• 2 weeks ago


00:00So as you guys have probably heard by now, the Ace family have gotten themselves into a little bit
00:04of trouble recently. It seems like ever since the boxing match that they were involved with took
00:07place, it's been all downhill from there. First they faced backlash for allegedly not paying some
00:12of the people working at that event, and then also they were hit with a couple different lawsuits,
00:16and apparently they're in some debt and they haven't been making the mortgage payment on
00:19their house, so now it's going through foreclosure and next month it's going to be auctioned off and
00:23they're going to be evicted. So since next month there's going to be people bidding on this house
00:26to see who the new owner is, I figured now would be a good time to look back at the Ace family
00:31official house tour, because maybe I'll like what I see here and I'll splurge a little bit next month
00:35and I'll buy a 20 million dollar house. And the fact that Austin McBroom lived in it, like that's
00:39worth a 20 mil right there. Like at the auction, I'm sure if they announce that the last owner of
00:43this house shoves a camera in his kids faces for a living and he knocked out a TikToker a few months
00:47ago, this house will go for nothing less than 20 mil. Alright so let's just jump right into this
00:52video and see what this place looks like. That is not the face you want to be making when you're
01:03offering somebody cookies. Like this guy looks like he wants to kill you. This dude really
01:07scares me honestly. Maybe this house isn't for me. Wait did she just say they're from Costco?
01:17These people are frauds, they came and baked us some goddamn cookies. Yeah I'm gonna be honest,
01:21there's no way I'm buying this place. If these people can't even do me the respect of making me
01:25some fresh cookies, there's no way I'm putting down 20 mil on this place. The house isn't 100%
01:31completely done, but we are still going to show you the entire house tour today. Finally. Wait
01:37it's not even done yet? Why are they even showing us? This place is probably gonna look like shit.
01:40No I'm just kidding. Are mansions like ever done? I feel like every mansion is like always under
01:45construction or they're always changing something up or adding something on. Like people like Kim
01:49Kardashian, I feel like they're always doing something with their house. Like they'll want
01:52to move their pool like 10 feet or like some bullshit like that. Okay so where do we begin?
01:56There. Let's go ahead and shut the door. Steinway, please play something that welcomes the Ace family
02:03to the house. Come, come. Let me introduce you to Beyonce herself. I feel like this house is like
02:16way too open. Like it's so echoey and also you can hear people's shoes on the floor. It sounds
02:21like a basketball court or something or like you're in a mall. I just don't get how people get the
02:25feeling of like being home in a house like this. Thank you Steinway. So basically we wanted a piano
02:31for the house. Um obviously we want Eleanor to eventually learn how to play the piano. I actually
02:36want to learn how to play the piano. So we went in to go look at pianos and we were like gonna walk
02:41out and the lady was like okay wait no before you guys leave you guys have to see this piano
02:46it's by itself and then Austin was like sold. They went to shop for pianos and they couldn't
02:51find one that they liked and they're leaving the store and someone's like oh wait we got one that
02:55plays itself and that's what sold them. Like if you're gonna buy a piano just because it plays
02:59itself I'm gonna say that you're probably not gonna end up learning piano. All right so where
03:03do we begin? Okay so let's first start talking about. Uh can we start talking about that chain
03:08on the floor over there? Like what's the deal with that? Does that like come with the house?
03:12I've been looking for a house with a giant chain on the floor and a ball in the corner.
03:16So if you're new to our channel or if you're not new you know that this is a completely new
03:23construction. So it was two houses before and we literally combined them together. This is where
03:28there was a gap between both the houses and so they literally had to recreate this area that's
03:33why it's so unique and so. If someone asked me what's unique about my house I'd have no answer
03:38for them at all but someone asked this guy he could say he had two giant mansions and combined
03:43them into one and that's probably like the least unique thing about this house. It kind of reminds
03:47me of like a hotel lobby in a way. It's just massive entryway. That's why I was really like
03:51nervous to furnish this area. A hotel lobby? Is that really what you want the entrance of your
03:56house to feel like? Did a designer ask them like hey what do you want the feeling to be right when
04:00you walk in your house and he's just like you know what like a hotel lobby. Obviously though this
04:04would be like one of the nicest hotel lobbies I've ever been in but for a house it just doesn't seem
04:08that inviting like you can hear everyone echoing and it just seems like this massive like open
04:13space like you're in a mall or something it's just awkward. Because I wasn't really sure what was
04:18gonna work but Austin did an amazing job at kind of like picking some of the things that I didn't
04:23really like envision in the house but now that I see it it looks beautiful. Definitely needed some
04:28unique pieces especially massive pieces so should we be here with this huge pot? Oh yeah I have one
04:33of those in my house that's not that unique. No I'm kidding like that thing's bigger than my house.
04:37Hey maybe there'll be an auction for that though. I'd buy that to live in. Watch we're gonna see a
04:41news article come out in the future saying Austin McBroom auctioning off his giant pot to help pay
04:45his debt and then it just shows this picture of him. Man I hope things don't get that bad for him.
04:49I hope at least he can hang on to this giant pot. It took like six people to carry in here with
04:56what do you call these umbrellas? It took six people to move that thing in here? There probably
05:00is somebody living in there. We got these huge sphere looking balls. We got black we got white.
05:06Wow balls that look like spheres. Very interesting. This guy knows what he's talking about.
05:10Got this heavy chain that's probably like a hundred pounds. Um this couch right here.
