• last month
Dorama en Español Latino
00:00:30The Amada.
00:01:33Gakwaya me dejó en libertad.
00:01:39Y eso fue...
00:01:42gracias a usted, joven.
00:02:00¿Joven se encuentra bien?
00:02:26¿Me escucha?
00:02:38Sírveme otro trago, por favor.
00:02:40¿Le sirvo?
00:02:44¿Y usted?
00:02:46Muy bien.
00:03:00No, gracias.
00:03:01Sin miedo.
00:03:29¿Quién te dijo que le sonrieras?
00:03:47Señor, ¿lo dejó encendido?
00:03:49¡No, ya déjeme! ¡No!
00:03:53Muy bien. A partir de hoy, me perteneces a mí.
00:04:15Despertará pronto.
00:04:20Voy a tener que escapar de aquí.
00:04:24¿Vienes conmigo?
00:04:34¿Adónde vamos a ir?
00:04:43No te preocupes.
00:04:45En Uyu hay un hombre que se llama Yangchun.
00:04:48Si vamos y nos unimos a él, nadie podrá hacernos nada.
00:05:24Usted es la mujer que salvó al primer hijo del príncipe Sohyun.
00:05:51Usted es mi benefactora.
00:05:53La benefactora que salvó a Sohyun.
00:05:56Puede pedirme lo que usted desee.
00:05:59Supongo que quiere volver a Sohyun.
00:06:02De hecho...
00:06:05Quisiera quedarme en Xinjiang por unos días.
00:06:34¿Esta ya la tocaste?
00:06:36¿Qué estás diciendo?
00:06:37¡Te conozco bien!
00:06:39¡La otra esclava que tú habías comprado!
00:06:41¡La dejaste embarazada!
00:06:43¡Y luego la mataste!
00:06:45¿Sabes cuánto perdimos?
00:06:51¿Ahora qué sucede?
00:06:52Siempre se están gritando.
00:06:59¿Qué le parece?
00:07:01Mis manos son más ágiles de lo que cree.
00:07:05Cada vez que peinaba a mi señora, los hombres de Nongunri enloquecían.
00:07:15Te prometo que la peinaré así de lindo todos los días.
00:07:45Pero qué bonita estás.
00:08:11¡Ven aquí!
00:08:13¿Dónde vas?
00:08:15¡Ayúdenme, por favor!
00:08:23Está mal tocar a alguien sin su consentimiento.
00:08:35No eres buena paja.
00:08:40¿Qué haces?
00:08:41¡Suéltame ya!
00:08:51¿Cómo llegó aquí?
00:08:52¿Quieres saber cómo?
00:09:23Parece que a Ryang-Yum le duele mucho verlo herido.
00:09:28Jamás había visto llorar de esa forma a un hombre.
00:09:34Tiene mucha suerte.
00:09:36Tiene a la Realeza Chin suspirando por usted.
00:09:39Y a un amigo que llora desconsoladamente cuando está mal.
00:09:49¿Quieres saber una cosa?
00:09:52Ahora que está herido, siento que finalmente me pertenece.
00:10:04Eso se escuchó mal.
00:10:06Fue un tanto posesivo.
00:10:30Le había querido sostener su mano.
00:12:30¡Cielos! ¡Qué lluvia!
00:12:40Ya casi llegábamos a la posada.
00:12:47Acérquese más, hace frío.
00:13:01¿Y ahora?
00:13:03¿Mucho mejor?
00:13:11¿Entonces ya no tiene frío?
00:13:18¿Por qué no vino ese día?
00:13:25No iba a abandonar a mi señora.
00:13:38Estuve esperándola mucho.
00:15:01¡Güeyan regresó!
00:15:10¿Qué pasa?
00:15:20Es Jung Jung.
00:15:34¿Te encuentras bien?
00:15:43Lo siento.
00:15:46Le prometí que te protegería y te mantendría a salvo.
00:15:51Pero luego te perdí.
00:15:53Lo siento tanto, Jung Jung.
00:15:56Lo siento, señora.
