Keemstar Is Having A Midlife Crisis

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Keemstar Is Having A Midlife Crisis


00:00Alright guys in this video
00:01I'll be talking about Keemstar because this guy has been embarrassing himself like crazy over the past few weeks
00:05And it's just too funny not to talk about so first of all I'm sure you all heard that he started dating a girl
00:10Half his age. I think the girl's 20, and he's around 39 or 40
00:14So there's technically nothing illegal about that and he can do that if he wants
00:17But the thing is you know people on the internet are gonna talk about it and a lot of people are gonna criticize him because
00:21Obviously it's pretty creepy to date a girl half your age
00:24But also you know that this girl's probably not really into him
00:26And she's just with him because he's got money or fame
00:28And you know the relationship's not gonna last that long and it's probably gonna end poorly which we now know because they're already broken up
00:34And it's just a stupid move to make your relationship
00:36So public like he was posting a bunch of pictures with her
00:39And he had like videos with her and stuff like that's not really something you should do in the beginning of relationship as a famous
00:44Person especially if you're dating someone 20 years younger than yourself so once news dropped that Keemstar's dating someone half his age
00:49Obviously people started to give their opinions on it and Keemstar's biggest enemy h3h3 had like an hour-long segment about it
00:56Which obviously everyone was expecting because these two are just obsessed with each other and they're both always like oh you're obsessed with me
01:02No, you're obsessed with me listen
01:03You're both obsessed with each other like you're two guys in your late 30s that have families that spend all day on the internet
01:08Just whining about each other like how about you guys finally just grow up and stop doing this back and forth and the winner of
01:13This feud isn't be whoever stops talking about the other person because if Keemstar stops talking about Ethan then Keemstar's gonna look good
01:19Because people are gonna be like oh well clearly Ethan's obsessed with Keemstar
01:22He keeps going on and on and Keemstar hasn't even responded like just with Ethan in this segment about Keemstar's girlfriend
01:27That was an hour long like that's pretty excessive
01:29And I didn't watch any of it
01:31But I guarantee Ethan was saying some really stupid shit like he does almost every podcast at this point so the best thing to do
01:36In this scenario is just let him make himself look bad
01:39But I'm sure everyone knows what Keemstar ended up doing he went to YouTube and complained and had the video taken down
01:44And I'm sure the video did violate guidelines
01:45But you never want to be the person running to YouTube to tell on somebody like especially if it's not that bad
01:50So after Ethan got suspended Keemstar did the podcast with Trisha Paytas
01:54Which is just to piss Ethan off obviously because Keemstar and Trisha. They don't really like each other
01:58I don't think they really want to be around each other, but they both hate Ethan
02:02So they'll work together to try to get a reaction out of them and in this case it worked for sure and Ethan obviously felt
02:07Like he was stabbed in the back, and he tweeted about how sad he was so that definitely worked for Keemstar and Trisha
02:11But in the overall scheme of things it just seems like they're all too obsessed with each other still
02:15So it doesn't really seem like that big of a win for Keemstar
02:18Especially considering everyone figured out that Keemstar snitched on Ethan to get him suspended for a week
02:22and then after all this things got even worse for Keemstar because he went on this livestream that I'm about to play and he
02:27Just made a complete fool out of himself, and this is just one of the most embarrassing things
02:31I've seen in a while, and I can almost guarantee
02:33This is the reason his girlfriend broke up with him, so this is a clip from Aiden Ross's livestream
02:37Who's like one of the biggest twitch streamers and the kids like 20?
02:40And he's hanging out with a couple of his friends and like a famous rapper and then Keemstar comes in who's like a 40 year
02:45Old man who has like no social awareness at all and just completely embarrasses himself like honestly the age part probably doesn't matter that much
02:52It's just clear that Keemstar does not know how to act in like a group setting like he's just so over-the-top and obnoxious
02:57It's crazy like you probably take a 60 year old who has no idea what YouTube and Twitch are and put him here
03:02And they'd fit in a lot better than Keemstar does like watch this as soon as Keemstar walks in here. It gets awkward
03:11You're in trouble why oh shit that crypto shit
03:22See right away everything just comes to a dead stop and everyone's sitting there in silence like what the hell is this guy talking about
03:27Like is this guy being serious?
03:29There's literally five seconds of silence after he stopped talking and he broke the silence with his crazy laugh
03:34That's like one of the worst ways you want to make an entrance like everyone's having a good time
03:37You walk into the room you say something, then there's five seconds of dead silence
03:41Hey, how we doing though real good you good. I just did a podcast with Tana Mongeau. It was so raw so real
03:49And then he just gets cut off mid-sentence
03:51Which is totally justified because he's talking about how he did a podcast with Tana Mongeau
03:55And how's raw and real like who the hell says that and that was his answer to how are you doing like clearly?
04:00He's not doing too. Well if the best thing you think of is interviewing Tana Mongeau like you should just say I'm doing great
04:04I got this awesome girlfriend
04:06We're happy together like and then he could introduce her to everyone instead of just having her stand in the back all awkward
04:11Like like this scene here is crazy
04:12This is a 40 year old man walking into some like 20 year olds bedroom
04:16Who's doing a live stream and talking about how his podcast with Tana Mongeau is raw and whatever the hell?