05:18Oh come on that's all he has to say about the chain? There's no backstory? All he has to say
05:22is that it's heavy? Like I thought that'd be like a chain for an anchor on some like badass ship or
05:27something. It's actually interesting because we were contemplating on buying it for like six
05:32months. Geez for a second there I thought he's getting ready to say six mil. Because the price
05:36is outrageous but it just fit perfectly with this area that we just had to get it.
05:40Better you want to show them? Another thing too is like okay so originally when we were um getting
05:45all the furniture for the house we actually thought to put this over there in that corner
05:48and then put the piano in this corner. When we moved in this actually ended up being too big
05:52to put it over there. Oh these poor people couldn't even put the couch where they wanted?
05:56It's probably a good thing they're moving out of this place. This place is shit.
05:59And so we put the piano over there and then come to find out we actually couldn't keep it there
06:04because there's no outlet. So we had to have the builder literally reconstruct an outlet,
06:09cut the floor, um and make an outlet over there so now we can have a piano.
06:13Oh man then they had to go through the hassle with the piano. This place blows.
06:17And I love this couch because you can sit on either side. So you can either sit on this side
06:20or you can sit on this side and it's actually really comfortable. And we actually sit here
06:24more than you think. I thought that this was gonna be more of like a art piece type of thing
06:29but actually I'm always sitting here. Yeah I was gonna say like how much time do they actually
06:32spend sitting there? Like in giant houses like this there's always so many different places to
06:36sit. Like there has to be some spots where people never sit. But hey I guess they do spend time in
06:41this spot. If I were sitting there I'd probably just feel like I'm at a hotel lobby like he said.
06:44Like that is not the vibe I want to get in my house. Maybe Austin's just really into hotel lobbies.
06:50This is uh what like a um a pot that was like almost like a tree trunk. It's also I think it
06:56weighs I want to say like 800 pounds something crazy. No way more than that. Way more than that?
07:01Yeah. It took again like six guys to bring this in here. It sounds like he's not even aware of what
07:05some of the stuff is in his house. It sounds like when he's building it someone just like walked in
07:09with a tree trunk. He's like oh yeah cool that would look good here right? It's really good.
07:14Oh like a baby. But again more sphere balls. I love the way these look. This is probably one of
07:19my favorite pieces in here because it's just I don't know they're unique. They're dope. They're
07:22different. This dude is really into these balls and I think he sold me on them. I think this is
07:26what my house needs to tie everything together. Just a couple spherical balls. And again this
07:31entryway is still not done. There's still things that need to be added to the walls.
07:35There's just more things to be done and some things are actually going to be changing. Of
07:38course things aren't done and things need to be changed. These are rich people. All they do is
07:42change their house. Hey but these two can look on the bright side. Now they get to start all over
07:46with a new house. Like this is just ridiculous. Like this house and everything in it. Like if
07:50you're in debt or like you can't afford something like this like why do you need to buy it? I'm not
07:54going to feel bad for you at all if you buy some ridiculous house like this and then don't pay
07:57your mortgage. Like the couch that they just showed in that last room. I bet that's more
08:01expensive than most people's homes. Okay over here this is where our family is majority of the time.
08:08The couches are probably the most comfortable couch in the world. I love them. It is scary that
08:15we have an all-white couch I must say with two kids. One three-year-old and one 10-month-old.
08:19I like how it cut right there. He probably forgot how old his kids were. And also like yeah how do
08:23you have a white couch like that? You got to be so careful around that. Like you get a good stain
08:27on there it's going to ruin it. Like imagine having a house like this and then your couch
08:31has just like a giant stain on it. Like I'd lose my mind. It's a scary situation okay. Probably
08:36spend like 60-70% of my time cleaning the house. Majority of the time I'm just cleaning the couch
08:43but another thing too is like. She spends 60-70% of her time cleaning the house. They have to be
08:48paying some people to clean this house. Like there's no way she could clean it all by herself.
08:51But I guess if she did want to clean it all by herself it probably would take like 60-70%
08:55of her day up. So I don't know maybe she does spend all day cleaning the house. Another really
08:59cool thing is this hand and comment below what you guys think that it means. It has like a special
09:05meaning to me. Austin does it have a meaning for you? What? Yes it does. What is it? It reminds me of
09:11um to accept love. That's nice. What about for you? For me it reminds me of like when you come into
09:21our house like love is is at the palm of our hands. Like love is all that matters. So that's it.
09:29Wow that's some deep shit right there. It turns out that rock that's shaped like a heart and says
09:33love on it symbolizes love. We also got these marble um oh that's a table right there that's
09:40what that's called. Coffee tables. Coffee tables and usually usually Catherine was on me about this
09:46because she thought I was gonna look crazy. But usually you have one coffee table in your living
09:50room. We decided to have two massive coffee tables in our living room because our living room is so
09:55big that it ended up working out perfect. As you can see I kind of like staggered them to give it
10:00a little flavor you know. I don't know for some reason I just feel like I'm a interior designer
10:04but I'm really not. Whoever knows how to play chess ace family. Man these people are really
10:09into how they designed this house. It sucks that they're losing it now. But I mean like how are
10:13you gonna feel bad for them? This house is just so excessive like nobody needs this stuff and
10:17apparently they don't even have the money to pay for it. Like so what the hell do you expect to
10:21happen? I think these people just try to do too much like they're so obsessed with designing this
10:25house and like how everything looks and then they forgot like wait we can't even pay for all this
10:29and then they put on some boxing match that apparently flopped and now they owe a bunch of
10:32people money and they're getting sued. It's just a mess. So that's about all I have for this video.
10:36Make sure you leave me a comment. Let me know what you think of this house. Let me know what
10:39you think of the whole situation and then hit that like button, hit the subscribe button,
10:43and I'll catch you all at the next video.