The Silence (2019) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

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Tišina je horor film iz 2019. u režiji Johna R. Leonettija i u kojem glume Kiernan Shipka, Stanley Tucci, Miranda Otto i John Corbett. Scenario Careyja i Shanea Van Dykea adaptira istoimeni horor roman Tima Lebbona iz 2015. Film prikazuje svijet pod napadom stvorenja koja love zvukom.
00:00In Pennsylvania, two people explore the Thousand Feet Cave below the Appalachian Trail.
00:04They break through the layers of an old stone and discover an unexplored system of caves.
00:09Suddenly, they hear a strange sound and are shocked when they see a group of winged creatures emerging from the cave.
00:14The researchers want to escape, but the creatures immediately surround and kill them.
00:18In Montclair, Ellie ends another school day and tries to ignore the bad guys who laugh at her because she's deaf.
00:24Fortunately, she has her best friend, Rob, who has learned sign language to communicate with her, even though she can read Susan.
00:31He supports her a lot and leads her home, holding her by the hand.
00:35When Ellie arrives home, her family dog, Otis, is quickly waiting for her, and her brother, Jude, is bothering her.
00:39Her mother, Kelly, is late for the courier, but she is also in a hurry because of her relationship with Rob.
00:44Suddenly, Otis starts barking, and Ellie notices that his saddle is lifting, as if there is something dangerous.
00:50That night, Ellie sees a bunch of helicopters flying over the area and some smoke in the distance.
00:54Then she finds her grandma Lynn smoking, which shouldn't be done because of the weak lungs.
00:59Ellie promises she won't tell Kelly.
01:01After that, Ellie watches her parents talk and discovers that she lost her grandfather's ears from the side of her eye three years ago in a car accident,
01:09but she feels that her parents are the ones who lost the most.
01:13She goes to bed and checks the message from Rob on his tablet, which includes a video of a mysterious yacht flying out of the creation in the night sky.
01:20She is surprised that her notebook, Hugh, which also came to her, is jammed because of Rob.
01:24Ellie gets ready for bed, but Otis is drunk.
01:27Later, in the middle of the night, Kelly wakes up Ellie and takes her to the living room, where her family plus Hugh's best friend, Glenn, are watching the news.
01:34Many American cities are under attack, and the danger is slowly spreading across the country.
01:38At first they say they are terrorists, but soon viral video clips show a massacred body on the streets.
01:44One video shows a mother who put a tape over her son's mouth and raised a sign that says, don't make a noise.
01:50At that moment, the explosion is heard and the family is running to see how the planes are flying.
01:54When they return to the news, they show a new video clip of a research team that confirms that some ancient creatures have escaped from the old cave and are now attacking people.
02:03Suddenly, the TV switches to an emergency broadcast system, advising everyone to stay inside with their doors locked and windows open, and not to make a noise.
02:11Ellie notices that the cities are the worst place because of the noise, so the family decides to pack up and leave the city.
02:16Glenn and Jude leave in one car, and the others enter the other car with Otis.
02:20As they drive, they notice the smoke that covers the entire city.
02:23In the tunnels of the underground railway, the train has stopped and a bunch of people are stuck inside, trying to stay quiet.
02:29The baby starts crying, and the passengers take her from the mother, trying to get her out of the car.
02:34The mother suddenly returns her baby and announces that she is going with her.
02:37The mother and daughter get out of the car and walk through the tunnel in silence, but when the baby accidentally drops the pipe, she cries again and the creature comes quickly.
02:46The mother starts running with the baby, but she is not fast enough, and the passengers in the car watch the creature kill her.
02:51Returning, the families hear on the radio that the number of dead has reached catastrophic numbers.
02:56Ellie talks to the slave on his tablet, and he explains that his family has decided to stay at home, as the authorities have recommended.
03:03In the end, the family stops at a gas station, and Ellie leads Otis to ease off.
03:08Suddenly, Otis starts barking at an armed man who was shooting at the family and their car.
03:13Hugh is ready to give him the keys, but Glenn shoots at the man's leg, and Otis jumps to bite him.
03:18Then Glenn takes the man's weapon and the family leaves in their cars, not caring what will happen to the man.
03:25Tension and fear, in the end, make Judah so anxious that he decides to change cars and drive with his parents.
03:31Ellie continues to follow the news on her tablet and finds out that the creatures are called Vesps, in Spanish for bones, because of the way they crawl.
03:39Suddenly, Hugh suddenly stops, avoiding a collision at the last minute.
03:43The road is full of traffic, so they decide to take a detour and move away from civilization.
03:47They pass through the gate and reach an isolated path, while the radio continues to record all the countries that are under attack.
03:53On his tablet, Ellie sees horrifying images of all the tragedies in the country.
03:57After a few hours, Glenn calls his friend from his car, saying that the road is getting harder, so he will stop to clear the road.
