is shape-shifting. Do you see him?
03:49Stars descent into mental illness the man who threatened me is the sheriff of not eat him
03:54I think there's a worrying disc inside me
03:59I need help. Well, that's why I'm here
04:03That's Friday. Oh, yeah, I'm sure dr. Phil's trying to help a lot here with this interview like just look at that trailer
04:08It's trying to make her look as crazy as possible the whole world like what the fuck this isn't helping anybody like if you
04:14Wanted to talk to her. Yeah, maybe you can try to help her but do not put it on the air
04:17Like you're clearly just trying to embarrass her here
04:19It's pretty clear that he cares more about getting good content than actually helping anybody like any real
04:23Psychologist knows that this is one of the worst things you want to do with your patients like talk about what they're going through all
04:28The crazy shit they're dealing with in front of the whole world and dr. Phil knows this like when he says
04:32I'm here to help like he could barely even say that with a straight face like he knows he's full of shit and another
04:37Problem I have with dr
04:38Phil is he brings on these kids that are like acting out, you know
04:41Like attacking their parents or brother and stuff like that and they're usually trying to do it for clout and like get tik-tok followers or YouTube
04:47Followers or whatever and again, dr. Phil just tries to act like he's gonna help them and their family and make everything better
04:52And again, it's just bullshit and he brings him on because he knows it's gonna be good content and a lot of these kids
04:56They just want to go on the show because they know it's gonna be more publicity for them
04:59Like Danielle Bregoli is like a fucking millionaire now from going on the show and dr
05:04Phil looks so desperate like trying to bring on these kids because that's the only way he can get views like come on you're calling
05:09Yourself a doctor and you're acting like you're helping people like this is the dumbest shit ever
05:12Like I remember at the beginning of this year
05:14I think it was there's this girl who's live-streaming on YouTube and she started making fun of this girl with cancer
05:19You know
05:19She's just trying to be like an asshole and really edgy and like act like a troll just to try to get some views and
05:24Get people talking about her and then recently she ends up going on the dr. Phil show like it just looks too desperate
05:29Like dr. Phil finds this girl who's like purposely acting like a troll and everything and then just gives her the clout
05:33She wants and brings her on his show so he can use her and make fun of her so he can get his views
05:37Like this is so stupid like stop acting like you're some professional doctor sitting there
05:41Just trying to help people and help them work through their problems
05:44Like no one's buying this anymore except for some of your delusional fans to think you're an actual therapist up
05:49They're just trying to help people and also dr. Phil's like seven years old
05:52He's probably worth like a hundred mil
05:53Like why don't you just give it up already and stop acting like you're some 20 year old on the internet doing whatever they can
05:58Just to get views. Alright, so now I just want to play one more clip from dr
06:01Phil show and this is probably like one of the worst takes I've ever seen dr
06:05Phil have and he just looks like such an idiot here. These are Michael's allegations. He says that she
06:11Attacked with football moves and tackles and punched
06:15Kicked in the face had a chair that was swung at him from across the room
06:21His mouth was cut up bloody nose and scratches on his face neck and chest
06:26So you say she has come at you she has attacked you and that oftentimes you have done what you have done
06:33purely in defense
06:35Yes, that incident. Definitely. I
06:37Don't care
06:39What she does?
06:42If she starts punching you then you turn around and walk away if she starts
06:51If she starts if she starts
07:00So right off the bat
07:01I guess this audience thinks it's funny that this guy's wife is abusing him and dr
07:05Phil like is treating it like a joke and then he tells him no matter what the only way he can defend himself is by
07:09Running away and I would say you should try your best to run away
07:12But you're not gonna be able to do that in every scenario
07:14And could you imagine telling someone that if their partner's abusing them that it's like their fault and they should just run away and they
07:19Can't really defend themselves. That's pretty much what dr
07:21Phil's doing here like he's taking this guy who's getting attacked by his girlfriend or wife or whatever like he gets abused by her and
07:27She hits him and stuff and he's saying that it's basically his fault because he defends himself
07:30They imagine if the roles were reversed here and this woman came on talking about how her husband's abusing her and like dr
07:36Phil read off a list of things that the husband was doing to her but then it's like well
07:39It's your fault because you're defending yourself. You just got to run away. Like why would you stand there and take it?
07:43Like you should never defend yourself
07:45You should always just run away and just he made it all about her like that would be fucking insane people lose their minds over
07:50It like even the clip that we just watched that did not get a good reception
07:53Like it got mostly dislikes all the people in the comments were talking trash about dr
07:57Phil and saying he's an asshole and it's pretty crazy that his audience is going along with all this like they're all sitting there clapping
08:02Like yeah, fuck this guy. He's he's in the wrong here. And that's another problem with dr
08:05Phil's there's people that watch him and think he's like legit and he actually knows what he's talking about and he's got the right
08:10Take on everything and his audience is so brainwashed that they think that this guy who's getting abused by his wife is like the one
08:15To blame here. Like dr. Phil is not someone that people should go to for advice
08:19He's not like very credible like no one should take him that seriously
08:22And if he actually wanted to help people this is not the way he'd go about it
08:25Like if you want to have on all these crazy kids
08:27They're trying to act out and become celebrities by being assholes and shit like fine. Go ahead and do that
08:32I still think it's kind of weird and you're definitely not helping any of them
08:34But if that's what you want to do, I guess go ahead and do it
08:36It's not that serious
08:37I don't think you should be having on these people with really serious mental issues just for the whole world to watch
08:42We all know you're not helping anyone. You're probably just making things worse
08:45Like why don't you actually help them and tell them to go to a real?
08:47Psychologist and meet with them privately instead of coming on your show in front of the whole world
08:51Just so people can laugh and make fun of them. Alright, so that's about all I for this video
08:54Make sure you leave me a comment. Let me know what you think of dr
08:56Phil then hit that like button hit the subscribe button and I'll catch you at the next video