00:16:01Sabía que nos volveríamos a encontrar.
00:16:19Gracias por traerla.
00:16:22Estoy en deuda con usted.
00:16:24No, no hice nada.
00:16:43Hazme caso.
00:16:48Una carta de Cho Seon ha llegado.
00:16:50El esposo de la señora Yu vendrá.
00:16:55Es mentira.
00:16:57¿Acaso estás fingiendo que estás moribundo?
00:17:05Mejor no digas nada.
00:17:07¿Qué te pasa? Eso es patético.
00:17:10¿Por qué es patético?
00:17:12Mira, Güeyan.
00:17:13Usa tu cerebro por una vez.
00:17:15Si me curo, la señorita Yu volverá a Cho Seon.
00:17:18¿Y quién crees que la seguirá?
00:17:20Jung Jung lo hará.
00:17:23Ay, no.
00:17:35Vi que su herida sigue empeorando.
00:17:38A este paso estará seis...
00:17:39No, no, seis meses, no.
00:17:41Estará postrado en cama toda su vida.
00:17:44No digas eso.
00:17:46Se recuperará sin importar qué.
00:17:50Sé que Jung Jung quiere volver a Cho Seon pronto,
00:17:54pero hasta que el señor Lee se recupere,
00:17:58no iré a ningún lado.
00:18:21¡No se detengan!
00:18:30¡Más rápido!
00:18:31¡Metan todo, muévanse!
00:18:33¡No se detengan!
00:18:35¡Más rápido!
00:18:37¿Qué, no escuchas?
00:18:41¡No, no, no!
00:18:49¡¿Qué haces?!
00:18:50¡Jung Jung, eres tú!
00:18:53¿También cogeas?
00:18:54Si, de la pierna derecha.
00:19:23Oye, muchas gracias.
00:19:26No dejes que te capturen.
00:19:56¿Cuándo podremos volver a Chozeon?
00:20:00¿Por qué me preguntas eso?
00:20:03¿Y a quién le debemos preguntar?
00:20:08Se supone que quien trabaja con el Sr. Lee es usted.
00:20:11Debería orientarnos.
00:20:26Ay, no.
00:20:27Me duele todo el cuerpo.
00:20:48Abre los ojos.
00:20:56Yang Chun.
00:21:01¿Usted envió a Han Sook...
00:21:04...de vuelta a Chozeon?
00:21:05Lo hice.
00:21:07¿Qué se siente dormir todo el día mientras yo me encargo de todo?
00:21:14La gente...
00:21:16...lo quiere mucho más a usted que a mí.
00:21:19Lo obedecen con solo escuchar que es Gu Yang Chun.
00:21:22Pensé que querías ganar mucho dinero.
00:21:25Pero gastaste lo que tenías en salvar a esta gente.
00:21:29Muchos están enojados contigo.
00:21:40¿Por qué?
00:21:41Porque quieren saber cuándo pueden volver a Chozeon.
00:21:43¡Te lo dije!
00:21:45Ayudar a toda esa gente solo te iba a traer bastantes complicaciones.
00:21:49¿Por eso se enojaron conmigo?
00:21:53Dígales que si quieren pueden irse solos.
00:21:56¿Qué no entienden que el camino hacia Chozeon es bastante peligroso?
00:22:01Ay, no.
00:22:03Como sea.
00:22:05¡Como sea!
00:22:06¡Me da igual!
00:22:09Aquellos que tengan jefes que estén dispuestos a liberarlos...
00:22:12...les recibiremos pagarés a cambio.
00:22:14Y los que no tienen esperanza envíalos a Chozeon en secreto, entonces.
00:22:19Hay un orden para todo y nosotros tenemos que seguirlo.
00:22:25En fin, las personas que irán son...
00:22:28Nop Sok, Sam Seng...
00:22:31Do Nam...
00:22:33Do Nam.
00:22:34Ho Chang...
00:22:35Ho Chang.
00:22:49Me pareció oír la voz.
00:22:53Por favor, ya recupérate.
00:22:58Me rompe el corazón verte así. Por favor, despierta.
