The Aeronauts (2019) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 3 days ago
Aeronauti je biografski avanturistički film iz 2019. u režiji Toma Harpera i scenariju Jacka Thornea, prema priči koju su zajedno napisali Thorne i Harper. Film je baziran na knjizi Ričarda Holmsa Falling Upwards: How We Take to the Air iz 2013.
00:00Hello, short films here. Today we are working for you on a resume of an adventure film from 2019 which is inspired by a true story, called The Aeronauts.
00:09High in the air, a man and a woman are in a balloon and fight against the wind.
00:14They lower all the weight, but it doesn't help either, the man jumps to save his loved one.
00:19This is a memory that came back to Mila and Vreni, an aeronaut who feels nervous because of her first flight in a balloon after more than two years.
00:27Her sister Antonija thinks that she shouldn't fly if she doesn't feel good, but Mila is stubborn and explains that she only needs a little time.
00:34It's 1862 and most of Londoners came to see the flying of the balloon.
00:39James Clashier, a scientist who will join this expedition, is also not worried about the dark clouds in the sky, but his friend and colleague, scientist John True, is.
00:48James insists that he made the right calculations and that it would be okay, and his argument is supported by the man who invested his money in this flight and wants it to happen.
00:58So, regardless of what John worries about, the balloon will fly today.
01:02Mila arrives late, but she makes quite a show of it, knowing that she is being punished for financing their flights.
01:09She arrives in a very colorful dress, like a church, while riding on the roof of her bus.
01:14Then she jumps around the platform and tries to force a very shy James to play together.
01:19She even brings a dog that will fly with them, ignoring James' protests.
01:24After talking about the adventure and promising to break the French record of 23,000 meters, Mila finally releases the balloon, not giving James time to complete the plan and measurements.
01:33As soon as they take off, a few meters above the platform, she climbs on the rim of the balloon and releases the dog that has been carrying the parachute all the time, and because of that, he will definitely fall.
01:42While flying over London and admiring the view that takes his breath, James takes a look around and looks at the building of the British Society, remembering how it all started.
01:51Two years earlier, he and John got drunk on blood to watch other balloons as they successfully take off.
01:57Later, James asked the British Society for money to go on a similar expedition, but he was rejected.
02:03Everyone scolded him because they believed that time can only be predicted if you are greedy.
02:08Injuries touch the souls of James' parents, who were injured as much as he was.
02:13In the present, Amelia changes her revealing dress for a warmer one, while James sends out his first pigeon.
02:19As the balloon rises higher, they enter the cloud area, and like John, Amelia worries that there could be some storms.
02:26James insists that his predictions do not include a storm, but time soon shows that he is not right.
02:32Mists begin to appear around them, and a very strong wind begins to blow that shakes the balloon.
02:37James falls and hits his head, causing bleeding, but Amelia refuses to lower the balloon because she knows how to get out and isolate herself, she just needs to fly higher to break through the clouds.
02:47The wind suddenly shakes the balloon, causing James and Amelia to jump out of the basket.
02:53They manage to hold on to the edge of the balloon before the wind hits them again and James falls into the basket, but Amelia remains to hang on one of the pillows.
03:01Helping her to climb back is a problem because James is not very strong and the wind continues to go against them, so he solves this little problem by tying himself to the body before Amelia reaches out and finally returns it inside.
03:13As soon as he enters, he starts throwing bags of sand, which helps the balloon to rise and leave the clouds behind.
03:19They are high, the silence is absolute, and the gentle sunlight touches them.
03:24While they are rearranging the pillows that help the balloon to hold better, they see an aureole, a beautiful sight that James has never seen before.
03:31The couple are having fun screaming, but suddenly they can hear the city noise that makes the conditions wet.
03:36Excited by this discovery, James begins to make notes, but Amelia can't help but look back at her last flight, during which her husband, Pierre Rennes, died.
03:46After losing her husband, Amelia did not want to leave the house, so she drank a lot and did not want to bathe.
03:52It lasted almost two years. A few weeks ago, Antonia got tired of seeing her like this and pulled her back into the real world.
03:59She took her to a party where her family was invited.
04:02It was clear that Amelia was not having fun, especially because all the men were too scared of her to come.
04:08Everyone except one.
04:10James had a fight with her before he discovered the real reason for his conversation.
04:14She needed to accept his idea to explore the sky to prove that the weather forecast was possible.
04:20Amelia quickly noticed that James was hiding from her and was not invited.
04:24While she usually does not care about someone's social status, she did not like the fact that he lied to her.
04:30But James kept a separate conversation about how such discoveries can help humanity, so Amelia let go and accepted to work with him.
04:37Later, when Antonia heard about this news, she called Amelia because of it, saying that she was running away from her problems and that she had found luck in it because of her husband, not because of the balloon itself.
04:47Back to the present, Amelia recovers from the attack of panic and hears how James is asking for her husband, but she refuses to talk about him.
04:54While she worries about his head injury, she is surprised to meet the beautiful sight of butterflies flying around them.
04:59James is particularly amazed by this, because he never thought that butterflies could fly so high, even when John, who trained them, was sure they could.
05:07This proved the theory of his friend.
05:10Touched by the beautiful moment, Amelia tells James about Pierre's love for the beauty of the world and thanks him with tears in his eyes because he did not force her to talk about it.
05:19Amelia again begins to think about the circumstances that brought them there.
05:23After hearing about her sister's worries, she changed her mind about traveling.
05:27So she entered the British Society building, ignoring the fact that women were not allowed inside.
05:33She told James that the expedition was canceled and that she would never fly on a balloon again.
05:38Later in the evening, James went to visit his parents, informing his mother of the news, but he asked his father not to hurt him because he was already suffering from memory loss.
