Flightplan (2005) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 3 days ago
Flightplan je misteriozni psihološki triler iz 2005. u režiji Roberta Schwentkea po scenariju Petera A. Dowlinga i Billyja Raya. U njemu glumi Jodie Foster kao Kyle Pratt, nedavno udovica američkog inženjera aviona koji živi u Berlinu, koja se vraća u SAD sa svojom kćerkom i tijelom svog muža.
00:00Hello, short film here.
00:02Today we're doing a review of a German-American psycho thriller from 2005 called Flight Plan.
00:08It's a very difficult night for Kelly Pratt.
00:10She's an aviation engineer and recently became a widow because her husband died in Berlin.
00:14She has to transport her husband's body to America in a plane together with her daughter Julie, who is only 4 years old.
00:20To ease her problems, she takes the drugs prescribed by the doctor.
00:25The next morning, it's snowing outside and a taxi is already waiting for them to take them to the airport.
00:30While they're at the airport, Kylie loses sight of Julie and starts panicking.
00:34She sees strangers, couples, refugees and grown-up people, but she doesn't see anyone who is taller than a child.
00:40She finally sees Julie at the souvenir shop.
00:43With an angry tone, she tells her not to wander around without her permission.
00:47Kylie and Julia will soon board the plane that Kylie designed.
00:51They are among the first people to board the plane.
00:54Julia looks through the window.
00:56She blurs the window with her breath and puts her little heart in that blurred part.
01:00After that, Kylie decides to sleep a little.
01:03After waking up, she realizes that Julia is not in her place.
01:07She asks other passengers for Julie, but no one has seen her.
01:11The stewardess says that Julie may be playing with her grown-up children.
01:15Kylie tries to find Julie, but there is still no sign of Julie.
01:19She continues to search the plane, but now with more and more anxiety.
01:23She checks their row again, where they fell asleep.
01:26She looks under the deck and sees that Julie is wet and honey is still there, but there is no Julie.
01:32Which is very strange.
01:33Julia does not go anywhere without her honey.
01:36She asks the stewardess Stephanie to help her find Julie.
01:40Stephanie agrees to help her and by way of work tells everyone that the child has disappeared.
01:45A moment later, to Kylie's surprise, Stephanie tells her that there is no footage showing her daughter boarding the plane.
01:52Kylie is confused.
01:53She is sure that her daughter was there with her and tries to prove it with her plane ticket.
01:59But Kylie fails to find Julie's ticket.
02:02She also sees that there is no Julie's backpack at the place where she left it before, which is impossible,
02:07because Julia could not grasp the place where the backpack was located because it was not high enough.
02:12When she sees this situation, Jim Carson, who is a member of the police, starts to watch Kylie while looking for his daughter.
02:18Kylie wants to see Captain Marcus Rich to get him involved in this search for her daughter.
02:24When he hears that there is no evidence that her daughter boarded the plane, he asks her if she is taking any medication.
02:30Kylie says that she is taking sleeping pills to help her get through with her husband's death.
02:35Kylie discovers that her husband died by falling off a roof six days before this summer and that she does not believe that it is a suicide.
02:43The captain and other members of the crew think that Kylie went crazy because of her husband's death and that she thought that she took her daughter on a flight.
02:50Kylie insists that she search the plane from start to finish.
02:53The captain reluctantly agrees to this and orders all the crew members to search the plane.
02:58The lights in the plane turn on.
03:00All passengers hear the announcement that they must not leave their seats.
03:03Stephanie goes to the server room, but there is no Julie there either.
03:07While Kylie is looking for her daughter, she notices a man from Egypt.
03:10She starts attacking that man because she knows him from somewhere.
03:13She tries to remember where she knows him from, but her brain is not in the best condition at the moment.
03:19Kylie then asks the captain to search the part where the coffin is held.
03:23Rich rejects this and says angrily that there are hundreds of passengers in the plane at the moment who are not getting any attention
03:29because all the crew members are busy looking for a child for whom no one is even sure that he even boarded the plane.
03:34She doesn't like this comment.
03:36She goes to the Egyptians.
03:38She accuses him of kidnapping her daughter because she remembered that she saw him beating her daughter in her room.
03:44The man is not satisfied with these accusations and ...
03:47The man is not satisfied with these accusations and shows the account from the hotel where he left
03:52and realizes that the hotel is not even close to the apartment where Kylie and Julie were.
03:56The chaos continues.
03:58Kyle forces the man to admit that he did it.
04:01Carson, who is fed up with her behavior, tells her that now the death of her husband makes a lot more sense.
04:06He spent a few hours with her and he is even ready to jump for it.
04:10The captain gets a letter from the hospital in Berlin
04:12in which he writes that Julie was with his father when he jumped from the roof and that she died of internal bleeding.
04:18Now the whole crew thinks she's crazy.
04:21Kyle angrily denies that letter.
04:23She is sure that Julie is still alive and that she is on the plane.