00:23:04...se va a recuperar.
00:23:07¿Lo dice en serio?
00:23:09¿Lo hará?
00:23:19Muy bien.
00:24:12¿Por qué estás sudando frío?
00:24:18La medicina.
00:24:42Lee Jang Heung está muy enfermo.
00:24:45Así que por el momento yo... me encargaré de ustedes.
00:24:49Al igual que lo hace él, a quienes puedan hacer que sus jefes los liberen, les prestaremos dinero con un pagaré.
00:24:55¿Hasta cuándo... tendremos para poder pagar?
00:24:58¿Podemos pagar una vez que ganemos dinero?
00:25:02¿Entonces no pasa nada si tardamos tres o cinco años?
00:25:06¿Diez años es... mucho tiempo?
00:25:08Claro que es mucho tiempo, es obvio.
00:25:10Siempre y cuando nos pagues, te lo prestaremos.
00:25:13¿De verdad? ¿No está jugando con nosotros?
00:25:15¡Ya cállate! ¡Ya nos dijo que sí!
00:25:18Oye, ¿qué pasa contigo? Mientras Jang Heung esté en cama, nosotros...
00:25:21¡Escúchenme bien!
00:25:23Si llegan a ser liberados, ¿saben lo peligroso que es el camino hacia Chosyon?
00:25:28Podrían morir en el río, o ser capturados nuevamente por no tener sus documentos, o bien ser asesinados por el enemigo.
00:25:36Yo les recomiendo que trabajen para el príncipe al menos por ahora.
00:25:40Y luego esperen el momento perfecto para regresar.
00:25:44¿Lo entendieron?
00:25:46Si sí, comencemos.
00:25:48¡Sí, señor!
00:25:50Puedo huir el dinero, huir de nuestras bolsas.
00:25:53Muy bien, fórmense.
00:25:58Muchas gracias, muchas gracias.
00:26:02Bien, escribe tu nombre y dónde vives.
00:26:06Y luego, ¿cuándo pagarás?
00:26:08¿De qué sirve hacer esto? Sabes que ninguno de ellos nos pagará.
00:26:12Pero señor...
00:26:14Mi jefe jamás estará dispuesto a liberarme.
00:26:19Y si vuelvo...
00:26:22Voy a perder...
00:26:24A mi bebé...
00:26:26Y a mí...
00:26:28Me separarán de Jung In, y me van a vender.
00:26:32Yo ya he huido varias veces. Si me atrapan...
00:26:35Estoy muerto.
00:26:37Mi jefe no está aquí, no podré recibir mi orden de liberación.
00:26:41Y si regreso a Chozeon, me verán como un esclavo fugitivo, y me volverán a enviar aquí.
00:26:50Los que no logren ser liberados por sus jefes, o los que no sepan dónde están sus jefes y no consigan su orden de liberación...
00:27:00Tendrán que...
00:27:02Irse a escondidas cuando llegue la hora.
00:27:05Sé que...
00:27:07Es algo difícil para las mujeres y la gente mayor también.
00:27:11Y más si llevan un niño.
00:27:13¡Yo puedo hacerlo!
00:27:14Solo déjenos ir.
00:27:15Si nos deja ir, yo puedo trabajar en la posada y también...
00:27:18Nadie te pidió que hagas algo así.
00:27:21Mejor cuida a tu hijo.
00:27:26¿Qué pasó?
00:27:28¿Qué pretendes conseguir al ayudar al Maestro Yang?
00:27:33Quiero eliminar a todos los intrusos de Chozeon.
00:27:36Si tan solo Chozeon pudiera regresar antes de la invasión...
00:27:43Arriesgaría mi vida.
00:27:52Tras varios años de desesperación,
00:27:54la reciente sequía en toda la nación ha dejado todos los cultivos secos, tiñendo los campos de rojo.
00:28:01Esta es una calamidad sin precedentes.
00:28:04Hace años, cuando se produjo un suceso similar, emitieron un decreto de amnistía.
00:28:09Su majestad tuvo que mostrar misericordia y reducir todas las condenas para así traer paz al mundo.
