Red Dawn (1984) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Crvena zora je američka akciona drama iz 1984. u režiji Džona Milijusa sa scenarijem Milijusa i Kevina Rejnoldsa. Film prikazuje izmišljeni Treći svjetski rat usredsređen na invaziju na Sjedinjene Države od strane saveza sovjetskih, Varšavskog pakta i latinoameričkih država.
00:00In the alternative 1980s, the Third World War began and Russia, then known as the Soviet Union, won and expanded its forces.
00:08They took over large parts of Europe and are now moving west, that is, towards North America.
00:13The initial scene begins in the American city of Columet, where a boy named Jed drives his younger brother Matt and his friend to a local high school.
00:21Later, as Professor Poviesti continues, he notices several soldiers falling down the stairs outside the school.
00:27The soldiers also carry heavy weapons with them and seem to speak a foreign language.
00:32Confused, Professor Poviesti is challenged to interrogate the soldiers, but is immediately shot and killed.
00:37Soon, the soldiers start shooting at the school, causing chaos throughout the area.
00:42They shoot instead of bullets, and even with missiles, killing several students inside.
00:46Meanwhile, while Matt and his friends Robert, Danny, Daryl, Aardvark, and Arturo are looking for a way to escape, Jed arrives by car.
00:54The boys immediately get into the car and run away from the scene.
00:57Until that moment, the whole city of Columet is attacked.
00:59Enemy soldiers kill innocent people for no obvious reason, and many buildings are destroyed by heavy artillery.
01:05In the midst of the destruction, Jed and the group somehow manage to get to Robert's father's sports store.
01:10There, the old man suggests that he immediately leave the place and head towards the mountains, because the situation is very serious now.
01:16The boys reluctantly leave their families, but have no choice but to accept.
01:21Soon, they take up arms, firearms, and other supplies for survival.
01:25After they have recovered, they enter the car and head towards the mountains.
01:30On the way, they come across a blockade on the road guarded by Soviet soldiers who open fire on them.
01:35Fortunately, the helicopter of the American army shoots at the soldiers, allowing the group to escape.
01:40In the next scene, we find out that Soviet troops, along with Cubans and people from Nicaragua, are trying to take over the city of Columet, and then the whole nation.
01:48In short, the Third World War broke out.
01:51In the meantime, the Cuban colonel, named Bela, orders his people to go to the local sports market and get evidence of arms sales in the market.
01:59On the other hand, the boys arrive in the mountains and begin to live there.
02:03Since Jed and Matt are regular campers in that area, they have no problem adjusting.
02:08As the days go by, the group survives by fishing and hunting, even eating vegetation there.
02:13After a few weeks, Jed, Matt, and Robert sneak up on the city, which is now under the complete control of enemy soldiers.
02:20They enter the storehouse market and ask about their families, to which the merchant replies that everyone he considers a threat is locked in a camp for resettlement.
02:29The merchant also warns the boys to stay away, because the soldiers were looking for them.
02:34Later, the boys arrive at the camp, which is a large area fenced with barbed wire.
02:38After a little interrogation, Jed and Matt finally meet their father, who looks very exhausted, as they also find out that the soldiers killed their mother.
02:46Expectedly, the boys become emotional, but their father reminds them how he punished them in a difficult way and urges them to consecrate the death of their mother.
02:55In the meantime, Robert fails to find his father in the camp.
02:58After that, they go to Mr. Mason's neighbor, who is very happy to see them again.
03:03The old man discovers that Robert's father is lost, because several weapons were missing in his storehouse.
03:09In fact, the weapons are the same ones that Jed and his boys took to the mountains.
03:13This breaks Robert's heart and he blames himself for his father's death, but the boys quickly calm him down.
03:18Later, Mr. Mason leads the boys to the basement and discovers his granddaughters, Tony and Erika, who appear to be hidden from the soldiers.
03:24Then he asks the boys to follow the girls to a safe place, to which they agree.
03:28After a while, Jed and his group ride horses and head towards the mountains.
03:33One day, Daryl notices three Soviet soldiers approaching the mountains, and immediately warns the rest of the group.
