Proximity (2020) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Blizina je američki naučnofantastični dramski film iz 2020. koji je napisao i režirao Eric Demeusy u svom rediteljskom debiju. U filmu glume Ryan Masson, Highdee Kuan, Christian Prentice i Shaw Jones. Proximity je objavljen na zahtjev 15. maja 2020. i dobio je različite kritike kritičara.
00:00In 1979, in Alaska, the pilot calls his base to inform them that he saw something strange in the sky.
00:06The technicians discover that their sensors have gone crazy.
00:09In the meantime, the forest and the two woodcutters have finished their work and are ready to go home.
00:14While driving, one of the trucks suddenly stumbles for a few seconds and then falls to the ground, colliding in the process.
00:20The other woodcutter tries to check his friend, but at that moment he is shocked to see an extraterrestrial spaceship appear above him.
00:27He immediately runs into the forest to try to escape, but soon he is caught by the aliens and they take him away with light air.
00:35Nowadays, in California, computer engineer Isaac arrives at the office of NASA where he works.
00:40His colleague Beck informs him that he is receiving signals from Canada, which is strange because there are no satellites in that area.
00:46Later, while Isaac is at the computer, he receives a signal of an unknown origin and wonders if it is an error.
00:51The next day, Isaac goes to a meeting with his psychotherapist, who suggests that he start recording video diaries to help in the process of self-healing.
01:00Isaac feels pretty uncomfortable in front of the camera, but gives his best to record whatever comes to his mind.
01:05One afternoon, everyone in California is surprised to see a hot meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere.
01:11Isaac is a mountaineer in the mountains with his camera when this happens, so he rushes to avoid the incoming forces of the law and finds a perfect place to record.
01:20At his own discretion, he discovers that the meteor is actually an extraterrestrial spaceship that landed on the mountain.
01:25Suddenly, the ship disappears out of sight, only for the alien to appear behind Isaac.
01:30When he turns around, he can't believe what he sees, but he continues to record.
01:34The alien leaves, Isaac tries to follow him, but after a few steps, he falls unconscious.
01:39Soon all the media talk about the meteorite and various theories about it.
01:43Isaac's team should collect samples for work, but he doesn't show up to work.
01:48Some time later, Isaac wakes up in the elevator, confused about what happened.
01:52He checks his camera and sees a picture of an alien, thinking it might be a biotite.
01:56There is also a pain in his arm, but it doesn't look injured.
01:59Isaac returns to his apartment, but things become all the more confusing.
02:03When he looks at an object for too long, it suddenly disappears and then returns in a few seconds.
02:08Isaac initially thinks it's a trick of his brain, but it happens all the time, and when he tries to touch the area where the object was, he feels a mixed feeling around his arm.
02:17Thinking that he might be ill, Isaac goes to the hospital, but the doctor only tells him that he is dehydrated and that he needs rest.
02:23However, the doctor is confused by the x-ray images of Isaac's arm, because there is a thin fracture, so perfectly straight, that it shouldn't be possible without tools, and Isaac doesn't have a scar on his skin.
02:32After that, Isaac goes to work, and Beck calls him, because he disappeared without a word, discovering that Isaac disappeared for three days.
02:38Instead of explaining what happened, Isaac decides to show it with a glass and concentrates that he is invisible.
02:45Unfortunately, Beck is not impressed and takes the glass with him, because he can still see.
02:49Then, Isaac shows Beck a video of an alien, but Beck is not sure if he should believe that it is real.
02:55Another colleague comes and brings samples from the lab where the incident took place, but there is no evidence of a meteorite.
03:01Later, Isaac decides to publish the video on the Internet and send it to several scientific journals.
03:06The video immediately becomes viral, and Isaac wakes up in the morning with thousands of comments and calls from people who want an interview with him, including a well-known talk show.
03:14When he looks at the comments on the video, he sees how many people believe, but most of the viewers think he is lying and write horrible things.
03:21Soon, Isaac appears on TV and shares his story.
03:24At first, the host asks for details, but soon he shows his true intentions and begins to question his credibility, making him funny in front of the camera.
03:32The interview also becomes viral, and Isaac is forced to seek attention, there is even a troll who claims to have helped Isaac to lie through the video.