00:28:14El enemigo tomó sus armas para invadir nuestra nación y amenazar a su majestad.
00:28:19¿Crees que puedes cambiar el mundo con unas simples palabras?
00:28:32Hace años, cuando se produjo un suceso similar, emitieron un decreto de amnistía.
00:28:37No porque nadie sepa que hay criminales despreciables entre ellos,
00:28:41sino para que los antecedentes del pueblo fueran perdonados.
00:28:44Funcionarios, soldados y hasta magistrados iban a campos de concentración a desahogarse.
00:28:49¿Cómo iba a descansar en paz el pueblo?
00:29:02Tranquila, estoy bien.
00:29:03Tranquila, estoy bien.
00:29:25¿Qué está pasando?
00:29:27El aniversario luctuoso del señor Yong Moon fue retirado.
00:29:30Mr. Jung Moo's luctuous birthday was Mr. Jang's father's.
00:29:35Every year on this day, we avoid eating or drinking.
00:29:46just on the anniversary of his father's death, his only son died.
00:29:53I could be mourning the loss of his son.
00:30:01The teacher had a son?
00:30:08I should send 100 rolls of silk to Garin Bakshi and 200 sheets of white paper to Noshi Bakshi?
00:30:14But speak well.
00:30:16That will benefit us when we divide the profits.
00:30:19Why should I speak well?
00:30:21Aren't you going to do it?
00:30:23Very well, then take Ryang-Yum with you.
00:30:31Oh, yes.
00:30:33What are you doing?
00:30:37Oh, I had Picasso on my back.
00:30:40Don't do that in front of Mr. Lee again.
00:30:43Get out.
00:30:45All right.
00:31:00But what a beautiful moon you have here.
00:31:31I heard you're cultivating in Xinjiang.
00:31:34I'll find a way to help with the cultivation.
00:31:39I must earn a living.
00:31:53Increase the fire.
00:31:55You still need to melt the metal.
00:31:57Yes, ma'am.
00:32:01I told you I could repair your farm tools.
00:32:04And the princess made an oven just for that.
00:32:07In fact, she used to make zhagas back in Hanyang.
00:32:11So repairing these tools will be easy.
00:33:01What's wrong?
00:33:06Why isn't he here yet?
00:33:10And now?
00:33:16Gil Chao.
00:33:19Where are you?
00:33:24Why don't you come?
00:33:44I told you to cool it down before putting it in the water.
00:33:47Did you forget?
00:33:49You can't be wrong when you work with metal.
00:33:51How many times have I told you?
00:33:53Oh, but what a temper.
00:33:57You're too strict with those men.
00:34:18Could you come closer for a moment?
00:35:02Leave that.
00:35:06No, don't do that.
00:35:11You're going to hurt your hands.
00:35:22By the way, what's your name?
00:35:24Me? Wenshu.
00:35:28I'm Wenshu.
00:35:30Wenshu and Wenshu.
00:35:32Wenshu and Wenshu.
00:35:37Wenshu and Wenshu.
00:35:41We brought you food!
00:35:58Here you go.
00:35:59Thank you very much.
00:36:01Let's see if Yong Yong loves me.
00:36:03I'll give you another one.
00:36:04He doesn't love me.
00:36:06He loves me.
00:36:08He doesn't love me.
00:36:09Hey, enough!
00:36:11He loves me.
00:36:13He doesn't love me.
00:36:15He loves me.
00:36:17He doesn't love me.
00:36:19He loves me.
00:36:21He doesn't love me.
00:36:22He loves me.
00:36:31He doesn't love me.
00:36:33He loves me.
00:36:54Next time, don't put beans on him.
00:36:58Guiyang likes them a lot.
00:37:07What's wrong with him?
00:37:08I don't know.
00:37:23How strange...
00:37:28to see that beautiful smile.
00:37:37Your Highness!
00:37:42Your Highness!
00:37:44Your Highness!
00:37:46Your Highness!
00:37:48Your Highness!
00:37:50Your Highness!