03:40When they arrive at the place, the soldiers start photographing while standing on the edge of the cliff, while they notice some arrows on the ground and begin to explore the area.
03:50Soon after that, Jed and his group are discovered hidden behind a wall.
03:54The soldiers continue to catch the children, but little did they know that the children were armed and dangerous.
03:59In a blink of an eye, they manage to kill a trio of soldiers.
04:02After that incident, Colonel Bell faces Daryl's father, the mayor of Kalumet, and asks about his son.
04:09Daryl's father tries to save his son, claiming that he is not violent and cannot hurt others.
04:15He also tries to appease Colonel Bell to save innocent citizens, but everything goes crazy.
04:22The next day, Colonel Bell gathers some civilians from the camp for retaliation, including Jed and Matt's father, and loses all of them in order to save himself.
04:31When the young men find out about the death of their members, their families are outraged.
04:34However, Jed tells them not to give up and urges them to fight for their nation.
04:39The next day, the young men come up with a plan, and Eric goes to the gas station where some Soviet soldiers fill their tanks.
04:45He approaches the soldiers and informally leaves a bag with explosives.
04:49The soldiers flirt with the girl and send her away, but soon after that, an explosion occurs and several people die.
04:56Enraged, the rest of the soldiers chase Eric away, and when they are almost there, the young men come out of the cave and kill the soldiers to death.
05:03This gives the group renewed motivation, and from that day on, they continue to liquidate enemy forces with available weapons and firepower.
05:10They also give themselves a blow to the wolves.
05:13The film then speeds up for a month, where enemy troops still control the city.
05:18One day, Tony discovers Andrew Tanner, a lieutenant colonel of the United States Air Force, sleeping near their camp.
05:24When he realizes that Andrew belongs to their side, he brings him to the camp and gives him some food.
05:29Andrew then reports on their status in the war.
05:32He claims that the nuclear strikes destroyed several American cities, including Omaha, Washington, and Kansas.
05:37He continues to claim that the enemies, mainly Cubans, illegally came from Mexico and infiltrated the USAC base, making it a wasteland.
05:45Soviet troops occupied most of South America and northwestern Canada,
05:49but American troops managed to stop them in the rocky mountains and on the Mississippi River.
05:54And the lines are now mainly stabilized.
05:57According to Andrew, the Russians are there to capture unarmed American troops, which is why they will no longer use nuclear weapons.
06:03The Americans will also not use nuclear weapons on their own soil.
06:07He also shares that his family was captured behind the lines in Texas.
06:11He likes to believe that his family is still alive, but he has also heard what the Soviets are doing to civilians.
06:16The next day, Andrew joins the wolves in one of their conquests.
06:20He helps them with his military techniques, and soon the group takes down a large number of Soviet soldiers.
06:25In this way, the group begins to eliminate more and more enemy soldiers.
06:29They also gathered a large arsenal of weapons.
06:33In the next scene, Andrew explains his plan to take over the Soviet base camp.
06:38The group is amazed at how detailed and smart Andrew's elaborations are.
06:43Later, the wolves carry out the plan and attack the Soviet base camp from all sides, which eventually leads to victory.
06:49However, their actions attract the attention of the Soviet general, who orders a rebellion against innocent civilians.
06:55Now that the Soviet high command is aware of the wolves, the Soviet general orders the soldiers to eliminate the wolves as soon as possible.
07:02Somewhere else, the wolves enjoy rugby matches after their victory, while Tony talks to Andrew.
07:07He asks him about his wife, mentioning that she is concerned about his love life.
07:11Tony enjoys Andrew's company and seems to be attracted to him.
07:15The next day, the wolves reach a high point in the mountains, where they witness Soviet airships in a state of war against the Americans.
07:22While in the distance they notice how the chaos unfolds, two Soviet tanks approach from behind.
07:27As a result, the wolves quickly take shelter behind the walls and start shooting at them.
07:32When the enemy begins to take over the leadership, Andrew and Aardvark enter the anti-attack tank,
07:36but are fatally shot, leaving the rest of the group with a bruise.