04:03However, a few deers suddenly come out of the forest and block the road, causing Glenn to try to avoid them and get off the road.
04:10His car is overturned and ends up on the roof, leaving Glenn trapped inside.
04:15Hugh runs to help, but no matter how much he pulls, he can't open the door, and Glenn's leg is stuck, so he can't pull it out through the window.
04:22Kelly tries to call the police, but no one answers, and Hugh tries again with the tool, but unsuccessfully.
04:28Reconciling with the situation, Glenn asks Hugh to bring him his weapons, and when he gets them, he tells his family to leave him.
04:34Hugh is determined and promises to come back with help.
04:38The family returns to the car, and Otis begins to bark.
04:40Ellie notices that his jaw is rising, and remembers the warning, does not make a noise, and begs her father to turn off the engine.
04:46Unfortunately, too late, and Wes hits the window of the car.
04:50Otis barks even louder when he sees him, which attracts more wasps that continue to hit the window.
04:55Lynn screams, and Glenn hears the scream and also hears the wasps.
04:58To save the family, Glenn starts shooting his guns, causing the wasps to surround his car and kill him quickly.
05:05Otis still doesn't stop barking, even when Hugh tries to calm him down, but Hugh has no choice, ignoring his daughter's pleas, pushes Otis out of the car and lets the wasps kill him.
05:14A few hours later, the family is still in the car.
05:17The place is quiet, but there are still a few wasps around, so the family is afraid to start the car.
05:22However, they can't stay there forever, so Hugh carefully gets out of the car to investigate.
05:26At that moment, Lynn's attack is over, and a few seconds, as long as it takes to take the inhaler, is enough for the wasp to land on the car.
05:33Hugh slowly takes the tool he dropped earlier and throws it forward, so the wasp chases him without noticing him.
05:38After the wasp takes off, Hugh returns to the car and uses sign language to explain that the creatures are hunting by sound because they are blind.
05:45The family agrees to turn off all devices and speaks only using sign language.
05:49Then Hugh asks for Lynn's lighter, shocking Kelly by shouting that her mother is smoking.
05:54Hugh goes to Glenn's car and after he forgave himself, he starts the car.
05:58The wasps immediately surround the lit vehicle and die when the car explodes.
06:02Now the family can continue their journey on foot.
06:05Walking for a long time worsens Lynn's condition, so she must be careful not to make a noise whenever she has trouble breathing and use her inhaler.
06:13The family agrees to stop to rest, and Hugh uses the opportunity to apologize to Ellie for what happened to Otis, explaining that he had no choice.
06:21Lynn wants Kelly to finally tell the children that she has pneumonia, but Kelly refuses to make the day more depressive.
06:27Using a binocular, Jude sees the house nearby and the family heads there.
06:31It's dark when they get to the fence, and as Hugh tries to open it, he accidentally rings the bell.
06:36The wasp quickly lands on the fence, at the same time as the owner of the house comes out, threatening to shoot at any intruder.
06:43It seems that her isolation has left the situation uncertain, and her voice immediately attracts a swarm of wasps that push the beekeeper and quickly kill her.
06:50The family decides to look for an alternative entrance and find a nearby drainpipe.
06:55Hugh goes first and slides through the pipe, not noticing the snake that is hiding in the ground.
06:59When he reaches the other side, he enters the house and confirms that it is empty before he tells the family to come in.
07:05The group begins to crawl through the pipe, and this time the snake comes out, hissing at them.
07:09The pipe makes an echo, and the wasps hear the hissing, so they fly to catch the snake before it can attack.
07:14At the same time, another wasp comes to the other end and attacks Kelly, injuring her leg.
07:19Hearing her scream, Hugh rushes to activate the woodcutter, and all the wasps fly straight into the machine, being immediately killed.
07:26After that, the family takes Kelly home.
07:28Lynn used to be a nurse, so she cuts Kelly's pants to make up for the wound, which is more serious than they expected.
07:35After Kelly and Hugh are asleep, Ellie drinks.
07:38The wasps return to the woodcutter to continue feeding on the dead owner of the house.
07:42Upstairs, Ellie manages to use her pill to get in touch with the snake, which looks exhausted and covered in dirt.
07:49She tells him that his parents are dead, and Ellie tries to call him to join her in the crib, but at that moment the connection is cut off.
07:56The next morning, Ellie sees on the news that many people see wasps as religious symbols and even burn atheists.
08:02Lynn checks Kelly's wound and notices that it is worsening, so she tells the others that she needs antibiotics to survive.
08:08After taking her out of the basement, Hugh is ready to go to Ellie.
08:12Jude wants to go with them, but Hugh tells him to protect his grandmother.
08:15Then Hugh and Ellie open the entrance to the door, just a little careful not to activate the bell again.