00:37:53Your Highness!
00:37:54Come with me.
00:38:19did they do this?
00:38:20Don't you know?
00:38:22The people of Choseon were always very...
00:38:24prominent in the field of agriculture.
00:38:37This scene reminds me so much of Choseon.
00:38:41In the harvest season,
00:38:43all the farmers...
00:38:45always started singing.
00:38:52I didn't know why people sang...
00:38:54while they worked.
00:38:58I was locked up all the time, reading.
00:39:11Look at this.
00:39:12Aren't they cute?
00:39:23Your Highness.
00:39:32The grains are ready.
00:39:36When will you stop being unconscious?
00:39:42I'm very scared.
00:39:45What will I do if you don't wake up again?
00:39:52Your Highness.
00:39:58I should be in that bed.
00:40:03If something happens to you,
00:40:06I'll never forgive myself.
00:40:18I would die too.
00:40:22If only...
00:40:24I could die to save him.
00:40:28I would do it without thinking.
00:40:35Your Highness.
00:40:38Your Highness.
00:40:40Don't worry. Don't move.
00:40:42I'll ask for help.
00:40:47Please don't go.
00:40:52Your Highness.
00:40:59I know my health better than anyone.
00:41:02Maybe I can eat, talk, and pretend nothing happened.
00:41:11But my leg hurts.
00:41:14My leg hurts.
00:41:17It hurts too much.
00:41:19I can't stand it.
00:41:22I know Yang Hsiung well.
00:41:24It must be hurting a lot now.
00:41:26Too much.
00:41:28Does it hurt a lot?
00:41:31It's not true.
00:41:32This side hurts.
00:41:34But if...
00:41:35you got hurt in the back,
00:41:37why would it hurt?
00:41:45There's something very special about the human body.
00:41:48You see...
00:41:50the whole body is connected.
00:41:56Of course.
00:41:57All parts of our body are connected.
00:42:03Yes, that's right.
00:42:04Look at me.
00:42:10They hit my head and now I'm limping.
00:42:14I'm limping.
00:42:22Help me!
00:42:25Are you okay?
00:42:30It hurts a lot.
00:42:33You know...
00:42:34we should start practicing.
00:42:43How does it feel?
00:42:44It still hurts a lot.
00:42:51She did this for her.
00:42:54I warned you she was capable of anything.
00:43:11Tell me what you really do.
00:43:14I thought I was serving the country.
00:43:16Since when did you seduce that princess?
00:43:20Since when did I seduce her?
00:43:21She was the one who approached me.
00:43:26Are you jealous?
00:43:29Me, jealous?
00:43:32She's very...
00:43:37And ugly.
00:43:38Why would I be jealous?
00:43:41Besides, Rian-Gyun...
00:43:46I really don't understand what's going on in your head, young man.
00:43:50Is he a noble man?
00:43:52People say that...
00:44:00Is it true...
00:44:02that he bought the title of noble, as people say?
00:44:06Are you a peasant?
00:44:07Are you a peasant?
00:44:15I was a slave.
00:44:20I emptied the magistrate's urinal.
00:44:23And I kept the fire lit every...
00:44:34My mother died young, and my father, I...
00:44:40I don't even remember him.
00:44:44But one day,
00:44:46when I was taking rice to the palace,
00:44:48His Majesty decided to make me noble,
00:44:50so now I'm a member of the nobility.
00:44:53Money is fantastic.
00:44:56That's why...
00:44:59I work hard to make a living.
00:45:04One moment.
00:45:08Do you mind...
00:45:10if I'm a peasant?
00:45:23It would have been...
00:45:27better if you didn't become an aristocrat.
00:45:31Why not?
00:45:34To turn you into my servant and take you with me wherever I go.
00:45:40And ask you for whatever I want.
00:45:45That would have been nice.
00:45:48That would have been nice.
00:45:54If I didn't have the title of noble and was just a peasant,
00:45:58would you have bought me?
00:46:02Of course I would have bought you.
00:46:15Tell me, why didn't that day come?
00:46:27did you leave me?