04:26Carson thinks that Kyle is a threat now because he made up this whole story
04:30and puts her letters and takes her to her place.
04:33Lisa, who is a therapist, approaches her and tries to calm her down,
04:36forcing Kyle to doubt his mental state.
04:39She begins to accept the death of her daughter-in-law.
04:42But then she notices that the heart on the glass that Julie left was real.
04:47Kyle becomes even more convinced that something strange is happening.
04:50She convinces Lisa to let her go to the toilet.
04:53Instead, she climbs to the upper part and sabotages the aircraft electronics,
04:57which causes the mask to come off with oxygen and the light to flicker.
05:01All the passengers and crew begin to panic, but Carson realizes that Kyle is behind this.
05:06She uses the chaos that has arisen to descend to the lower part of the plane.
05:10She finds the basket in which her husband is located.
05:13She opens the basket and only his body is found there, although she expected Julie to be there too.
05:19She finds nothing else but Lesha.
05:22Carson finds her and puts her letters back and takes her back
05:25to announce that she will have a mandatory stay in Goose Bay this summer to take her to the yard.
05:30As she takes her to her place, one of the passengers begins to applaud because of the announcement,
05:35and the applause spreads throughout the plane.
05:37Some people are just booing her, including the Egyptians.
05:40They finally arrive at her place and she sits there.
05:43Kyle asks Carson for a last favor, which is to search the plane after it lands.
05:48Carson thinks about it for a moment and decides to talk to the captain.
05:52But instead of going to talk to the captain, he climbs to the lower part of the plane.
05:57There he removes two explosives and the detonator from the basket in which Kyle's husband is located.
06:02He joins the main server and sticks the explosive near the platform,
06:06and there we can see Julie sleeping.
06:08It was discovered that Carson is the brain behind all this.
06:11Carson and Stephanie planned to steal the plane with a possible ransom of 50 million,
06:16and they planned to accuse Kyle of her knowledge about planes,
06:19and they sent Julie to force Kyle to open the basket where the explosive and detonator were located.
06:25Carson tells the captain that Kyle is a gambler and that he threatens to destroy the plane
06:29if the airline does not pay 50 million to his bank account.
06:33He also tells Stephanie that he will destroy the plane and in this way kill Julie
06:37and leave Kyle's dead body with the detonator in her hand.
06:41Kyle still can't believe what's happening and nervously looks through the window while the plane lands.
06:46The other passengers are confused because of the landing.
06:49After the landing, the passengers leave the plane.
06:52The captain comes out and Kyle looks at him and he angrily says that the company paid the ransom she asked for.
06:58Kyle is confused by this statement.
07:00She realizes that all this is Carson's work.
07:03He used the situation to turn the truth around and make the situation look like Kyle is a terrorist.
07:09When she realized the truth, Kyle decided to take the lead on the role of the plane hijacker
07:13and ordered Carson to stay on the plane and send the other members of the crew to leave the plane.
07:18Carson blinks, but realizes that if he refuses, it will look like this whole situation is his idea.
07:24As soon as the door of the plane closes, Kyle knocks out Carson with a fire extinguisher
07:29and puts leaves on him and takes the detonator out of his pocket.
07:32Stephanie comes out of the place where she was hiding.
07:35Carson wakes up.
07:37He runs after Kyle and shoots until she locks herself in the cockpit.
07:40She opens the door to the upper part of the plane and throws something to confuse him.
07:44Carson hears a bang in the upper part and leaves.
07:47Kyle comes out and jumps on Stephanie.
07:49She hits him and Stephanie starts panicking and leaves the plane.
07:53Kyle continues to look for his daughter and eventually finds her sleeping in the main server room.
07:58He immediately hugs her and takes her in his arms.
08:01Carson looks for them and discovers that he killed her husband to cover up the explosion in his bucket
08:06knowing that the bucket will not be scanned at the airport.
08:09Kyle immediately takes Julie to the part that is not intended for passengers with a detonator in his hand
08:13and Carson shoots at her as she closes the door.
08:16The room where she is is not broken and she will protect the walls of the room from the explosion
08:21and she carries the plane that kills Carson.
08:23The passengers are perplexed and watch the explosion.
08:26A little later, Kyle goes out with his daughter.
08:29While Kyle takes his daughter to the asphalt, all the passengers are shocked
08:33because they finally realized that she was telling the truth all this time.
08:36The next morning at the airport, Captain Rich arrives and apologizes to Kyle for his skepticism.
08:43Stefan is arrested by the FBI and the agent informs him that the director of the Berlin airport is also arrested.
08:49Kyle carries Julie to the end of the passenger who realized the truth.
08:53Everyone is infuriated and feel guilty because they did not believe her.
08:57Before he puts his daughter in the van that will take them home,
09:00Julia wakes up and asks if we have arrived.
09:03The last scene shows us the Egyptians who help them carry their suitcases.
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09:13Thanks for watching.