08:20Hugh fastens the door to the floor to avoid any other sounds, and the couple carefully exits through a narrow passage.
08:26There are many wasps flying in that area, but the couple ignored them as they walked to the nearest city.
08:31On the way, he finds a dead body with wounds that indicate that they were killed by other people.
08:36When they arrive in the city, he finds him empty with bloody spots everywhere, not noticing the priest who looks at them from afar.
08:42The door to the pharmacy is locked, so Hugh and Ellie have to go through the back door.
08:46Inside they are struck by the smell of half-eaten bodies of people who were killed as they tried to take a breath.
08:52As Hugh takes the antibiotics, Ellie takes a closer look at the body and discovers that the wasps laid eggs in them.
08:57Suddenly, the baby wasp breaks through the eggs and sprays liquid on Ellie's face, forcing her to breathe.
09:03Three large wasps hear her and jump on the shelf, waiting for another sound.
09:07Ellie looks around and sees a fire alarm, so Hugh looks for a broom.
09:11After Ellie quietly adds, Hugh sets it on fire and raises it to activate the alarm.
09:15Thanks to the sound, the water confuses the wasps, allowing Hugh and Ellie to safely leave the pharmacy.
09:20On the way out of the city, he finds a priest who follows them as they try to save him.
09:25In order to communicate quietly, the priest shows them a letter about his conscience, inviting them to join his flock, called The Hymn.
09:32Ellie and Hugh refuse the offer and leave, while the priest looks at them, discovering that his tongue has been removed.
09:37The couple soon return home and the meds help Kelly to feel better.
09:41Hugh tries to get more news from the TV, but there is no signal.
09:45Ellie tells him the last thing she learned from her tablet, CNN broadcasts from the bunker and their signal is weak,
09:51Also, wasps don't like intense coldness and there are pictures of dead wasps in the snow.
09:55This means that people above the Arctic Circle are surviving.
09:58On the other hand, the whole region of the Earth is cleaned of maps.
10:02This area is called gray because all technologies are excluded.
10:05Jude tries to deal with the maps, and Hugh tears him a cake so he can fight.
10:10One afternoon, the priest appears in front of the house with a group of people who lack tongues.
10:15Hugh goes out and begs them to leave his family alone, but the priest still asks them to join him and mentions that Ellie is pregnant.
10:22Angry, Hugh pulls out a weapon to threaten them, but the priest knows he won't shoot because he will attract the wasps.
10:28After the group shares a silent prayer, they leave.
10:31Some time later, Ellie receives a message from Rob, who tells her to go to the cold north, where they survived and built a shelter.
10:38Unfortunately, before Rob can give input, the signal is interrupted again.
10:42In the middle of the night, Hugh hears the sounds of the family checking the outside to find the girl waiting at the door.
10:47They let her in and ask her questions just to find out that she lacks a tongue.
10:51The girl is sent away by the priest, and when he opens the window, he discovers a pile of phones tied around her body.
10:57At the same time, Ellie notices a shadow in her window and looks closer to find out that the phone is glued to the glass.
11:03Suddenly, that phone and those around the girl start ringing, causing the wasps to start flying towards the house and hitting the window.
11:10Hugh takes all the girls' phones and throws them into the water, effectively calming them down.
11:15But one wasp manages to break through Ellie's window, but it comes out of the room and locks the door on time.
11:21When all the phones stop ringing, it looks like the wasps will withdraw, but another phone is found on the other window, making a noise.
11:28Since the wasps are close to breaking the glass, Hugh and Jude try to block the window while the women run to hide in the basement.
11:35Three members of the silence are waiting there, and immediately attack Ellie that she is captured.
11:39Kelly tries to attack them with a stick, but they easily throw it away and run away with her daughter plus the girl.
11:44Lynn follows them and pushes them to the ground at the same time as Ellie bites their hands to let them go.
11:49As Ellie runs, Lynn screams, attracting a pile of wasps that immediately kill most of the guards.
11:55The family goes out and cries for Lynn, but unfortunately, the priests of the higher silence appear, quickly capturing Ellie again.
12:01Desperate to save her, Kelly, Hugh and Jude follow the group, not giving in to any member of the silence who is about to fight.
12:08When Ellie is released, she joins the fight and hits a man with a large stone in the head.
12:13Hugh beats the priest and tries to crush him, but the priest stabs him with a knife.
12:17Then Hugh strikes the guy with a blow to the head.
12:20After Kelly kills the last man, the only remaining members of the silence are the girl and the woman who leave in fear.
12:26Kelly pulls out a knife from Hugh's wound and he uses his weapon to stab the priest to death.
12:31The next day, the family begins their journey north, stopping only at night to rest.
12:36In the end, they climb a mountain and find a refuge, following the signs they left to survive.
12:41There, Ellie meets the slave again, who teaches her how to use an arrow and now catches wasps together when she gets too close to their new home.