00:46:34Why did you leave me?
00:46:50I didn't leave you.
00:46:55I just...
00:47:00didn't dare to have you.
00:47:05You can live without me, but I...
00:47:08Why do you say that?
00:47:23Do you really think I can live my life...
00:47:29without being by your side?
00:48:34Who are you, and why were you going to kill me?
00:48:42I remember you.
00:48:45You used to catch fugitives with Li Jiangxiong.
00:48:48Isn't that true?
00:48:53You must be wishing to kill me...
00:48:56for hurting your own brother.
00:49:00You must be wishing to kill me...
00:49:03for hurting your friend.
00:49:09Tell Li Jiangxiong that...
00:49:13very soon...
00:49:15I will find him.
00:49:29Are you here?
00:49:39You don't have to do that in front of me.
00:49:43Mrs. Yu...
00:49:45has to go back to Zhejiang.
00:49:48What if Her Highness tries to hurt you again?
00:49:52That won't happen.
00:49:54What are you saying?
00:49:56She tried to kill you.
00:50:03I want to rest.
00:50:05Please leave.
00:50:17does your leg hurt a lot?
00:50:21It's just that all parts of my body are connected.
00:50:25But don't worry.
00:50:27You almost died trying to save her in Ganghua. Did you forget?
00:50:31And now you hurt yourself trying to free her, Jiangxiong.
00:50:35What's going to happen next?
00:50:37What's the next thing you're going to lose for her?
00:50:40What do you care?
00:50:44Watch your mouth.
00:50:46I'd rather you die.
00:50:49It's just that...
00:50:51I can't stand seeing you ruin yourself little by little.
00:50:55So I'd rather you die.
00:51:03Don't you realize?
00:51:10You're driving me crazy.
00:51:14You're driving me crazy.
00:51:37Did you solve that case?
00:51:40Of course I did.
00:51:42Ninguqin will pay Jiangxiong without any complaints.
00:51:47Just wait and see.
00:51:49I'm going to build a beautiful hall for you to sing whatever you want.
00:51:55You should save that money for when you get married.
00:51:58Why? What's the point of getting married?
00:52:02To live in peace.
00:52:05Listening to you sing is enough for me.
00:53:06Are you serious about this?
00:53:52You're back.
00:53:55Where's the list I need to send to the Japanese office?
00:53:58Is it this one?
00:54:07I'm no longer that idiot's slave.
00:54:12Now I'm...
00:54:21Ma'am, don't tell anyone.
00:54:23My lips are sealed.
00:54:42You're free now.
00:54:44Why aren't you leaving yet, Jiangxiong?
00:54:47Young Li's leg is still not well.
00:54:50Once he recovers...
00:54:52I can take care of...
00:54:54his recovery.
00:54:56Why did he tell me...
00:54:58that Young Li was dead?
00:55:04I still don't understand why he lied to me that time.
00:55:08I don't know.
00:55:10I don't know.
00:55:12I don't know.
00:55:14I don't know.
00:55:16I don't know.
00:55:18I don't know.
00:55:20I don't know.
00:55:22I don't know.
00:55:23I don't know why he lied to me that time.
00:55:26But I know Young Li wanted me...
00:55:29to take care of him, not you.
00:55:44This is...
00:55:47Did you see the scar on his back?
00:55:53Ma'am, do you know how that scar was made?
00:56:01The harvest was a success.
00:56:04Instead of letting the leftover rice rot in the warehouse...
00:56:11Do you think selling it is a good idea?
00:56:13It's a good idea.
00:56:20Here in Zhongmingshu, Zhonggoldei...
00:56:23the Emperor's family asks us for half...
00:56:26of everything we do.
00:56:29And I...
00:56:31I don't want to ask the Chosun to take care of that anymore.
00:56:34That's why I want to sell the rice we harvest.
00:56:39I can help you make money by selling the rice.
00:56:45would you like to manage the sales profits?
00:56:49I'm sorry, I can't do that.
00:56:53The money that doesn't go to whoever makes it...
00:56:56is toxic money.