04:21He's saying and he doesn't even introduce his girlfriend like this guy's no social skills
04:24And he's like the oldest one in the room by far, but he just seems like a fucking child compared to everyone
04:29They they they can't even came at me with some heat trying to call me a p-word or whatever
04:35What's a p-word? Oh?
04:43But I know what you're saying, I'm 39
04:45She's 20 so he came at me like call me a creep or whatever
04:48And he was like saying that had like a little dick my dick didn't work his shit, and he got in trouble with YouTube
04:54Bams on the fence see what do you think about that?
04:59God this is so pathetic like I don't think anybody here really wants to talk about h3
05:03I'm sure some of them don't even know who he is and then the way Keemstar told that story
05:07Yeah, I can't believe this is a 40 year old man saying this stuff
05:09He's like yeah, he started making fun of me, and no he got in trouble with YouTube like yeah, you make fun of me
05:14I'm running the YouTube talent on your ass, and you're getting in some trouble
05:21Yo, he legitimately went on his show this motherfucker wanted to show
05:25He said it was on antidepressants and the side effects were that he didn't have feeling in his dick
05:32Rejection he was trying to put that on me
05:40These guys care so little about this drama that one of them just straight-up leaves like how does Keemstar not get the hint here that
05:46These people are not interested in his drama
05:47And I think most people in their room right now are just really annoyed by him and things get even worse from here alright
05:52So this next part everyone just starts laughing for some reason like I think maybe someone in the chat said something funny or like someone
05:58Made a joke or something
05:59I don't really know why everyone's laughing and I don't think Keemstar knows either like I'm gonna pause the video right when everyone else starts
06:04To laugh and Keemstar's face is still like all serious
06:07He looks like he's not even laughing at all yet
06:08And then he just goes from zero to a hundred like real quick
06:11And he starts going nuts like running around losing his mind like you would think this dude took a handful of shrooms before he showed
06:17up here
06:23Just focus
06:31All right, so there's a couple people laughing here, but Keemstar still has a straight face
06:34But he's about to fucking lose it here like he starts running around the room laughing uncontrollably like gasping for air
06:41This is just incredible here
07:05I love the face that this kid Aiden Ross is making right here because he does not look amused by Keemstar's shenanigans
07:10He honestly looks like he's rethinking life right here
07:12He's like where the hell did I go wrong where I have Keemstar running around my bedroom screaming like a little girl
07:17But honestly this is the kind of content
07:19I want to see like this is awesome right here like I never would watch this kids live streams
07:23But if Keemstar's on here again, I'm tuning in
07:29And then he just lets out one extra laugh like if that's what you want to call that
07:33I don't know what the hell that noise was and the guy two seats down from him is looking at him like dude
07:37Are you serious right now all right?
07:39So this next part is the greatest thing I've ever seen right here like he tries to do this whole laugh routine again like where
07:44He runs around the room screaming, but nobody else laughs with him
07:47They all just look at him like I can't believe this is a grown man right here like he's acting like a fucking eighth grader
07:52at a sleepover
07:55I'm not gonna lie might go down
08:02Like nobody is having it with this one everyone just looks like pissed off almost like what the fuck is this guy's deal and his
08:08Girlfriend's standing there cringing to death probably thinking like damn. I thought a cool youtuber boyfriend
08:13I was gonna be able to meet all these famous people and hang out
08:15But now he's just embarrassing me in front of all these people
08:18Does Keemstar need to be the center of attention that badly where he does this outrageous laugh every five seconds and annoys everyone in
08:24The room like does Keemstar think this is entertaining or something
08:27I mean to me it is, but I don't think he's going for like cringe here
08:30I think he's going for like yeah, we're all having fun. This is awesome
08:33This is the best live stream ever cuz I'm here and he's just trying way too hard to fit in and like make things fun
08:38I don't know if it's cuz he's old and he thinks like man. I'm always the old man in the room
08:41I got to act like crazier than everyone else to prove that I'm younger like I don't know what's going through his head here
08:46All right
08:46So I just want to play one more thing that he posted to his Twitter account after him and his girlfriend broke up like probably
08:51Because of this disaster right here
08:52But he mentions that him and his girlfriend break up and then he talks about how he's accepting
08:56Applications now like how does he not realize that this isn't a good look and you shouldn't want to make everything in your personal life
09:01Public like right when you and your girlfriend break up. You shouldn't run to Twitter and make a video about it. Hey and
09:07the girlfriend
09:09Have broken up. I know sad sad sad sad things happen, you know
09:16Not everything is forever
09:18But the good news is I am currently single and accepting applications the way he said accepting applications
09:25Creeps me out. I mean you shouldn't have said accepting applications at all
09:29Like that's creepy no matter what but then the way he said it made it like ten times worse
09:32This guy needs to take it easy
09:34Like doesn't he have a daughter like go spend some time with your kid instead of being on the internet acting like a kid and
09:39Embarrassing your daughter like she's probably gonna see this and be like dad
09:42What the fuck were you doing on that podcast?
09:43And why are you taking applications like you're having a midlife crisis here like even his kid could probably figure this out and she's like
09:49Probably seven but I guarantee she's a lot more mature than he is
09:52The guy needs to just settle down and accept the fact that he's older
09:55So that's about all I for this video. Make sure you leave me a comment
09:58Let me know what you think of this whole situation
10:00Then hit the like button and hit the subscribe button and then I'll catch you at the next video