03:39The public reaction really deserves it, but Isaac refuses to give up and begins to search the Internet for people who have had the same experience as him.
03:46One day, a person who was also a father agrees to meet in a restaurant, and while Isaac is waiting, he begins to see the object around him as it glitters in the air.
03:54His strange experience suddenly interrupts Serah, a person he met on the Internet.
03:59Isaac shows her a video that pulls out a lot of research, showing how aliens have been seen many times throughout history, even by well-known scientists.
04:08At the same time, Serah tells him a story about an alien in 1979 on Alaska.
04:13The victim was a guy named Carl, who disappeared after sharing his story.
04:18In the meantime, in a secret cage in the woods, Carl gets excited when he sees that his equipment has caught a strange signal.
04:23Some time later, Isaac sees a guy on TV who constantly criticizes his video, saying it's a lie.
04:29This inspires him to start making copies of his footage and sending them to various media outlets.
04:34When he has all the equipment ready, he tries to put them in a mailbox and fights with the crowd.
04:39A man passing by offers his help and recognizes Isaac's face, revealing that he is a writer and is giving Isaac a visit.
04:46He tells him to contact him if he wants to get an interview.
04:49Soon, a multiscientist appears on TV saying that the footage is fake.
04:54Then Isaac contacts the writer and gets a meeting in his office.
04:57In order for the story to be legitimate, the writer asks Isaac to pass a lie detector test, during which he is asked a bunch of questions about his incident.
05:05All of Isaac's answers are perfect, so the writer asks him to wait for a moment and leaves the room.
05:11Seconds later, two mysterious agents appear and try to get him.
05:15Isaac fights them and manages to escape, but suddenly he is hit by a sedative and all of a sudden he is caught.
05:20When Isaac finally wakes up, he finds himself in a mysterious facility and is carried by androids.
05:25As they move, Isaac notices that they have Serah and Veech behind him, but they take them to different rooms.
05:30Androids tie Isaac to a chair, and behind the glass appears Agent Graves, saying that Isaac has valuable information that could help humanity.
05:38Then he does some tests by forcing Isaac to look at different items, but no matter which item they choose, nothing happens.
05:45Graves also constantly tests Carl, who is allegedly hiding in British Columbia.
05:49Isaac doesn't know anything about that guy, which makes Graves all the more frustrated.
05:53After a few fights, Isaac manages to get his hands on the star.
05:57Then he breaks the equipment and uses it to destroy the androids who are starting to release a strange light fluid.
06:02Isaac runs away and quickly finds Serah in the next room.
06:05He uses his power to open the door and immediately frees her so they can run away together, taking on the streetwalkers as they try to overtake their pursuer.
06:13Isaac takes a gun from the androids, which he destroyed, and uses it to shoot as he runs away.
06:18After a few more turns, Isaac uses his power to open the other door and locks them behind him, allowing the pair to safely reach the outside part.
06:26At that moment, he sees a person with wheels passing by and realizes that they are not in the S.A.D.
06:30Inside the object, Graves orders the androids to find and catch the pair, theorizing that they will go to British Columbia to find Carl.
06:37After running for a while, Isaac and Serah manage to reach the city and discover that they are in Kostarica.
06:43They agree that they should look for Carl, but they have no way to find him, so they ask around for an internet connection.
06:48The girls at least give them directions to meet Zed, a local hacker.
06:53While the duo is looking for his help, the Graves people question the city about them.
06:57The androids are approaching quickly, but luckily the group sees them coming and running in time.
07:01Zed leads them to his house on a tree in the jungle where he discovers some important information.
07:06The agents who follow them are from the ISCRP, or the International Space Research Program, run by the United Nations Agency.
07:14Zed agrees to help them find Carl, who is said to have an inescapable connection to his home.
07:19While Zed is looking for Carl, Serah tells Isaac about her experience with an alien.
07:24She heard the buzz and thought it was an airplane, but it was a space ship that took her away.
07:29Serah disappeared for two days and no one believed her when she told others,
07:32so the two of them are together due to mutual trauma and loneliness in a world that they hate.
07:36A moment later, Zed announces that he is not moving forward.