00:56:59If you make money...
00:57:01you have to decide what you're going to spend it on...
00:57:04what you're going to exchange it for, or where you're going to keep it.
00:57:08I'm offering...
00:57:10to help you with whatever I can.
00:57:13But wait...
00:57:14I've never managed money in my life.
00:57:17I know you can do it.
00:57:21You managed the crops very well, princess.
00:57:30I'm going to write...
00:57:32in my diary after a long time.
00:57:35I'll draw all the rice and food you gave me...
00:57:39so I can pass it on...
00:57:40to the people who will come later.
00:57:44Will you write and draw in your diary?
00:57:58the person who saved me on that island...
00:58:01was Yang He.
00:58:11Yang He fought against his men...
00:58:13being sick with smallpox and on the brink of death.
00:58:16While in Xinjiang...
00:58:19he got a leg injury just to save her.
00:58:24I realized something.
00:58:33You are...
00:58:37a curse...
00:58:40for Yang He.
00:59:11I don't have to give something to a person who always runs away.
00:59:16How did you end up seriously injured, Yang He?
00:59:20What were you doing while you were hurting Yang He?
00:59:26Is it my fault that young Yang He...
00:59:29got injured?
00:59:34It's not your fault.
00:59:36It's my fault.
00:59:37Get injured?
00:59:42I can.
00:59:44Where do you think you're going?
00:59:47I won't let you cross the other side without my help.
01:00:08Are you okay?
01:00:34I'll tell you what happened.
01:00:35That day...
01:00:38the person who saved you...
01:00:45was me, not that man.
01:00:52I'll come back with the most beautiful shoes in the world.
01:01:07No, Gil Cha!
01:02:32Tell me...
01:02:34Did she eat all the food that the princess prepared?
01:02:38What a great meal!
01:02:40Is it true that she adds gold powder to the food?
01:03:11You didn't die.
01:03:14I guess it was never her intention.
01:03:17That's right.
01:03:18It would be a waste to kill you.
01:03:21If you died...
01:03:23I would lose my source of entertainment.
01:03:28Thank you for freeing Miss Yu, princess.
01:03:32I let that girl live just for you.
01:03:35But I never let her stay with you.
01:03:39So it's time...
01:03:41for me to go back to Chosun.
01:03:47I always keep my promise.
01:03:49I would never hurt a woman...
01:03:51with my own hands.
01:03:56to the people of Chosun who live in Xinjiang,
01:03:58something terrible could happen to them.
01:04:02Even if they were freed,
01:04:04if someone dares to claim them,
01:04:06they will become slaves again.
01:04:09If they lose their order of liberation,
01:04:11they will become fugitives and their ankles will be cut off.
01:04:15If they give an order of liberation,
01:04:17if they give an order of false liberation,
01:04:19their ears will be pierced.
01:04:22Or worse, they will be beheaded.
01:04:28We're playing backwards.
01:04:34If you lay a finger on her,
01:04:40I will kill her mercilessly.
01:04:43I know how...
01:04:47you feel.
01:04:50To think that you could die at any moment...
01:04:56also tortures me.
01:05:01If you want her to be safe,
01:05:06send her...
01:05:08back to Chosun.
01:05:28My beloved.
01:05:42My beloved.
01:05:46My beloved.
01:05:49My beloved.
01:05:53My beloved.
01:05:56My beloved.
01:06:00My beloved.
01:06:03My beloved.
01:06:06My beloved.
01:06:09My beloved.
01:06:12My beloved.
01:06:15She wanted to go to Chosun with you.
01:06:18Her husband decided to abandon her
01:06:20when he found out that you were in Xinjiang.
01:06:23If you don't want to come to me, I'll take you
01:06:26and all the fugitives you have.
01:06:28And I'll bury them.
01:06:31I won't leave here.
01:06:33If I'm a curse for young Li,
01:06:35I'm also the only one who can break it.
01:06:37Could she stay by my side?
01:06:39If she doesn't like being here...
01:06:42I'll go wherever you want to go.
01:07:00My beloved.