05:47At least he still remembers how to use the telescope that James gave him, as well as on the upcoming trip, by giving his son a binocular to use when he reaches the sky.
05:57Back to the balloon, which begins to cover with frost, James allows Amelia to help him write.
06:02The numbers are exciting this time. Little by little, they see that they are going higher and higher, and the glory is when they finally break the record that the French have achieved.
06:10Now they are officially the people who have flown the most in the history of mankind.
06:14After shaking hands and thanks to each other for that success, James sends another dove with his discoveries, and Amelia asks him to put on warm clothes.
06:23However, James did not bring anything to keep the body warm, so Amelia wants to lower the balloon to prevent her friend from freezing to death.
06:31James does not allow her to do this, keeping her speech about the importance of what she is doing and showing her how beautiful the starry sky is.
06:37Amelia remembers that she really found happiness in flying, not just in her husband, so she accepts on the condition that she decides when there is too much to continue.
06:46James agrees, so she throws another bag of sand.
06:49The new memory of the night begins, and Amelia thinks about the trip.
06:53John visited her, who came by his own choice, not because James sent him to tell her that the trip was worth the risk.
06:59He showed her James's research notes, where he found beautiful stories, and admitted that James sometimes really makes mistakes, and that he said that it would snow at night, but it didn't.
07:08However, he found an extraordinary truth, and John thought it was Amelia's responsibility for the advancement of science.
07:14After he left, Amelia went to visit Pierre's grave to think about it, and made a decision when James's predictions came true and it started snowing.
07:23At present, the whole balloon, and even the people themselves, are covered in frost.
07:27James sends pigeons, but he falls as soon as he tries to fly, and his last one is dead.
07:32Now no one will know their location if something happens, so James starts to go crazy.
07:37Amelia has to stop him from throwing a pile of their stuff while his attitude is coming out, and his nose that is still bleeding is a sign of hypoxia, lack of oxygen, which affects his brain.
07:47She wants to get down, but James wants to risk his life for science like Pierre, so Amelia scares him because of that.
07:53The real story about what happened is not heroic. Amelia did push the balloon too hard, and the seams broke.
08:00No matter how much stuff they threw out, they couldn't push the balloon down, so Pierre jumped to save Amelia.
08:06After listening to such a story, James apologizes for his attitude, and accepts that it's time to get down the balloon.
08:13Amelia pulls the valve to open the gas valve, but nothing happens because of the frost, so after reminding James to stay awake so as not to allow hypoxia to win, she starts climbing to the top to manually open the valve.
08:24It turned out to be a difficult task, because she began to catch frostbite in her fingers, but she pushes to continue until she slips and hangs on the headrest.
08:33Thinking about the death of her husband, Amelia decides that she cannot allow his victim to go crazy, so she gathers and starts climbing again.
08:41This time with a rope tied to the rope in case she slips again.
08:45James fell unconscious when Amelia reached the top.
08:48She tries to push the valve with her elbow, but she hit her head, so she has to risk getting up by hitting him.
08:53She does this, but in order for the valve to remain open, she has to take off her boots and leave them between the valve and the balloon.
08:59Immediately after she has achieved this, she falls unconscious, only to wake up a few minutes later when the balloon begins to descend and she slips from the edge.
09:08In the meantime, on Earth, Amelia's family and British society are worried because they have not seen the balloon fly yet, and the expected time of arrival has already passed.
09:16They try to remain optimistic, because usually hearing for them means hearing about a disaster, so they should see silence as a positive thing and just wait.
09:25On the balloon is Amelia, hanging on a rope tied to the rope, which turned out to be a good rescue.
09:31She manages to wave a few times to get to the basket, and when she returns inside, she tries to wake James up.
09:37In the beginning, there is no answer, and Amelia thinks she may have lost him, but luckily, after a lot of struggling, he finally responds to her call.
09:45Before that, he takes their final reading, worries about his frozen hands, and stops to grab the rope for a later analysis.
09:52After that, they sit and wait for the balloon to finish descending, and Amelia says she concluded on the question of his sister why she wanted to fly again, she wants everything she lost to mean something.
10:02At the end, James mentions some of their discoveries he made, but the most important thing is that he saw the beauty that cannot be measured in illustrations in books, and the fact that they were getting closer to the stars.
10:13Amelia agrees with that.
10:15Suddenly, Amelia notices that the snow is not falling, but sticky, which means they are traveling at the same speed as him.
10:21This can only be explained by one thing.
10:23The balloon slowly descends.
10:25After the valves are removed, and so are her shoes, they start throwing things out of the basket to make it easier, including the jackets they wear and James's tool after he takes off his notes and candles.
10:35This is still not enough, and for a moment they think they have no hope, but James gets the idea.
10:40They both climb on the edge of the balloon, and then he cuts the ropes to let go of the basket.
10:45The balloon now descends at a very dangerous speed, and Amelia thinks about sacrificing herself like her husband did, but James stops in time.
10:53He has a new idea.
10:54They cut the ropes that hold the balloon in shape, and the rope is pulled, turning the balloon into a parachute.
10:59Now the balloon begins to descend more gently, but it is still a long journey for them.
11:04The balloon passes through a tree and forces James to fall, and then pulls Amelia across the ground until she finally stops.
11:10She falls unconscious for a few minutes, and when she wakes up, she rushes to find James, meeting him halfway because he was looking for her.
11:18Together they help each other to get up and go home.
11:21It is estimated that they reached a height of 37,000 meters that day.
11:25Their success comes in the news, and James's parents see it too, who are proud of their son.
11:31His discoveries prove the formation of layers in the atmosphere, discoveries that lead to early weather forecasts, and James deserves the respect of his peers.
11:39After spending some time with his sister and the kids, because he must not forget to live,
11:44Amelia and James make a new balloon to fly again and continue their exploration.
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