07:39Isaac mentions British Columbia, and suddenly he remembers the Canadian signal he received at work, giving Zed details.
07:45Hacking Isaac's computer, they finally find Carl's place, which is really in Canada.
07:51The group tries to call a man, but Carl disables the headset, as soon as he hears their voices.
07:56However, they do not give up and try again, and this time they draw Carl's attention by mentioning Isaac's story about aliens and agents.
08:03Isaac explains that he received a signal of an unknown origin and sends it to Carl, who quickly decrypts it and concludes that aliens will come to him in five days.
08:11After discussions about potential dangers, the group agrees to join Carl.
08:15It's quite a long way, they take several types of transport to get there.
08:19As they travel, the agents chase them further, because Isaac and Serah were followed while they were unconscious.
08:24When the trio enter the car, the androids follow them on bicycles and quickly turn around.
08:29Zed sees them on his computer, so he puts on a funny mask to deceive their sensors.
08:34Unfortunately, the trick doesn't work, and the androids try to catch them, so the trio starts running away while avoiding laser shots.
08:41Isaac and Serah climb onto the roof of the car, and when the androids discover their location, they try to follow, but Zed waits for them and throws them out of the car.
08:48In the end, they arrive in the right cage, where Carl awaits them at the sight.
08:51After checking the identity, Carl uses a small device to deactivate tracking on Isaac's and Serah's hands.
08:57Graves immediately notices lost signals, but his people are already working on finding the car the trio was traveling in.
09:04When he calms down, Carl confirms that he was the lumberjack who attacked the androids.
09:09Since then, he has decrypted any strange audio signal that he could discover by translating it into English to try to communicate with the aliens.
09:16The signal that Isaac discovered is the most precise he has ever found.
09:20Zed is very impressed, because Carl has invented many machines to continue with this project over the years.
09:26That night, Serah can't sleep because she's afraid, so Isaac comforts her and says he's glad he met her.
09:31Two days later, the group sits in a cage waiting for a sign of the arrival of the aliens.
09:35Suddenly, he feels an earthquake in the area, so Isaac goes into the forest to look for a boat and meets two aliens.
09:41The creatures cooperate and go with him to the cage, where Carl's device translates on both sides so they can talk.
09:47The aliens explain that their race has conquered every aspect of the physical world, from medicine to technology,
09:53so now they are looking for something beyond their understanding, that is, like the origin of the universe.
09:58They studied people because they have a special amount of aura in them, and by touching Isaac, they show him a vision of Jesus.
10:04It seems that they believe that Jesus is the origin of everything, because the people with the most aura are his followers.
10:09Serah uses the opportunity to ask why her hand always hurts from the earthquake, which causes the alien to take the device on the handle and put it around her hand.
10:17Suddenly, her hand separates into two parts to reveal the tracking that the aliens put, and now they return it before her hand looks normal again.
10:25Then they start working on Isaac's hand, but at that moment, Gravis and his agents come blocking the road with their cars.
10:33Gravis asks Carl to come out while asking for an explanation about what happened to his father, who was a lumberjack who died in a broken truck and whose body disappeared.
10:41When Gravis is warned that he will shoot, Carl finally comes out and explains that he does not know what happened to his partner's body, which he has already said in the past.
10:49Gravis still does not believe him and orders his people to shoot him.
10:53Serah immediately runs to check him just to be shot.
10:56In the hut, the aliens finish with Isaac's hand and give him the last piece of advice, he should use his gun and concentrate.
11:03As the aliens disappear, Isaac concentrates and finally gains control over his power, allowing him to become invisible and takes Serah while the agents shoot at the hut.
11:12Then Isaac takes Carl and Zed, keeping them in the invisible world where they meet the aliens again.
11:18The creature immediately cures Serah and Carl while Zed enters the hut just to find out that it is empty.
11:23While all the agents are confused, the group follows the aliens on the road, walking among the people unnoticed.
11:28Soon, the space ship sees how it leaves the planet.
11:32Six months later, Serah and Isaac are a couple living a peaceful life in Costa Rica.
11:36Isaac still has his powers, sometimes he uses them to do things quickly.
11:40Zed and Carl work together for Zoom, a new underground technology intelligence agency, and Gravis is fired because he went too far.
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