07:40Tony looks even more broken because she adored Andrew.
07:43Before he reaches further casualties, Jed shoots a rocket launcher at the enemy and kills them once and for all.
07:50After the incident, the wolves bury Andrew and Aardvark's bodies and pray for the peace of their souls.
07:55One day, the Soviets send a unit to the mountains and use portable surveillance devices to locate the wolves.
08:02On the way, the wolves, who were well prepared for their arrival, attack and easily defeat them.
08:08Then they capture the leader of the special forces, along with all their weapons.
08:12Later, the group interrogates the leader of the special forces about their plans, but he refuses to reveal anything.
08:17He continues to speak in Russian, but manages to say idiotic things like Yankees.
08:22This explains the group and without spying on it, they lose it.
08:24After that, the group oversees the dead body of the enemy force and finds a portable surveillance device.
08:30They discover that the surveillance device is pointing at Daryl, indicating that he is the source of it.
08:34Jed spies on Daryl, who then admits that the Soviets captured him after his father reported him.
08:40He continues to say that the Soviets forced him to plug in the surveillance chip before they let him join the wolves.
08:46Daryl prays for his life, but Robert, who finds out that others are not brave enough to kill his friend, shoots him because of his betrayal.
08:53Later, the wolves come to a new location, where they spot a group of Soviet trucks transporting food.
08:59Daryl is ready to shoot a rocket gun at the soldiers, but then the soldiers unconsciously drop a few boxes of food.
09:05The wolves, who are hungry at that point, decide to stop their mission to take the food.
09:10As soon as the soldiers leave, they grab the food and devour it.
09:14It seems that they are happy to eat normal food after such a long time.
09:18However, their happiness is short-lived, because the Soviet helicopters are coming soon.
09:23The wolves feel the imminent danger, but it is too late.
09:26Three shots are fired at them, which is why Tony is shot, although they are significantly stronger and the group manages to recover.
09:34Soon after that, Jed carries Tony on his horse and everyone starts running.
09:37In the process, Robert manages to destroy one of the helicopters, but soon he is killed by another.
09:43In the meantime, Jed realizes that Tony will not survive long, so he puts him behind the wall.
09:47The two then talk about the condition of their friendship and how the war can devastate the whole nation.
09:54After a while, Tony expresses his desire to go alone instead of being killed by the Soviets.
10:00He begs Jed for a grenade and after a lot of persuasion, he agrees.
10:04He gives her the grenade and leaves the place.
10:07After that, the rest of the wolves run away from the place.
10:10After a while, the Soviet soldiers and their general get out of the helicopter and start looking for the dead body of the wolves.
10:16Soon after that, one of the soldiers discovers Tony's body and confirms his death.
10:20In the process, the grenade falls out of Tony's grip, causing an explosion as he takes the life of the soldier.
10:26Later that night, the wolves come up with a plan by which Jed and Matt decide to attack the Soviet headquarters in Kalomet.
10:33Their goal is to distract the soldier so that Dan and Eric can escape the building and live a life without fear.
10:40Eric tries to convince Jed that she wants to join the attack, but Jed tells her that someone has to survive.
10:46Without wasting time, the two brothers go to the headquarters and start shooting at the soldiers.
10:51They manage to kill several soldiers, but after a while, Matt hits a bullet in the chest of the Soviet commander of the army.
10:58Jed kills the commander, but he is also injured in the process.
11:02Later, while Jed is worried, he carries his brother and notices their colonel Bell.
11:06However, when he feels their loss, he lets them go.
11:10The two brothers then sit in the park and remember their childhood days.
11:14Slowly, the two die, holding hands.
11:17On the other hand, Dan and Eric walk through the rocky mountains until they reach an American safe haven.
11:22In the last scene, we see a partisan wall and an American flag in the vicinity, which means the victory of America.
11:28On the partisan wall it says,
11:30In the early days of World War III, the guerrillas, mainly children, left their names lost on this wall.
11:36They fought here alone and gave their lives so that this nation would not disappear from the land.
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